I can't be an NPC

Chapter 253 What is a mushroom!

Chapter 253 What is a mushroom!

Since losing their trust among the spirit suckers in the dark region of the Frantic Continent last time, it was outrageous that they had to move to the battlefield.

There is no place to stay here.

The Frenzied Continent can't open the situation, so why not go back to the Gaia Continent and try.

And under the premise of having the illithid "tadpole", he easily found another group of illithids.

And it seems that no matter where they are, illithids like to use the race of kuo-tao murlocs.

Hehe~ My murloc sacrifices to my sister~hehe~
The illithid thigh that he finally found this time can't let him run away.

Maybe there are more thighs among human beings, but everyone wants to hug, and I am afraid that I can't even hug a single leg hair.

It's better to find a thigh that no one is hugging and hug it by yourself, and hug it as you want.

This time, I can't lose this thigh again.

The illithids in the Frenzied Continent no longer trust me, and if I offend the illithids in the Gaia Continent, I will have no place to hang out!

Not to mention that in the underground world of the Gaia continent, I actually saw the existence of the "Master Brain" for the first time.

I heard he is still a demigod!

This can't take off?

However... things may have gone a little bit wrong again.

Bobby-sama also came to the underground world?
Wouldn't it happen?

Can't stand on the opposite side?

The group of stone-blind barbarians who asked for help were beaten by Bobby, right?

No way no way?It can't be such a coincidence, can it?
Following the two spirit sucking masters and a group of Kou Tao murlocs who planned to support him, he was thinking wildly in his mind.


After a not-so-long journey, the support team followed behind the stone-blind barbarian and came to the front of the stone-blind barbarian's tribe.

No blood or corpse stink.

Have people been plundered?
Those who have been in the underground world for a while know that population is a precious resource underground.

Even slaves.

Perhaps many powerful creatures or ethnic groups have many slaves, and they are often beaten, scolded and abused, but they are rarely killed.

No faction has the luxury to kill slaves at will.

So if it was plundered, then there is a high probability that it is still alive.

So support missions become rescue missions?

It's outrageous that I wandered around my little thoughts in my heart.

And the leading stone-blind barbarian young man ran madly to his home in the mountain cave when he heard the quiet movement.

"It hasn't grown yet..."

"When will it grow out?"

"Mushrooms are growing on my head."

The clansman communicated with each other in the cave with a very slight voice.

In order to hear others clearly and hide themselves, in the long underground life, this group of stone-blind barbarians who have separated from the human race even received and made sounds at frequencies so low that ordinary people cannot detect them, and only they can hear each other.

So it was not until they came to the entrance of the cave that the young stone-blind barbarian who reported the news heard the movement of the tribe.

In a dark and humid cave, a group of stone-blind barbarians crouched in a corner, trying to use their powerful hearing to hear the sound of mushrooms breaking through the ground, until a young stone-blind barbarian rushed in recklessly.

"What are you doing?"


"Waiting for mushrooms~"

"Keep your voice down, don't scare the mushrooms."


It was still the innermost high priest holding a wooden stick, hearing the voice of the young barbarian, and slowly stood up while supporting the wooden stick.

"came back?"

The young barbarian pursed his lips, and the quiet movement collected in his ears made him doubt himself.

"I... I shouldn't come back?"

What am I going out for?

Did something important happen in the clan before I left?

Must have happened, right?
Is it an illusion right now?

"Just come back, come sit down and wait for the mushrooms with us..."

What is a mushroom! (fall)
The young barbarian tried to remind himself of the belief second only to the gods in his heart - the high priest, "That... the messenger of the gods..."

"God? Oh right! You were asked to invite the god, right? How did it turn out?"

"That...high priest, if you have something to say, don't disturb the mushrooms here."



The high priest sighed, and stood up again after squatting down, supporting the wooden staff, and pulled the young barbarians out.

Once out of the cave, the young barbarian asked softly.

"What are mushrooms?"

"It's not important, tell me about your mission, have you seen the god?"


Speaking of business, the young barbarian looked excited.

"There are two more... two demigods have come with me!"

"I really invited you..."

The high priest sighed slightly, feeling a little sad for a while.

The young barbarian couldn't help asking when he heard the strangeness in the high priest's tone.

"High Priest?"

Isn't it a good thing for the gods to come?

"They didn't hurt us, and even left us a lot of mushrooms."



Another mushroom!

You bought a bag of mushrooms, right?
The wounds on my face have not healed yet!

The young barbarian was filled with righteous indignation, "High Priest! Ahh~"

Caught off guard, the young barbarian who was stuffed with a Q bomb subconsciously bit it twice.

Explosive...explosive...it will explode!

The two swallowed, and the young barbarian swallowed involuntarily.

"Is there... any more? Ah, no! I mean, is this the mushroom you said?"


Swallowing again, the young barbarian who seemed to be able to feel the delicious and plump juice remaining in his mouth tried hard to restrain his desire to eat, and reminded him in a low voice.

"But the High Priest, the god has already descended, and he brought along a large number of his servants... If we say... that nothing happened, would it be... would it be... inappropriate?"

The high priest sighed again.

"That's what I'm worried about..."

Certainly it can't be that nothing happens, and something has to happen if nothing happens.

The High Priest muttered softly.

"Could it be that group of dwarves in the west did it?"

The young barbarian grimaced.

"I said that the drow led people to do it..."

The talking young barbarian's eyes lit up, "The drows also planted the mushrooms, right? Why don't we take advantage of the help of the gods and rob them of the mushroom forest they planted!"

"I might not be able to beat it..."

The high priest sighed.

Of course, a mere mushroom will not make him give up his bottom line. What kind of benevolence and morality is there in the underground world?
There are many things of treachery and ingratitude. As long as there is no morality, you will not be dragged down by morality.

But the problem is... I can't beat it.

Even if they believe in gods, they are not the kind of crazy and irrational fanatics. Even if they are gods, they can't beat them sometimes.

Not to mention that the high priest clearly knew that the spirit suckers were just their masters, the "gods" they called, not the true gods who really controlled the laws.

And those drows are powerful, and they are also well-known in the underground world, not to mention that the other party will also have a god when they are in a hurry!

Still the real god——the spider queen Rose!
The drow is her only family, the drow has been bullied, this true god is really good.

There are not many gods who take the initiative to come to help the family members fight, and Rose, the spider queen, is one of them.

"It doesn't have to be an entire city..."

"Hey... that's the only way to go."

Focusing on one of the many drow families in the city should not cause too much trouble.


Menzoberranzan City, in the hall of the stone building.

Kardashian stepped on the stone table in front of her with one leg, looked at the room full of younger brothers, and spoke passionately.

"Brothers! We are about to set off later, remember... plundering more people and more gems is our only goal. Don't be cowardly when you meet other families! Do it! Whoever grabs it first will get it! We don't take the initiative to cause trouble, but we are not afraid of trouble! Do you understand?!"


The aliens screamed excitedly, and Li Wen beside him deeply felt that he was trapped in a den of robbers.

When talking about excitement, Kardashian hugged Li Wen's shoulder beside her, with a bold and authentic tone.

"Brother Wen, don't worry! As long as we win the first place, the classics you want will be available!"


Realizing who the target was, Kardashian put down her right hand as if nothing had happened, and smiled sweetly at Li Wen.

"got used to……"

(End of this chapter)

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