I can't be an NPC

Chapter 270 Legendary Specialty - Spirit Core Sophon

Chapter 270 Legendary Specialty - Spirit Core Sophon

"Get ready for our Matron Kardashian."

In the quiet meeting room in the city, a drow mistress of the eight major families suddenly stood up, breaking the silence in the room.

A fight to the death, almost all of Jia Silin's efforts were made for Kardashian's wedding dress.

Kardashian is indeed a heretic in the eyes of most drows, relying on foreigners as the main force to make a fortune, it is disdainful to be with her.

But the hard part is getting started.

In the case that Kardashian has hundreds of aliens as the core subordinates, the scattered drow will definitely feel ashamed that he is with a group of aliens.

However, the instant joining of thousands of drows due to the deathmatch contract made Kardashian's family instantly orthodox. After all, compared with thousands of drows, the originally more than 100 alien races became minority.

Not to mention that today's Kardashian has the help of a human magnate like Li Wen, whose strength is unimaginably strong. Before finding out Li Wen's details, no one dares to underestimate this maverick mistress.

Drow respects himself, and drow also fears the strong.

Big fists make sense in many places.

"No wonder Kardashian desperately wanted to obtain a study qualification in the temple library for this human mage. This is a master who was found from the ground."

"I'm going to find out about him! Hee hee~"

The academy priest who had been silent all this time stood up suddenly, shook off his long robe softly, walked away quickly and left.

Looking at the back of her leaving, several laughing mistresses looked at each other, with expressions of interest in their eyes——

I don't know what the priests of the academy think of this obviously big boss mage in the surface world.

You know, Rose, the Spider Queen, is always paying attention to them, and the attitude of the academy priest sometimes represents the attitude of Rose, the Spider Queen.

That's God.


Once again, I came to the hall that was like being judged before, and the darkness covering the eight major families was gone, and the mistresses of the eight major families smiled like flowers.

"Sister Kardashian is really amazing! She overwhelmed Jia Silin's group of people by herself."

"My sister will often come to the upper city to play in the future... Is there any place you like, maybe you can win it for my sister."

While speaking, these mistresses all looked in Li Wen's direction.

It’s different in the past.

Kardashian, who has absorbed thousands of drows in an instant, is not bad now, even with their eight major families, she may not be unable to touch her.

And this kind of strength is eternal. This year's city competition did not challenge their eight families, but what about next year?What about the year after?
As long as the strength rises, there will be more opportunities.

Of course, there is also the possibility of decline due to management, strong enemies, or other factors, but before it happened, Kardashian was undoubtedly a powerful family mistress.

With strength, it is enough to be respected by everyone.

Jia Silin and Kardashian, who also absorbed a large number of people in a short period of time, are completely incomparable.

One is to rely on the benefits of lip service, and the other is to conquer people first and at the same time have the rigid restrictions of the death-match contract.

This kind of motivation from the heart is completely different, and the subjective initiative that can be exerted naturally varies greatly.

After the power grows large, preventing internal friction is also a science. Whether it can be twisted into a rope, the power exerted is very different.

In fact, the expansion speed of Kardashian's strength is rare even in the entire Menzoberranzan city.

Normal absorption can at most be as coercive and tempting as Jia Silin's, and she has almost reached her limit.

As for Kardashian, who wins more with less, wins with weaker than strong in a deathmatch, and quickly absorbs the opponent's background to strengthen himself, it is also a rare thing.

Ordinary people would not spend their wealth and life to stud if they had nothing to do, let alone these treacherous drows, unless there was no way out, it would be difficult to embark on the road of deathmatch.

Even if there are, most of them are the sinking boats of small forces, and those with big families and big careers don't know how to play stud.

Taking a step back, the two big families hated each other so much that they were so red-eyed that there was no way to solve it by fighting to the death, and there would be no such battle damage.

They have all embarked on the road of death fighting, so how can they be convinced if they don't kill each other to pieces?

Either you die or I die, unless there is no hope of victory at all, you will try to surrender under the fear of death.

In this case, even if it is the winning side, it is a miserable victory. It would be good to be able to restore blood to ensure that the power will not decline, let alone improve.

Therefore, Kardashian's current status is all due to the human mage beside her.

Just suppress but not kill, but it is still possible to beat the opponent submissively.

For a moment, all the mistresses looked at Li Wen with hot eyes, wishing they could eat him alive.

Li Wen kept his eyes on his nose and heart, and remained silent.

There is a high probability that he will not teach this spell...or this technique.

You can't take out all the good things, and don't keep any life-saving trump cards for yourself.

Besides, even if he wanted to, Li Wen didn't think that many people could learn it.

Because——the moment this skill was created by Li Wen, it was recognized as a legendary specialty by some hidden rule!
It was a little different from what he had expected at the beginning.

[As the creator of the Legendary Specialty—Arcane Torrent, you can lower the requirement to use this speciality by one level. 】

Legendary Specialty—Spirit Core Sophon: With your profound element control skills and deep understanding of magic elements, you have formed an orderly magic element field that is unique to you at the core of spirits and wisdom. When casting spells, you can choose Build the spell model here in advance, so you will no longer be limited by the cooling time when casting any spell.And you will no longer receive any interference from the chaotic elemental field when casting spells, and you can freely cast any spell effects you want to achieve in any environment. (Pre-requirements for mastering this feat: mage professional level 15, element control feat lv3, magic power 21 points.)
The professional level requirements for mages are not high, but they are not low either. After all, the requirements are for pure professional levels, and part-time professional levels cannot be counted.

The Elemental Mastery feat is a big problem.

Li Wen has Helen as a "famous teacher", as well as the proficiency of the players' non-stop contribution expertise day and night, coupled with his frequent diligent study, so far he has only reached the level of element control expertise lv2.

The average person wants to achieve this condition, and the energy required to spend it may be calculated in decades.

As for the magic blackjack... that's the hardest part.

20 points of magic power is a hurdle, and Li Wen stayed at 20 points of magic power for a long time. This hurdle cannot be directly improved through the attribute points obtained through professional upgrades. Only some extraordinary legendary methods can achieve it.

And if you haven't reached the level of a legendary professional, you generally don't have access to legendary means.

This is a dead end.

Of course, this feat is a legendary feat, and it is not prepared for ordinary professionals at all.

It is foreseeable that for a long time, there will be no players who have the qualifications to learn and cannot cut leeks. Li Wen is willing to keep some trump cards for himself.

Therefore, Li Wen did not intend to teach it.

And although this specialty was born because of Icacia thunderstorms, it is not only useful for Icacia thunderstorms, it can take effect for any spell that Li Wen has mastered.

Of course, other spells must not be as spectacular as Icacia Thunderstorm.

At the beginning of the design, Icacia Thunderstorm made a targeted design for the players' habits-it can be instant.

This means that it can be released in large quantities in a short period of time, and it will never stop until the blue bar in the area is cleared.

other spells...

High-level spells have spell slot restrictions, and it doesn't make much sense if they don't have cd or not.

And tricks like Flame Arrow have a short casting time, but there are also some.

One in 0.5 seconds, two in 1 second.

After the specialization is proficient, it may be faster in the hands of individuals, 3 per second, 4 per second.

But that’s all, it’s not as spectacular as Icacia’s thunderstorms that occur dozens of times a second.

Of course, these spells also have their advantages.

They are added by the level of the mage, and the lethality of a single one is far better than that of the Icacia thunderstorm, but the scene is a little bit worse.

Li Wen is already thinking about whether to learn the flame arrow or the freezing ray again, at least one more choice at the critical moment~
Seeing Li Wen wandering away, the mistresses who were winking in vain spat secretly.

And at the time of the familiarity, a cold voice sounded from the corner.

"Mistress Kardashian, congratulations on winning the deathmatch, so I don't know the proof you mentioned to everyone before... when will you give it?"

(End of this chapter)

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