I can't be an NPC

Chapter 278 I am waiting for a person

Chapter 278 I'm Waiting For Someone
What B movement?

Li Wen, who was concentrating on how to turn himself into a chaotic faction, was disturbed by a thunderous noise outside.

At the same time, there were the flustered footsteps of the drow elves in the temple who were learning how to become an official rose priest for two and a half years, accompanied by the scolding of other priests who sounded calmer and older.

What happened?
It should be serious, right?

This is the highest place in the entire city of Menzoberranzan. If there is chaos here, the outside world does not know what it will look like.

But... what does it have to do with me?

Normally, with Li Wen's curiosity about new things, he must go out and have a look.

However, right now Li Wen's thoughts are all focused on another aspect - how to become a chaotic and funny comparison.

He felt that he could find a way to learn from the legendary expertise he had just developed.

Why can't people lie to themselves?

The combined power of psionic energy and mysia can deceive even the underlying rules of the world, so it seems that it is not difficult to deceive oneself.

Do as soon as you think of it, Li Wen has already started to use the remaining 180 million soul energy to start trying.

Ever since the sales started in the Frantic Continent, Li Wen's previously developed combat skills, talents, etc., have continuously brought him soul energy, including return spells and shuttle spells. Although the soul energy contributed by a single Not too much, but the victory is continuous.

So even if Li Wen spent more than 100 million soul energy in order to develop the legendary specialty-Spiritual Core Sophon, there are still 180 million left in stock.

After all, psionic energy was an unfamiliar field to him, and the number of corrections required was terrifying enough to make one's scalp tingle.

Like the bard before, he didn't know what kind of state he was in to create, but it only cost Li Wen 31000 soul energy in total.

If only they were all like bards...

Li Wen sighed lightly, and turned to devote himself to the research.

In order to find inspiration similar to when he created the Bard, Li Wen even brought out a bottle of elf-brewed wine from Cloxanne, and took a sip at this time.



The floating figure of the mind flayer surrounded the air outside the city, and the city's protective circle exuded a faint purple light, which was the flash of resistance produced when resisting the effects of mind control and other spells.

Directly using psychic power to change reality or control other people's thoughts is an inferior way of using psychic power for mind flayers with huge psychic powers.

Spells are not exclusive to intelligent creatures, but the rules of the world background. Intelligent creatures rely on learning and God's gift to use this power, while they directly use their own psionic simulation to cast spell effects.

As for the mind flayer's mastermind, it is another more advanced method - they simplify the process of making a request to the magic net to cast spells, and directly use the underlying mechanism of the world background.

Demigods are not only ranks, but also the level at which they use their power.

Fortunately, the creatures in the underground world have been facing the threat of mind flayers all year round, and have special experience and skills in mind protection spells.

The effect of the magic circle arranged by the city is extraordinary, and it can temporarily withstand the pressure in the face of the attack of the mind flayer mastermind.

Of course, the situation is not optimistic.

There is only constant attack, no constant defense, and if you defend for a long time, you will lose.

After all, the city magic circle is a dead thing. Once the opponent finds a chance to break through the foundation of the magic circle, most of the drow in the whole city will not be able to be controlled by the attack of the demigod-level mind flayer mastermind.

Lost only in an instant.


"It doesn't feel that scary..."

For some reason, some mistresses of families had such a strange thought in their hearts.

Although the mind flayer's mastermind put a lot of pressure on them, it wasn't as tyrannical as the rumored demigod's sense of oppression.

If it is a demigod, it should be more than this strength, right?
"Has the priest not come yet?"

The academy is outside Menzoberranzan, some distance from the city.

But this distance should not be a problem for the legendary priests in the academy.

Why haven't we seen the priest yet?
"I don't know, it stands to reason that I should have come here..."

Relying on the city's magic circle, they can barely resist the attacks of those mind flayers. Only when they are legendary priests who take the initiative to attack, can they truly repel these mind flayers.

"And those guys who watched the theater... When this incident is over, they have to look good."

There are also some mistresses whose vision penetrates the darkness, as if they can see the alien spies who are monitoring the battle here in the dark.

"They hope that we and the mind flayers will lose both sides, and they will definitely make a move later if they can."


The players who chased after the shadow and rushed to a certain place saw the city of Menzoberranzan in the distance, even in the darkness, which was blooming with spells against light.

"Hey! What a big city."

"Hey! Play cg as soon as it comes up?"

"Is this the welcome ceremony specially prepared for us by the underground world? It's a bit flattering."

"You want to eat farts, when did this game consider our feelings, how they fight how to fight, when did they take us seriously."

"Who are we going to help?"

The appearance of a voice made these players stunned.


It is true that the incident has nothing to do with them, but they can participate in the process of the incident. The routines of "Gaia Continent" have long been figured out by the players. As long as they are thick-skinned and proactive enough, players can intervene in many things.

Moreover, the event in front of us is obviously a duel between two big forces. If you choose to join, as long as the bet is correct, the rewards afterwards will be less?

"Yes, here comes the question, who shall we help?"

"Guess the coin..."

"Guess what!"

A player with night vision expertise pointed in the direction of the distance. His eyes could penetrate the darkness and see the bastard just now.

"Where is that guy over there? He's been here for so long. If something like this happens, he must know more about it. Why don't you ask him what his plan is?"

"it is good!"


He was watching the battle at the gate of Menzoberranzan City from afar, with misty eyes.

The second brother was the main attacker. My elder brother didn't know where he went. I heard that he was going to intercept the opponent's legendary reinforcements to solve his second brother's problems. I was the only free man in the whole scene.

However, he didn't care about the main players in this battle.

He just wanted to know where Lord Bobby had gone. After many experiences in the past, he had a profound understanding of a truth-betting on anyone is worse than betting on Bobby.

Maybe the odds are low, but the win is sure.

"Brother, give me a trick, who shall we help?"

Hearing the voice in his ears, he was not surprised at all, but he looked into the distance with vague eyes, and replied faintly.

"I'm waiting for someone."

(End of this chapter)

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