I can't be an NPC

Chapter 260 Disputes

Chapter 260 Disputes
"Kardashian? Originally, I didn't want to mention this issue, lest someone say I'm a conspiracy theory. But everyone was attacked by mysterious forces, and only our mother Kardashian survived. I can hardly believe that this is out of Pure luck."

"Perhaps it was because Mistress Kardashian was among a group of alien races that she was lucky enough to escape this targeted attack on our drow?"

They knew that the reputation of their drow was not very good among other races in the underground world, so even if they were targeted, it was reasonable.

"This reason is not convincing. Compared to the fact that Mistress Kardashian avoided this attack because of the number of alien races, I would rather believe that... this is some kind of alien race itself symbolized by Mistress Kardashian will."

"If Mistress Vadonia has any guesses, you might as well speak out boldly, without beating around the bush."

"It's very simple, what I mean is... those alien races may regard Kardashian as their savior and want to send Kardashian to the top, so it is very likely that Kardashian colluded with alien races for this action. Even though Mistress Kardashian herself didn't know about it, and it was done by those alien races in private, I still don't think this possibility should be allowed in such a major event that determines the status of the city. I have no intention of slandering Mistress Kardashian , but in order to prevent this possibility and other people’s speculation, I think it’s more appropriate to hold it again. Presumably Madam Kardashian should also agree to this decision in order to clear the suspicion.”

Another gloomy and graceful drow stated a fact in a frivolous tone.

"However, our clansmen were not the only ones who were attacked. During the subsequent investigation, we found that on the way to the dwarf crypt, there was also a large wolf man tribe that was completely wiped out. How can this be explained?"

"Obviously, among those mistresses, some have long since disobeyed the rules."

"It's even more obvious that the other party didn't come here purely to avenge us drow. Of course, I still say that, I have no ill intentions towards Mistress Kardashian, even though she seems a bit peculiar among our clansmen. Walking alone. But for the sake of her own reputation, I think it is better to hold it again. And I suggest that this time, we should send some people to follow and observe along the way to prevent similar situations from happening again. Or even if it happens again In a similar situation, we can also stop or disqualify some people in time."

In the corner, a mistress who had not spoken all this time suddenly laughed sinisterly.

"Everyone, I think maybe you have all forgotten a simple fact - why don't you ask the parties themselves?"

"Mother Kardashian? She's not qualified to set foot in Uptown."

"But obviously, she won the first place in this big competition, and she already has the qualifications to challenge everyone here."

"Whether her first approach is reasonable is still open to question. Mistress Mei Lile is a bit premature."

"Restarting the Grand Competition is nonsense to me. There has never been such a precedent in our clan for thousands of years. What's more, I have never heard of a Grand Competition that explicitly prohibits the use of off-site means to be able to lead a foreign race." , It's someone else's ability. I think it's a reasonable tactical arrangement to hide a hand of troops to prevent being besieged. Different from the rationality you discussed, I care more about how she did all this. Is it luck, or Strength, I want to hear her own words."

"Okay, since everyone has different opinions, let's vote."

The mistress who spoke at the end was silent, and said with a troublesome smile on the corner of her mouth: "I support her number one."

"I also want to hear what she has to say, so let me support it~"

"I hate the Kardashians, I disagree."

"She is a heretic. We have never had a family relying entirely on alien races to rise, and I don't agree."

"If Mistress Vardania doesn't support it, I will support it, and I will vote her first, hehe~"


"Five to three... It seems that everyone has an answer to Madam Kardashian's first grade... Then recruit her to the upper city."


"This is Uptown?"

"Hey! It's completely different from the downtown area."

After passing through a mushroom forest, Kardashian brought Li Wen and the two alien races Xiong Da and Lizardmen to the upper city.

It is also carved out of the mountains, and the upper city and the lower city form a distinct layer by simple terrain.

The middle area connecting the two urban areas is the huge mushroom forest that produces daily food for the drow.

Even drow has inherited the delicacy and pickiness of the elves towards things.

Just throwing out a little mushroom is a rare delicacy among the races in the underground world.

"Actually, the rocks below the upper city are relatively hard and hard to dig..."

Kardashian walked with a dark face while explaining softly to Li Wen expressionlessly.


It is no longer those mosses that are responsible for providing dim light in the corner, but all kinds of gems and pearls emitting soft and warm light.

Li Wen looked at the complicated decorations on the buildings in the upper city and the pride of some drows passing by who always looked up 45 degrees, and nodded.

So in the beginning, the urban area was just an urban area... It was the people's hearts that made it up and down.

After entering the upper city, Li Wen saw a drow in a black robe standing silently not far away, waiting for them.

"follow me."

During the action, the snow-white thighs that were different from the normal drow were looming under her robe, and the eyes of the two foreign races, Xiong Da and Zhanli, almost popped out.

"Are you a high elf?"

Kardashian took the initiative to approach the other party and asked softly.

The wood elf's complexion was a dull greenish tint, not white enough to be pearly white.


The other party nodded meekly.

High elves also appear in their drow cities without any persecution?
Could he even be the envoy of the Eight Great Families to spread the word and lead the way?
Kardashian clicked her tongue a little.

"How could you..."

"Living here?"

The other party chuckled softly.

"Many people have asked me... Madam Vadonia picked me up and raised me. I grew up here, and this is my home."

"What's your name?"


Kardashian sniffed her breath close to her shoulder and neck.

"You are delicious."

Denisa took a step forward as if startled, "It's...too sudden."



"She still has the heart to tease your people, Mistress Vardania."

"I just want to hear what she has to say."

In the dark hall, the dark vision of some kind of spell enveloped the round table where a group of mistresses were sitting. Kardashian and Li Wen stood in front of them like this.

The other party can see them, but they cannot see each other.

Some kind of embarrassment of being observed made both the troglodyte and Xiong Da feel uncomfortable, and Xiong Da occasionally scratched his buttocks with his chubby hands to relieve the pressure on his heart.

"Mistress Kardashian, do you have anything to say about your first place in the city competition?"

In the darkness, an unknown mistress made a cold voice without any emotion or tendency.

"Just... luckier."

Kardashian didn't seem to feel the sense of oppression deliberately created by the eight major families, and her tone was still active.

(End of this chapter)

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