I can't be an NPC

Chapter 279 People can lie to themselves, at least they should try

Chapter 279 People can lie to themselves, at least they should try
[You are trying to change your own characteristics with spiritual energy, and the completion rate this time is 0.01%. 】

[You are trying to change your own characteristics with spiritual energy, and the completion rate this time is 1.11%. 】

Li Wen tried to hypnotize himself.

"I'm a messy punk."

"I'm a messy punk."

The superb magic power of mages makes it difficult for them to be affected by hypnosis other than spell effects, and even spells—such as mentally retarded spells—can only take effect after the magic immunity effect is determined.

However, under the influence of psychic power, all this is possible.

Li Wen's psychic power is not strong, and he cannot change the world with psychic power. The only thing that can change is himself.

After trying again and again, it is still difficult to reach a high degree of completion, all of which are below 10%.

Being able to have a reminder of the degree of completion actually means having such a final answer, even if the answer may not be the same as my own imagination, but there is definitely a solution.

It's like the legendary specialty that I created before-Spiritual Core Sophon.

There is a little gap with my original intention, but it can be regarded as solving my own problem in disguise.

That's what it means to be 100% of the time.

And right now...

A completion rate below 10% means that your attempts are far from the real answer.

Where is the problem?
Li Wen frowned and thought.


Since he wants to change his position and camp, maybe pure fantasy is not enough?

Identity is a position, but it also needs to be played?
Want to do what you say?

After thinking about it, Li Wen felt that this was a very likely answer.

A mage... is to put forward a hypothesis boldly and verify it carefully.

It seems that sitting here in vain is not enough, I have to go out and make waves.

The most important thing is that the occasional slight vibrations under the feet also represent that the battle situation outside may have developed to an unimaginable level.

While the research was hindered, there were still fun to watch outside, and Li Wen's own attributes of a fun person had begun to rise.

After taking a sip of the wine, Li Wen planned to get up and go out.

At this moment, the door of the library was suddenly pushed open with a "bang".

A little drow wearing ordinary sacrificial attire seemed to be planning to shake people, and rushed in recklessly and shouted.

"Sisters come to work! Go out together with the high priest to kill... the enemy~"

At the end of her words, only a human like Li Wen drinking quietly came into her sight.

The library was empty.

The battle is raging outside.

Here's a tasting of neurotic elegance...

Long live!
The little drow who pushed the door in doubted his eyes, closed the door slowly, and backed out carefully.

Standing outside the door, she wiped her eyes vigorously, thinking that she must be hallucinating.

After all, the enemies were those mind flayers, so it was normal for him to have hallucinations.

As for the fact that this temple is protected by the divine light of the goddess Rose, she temporarily ignored it.

After getting ready, he regained his momentum of shaking people, and the little drow pushed open the door again.

"Sisters come to work! Go out together with the high priest to kill... the enemy~"

In the room, Li Wen felt a little pity looking at the half glass of wine that he hadn't finished drinking.

So he raised his wine glass, "Gudong Gudong"...

Four eyes facing each other.

The little drow's mind went blank for an instant.

who am I?
where am I?
what am i doing?
These problems of the world rushed to her mind in an instant.

The flames of war outside seemed to leave her in an instant.

After all, in a quiet library, there is such a person who is obviously not a drow... Maybe it is a human figure drinking amber wine as if he is indifferent to the world. This picture looks extremely strange, especially When such a big thing happened outside.

But it looks like his wine seems to be very good.

The indifferent look in the other side's brows and eyes is also very attractive...


The little drow swallowed.

"Hey! Nautia, what are you doing here?"

Until a cry from behind made the little drow wake up like a dream.

Li Wen gently put down his wine glass, got up and walked outside.

The two drow elves standing at the door subconsciously turned sideways to make way for as wide a path as possible.

Seeing Li Wen's back slowly going away, the little drow who opened the door first swallowed hard again.

This is their drow's holy land, but there is such a human being walking freely and gracefully like no one's land, as if this is the opponent's home field.

What's even more strange is that she didn't intend to question this phenomenon at all, instead she took everything for granted.

Maybe... this is love.

"So handsome... Am I dreaming?"

"Don't you know him?"

"Huh? Should I know him?"

"Didn't it say that a human came to the academy today? It's him."

That being said, the later drow elves looked at Li Wen's leaving back, and there was also a little confusion in their eyes.

If she remembers correctly, the outside world should have blown all their brains out, right?

Not an adjective, but a descriptive word.

The mastermind of the mind flayer was blocking the entrance of the academy, and was unilaterally beating the high priest of the academy who was regarded as the greatest under the gods in their hearts.

And in this case, such a human being walks alone in their holy land of drow, and is not in a hurry...


Later, Drow leaned back and glanced at the library. The empty wine glass on the table was particularly eye-catching.

Weird, too weird.

Is this something that humans can do?

In any case, this combination seems too incompatible, right?


Li Wen walked out and found something strange——

None of the drow priest apprentices who passed by came up to ask questions, no matter whether it was the drow he had met when he came in before, when they saw him, they all stood far away and watched him with a strange look He walked out, even though the drows were running in panic before seeing him...

Is there something growing on your face?

Li Wen touched his face subconsciously, but he didn't find any strange organs growing out.

On the contrary, another even more strange thing made Li Wen more concerned.

The simulation in Li Wen's mind continued.

The superb magic power allows him to focus on two tasks in his mind when doing some ordinary and ordinary actions, and continue to try his own simulation.

And on the way after I left the library, the completion rate of the simulation ushered in a significant increase.

From a stable level of less than 10%, to a level hovering between 0% and 15%.

What happened?
(End of this chapter)

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