I can't be an NPC

Chapter 244 Shadow Magic Web

Chapter 244 Shadow Magic Web

Since Zizhi changed to Jianyong, Li Wen has been hanging his elven long sword around his waist.

Not to mention that it is not practical, anyway, with the craftsmanship of the elves, even if it is purely used as a decoration, it is qualified.

Li Wenyue remembered that he didn't throw away the long sword even if he drank too much.

And sure enough, upon hearing Li Wen's request, the other party did not refuse.

"Dandon, give him his sword."

Compared with Li Wen, who showed a cooperative attitude, the demon gnoll, who showed the intention to kill, was obviously the bigger enemy.

But... a mage?Need a sword without a spell slot?

What kind of mage is this?

Moreover, his sword is not an ornament?

Hateful human nobles!Even the weapons are so flashy!

Li Wen couldn't see in the dark, but everyone except him had dark vision to varying degrees.

The hilt of a long sword was precisely stuffed into Li Wen's hand.

"Come on, sister."


Kardashian in the corner was taken aback, not understanding what Li Wen meant.

In front of her was completely protected by Xiong Da, like the most reliable mountain.

However, four wounds burning with emerald green flames appeared on Xiong Da's body.

"Dancing Lights."

As far as Li Wen knew, this trick was a natural ability of drow, an elf subspecies, and it could be released at will without any restrictions, and it didn't even take up their qualifications for learning tricks.

Cantrip—Dancing Lights (Evocation): You create four torch-sized lights within range.For the duration of the spell, the light source can manifest as a torch, lantern, or sphere of light that floats in the air.You can also combine four light sources into a blurred shadow for a Medium humanoid.Regardless of which method is chosen, each light source emits dim light in a 10-foot radius.

You can move these lights up to 0.5 feet within the casting range for 60 seconds.Each light source must be within 20 feet of another light source, and light sources that are out of range of the spell go out immediately.Cast time: 0.5 seconds.Cooldown: None.Duration: Up to 1 minute, requires sustained concentration.Casting Range: 120 feet.

It was difficult for Li Wen to fight in the dark, and someone had to light a lamp for him.


After a short answer, four hazy balls of light appeared around the demon Gnoll.

The demon gnoll, who noticed this change, didn't understand what the other party meant, but subconsciously waved his sharp claws attached to the demon flame.

However, in vain, the sharp claws passed through the ball of light without being hindered in the slightest.

The sphere of light created by magic has no entity, but just a ray of light.

Who can harm the light?
Except for the magical means of dispelling magic, normal attacks cannot work on it.

And just after the dancing light technique lit up four spherical spaces with a radius of 10 feet, the general situation on the battlefield became clear in Li Wen's eyes.

The sudden light is not of much benefit to the residents of the underground world. They already have a certain degree of dark vision, but they will find it dazzling when they see the light suddenly.

This is the light that shines only for Li Wen.

Playing the art of sword song, Li Wen drew his sword and went up.

Several passing gnolls subconsciously wanted to attack Li Wen, who was obviously more conspicuous at the moment, but their attacks could only pass through the invisible air.

Li Wen's speed and dodge ability after turning on the sword song technique are beyond the reach of these ordinary little things whose creature level basically does not exceed level 5.

Perhaps in the limited and narrow space of the crypt, giving them enough time to set up traps and squeeze Li Wen's activity space with their bodies can cause some trouble to Li Wen.

But obviously, Li Wen would not give them this time.

And he's not alone.

Even though Xiong Da had several claws on his body, his strong physique and strength could still restrain this demon gnoll enough.

This also allowed Li Wen's not-so-proficient swordsmanship to have room to play.

Leaping lightly on the battlefield, thunder and flames played under Li Wen's sword.

Thunderbolt Sword!
Emerald Flame Sword!
Everyone is aboriginal, and there is no digital jump of the blood bar between battles.

Yet the damage and trauma to mobility are real.

Whether it is thunder or flame, for the demon gnoll, they are relatively restrained attribute attacks.

Not to mention that Li Wen took the time to use the Cal simulator to release the furnace elf, agility and rapid cooling, which are very useful sub-level spells for single targets.

The fire attribute attack and rapid cooling of the Furnace Spirit triggers ice attribute damage every time it is attacked, and it spontaneously forms a perpetual motion machine-like existence, which keeps refreshing the characteristic of the elemental master-elemental reaction (melting).

Every time the little fireball-throwing attack of the Furnace Elf summoned by Li Wen hits, the demon gnoll who has been rapidly cooled will trigger an elemental reaction damage while triggering ice attribute damage, and some Interruption judgment for actions.

Coupled with Li Wen's own high attack speed boosted by agility and agility, the sword shadow like a convulsion drew scratches on the body of the demon wolf man.

The slashing damage of the long sword itself, the additional spell damage of melee combat brought by the 14th level characteristic of Sword Chant, the thunder damage of Thunderbolt Sword, the fire damage of Emerald Flame Sword, the fire damage of Furnace Spirit, the freezing damage of rapid cooling, elemental reaction The additional explosion damage of...

The multi-layered damage forms and frequencies allowed Li Wen to show extremely terrifying killing efficiency in the first time he joined the battle.

Occasionally, the gnolls who approached to rescue their leaders were either restrained by the drow's men, or panicked by the flames of the emerald sword that swung away.

Flames, brilliance, and thunder, these forms of damage, are unimaginable in killing and deterring underground creatures, especially these wild and untamed ordinary jackal warriors, whose actions have the instinct of beasts.

The fighting power is terrifying to the point of inconceivable.

A level 14 sword chant, even without the use of spell slot spells, can rely on tricks and its own melee ability to affect such a small-scale battle group without too high-level creatures participating in the battle.

Almost indiscriminate killing.

As for the counterattack... Li Wen's terrifying dodge ability after playing the sword song and the ability to defend and block attacks strengthened by his professional ability are a mountain that the demon gnolls cannot overcome.

In two rounds, Li Wen caused hundreds of HP damage to the demon wolf man in front of him.

That is to say, the blood of the wolf man who was upper bodyed by the demon spirit was a little thicker, and he had burped a long time ago.


After a howl, the devil jackal almost cut off his tail to survive, and after paying an arm and the corpses of a dozen younger jackals, he rushed into a dark passage.

Li Wen didn't dare to pursue deeply in the dark environment, and the casting distance of Kardashian's dancing lights was only 120 feet, which still allowed the opponent to escape easily.

On Gaia Continent, even a mortal enemy, unless they are fully prepared, it is generally difficult to kill them.

If you can't beat it, you will always run.

Li Wen, who has no spell slots and spells available, has no good means of restriction and pursuit.

"You this flame?"

Li Wen sheathed his sword, walked up to Kardashian, looked at the small green flame still stubbornly burning on the other's forearm, and couldn't help asking.


Kardashian woke up like a dream.

A mage who can fight in melee.

A mage who can fight in melee!

This level of melee ability and the ability to cast spells in melee combat...

Are you a mage?

In other words, is he a serious mage?


The drow swallowed hard, looked at Li Wen with a bit of fear, "You...are you really a mage?"

It's not that she has never seen a mage with melee ability, but generally speaking, this kind of mage either has a good melee ability or a bad spellcasting ability, anyway, there must be one.

Both are great...no.

After all, mages are different from priests. Priests rely on perception to communicate with gods to obtain divine spells.

I have a lot of time to spend on training melee ability.

Just like herself, the priest is a spellcaster profession, and she also has a certain melee ability.

But the mage can't.

Time is fair to everyone.

The price for mages to be omnipotent in spells is that they almost spend their entire lives pursuing the truth and constantly exploring the way of spells.

Their ability to innovate spells and explore the world is unmatched by any other profession.

Could it be that I guessed wrong, the other party is actually a priest?Or some weird advanced profession.

However, if it wasn't a mage, how could he have created a singing form that he had never heard of that could fight against brain monsters.

This kind of creativity is unique to mages.

Li Wen grinned, "Of course."

Looking at the smile on Li Wen's face, the drow felt a chill in his heart.

It's not that she hasn't seen those guys who can't express their emotions, most of the mistresses of so many drow factions are like this.

But Li Wen couldn't fix the sincere smile on Li Wen's face.

She was the one who tied Li Wen from the surface world.

He should have hated himself.

But right now, your smile is somewhat permeable.

I heard that some perverts who don't take human life seriously laugh like this before killing them...

Think again about the fighting ability that Li Wen showed in just ten seconds.

Even with the ability to cast spells sealed, its strength is still so powerful.

"How about... I will take you back?"

Kardashian smiled flatteringly at Li Wen.

Seeing that Li Wen was still so powerful even after being sealed with his spellcasting ability, the drow elf's attitude suddenly became humble.

Fearing the strong is the first thing every resident of the underground world must learn in life.

"But don't you need to deal with your injury first?"

Li Wen looked at the flame on the opponent's arm.

It's so conspicuous!

Kardashian patted the flame casually, seeing that it could not be extinguished, she didn't care about it, and let it continue to cause damage and invasion to herself.

"Hi! Little thing."

The drow ignored the demonic flames on his arm that looked like gangrene, but paid great attention to Li Wen's attitude.

With such strength, if Li Wen wants to attack a group of defeated soldiers like them...it will be difficult.

"What's the matter with the magic net rules you mentioned earlier?"

Li Wen was not in a hurry to leave.

Now he is interested in the magic net rules of this underground world.

"You mean Shadow Demon?"

"Shadow Demon Net?"

Li Wen frowned slightly, a new term.

"Ah... Actually, I don't know, I just know that there is such a rule. It is the existence of the Shadow Demon Net that protects our underground world, or else those ambitious guys on the ground have already occupied our last living place." There's room."

Human ambition resounds in every corner of this world.

It's not that people in the underground world like the underground world, it's just that they can't help it. Their fists are not as big as others, so they can only shrink underground.

"I heard you say the name of Ms. Night before?"

Li Wen is not a priest, and he doesn't have much contact with sect-related knowledge books, so he hasn't heard of this name yet.

Kardashian nodded, "It is said that under the Supreme God are the two first gods, the Goddess of Dawn and the Lady of the Night, and their authority is above all the later gods. Lady of the Night is in charge of all rules related to darkness, compared to the ground world The rules of the magic net adjusted by the goddess of magic, and the shadow magic net system in the underground world are the masterpieces of Ms. Evernight."

Li Wen raised his eyebrows, "Where can I see the works that record this information?"

A brand new magic net system?

This is great.

Li Wen's curiosity was burning.

Kardashian looked at Li Wen carefully.

"We... the temple library in Menzoberranzan?"

(End of this chapter)

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