I can't be an NPC

Chapter 274 surprise attack

Chapter 274 surprise attack
Kardashian looked at the nodding and giggling human in front of her with a calm expression.

"What are you doing here?"

"Leading the way...Because you issued the declaration of war in advance, those illithids are fully prepared and have laid a net. If you rush in rashly, you will definitely suffer heavy losses. And I know where their top-secret lair is. , there is no defense there, and if you catch one, I don't think you want your subordinates to suffer heavy casualties, do you?"

"Well...but why can I trust you? Or, what are you trying to do to me?"

In Kardashian's world, there is no such thing as a gift, and she doesn't believe that the person on the other side can help her unconditionally.

"Master Mistress."

There were tears in both eyes, "Because you are my light!"


Kardashian nodded, "Fine."


He sighed outrageously discouraged, and then spoke at a very fast speed.

"Actually, I committed a crime on the ground, so I escaped to the underground world, and I'm just a weak human being. Now I'm alone in the underground world, so I can only rely on those octopus heads, but obviously those octopus heads are not a good home. If If you are willing to accept me, I will tell you everything I know. This is my only condition! Huh~ Can you see it?"

"……walk slowly."

Looking at it, he ran the train with his mouth full of outrageous words, but Li Wen said nothing.

He couldn't be more clear about the virtues of players.

Right now, it's uncertain whether he's sincerely investing. Players are familiar with getting kickbacks on both sides. When he's not sure about the situation, he won't say anything to guarantee the other party.

As for the confrontation between the other party and Kardashian...

It seems that the army of players has not yet invaded the underground on a large scale, and the aborigines of the underground world have to experience all the situations that the aborigines of the surface world may encounter when they first come into contact with players-such as turning their faces and denying people, running the train with their mouths full of words, hiding knives in their smiles... …

It's all very normal.

Let Kardashian be the first person to eat crabs in the underground world.

"What's your plan?"

Kardashian asked cautiously.

"You bring a small army with me. Let's sneak into the village. You don't need to cast spells. Anyway, you just want a few corpses of illithids to go back to do business. Let's take it easy if we can."


Kardashian pondered for a while, then clapped her hands and said: "Done! I believe you once! Don't lie to me, work hard, this thing is done, and I will find you two drow sisters when I go back to the city... No, Now I will find you two drow sisters to serve you."

As she spoke, Kardashian waved her hand not far away, "Jacelin, Enna, come here."

[Mother of the drow, Kardashian, has issued a mission to you—lead the way, do you accept it?Please respond positively.Mission Reward: Drow Maid (Temporary). 】

Turning his head and looking over at the outrageous, he found a big drow that should be fierce and thin, and a drow loli that looked thin and small, who seemed to be underage.

[You have received 1 point of self-harm damage. 】

He just wiped his nose nonchalantly, threw out a drop of blood, and looked at Kardashian with tears in his eyes, "From today onwards, my life belongs to Mistress!"

How real!How real!
Sure enough, following the spirit sucker will lead to death!
Take a look at how Zhuoer handles his affairs, how grand and upright he is!

Unlike those octopus heads, they know how to draw cakes for themselves all day long.

Do you really want to sell them?
It was outrageous that there was such a momentary shake in my heart.

"Are you bleeding?"

"It's okay, I'm fine."

"Master Mistress?"

The two former mistresses came with fragrant wind and asked together.

"You two have taken care of this brother, and he will help us lead the way later."

The eyes of the three drows exchanged, and the two former mistresses nodded together, smiling like flowers, and one of them put on the outrageous left and right arms one by one.

Obviously, Kardashian didn't know that it was outrageous that players could be resurrected infinitely, but she just used normal means to arrange the two strongest combat forces here besides herself in outrageous, saying it was serving, but in fact it was monitoring.

But what is more obvious is that he is outrageously in the blessing, and eats the bait as food.

This wave is a happy one.

So the marching team divided an elite team, composed of most of the aliens and a small part of the elite drow, a team of no more than 50 people, under the leadership of the outrageous, quickly and quietly marched towards the so-called "second brother" site .

"Remember, sneak into the village quietly, don't cast spells."

"Let's fight quickly, don't let their masterminds chase them out."

Jia Silin hugged the outrageous arm with a charming smile.

"But my lord, I heard that all mind flayers in the master brain's spiritual realm share their minds?"

Feeling the warmth of his arms, he waved his hands with a stupid smile, "It's okay, the brain of the mind flayer here is not fully developed, not as big as yours... it doesn't have the function of the spiritual realm."

"No wonder the adults brought us here for a sneak attack. It seems that this is their rear strategic hinterland?"

"That's right! That's it, let's do it, remember to make a quick decision!"

Kardashian came to the three of them from behind and inadvertently exchanged glances with the two former mistresses.

After getting an affirmative answer, Kardashian waved her hands behind her and ordered softly, "Do it!"

The elite squad carefully selected from the large group of thousands of people quickly completed the surprise attack in silence, and returned triumphantly with the corpses of five illithids.

Except for a stubble at the end that Kardashian and the two former mistresses had to cast spells and fight each other hard to take each other down, there was almost no movement during the whole process.

There was nothing about Li Wen from the beginning to the end, so he was happy to play soy sauce.

"Come on, come on!"

It was outrageous to see success, and he kept urging.

The second brother is not yet fully developed, but it is precisely because of this that he has the ability to act that the serious mastermind does not have.

If the opponent notices and catches up, the strength close to the demigod level is not something these people can match.

It's outrageous. I don't want the drow sisters who are so kind to me to be slaughtered by demigods like this.


The elite team went in and out quickly, and completed a lightning surprise attack.

And not long after they left, a vast wave rippled from the center of the attacked location.

This wave didn't have the slightest impact on any physical objects, but any creature that got a little closer felt a tremor from the bottom of its heart.

Some ordinary snakes, birds, insects, fish and other creatures even lost their breath of life under this terrifying mental shock.

And regardless of whether the creatures who feel this wave understand the meaning of the language, they can hear a strange voice that can let them know the meaning directly in their hearts-"Who is it!"

Brother Mastermind looked to the northeast not far away, and the tentacles under his head moved unconsciously.

"Second brother, my second brother..."

(End of this chapter)

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