I can't be an NPC

Chapter 252 Warlock?Warlock?

Chapter 252 Warlock?Warlock?

Helen found the young magic apprentice who was said to be a young talent.

The young man has beautiful dark golden curly hair, and his small face is fair and clean, full of immature vigor.

The moment he saw Helen, he immediately blushed and subconsciously lowered his head.

A bit of Li Wen's shadow.

Helen said this in her heart, and asked him with a smile.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

"Ah! But...you can..."

The boy looked at the ground and slowly told Helen what had happened.

"In the beginning, it was a quarrel between some Chosen Ones, but Lord Bobby was mentioned many times in their quarrel..."


"So... you mean that you roughly explored a new profession that you think should be called 'Warlock' through the awakened blood in your body?"

Helen looked at the young boy who had finished speaking in front of her, and felt more and more that he was somewhat similar to Li Wen.

Same teenage prodigy.

Bloodline... Bloodline is also a genius.

"Well...but it's not perfect yet."

The boy lowered his head, as if he could feel the heat from Helen's gaze, he was a little embarrassed.

"That's a very genius feat, don't be discouraged, it's okay to be unrecognized for a while."

Helen comforted in a gentle voice, every genius should be encouraged.

"But they are really too much."

It is said that you can learn the products of Master Bobby's research in other places, but you can't learn the products of other places here.

This is Master Bobby's selfless heart for everyone, this is a good person!
Good people should be bullied?

What reason!
The speaking boy's chest heaved with righteous indignation.

"It's okay, Li Wen...Bobby doesn't care about this."

Besides, it's so quick to turn around...

As soon as I took over the authority of the Homecoming Curse, I turned around and started playing this one.

Not Bilian.

A cold light flashed in Helen's eyes, and she turned her head to look at Shakespeare who was following behind him step by step.

Li Wen might not care, but she couldn't help it.


At the same time, there are also some posts from Violet players on the forum.

"Brothers, we seem to have triggered some special event. There is a... half of the new profession was created by our quarrel, can you believe it?"



Specifically, the players who took part-time jobs in the new profession couldn't wait to taunt those players who left Dresser State for Bobby.

Bobby was mentioned many times in the speech, and some inappropriate remarks were expressed about it.

So much so that after being heard by a passing aborigine, he showed an attitude filled with righteous indignation, and vowed to find face and place for Bobby, so that he used the immature professional system he personally researched-warlock, to attack Dreiser The new profession released by the state - magician, was finally beaten in the face.

Regardless of whether the aborigine was slapped in the face, and when the new profession called "Warlock" proposed by the young man in Jianfeng City will be fully perfected and released, it is just the meaning of this incident itself , which aroused the interest of almost everyone.

Smart players have discovered the multi-layered meaning of this incident from almost every angle.

There are not many specific rules for players in "Gaia Continent". Except that they are not allowed to take off their underwear, there is almost no difference between their players and normal aborigines.

Perhaps because of unfamiliarity... or some other reasons, the aborigines often showed an indifferent attitude towards the words of the players.

Whatever you say, I will lose if you listen to it... Of course, there are also some players who say "wolf is coming" indiscriminately.

But now, perhaps because of their familiarity with the players, or because they met some more conditions, the aborigines actually took the initiative to respond to the chatter between the players.

Even in the absence of quests, just relying on the language between players, it also triggered special events that led to a new class that players might not otherwise know.

This itself may be an accident, but for some players who pursue a sense of reality, this more realistic interaction makes them very excited.

"It's completely like a real world, isn't it!"

"Understood! Now go and confess to my Bobby, brothers, wait for my good news."

"Don't go, Bobby took it out bigger than you."

This is one of them.

The second is... Poppy is awesome.

"I thought Bobby was mine, but I didn't expect Bobby to be everyone's."

"It seems that in the world of aborigines, Bobby is also an idol admired by countless people! He is indeed my man!"

Based on the real world foundation of the first point, a person who can create a brand-new career system by himself, even if it is not perfect, is a proper genius.

And such a genius admired Bobby so deeply that he even jumped out to restore his idol's reputation just because of a few foul words.

"Curse! Brothers, keep on scolding! If you scold a little more, maybe more Bobby's admirers will come out to justify Bobby's name."

In the end, it is the personal opinion of some "big men".

What's the best way to hide a thing?
It is hiding itself.

Now the behavior of Dreiser State in the Violet Kingdom is rather strange. It announced the profession of "Witchcrafter" to everyone with great fanfare, but it also stipulated that only the soldiers of their Burning Blade Legion were allowed to study on the job.

Some smart players are keenly aware of the competition in this policy.

Competing with whom?
Compete them all!

Compete for the loyalty of their players.

Obviously, this new class was released just to seduce their players.

It shows that in the eyes of those aborigines, their players have also become a kind of resource.

In the past, the small-scale wooing in various places was more like the fixed activities or processes that every game has. Now this kind of competition between forces makes the authenticity of this game enter the hearts of every player.

This feeling of being valued and being competed for by others... is really awesome!
Where's Poppy?
Come out, Bobby!
You will soon release more new things to slap the people of Dreiser in the face!

Come and compete for our hearts!
In the past, you loved and ignored me, but now I make you unable to climb high!

There are also some people who are concerned about Li Wen's movements.

"By the way, brothers, what about Poppy? Didn't some brothers see him appearing in Edinburgh of the dwarves last time? Where is he now?"

"Who knows... where does this kind of invincible NPC want to report to you?"

"Don't tell me, you really told me."

The player who accepted the task of Li Wen's report sent a screenshot of the task he received to the forum with a smile.

"Fuck! Bobby went to a new map again? The underground world?"

"New map? Underground world?"

Those who were waiting for the decisions of the adults of the illithids were outrageously idle and browsed through the forum, and saw this reply.

For a moment, the corners of his mouth twitched.

"No...it's such a coincidence, isn't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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