I can't be an NPC

Chapter 262 Toughness

Chapter 262 Toughness

Kardashian came excitedly, "I request a qualification to enter the temple library to study!"

The Temple is what is called the "Academy".

It's just that it is generally called a temple for the sake of face when there are outsiders.


Every word of Kardashian seemed to hit the blind spot of the eight major family mistresses present.

Since the meeting, Kardashian's every sentence has not been played out according to common sense.

The Temple Library... The Temple Library... Well, the Temple Library is not a big deal, but you, a rude guy who hangs out with a bunch of aliens all day long, also have the intention to enter the Temple Library to study?

it is ridiculous.

"Of course not..."

A mistress was about to agree to this seemingly free reward, but was interrupted by Kardashian.

"not me."


"It's him."

Kardashian brought out Li Wen, who had been standing behind her, "It's for him to go in and study."

In an instant, an angry voice resounded in the darkness.


"Mother Kardashian, do you know what you're talking about?"

Obviously, some mistresses in the eight major families do not agree with Kardashian on this matter.

For them who believed in drow-centered supremacy, letting Li Wen, an obvious human being, enter the highest place in their city was no different than human beings allowing a pig to enter their highest institution for study.

After two slightly angry tones, a calm voice spoke softly.

"Mistress Kardashian, change the condition, this condition is not suitable."

"Huh? Can't you?"

Kardashian's doubtful tone made the mistress of the Eight Great Families a little nervous.

Was their refusal not obvious enough or what?


The Kardashians are tireless.

"Because he is a foreigner."

Among the same race, even Kardashian, who is recognized as a weirdo, has drow's blood flowing in her body.

And the alien race... is the alien race.

"But I heard that Miss Denisa who showed me the way also entered the temple library to study, and even before I heard that some outstanding alien mages entered our library to study, why did you come to me? No more."

Then there was a burst of light laughter in the darkness.

A thin voice came from the darkness.

"Hee hee~ Mistress Vadonia, your people have also been questioned."

Obviously, the same drow has different permissions and permissions.

It was that steady voice that answered Kardashian's questions.

"Mistress Kardashian, I think maybe you haven't figured out your own situation. You have to know that you still have suspicions on yourself, so don't raise these reckless conditions at this time, let's change it. "


This word triggered a certain limit in Kardashian's mind, "I have suspicions in me? Well, before discussing my suspicions, I want to ask the 'clan' in the city, who wants me to die so much? A tribe of gnolls tried to kill me twice?"

The drow are an insidious and cunning race, even among their own kind.

Telling this kind of thing is as ridiculous as a child who loses in a fight and asks his parents to sue.

No drow would sympathize with another drow being bullied.

But... Kardashian is the matriarch of a family, the priest of Rose.

Even if it is a struggle among drows, no one will really endanger the life of a priest of Rose.

Even if it is captured, it must be given corresponding preferential treatment.

This is out of respect for Rose, the Queen of the Spiders.

And if you want to take the life of a mistress, you have already seriously violated some kind of drow taboo that is not clearly stipulated.

"How do you know it's an instruction from the tribe?"

"Do you want to frame anyone else for the trouble I caused by my misconduct outside?"

Kardashian sneered.

"Mistresses, if your eyes and ears are covered by the clouds of smoke high above, then let me reveal the truth behind the scenes. You asked me which family I want to challenge, then I can tell you my answer now-I want to fight with you Matron Jacelyn engages in a fight to the death!"


Kardashian's proposal obviously made these elf mistresses interested. According to the usual practice, the first place in the city competition is to choose a target from among their eight major families as an opponent, in order to try to promote the family qualifications and get more Inclined support of urban resources.

Even if you lose, as long as you play well, you will still have a lot of prestige among ordinary families, and you can get a lot of real benefits.

And this is normal development.

The eight major families have profound backgrounds, and it is impossible for ordinary families to pull them down.

It's just that she didn't expect that this Kardashian mistress would be so strong, she didn't want the benefits, it was just for revenge.

This convention has not occurred in the history of drow, but it is not a problem.

Compared to following the rules honestly, the mistresses of the eight major families prefer to have fun... After all, it has nothing to do with them, does it?
And it's a good thing that they don't have to go off in person.

No matter whether the challenger wins or loses, the challenger should win, and even if the eight families win a bit ugly, they will lose.

"I think it's fine."


After discussing in a low voice, the decision was unanimously passed by the eight mistresses without any objection.

"So let's go back to the question just now, what reward do you need?"

"As I said, let him enter the temple library to study."

"Mistress Kardashian... You need to know one thing. The matter of your collusion with alien races is still unclear, especially when it involves mind flayers. Is what you are doing now out of your own will? None of us can be sure, at this time, I hope you can have some self-knowledge."

The voice in the darkness was somewhat cold.

This is the "suspect" on Kardashian.

No matter what the Kardashians themselves say, these matrons don't trust people so easily.

It's just that before Kardashian shows more abnormal behaviors, they have no way to determine Kardashian's current position.

After all, they are Drow themselves, knowing that Drow's heart is like an untouchable cloud.

So in the final analysis, it’s still about the traces regardless of the heart.

As long as Kardashian doesn't display clear threatening behavior, she will always be a house matriarch of Menzoberranzan.

However, before she could continue speaking, she was interrupted by Kardashian.

"I will prove it."


Kardashian looked firmly into the darkness.

"After my revenge, I will prove it to you! I will prove that I have not colluded with any foreign race!"

Kardashian's voice was resolute, without the weight of doubt.

"I just want you to give me a promise. After that, you can allow the human mage beside me to enter the temple library!"

(End of this chapter)

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