I can't be an NPC

Chapter 245 The City of Moxobra

Chapter 245 The City of Moxobra

"lead the way."

The drow in front of Li Wenchong raised his chin.


The drow who didn't react in a daze responded, which didn't match his charming and majestic appearance at all.

"I'm going to take a tour of your city, is there any problem?"

Li Wen asked with a light smile.

Now that he was kidnapped here by accident, Li Wen felt that it would not be impossible to go directly to the underground city.

As for the safety issue...

Master Li Wen never put his own safety at risk.

In the battle just now, Li Wen had used the fluctuations of the battle to cover up his spellcasting action. Just like the trick, the communication between him and Croxanne was not cut off.

Ley or Shadow Weave does not affect the ability to cast spells that do not require spell slots.

As long as he can get to Croxan at a critical moment, Li Wen is invincible.

As for the dwarves who might be worried about his sudden disappearance... that's not a big problem, just take the time to go to the Frenzied Continent when no one is around, and find a dwarf player to bring a message to Edinburgh and it's over.

"Oh~ you are very welcome!"

Kardashian nodded.

Then after hesitating for a moment, he said to Li Wen as if asking for instructions.

"Hey~ But my lord... there is one thing you may need to pay attention to."

Li Wen raised his eyebrows slightly.

"what's up?"

"In Menzoberranzan City, apart from our drow, other races... may not be allowed to have a higher status."

Kardashian told Li Wen this fact in a very cautious tone.


"So, my lord, you may need to pretend to be my bodyguard in name... just like them."

Kardashian reached out and made Li Wen look at her younger brothers.

Although these people don't know what Li Wen is discussing with their mistress at this moment, the strength Li Wen showed just now is enough to impress them.

People in the underground world have a surprisingly consistent attitude towards the strong.

Li Wen's performance at this moment made them understand the fact that even a mage without a magic slot is still not something they can bully at will.

Li Wen looked around, especially Xiong Da behind Kardashian who was still trying to extinguish the green flame on his body.

"I have no opinion, but are you sure you don't put out the fire for him first?"

"It can't be destroyed..."

Kardashian smiled wryly and shook her head, "The flames from the abyssal demons are hard to extinguish. I have to go back to the city to get the corresponding magic materials to purify it. Let it burn first..."

Li Wen looked at the flames on the left and right of Xiong Da's body, and felt that even if the elder brother had rough skin and thick flesh, he might not be allowed to burn like this.

will burn~
"Master, I want to cast a divine spell on him."

Kardashian was also aware of this problem, and asked Li Wen for instructions as if to say hello, to prevent it from being considered hostile due to unfamiliar spell-casting movements.

In the underground world, you must be very careful in all aspects of the rules, otherwise you will have no reason to be hacked by someone.


Li Wen nodded, indicating that it doesn't matter.

3st-Level Spell—Healing (Evocation): A creature you touch restores a specified amount of hit points equal to 5~[-] + your spellcasting key ability modifier.This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.

Ascending ring spell casting effect: When casting this spell with a spell slot of the second level or higher, the recovery amount will increase by 3~5 for every spell slot you use that is one level higher than the first level.Release time: 3 seconds.Cooldown: 6 seconds.Duration: Immediately.Casting Range: Reach.

Priests are one of the rare professions that have restorative spells, and this spell does not exist in the mage's table.

A light green light flickered on the wound on Xiong Da's body. A magic spell restored him about ten points of health, and it took effect at the same time as the healing effect on Xiong Da's injury itself and his physical strength. A little recovery of energy.

When the body is damaged, it will lose health, and when the health is restored, it will also heal the injury. The two are just a converted form of expression.

Kardashian's brows and eyes were a little tired after performing a simple magic spell, and her voice was not as bright as it was at the beginning.

"Brothers, go home."

In any case, let's go back to the city first.

Although the city may not be a warm and comfortable home, at least it is a place with a certain order and foundation.

Xiong Da didn't move, but looked at Kardashian's face and asked with some doubts: "Yourself?"

Kardashian smiled haggardly.

"There are no more spell slots."

So, was the last spell slot also given to me?
For a moment, Xiongdou's big teardrops gushed out.

Kardashian smiled helplessly and rubbed the corners of his eyes.

"You have been attacked much more than me. I don't want you to die on the road. I'm fine."

Li Wen remained silent, watching with cold eyes.

Although he didn't understand, but in the current scene, he wouldn't believe it if it wasn't a way for the drow to win the hearts of his subordinates.

No wonder I was able to pull up a bunch of younger brothers, and I still have two brushes.

Led by Kardashian, the group continued to walk deep underground.

It's just that this time Kardashian lit the dancing lights effect for Li Wen the whole time.

This spell is her instinctive ability with almost no consumption.

Li Wen could feel that the tunnel under his feet showed a certain downward slope as a whole, and even in some specific places, there were smooth passages sliding down.

like riding a slide...

The tunnel has seven bends and eight twists, which is extremely complicated.

Even with Li Wen's mage magic power of 20 points, it is difficult to remember every detail of the road he has traveled.

So don't say that I was in a comatose state during the initial road, even if I was awake all the time, I'm afraid it would be difficult to find the way back alone.

Besides, walking is so boring.

The magic net can cast spells, and the shadow magic net can also cast spells.

Otherwise, where does this drow royal sister have the ability to cast spells?
As long as he can use the Shadow Demon Net to cast spells, wouldn't a teleportation circle fly back directly?
In the darkness, he even lost his sense of time, except that Li Wen asked Kardashian about the rules and regulations of the underground world when he was on the road, including the origin of the gang of gnolls and so on.

For example, Menzoberranzan City is a city of drows. Everything here is controlled by drows, and any other race will inevitably end up as subordinates or slaves of drows.

A foreign race without a drow master is worse than a dog here.

This is the hegemony that all drow have set up for their own rights, but they will also fight each other among themselves.

In the entire city, there are countless family forces fighting against each other, trying to annex other drow families and strengthen their own power.

And the leader of every family power is a mistress.

According to Kardashian, the mistress of Menzoberranzan City has not one thousand, but eight hundred.

As for what level of mistress she is in the city... She was reluctant to say so, so Li Wen didn't ask.

The rest of the time was spent on the road in silence. The attack just encountered made everyone's condition not very good. They urgently needed to return to the city to lick their wounds and recover their strength.

And underground, try not to let yourself be in a weak state.

Few people here like to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers, more of them are domineering, and they can be unscrupulous with big fists.

Once you expose your weakness, it will only attract a lot of malicious attention.


During the silent rush, far outside the range illuminated by the dancing light technique, a huge structure appeared in the darkness with varying degrees of shadows.

It also shocked Li Wen's spirit.


finally reached.

The feeling of smearing and rushing is really not good.

"I'll find you a magic lens after you enter the city, otherwise it may not be convenient for you to move around here."

Kardashian also had some joy on her face, and after saying this to Li Wen, she stepped forward.


Suddenly, a low hiss sounded from under the ground not far from everyone.

The next moment, a huge black shadow broke through the soil and rocks and jumped up, and the giant joints and the bristles on the joints flashed past in the dark in the dim light.

Between the falling mud and stones, countless pairs of fluorescent green gemstones flickered out of thin air.

Not gems.

But... compound eyes.

A giant spider.



Several giant spiders broke through the ground one after another, blocking them in front of everyone.

Kardashian subconsciously stopped in front of Li Wen, put one hand on Li Wen's chest, and explained to Li Wen in a quick and solemn tone.

"It's our city defender spider."

Li Wen was a little surprised.

"Even beat your own people?"

Kardashian shook her head.

"do not know."

(End of this chapter)

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