I can't be an NPC

Chapter 269 Surrender

Chapter 269 Surrender
"Don't blow it up, don't blow it up!"

"I voted woo woo woo!"

After being baptized by the missile for a few minutes, some drow had already lost the line of defense in their hearts.

so horrible.

How could anyone still be able to cast spells with Jiang Zi?
Although the impact of each energy bullet does not do much damage, it can even be said to be scraping.

But if the number is too large, it is just scraping the bone.

However, the opponent was not ready to kill, and the turbulent energy bombs and rain were evenly applied, so that every drow could bear a large amount of essence shot by Li Wen, but it was not fatal.

what is this?
This is an opportunity for them to surrender!
Fear of unfamiliarity caused these drows to temporarily lose their sobriety, and the overwhelming light bullets were as terrifying as the end of the world.

"I voted, how about you?"

Beside Jia Silin, another petite mistress, Enna, was bearing the whipping of Li Wen's energy bullet with her hands behind her back and expressionless face.

Only occasionally, you can see some hazy and moist expressions on his face, like the eyes are intoxicated.

"I voted first."

Jia Silin curled her lips, and faced Kardashian's direction directly, throwing her entire body on the ground, which was extremely straightforward.

"Madam Kardashian, I am willing to be your retainer!"

Boom boom boom...

The sound of the clansmen being beaten and fled in embarrassment by the energy bombs still echoed in the ears.

"Mother Kardashian, I am willing to surrender!"

Boom boom boom...

Jia Silin, who was grabbing the ground with her head, raised her head slightly in doubt, trying to see the other party's reaction, but she saw a light bullet like a swimming fish heading straight for the front door, blocking her entire vision.

She was so frightened that she quickly lowered her head again, not daring to look again.

So as soon as her head got out of the way, it was her butt that was hurt.



With her head lowered, Jia Silin, who was waiting for the trial, felt a surge of anger in her heart.

I have already surrendered, don't you want to kill them all?
Evil is born to courage!
So he roared loudly.

"Kardashian! I would like to be your dog!"



The magic elements within a radius of one kilometer were exhausted, and Li Wen's spell model couldn't absorb enough magic elements from the air to distort reality, so it disappeared after a few futile changes and made some strange sounds not see.

The whole world seemed to be quiet.


With her head down, Jia Silin buried her head deeper, even wishing she could tuck it into the ground.

That's it...is it over?

It's even... a bit empty~
Li Wen rubbed his fingers and found that it was difficult to cast any spell, so he put his hands behind his back in embarrassment.

He never expected that what he couldn't stand first was not the orderly magic elements stored in the elemental vortex in his mind, but the chaotic magic elements in the air.

Moreover, it seems that not many people were killed...

There is no other way, since Icacia Thunderstorm has added the function of automatically searching for enemies at the beginning of the design, although it reduces the personal ability requirements of the caster, it also makes it difficult to control the target of this spell.

Obviously, it adheres to the principle of equality of all beings, and tries its best to distribute all the energy bombs evenly to every enemy present, so that no one is injured and no one dies.

Except for a few who really have less blood...

Be careful next time, don't use it as a trump card when there are many people.

Otherwise, Lan would not be able to kill many people if he had the time. Li Wen still understood the reason why it was better to cut off one finger than to hurt his ten fingers.

It's messed up right now.

It is estimated that there is still a fierce battle to be fought.

But just now it seemed that those drows were all lowering their bodies trying to avoid the Icacia thunderstorm, hum!Innocent!Do you understand what is called automatic hunting! √


Kardashian closed her mouth.

She didn't deliberately leave Jia Silin's application for surrender, but she really didn't notice it.

In the short few minutes just now, all her attention was on the man standing with his hands behind his back.

Small size but a lot of power.

In today's deadly battlefield, this figure is the only light.

too strong!

Is this the true strength of Master Bobby?
After getting along for many days, Kardashian was very sure that Bobby was a decent human mage... although his fighting style didn't look like a serious mage.

However, even under the rules of the Shadow Demon Net, he can still display such strength.

Have all the human mages on the ground become so strong?

Swallowing hard, Kardashian walked forward.

When she came back to her senses, what happened before jumped into her mind——

Jacelyn surrendered.

In deathmatch, there is no rule of surrendering and not killing, and the fate of the opponent is completely in her mind.

But when the opponent's pride is all crushed by him, and he is about to sign a contract to be a subordinate forever, this revenge can be regarded as revenge.

Life must always look forward. Speaking of it, these may be the first batch of drow subordinates in his family.

"Master, will you go with me to receive the prisoners?"

Coming to Li Wen's side, Kardashian carefully asked for instructions.


Li Wen is like waking up from a dream, don't you need to fight?
"Oh~ OK."

On a quiet battlefield, the troops on both sides died down, silently watching the only two figures in action on the field.

Kardashian and Li Wen walked up to Jia Silin, who was kneeling on the ground, and looked down at the gourd-shaped mistress in front of her with a surprising arc.

Li Wen subconsciously looked away.

Too spicy!
The next moment, he felt someone holding his feet, and at the same time, there was a wet and soft touch on his feet, leaving a wet mark.

Even the other party didn't intend to let him go, the wet hickey all the way down, Li Wen felt that his toes seemed to be caught in some kind of curly and slightly frosty wet embrace.



Another hand was gently attached to the other foot.


Li Wen lowered his head and looked at the two drow mistresses, a gourd and a petite doll, who were prostrate in front of him...

The other party also raised his head, looking up at Li Wen from bottom to top, his eyes full of flattery.

"There is no need to..."

Li Wen twitched his feet and backed away.

So the two mistresses knelt and moved towards Kardashian again, leaving a wet hickey on each of her two insteps.

"This represents their submission."

Kardashian turned to Li Wen and explained.

"I'm not used to it……"


The one who was ordered to observe Li Wen's whereabouts hidden outside the entire death fight field remained in a state of shock from beginning to end.

"I knew he was hiding something!"

Sure enough, no matter where, no matter when, seeing Bobby kneel down and sing Conquer is right.

Horribly spicy!Fortunately, I never thought of being an enemy of him from the beginning to the end... Maybe it was.

So, can you find a way to lick this skill?

It looks much fiercer than the psychic warriors promised by those illithids!

(End of this chapter)

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