I can't be an NPC

Chapter 276 Players

Chapter 276 Players
The Shadow Demon Net is the masterpiece of the Lady of the Night, a weapon against her twin sister, the Moon Goddess Selun.

The two goddesses are also the most primitive gods in the world. The goddess of the moon, Su Lun, who has been fighting against Shar, the lady of the night, was born in the first quiet and cold moonlight.

Su Lun is in charge of the power of the moon, and uses some mysterious celestial power to drive the tides, restrict the lycanthropy, guide all repeated cycles, and even affect people's reason to a certain extent.

When the stars in the universe began to shine and the earth began to condense together, the two goddesses had a dispute over whether they should have the authority to give life.

And Su Lun broke into the fire elemental plane by himself and pulled out a ray of eternal fire essence to create the sun on the main material plane to bring warmth to life. Since then, the two goddesses have embarked on a long and eternal struggle for the ultimate destiny of all living beings. fight.

It was during their struggle that some authority in the source of the divine power of the two goddesses was torn from the body and entangled together, from which the first goddess of magic, Mythril, was born.

And this goddess of magic became closer to Su Lun instinctively, and since then, she has joined hands with Su Lun to suppress Shar, the lady of the night, which allowed Su Lun, the goddess of the moon, who was already in decline, to regain the upper hand.

In order to accumulate strength in the dark and cultivate one's followers and influence, the authority of the Shadow Demon Network was created by Shar, the lady of the night under such circumstances.

As for the goddess of the moon, Su Lun, after a final battle with Shar, she disappeared without a trace, and no one has ever heard of her divine name.

The current battle between light and darkness is the light god system headed by the goddess of magic against Shar's dark law.

These materials are not very detailed in the library of Jianfeng City. The information that Li Wen can see in the past is quite one-sided, and there is no mention of Shadow Demon Net.

After first understanding the background of Shadow Demon Net, Li Wen was more concerned about whether he could obtain the authority to cast spells under Shadow Demon Net.

Regarding this point, there are also relatively detailed records in the temple library.

The magic net is an adjusted order spell rule, but Shar herself is the goddess who controls the original darkness. The essence of her godhead is connected with the original chaos and darkness, so that chaos is her most powerful source of divine power.

Therefore, her Shadow Demon Network has some special requirements. Only creatures with a chaotic mind can be eligible to join.

And in this case, I don't know if the goddesses on both sides have made some changes to the spells applicable to their respective magic nets in order to prevent some wall-riding factions from jumping repeatedly.

Even if one has the spell-casting qualifications of two magic nets at the same time, the same spell itself is divided into the magic net version and the shadow magic net version.

It is completely based on the tendency of a certain faction to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy and the eligibility to use the magic net...

This characteristic cannot be said to be completely consistent with these creatures in the underground world, it can only be said to complement each other.

But what should I do?
Isn't it cold?
Li Wen looked at the classics in front of him, his eyes were a little lost.

He tends to be orderly, to this world where good people are rewarded, to have everything in order, each to do his own thing, each to perform his duties.

It's hard for him to lean toward chaos from the bottom of his heart, toward those chaotic people who are moody and chaotic.

So, I am doomed to have no relationship with Shadowmonet?

Also missed the spells of these Shadow Monet versions?

Li Wen also found the spell scrolls in the Temple Library together, and found that some of the spells in the Shadow Demon Net version were different from his previous spells.

That is, some fresh spells.

Not to mention that now that Li Wen has reached level 14, he is eligible to learn and use the spells of the seventh ring.

As for the spells of the Seven Rings, it is estimated that there is no hope of getting them in Jianfeng City, and there are only a few books in the Crazy Continent.

Li Wen is still very excited to be able to get a little bit of Spider Queen Rose's family here.

No, you can't just give up.

Finally, there was an opportunity to prostitute the seven-ring spell for nothing, and Li Wen was unwilling to let it go.

Masters are the most creative group of people in the world, and they are also the most capable of changing the world. This is Li Wen's original intention to become a master.

Being good at turning the impossible into possible is the greatest charm of a mage.

Let me think about how to whore for nothing...


"Boy, let me catch you!"


Just looking outrageously at the... sorcerer wearing a single-dragon blindfold in front of him? , asked in surprise.

"who are you?"

"I'm a young dad!"

"I don't have an unfilial son like you!"

"Stop talking nonsense! You tricked the brothers from the top, but you didn't give them the exact location of Bobby... What do you mean? Just kidding the brothers, right?"

Following the words of the mage wearing a single-dragon eyepatch, behind him, a group of players in various costumes emerged from their hiding places.


The corners of his mouth twitched outrageously, "Listen to my explanation... no, how did you find me?"

It's outrageous and I don't understand it at all. The address I told them is just an authentic entrance and exit. Whether it is from Menzoberranzan City or the territory of the illithids, there is no small distance.

The other party bared his teeth, "Do you think that our civil surveying major is for nothing? The information in your video can already reveal a lot of things."

At this time, a female mage wearing a fiery red robe came out from behind, "Spells are spells, and civil engineering surveys..."

"Okay, the person has been found, let's recruit him directly, where is Bobby?"

He hesitated for a while, and saw the female mage on the opposite side grinning at him, "Think clearly before speaking, there shouldn't be many resurrection points in the underground world, right?"

"Not so...not so..."

Just laughing outrageously and preparing to run away, Bobby is currently his own resource, and he doesn't want to expose Lord Bobby's position until he really gets some benefits.

And having been with the spirit sucker for so long, he still has a little heretical kung fu.

Just as he was preparing, a strange throbbing suddenly came to his heart.

In fact, not only him, but all the players around him also felt throbbing from a certain direction.

At the same time, on their player panel, the judged information passed quickly like running water.

[You have been invaded by the effect of "fear", and you are making a charm saving judgment...]

[You have been invaded by the effect of "Despair", and you are making a charm saving judgment...]

For a while, all the players fell silent and looked towards their southeast together.

As time goes by, the difficulty of determination becomes higher and higher. Some players with lower attributes have failed their saves, and they have fallen into a state of "fear" and "stasis" and cannot act.

(End of this chapter)

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