Chapter 273
After shaking people, it was outrageous, and then returned to the scope of the main brain's spiritual network.

[Application for joining the "Family of Love and Love" is outrageous. 】

[The group owner has agreed to your application. 】

"I'm back from inquiring about the news."


"Last time we were pleasing them to other drows, and because of your octopus head's consistent bad reviews, they are now unable to take a single step in Menzoberranzan City. In desperation, that Kardashian The mistress of the drow can only show her will with blood. This battle cannot be fought."

"It turned out to be Jiangzi~"

"It turned out to be Jiangzi~"

"It turned out to be Jiangzi~"

"Then let's go to war! Come, bring my king's battleship!"

"Brother calm down."

"Brother, why don't we discuss it again?"

"What are you discussing? If she wants to fight, she will fight!"

"Discussion...discussion...negotiation doesn't have to be done by ourselves!"

A spirit sucking monster was quick to use its wits and contributed its own strategy.

"Huh? Tell me in detail."

"Brother, do you think our second brother likes to fight?"

"Second brother?"

The main brain shook slightly.

It recalled the previous summer.

It was his idea to send people to the surface world to try to occupy human land, and it was also his idea to try to occupy the remains of a group of snake people in the surface world, and then...

Then he was beaten violently and crawled back in despair.

It was precisely because of this that I went to investigate the mastermind behind the beating of my second brother - that nasty Bobby!

After learning that Bobby left his lair and came to the city of those dwarfs alone, he decided to avenge his second brother!

Then he was also beaten violently and crawled back dejectedly.

The same treatment as the second brother hehe~
"Second brother, my second brother."

"Brother, wake up, the second brother is a traitor."

Group of traitors 1: "Who called me?"

"I didn't tell you!"


"Brother, have you forgotten how many family members your second brother took away with you?"


"Brother, have you forgotten that our big family was divided because of the second brother?"


"Big brother..."

"Second brother, my second brother. Hehe~"


Just listening to the outrageous voices of these illithids directly in his mind, combined with some scattered information that he occasionally heard before, he probably assembled what happened before he came to this illithid group.

How was the mastermind of the illithid born?
After coming to the group of spirit suckers, I got a general understanding of it.

The mastermind is actually the mutated illithid itself.

Of course, not those illithids that have been finalized, but starting from the "tadpole" form, there will be mutated individuals that show far more energy and appetite than other "tadpoles", plundering all the nutrients that can be robbed, and Showing a surging desire to fight and aggression.

And the illithids that were planted with this kind of "tadpole" and then awakened will be called "soul eaters" by other illithids.

As long as every "Soul Eater" does not die accidentally, as it gradually grows, it will eventually become another mastermind.

And a group of illithids does not allow two masterminds to appear at the same time, so often the newly-appeared soul eaters will take part of the original group of illithids away, and develop another illithid again while staying away from the current mastermind ethnic group.

And after flying away, the Soul Eater will gradually abandon the body of the Illithid, leaving only one brain and gradually growing to become a new master brain.

A similar thing happened to this group of illithids right now, and the master brain that left was collectively referred to as the second brother by the remaining illithids...

The only thing that is so outrageously unclear is why this mastermind seems to not care at all when facing an opponent who has split his own ethnic group and weakened his strength...

"Brother! Anyway, those drow just need to fight our 'ilithids', it doesn't matter who they fight. So why don't we let the second brother fight them?"

"Nonsense! Those are my dear relatives and friends, brothers and sisters!"

"Big brother..."

"I have made up my mind, bring the battleship to this king!"

"Big brother!"

He uttered outrageously and suddenly, and his tone of voice made all the illithids quiet.

"The infant child needs to have a moment to face the sun after all. Blind protection cannot let him grow up. Since our second brother likes war, why not send him the war that is delivered to his door."

"Well...that makes sense, but that's my second brother, not yours."

The voice of the main brain became excited again, "Then it's decided, this war is so delicious, send it to the second brother! It's outrageous, I will entrust this mission to you, don't let me down, when you come back this time, I will Just..."

"Give me the way of the spiritual warrior, right? How about painting cakes for your father? If it weren't for your father, I would have already prepared second-hand, and I would definitely piss on your forehead now!"


[The mastermind of the spirit sucker has issued a task to you—to bring disaster to the east. 】

[The group leader kicked "It's outrageous" out of "Family who love each other". 】


"Don't do it, your own!"

He raised his hands absurdly, facing the sharp claws on his neck without fear.

"I've seen you, you're the lackey of those illithids! You're the one who forced our mistress to come out and declare war!"

Kardashian's gnolls had a vicious look on their faces, and they wanted to eat them alive.

Just an outrageously playful face.

"Isn't that kind..."

"Then we are going to beat you now, are you still kind?"

"Good intentions! Absolutely kind! You let me in to meet your mistress, I have something important to report."

The claw blade was lifted up slightly, touching the outrageous neck.

"What's the matter?"

"I'm going to show her the way."

In the middle camp, Kardashian, who ordered to take a short rest, was stepping on a rock, pinching her waist with one hand and giving a passionate speech to her horse boys.

"Brothers! Just this battle! After the fight, we will walk upright and stand straight in Menzoberranzan City, and we will have a better life in the future! We will have a blitzkrieg with it later, and run away after the fight Remember, don’t love to fight, it’s a great success if you bring back a few octopus-headed corpses! Anyone who sees us in Menzoberranzan will call us warriors! Did you hear me!”

"heard it!"

Amidst a group of chaotic shouts, a jackal quickly ran to Kardashian's side and reported in a low voice.

"Big sister, there is a bastard who said that he will lead us and attack the octopus head by surprise."


Kardashian raised her brows, "Take it here and have a look."

Li Wen, who heard the news, pursed his lips, feeling a familiar feeling.

After a while, he saw a familiar figure.

"Big Sister ~ Big Sister~ Do you still remember me? One of my own~ My own~"

It's outrageous if it's you!

(End of this chapter)

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