I can't be an NPC

Chapter 261 Questioning

Chapter 261 Questioning

Kardashian's tone of being unaware of the crisis obviously made some people in the dark laugh, and the voice that was originally not intended to carry any emotions obviously had some ups and downs.

"Mother Kardashian only refers to this apparent anomaly as walking away?"

"You think it's luck?"

There were several voices from different sources in the darkness.

Kardashian turned her head slightly, with a puzzled and sweet smile on her face.

"Hmm~ why doesn't it count?"

"So Mistress Kardashian thinks that a group of mysterious people passed by and eliminated all your competitors, and even knocked out all the dwarfs we needed and left them on the spot. Only your family is left. At the end, the one who won the first place without any twists and turns... Is this kind of thing called, luck?"

"may be?"

"But here I have another statement from witnesses. I don't know if Madam Kardashian is interested in hearing it."

In the darkness, no one knew who said those words.

However, no matter who it was, a bone-chilling chill quickly spread along with this seemingly plain words, and wrapped around Kardashian and his group.

"Huh? Witness?"

Kardashian looked puzzled.

With the fluctuation of a little spell, some kind of image recording spell was cast, and a voice that sounded a little timid sounded in the darkness.

"At that time... I woke up in a daze, and I only remembered that we were suddenly attacked by a group of people. However... I saw a... barbarian, and a... human? Facing Mistress Kardashian Say something. It seems to say something to express goodwill, you help me, I will help you, and then I passed out again. When I woke up again, I went to the city and realized that it was Madam Kardashian who took us Brought it back from outside the city."

"I don't know if I should thank her... After all... After all... I don't know if what I saw was a hallucination, or just the wild thoughts in my dream."

After the spell image ended, the entire hall fell into a quiet silence for a moment.

After a while, a voice in the darkness asked, "Madam Kardashian, what do you want to explain about this? I don't know if what our confused little guy said was her own imagination." dream."

The low air pressure was emitted by the mistresses of the eight major families who didn't know their directions and attitudes in the dark, and shrouded Kardashian's body, and even spread to Li Wen and the three of them at one point.

It made both Xiong Da and Zhanliman feel weak in their hind legs.

"She was right!"

However, Kardashian's reaction caught everyone off guard.

"What she said is true! And it's not detailed enough. Let me tell you the details. At that time..."


It's quieter.

After Kardashian finished speaking, the whole scene became quieter.

Blow yourself up!
This is self-destruct!
This can't clear up the suspicion at all, hey!

You are more detailed and suspicious than what others said!

And what's with your tone of voice?A look of enthusiasm for science popularization, is it because I am afraid that others will not understand the inside story?

Are you out of your mind?

You must be out of your mind!
All the mistresses in the dark were shocked by Kardashian's chattering narration, and their three views were a little blurred.

Is this the noble lineage of their drow?Looks whiter than the high elves?
Finally, the voice of a matron broke the silence.

"So even then, you still think it's all... luck?"


"The high priest of the stone-blind barbarian said that you helped him, how do you explain it?"

"I didn't help him...it's just a normal transaction."

"Deal? Sure enough, what kind of evil transaction is there between you?"

"Before the big competition, I felt that my men's ability needs to be improved, so I took them to find those barbarians and wanted to have a training camp. After the training session, I was too embarrassed to let those barbarians train for nothing, so I threw them away. Some mushrooms..."

"That's it?"

"That's it."


so real.

And outrageous.

Why do the drow elves still follow this principle of fairness and justice?

It is already a great gift not to drag down the family and exterminate the family, and give some rewards for fighting with others?
listen!Is this something that normal drow can do?

It was too outrageously true, coupled with Kardashian's past actions, even made some of the mistresses of the eight major families really feel that things were exactly as Kardashian said.

It's all about luck.

It is the wonderful magical reaction that Kardashian, a strange drow elf, did when all kinds of weird things came together... What a fart!

"No! No! How about a human spokesperson who represents the mind flayer?"

The Underworld has always known about mind flayers.

It is also known that there is a tribe of mind flayers staying in the underground waters where the kuo-toa fishmen are located.

Mind flayers are a potential threat to any intelligent civilization, but they are not bad in strength and have demigods in charge, so ordinary people dare not take the initiative to provoke them.

As for them... As the public enemies of all wisdom and civilization, those guys dare not mess around at will.

Usually, a certain kind of restrained stalemate or ignorance is maintained.

But this kind of active expression of kindness is more outrageous.

"Hmm~ Aren't mind flayers gods of those barbarians?"

Kardashian replied as a matter of course.


"So it should be a matter of course for the gods to respond to the believers' requests, right? Just like our devout prayers to Lord Rose."

Unlike many gods in the surface world who mastered the laws of truth control, Rose, the spider queen in the underground world, was quite active.

If something happens, she really loves it.

Of course, the main body must not be able to descend, and it is still possible to occasionally descend one or two divine power clones through Drow's body.

This is why the City of Drow is famous in the underground world. There are real people behind them... There are gods.

It is also the fundamental reason why the "Academy" can determine the general trend of the entire drow city.

So for Drow, it is normal for the prayers of believers to be answered by the gods.

But it's not normal to put it on the stone-blind barbarian!

"Everyone knows that those savages are just tools and animals of mind flayers. You will take the initiative to find someone to express your kindness for a word from your own animals?"


Kardashian also seemed to have finally figured out that something was wrong.

Looking at the silent Kardashian, a group of mistresses smiled triumphantly——

right!Just so speechless!

They are high above, and they don't care much about the methods used by the families below to fight. If they don't have fun, they will feel boring.


Kardashian hesitated for a moment, then pointed to her head, "Maybe they have a problem here?"

It seemed that she had come to the final answer after careful and witty thinking.


Facing Kardashian's answer, a group of mistresses who were able to control the situation in Menzoberranzan and even the nearby underground world felt speechless.

This is the brain circuit that their drow can have?

She is actually a high elf who used paint to paint herself into black skin!

"Okay... It seems that our Mistress Kardashian doesn't know about this, so why not talk about something more realistic. You are the number one in this city competition, and you can ask for a reward , and at the same time... you can also designate a family among us to initiate your challenge. Make your choice, Mistress Kardashian."

(End of this chapter)

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