Chapter 277

Due to this suppressed state, even the player's ability to speak in the game is temporarily disabled. Only a few players with a slightly higher charisma attribute or with the relevant saving throw judgment bonus looked tremblingly in the direction of the throbbing in their hearts. .

This game is so real that many times even if they know they are playing the game, they can still feel the same experience as the aborigines when they encounter some special high-level characters or events in the game. pressure.

Like this moment.

However, in the dim light environment underground, except for a few players with special props, they are almost blind now.

In a gray world, no matter how open your eyes are, you can't see what's going on in that direction.

Also no sound.

No sound, no picture.

In the dark environment, a certain kind of throbbing that can only be felt in the heart marks the general direction of the other party.

Coming from the southeast, and heading due north.

It's like the ultimate evil god in the myth who dismisses all living beings. Whether mortals watch or not has nothing to do with him.

It wasn't until the opponent left that the various debuff states on the panel gradually disappeared.

Some players with less mental quality even sat on the ground with their legs softened.

There is no horror element at all, but the oppression brought by the realism of this game is even stronger than the head teacher outside the window.

"what is that?"

"Is this underground world so big?"

"Hey~ Do you know what that is?"

He just looked at the direction in which the unknown creature was going away, with deep eyes.

Turning his head, he smiled at the group of players in front of him again, "What do I know, I just came to the underground not long ago, and I'm not familiar with the place."

The headed one-eyed mage patted the outrageous shoulder.

"Why do I feel that you are fooling the brothers? It was you who called the brothers down, and you didn't show the brothers the way when you got there, right?"

"How can I... Although I have never met you, I fell in love with you at first sight!"



"Don't do this, it's too fast..."

Just as they were talking, some kind of words that could understand the meaning even if they didn't understand the words, sounded directly in their hearts again like the throbbing in their hearts just now.

"Second brother, my second brother!"


A kind of player followed the throbbing in his heart and looked in the direction this time - due south.

Fortunately, this time the opponent's course of action happened to pass by their... heads.

Under the gloomy light environment, a dark figure with a ferocious and strange appearance, as if countless tiny tentacles were flying, passed over their heads.


"Hey, brother, isn't that outrageous?"

"'See' here."

[The group owner invited "It's outrageous" to join the "Family who loves each other". 】

Group member 1: "Why are you here?"

It's outrageous: "Didn't I complete the mission and prepare to go back to my life?"

Group member 2: "Then you don't have to go back, just come with us."

It's outrageous: "I can't go away..."

Group member 3: "I'll pick you up."


So, in front of the eyes of all the players, it was outrageously soaring in the daytime.

"Brothers, I won't play with you anymore~ Bye~mua!"

It was outrageous to see those flying away directly, and all the players immediately petrified.

"Mom, look at Superman!"

"Why can he fly?"

"This old boy must have learned something good from Bobby!"


As the outrageous figure flew farther and farther in the air, gradually becoming a black spot in the dark background and blending into the environment, the group of players woke up like a dream, and quickly started chasing the weird shadow in the sky.

It's not just them, the mind flayers in the underground world are the targets of common attention by many forces.

It is difficult for the large-scale actions of the mind flayer group not to attract the close attention of masters of other forces.

In the dark underground wilderness, spies or masters from various forces are hiding and lurking in the darkness, moving together with the mind flayer battleship.

Although for mind flayers, other forces in the underground world have an invisible offensive and defensive alliance agreement.

But until the mind flayers have demonstrated their purpose concretely, these people will not do it either.

What if people are not prepared to trouble them?

Just like last time, the mind flayer just drove the battleship to the surface for a stroll around.

They and the races on the surface just punched out their brains, and they didn't care about their own affairs, but were happy to see the results.

Before the mind flayer shows its aggressiveness towards the "alliance", everyone will only keep a cautious watch.

Of course, I heard that the drow in Menzoberranzan City took the initiative to provoke these mind flayers, and it seems that the direction of these mind flayers is also the same direction, but it cannot be concluded that these mind flayers are out for revenge. yes?
They haven't done it yet, have they?

"It's broken, it's broken, those mind flayers are here."

In Menzoberranzan City, the mistresses of the eight great families gathered together.

They also inquired about the movement of the mind flayer. Although it hadn't completely descended, it was clearly coming towards them in this direction.

"Are they crazy?"

No one would have thought that those mind flayers would be so powerful, wouldn't they just kill a few of your clansmen? seems a little too much.

But Menzoberranzan City has gods sitting there, and few drow elves in the underground world dare to call on the drow elves who are watched and protected by Rose, the Queen of the Spiders.

Encountered in the wild, the drow elves are not considered masters, and others will not give in.

But in his hometown of Menzoberranzan, drow is the only one.

For so many years, few people have dared to go straight to the drow in Menzoberranzan.

At this moment, no one will talk about Kardashian himself.

The usual intrigues are intrigues, and when this kind of thing happens, it is something that all the drows in the city have to face together.

If you still sell people at this time, the foundation of the city will be gone.

"But... what about the Kardashians?"

"Um... already deployed defenses at the gate of the city, and she has used all of Jia Silin's wealth."


For a moment, the mistresses were speechless.

However, although……

This is not their drow species, is it? !

"Have you notified the academy priest?"


"Then, let's fight."

Living in the underground world, even drow, who prefers to be scheming, has a tyrannical and savage side.

People are not cruel, they can't stand firm.

This is especially true when you are underground.

On the high walls of the city, a series of magical crystal cannons exposed towering edges and corners from the gaps between the gear-like walls of the city.

Under the leadership of a group of priests, the city's moat circle also entered a charged state.

The calm city began to show its minions in an instant.

Whether it's humans, or dwarves, or these drows, the purpose of everyone building a city is not just to have a shelter from the wind and rain.

Under the premise of preparation, the city itself is a giant war beast.

(End of this chapter)

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