I can't be an NPC

Chapter 289 Do you play chess?I'm good at shooting

Chapter 289 Do you play chess?I'm good at shooting
The battle between the demigods in the sky and the divine clones and legendary priests is fierce, and the underground players are also in full swing.

Previously, the mental domain of the mind flayer mastermind could only slightly suppress Rose's divine power avatar, and now Rose's god-law domain did not work as well for demigod-level mind flayer masterminds as it did for ordinary mind flayers.

The fight descends into a kind of tug-of-war of confrontation.

In addition to the "binding" law where the three figures can move, there is another figure that is like a little mouse in the shadows, sneaking out on the ground.

Li Wen felt that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time.

Although the spider web that seemed to follow behind him couldn't control his actions, it somehow made him feel a little restless, and he subconsciously didn't want to stay in this field any longer.

Rose's avatar, who was aware of everything that happened in the field of laws, immediately cast her eyes there, and found that it was Li Wenhou... the spider fell into a sluggish state.

It was this person who first licked his calf.

This is the person who dug his own corner in front of his face.

Now...now he still regards his own god domain as nothing!
So bullying!So bullying!
A small third-level professional, why should he!
Taking advantage of the opportunity of Rose's avatar and distraction, the mastermind of the mind flayer who seized the opportunity rose up to resist and made the final blow.

The terrifying mental shock turned into reality, and it also made Rose break through the realm of gods who had been fighting against the expulsion of the rules of the material space.

The two sounds that sounded in the hearts of almost every creature scared almost all the creatures present or nearby, only the players who had been waiting for the opportunity were not affected at all.




The demigod mastermind and Rose's clone didn't even find out who had the upper hand in the final duel, but each saw a toothpick zooming in quickly before their eyes.



A "toothpick" was inserted into the folds of the brain flower, and a "toothpick" was inserted into the belly of the big spider.


"Are they pinned down?"

"Never mind him... shoot one more shot."

Another two "toothpicks" went to the sky.


Rose's avatar and the mind flayer mastermind, who woke up like a dream, came to their senses and jointly attacked the players on the ground.

They never expected that other people would dare to intervene in the battle between them.

Almost all the players who were less than the third level died violently in the face of the attacks of Rose's clone and the mind flayer mastermind, and vanished.

"They, turned into light?"

The drows, who had never seen such a scene before, stared blankly at the scene.

And the mind flayer mastermind, who had awakened from the sadness and rage of "second brother"'s death, also discovered the fact that nothing could be done, and whispered orders to his subordinates in the mental network.

"Slip! Slip!"

Immediately there was a murmur of response.

"It's time to slip away."

"Go, go, keep your voice down."



After repelling the mind flayer, the "omniscient" spider queen clone returned to human form again, and flashed to Li Wen who was about to slip out of the city.


The legendary priest has been following behind Rose's avatar, seeing this scene, he hurriedly stepped forward to persuade her.

"Lord Rose, facing the invasion of the Mind Flayer this time, thanks to Master Poppy's... attack just now, we were able to drive away the enemy. So even though he bombed... bombed your temple, licked... Licked your calf and...asked us to convert to our face, but he was a good man to us."

Li Wen looked at the legendary priest unkindly, wondering if she was trying to find fault, for fear that this lady would not remember these things and remind her, right?

Rose's avatar was expressionless at first, but hearing the words of her own priest, her teeth itch with hatred.

How could there be such a bold person in the world?
However, it seems to be quite fun, after all, there is no real loss~
Quickly restraining his expression, this divine clone looked at Li Wen with an elegant smile like a lady.

"What the hell... I can't play chess, I can play chess very well."

While speaking, the lower body of the divine power avatar began to become transparent in front of Li Wen's eyes.

The lady looked down at her feet, and a helpless smile appeared on her face.

"It's time...then, see you next time~"

As he spoke, he picked up the corner of his skirt, pulled out a leg and swung it at Li Wen with a "swoosh".

"In order to deepen the impression, I will leave a souvenir for you."

Give me a big fight again!

Li Wen was kicked again by the goddess's whip leg. He stood up cursing and was about to start the Zaun mode. He found that the figure of the goddess had completely faded away, leaving only one bending over with a warm smile. dame face with eyes.

"See you next time~"

"Jingle bell~"

As if there were crisp wind chimes, the goddess' body completely turned into light spots and dispersed, and then merged into the air without a trace.


The legendary priest sighed and looked at Li Wen who was kicked ten steps away.

"Master Bobby, I wonder if you are interested in being our new academy priest? You are the only chosen by Lord Shar, and only you can convey the oracle of our lord."

There is a grim truth before us.

The legendary priests discovered that their drow had now truly become followers of Shar, the Lady of the Night.

After so many years, I have never heard of the activities of followers of Shar, the Lady of the Night, one of the two gods who existed in the legend that the world was first opened. Became a follower of Shar.

Ordinary believers are fine. Their drow, who are priests, can actually get a certain degree of power response from Shar. This is the source of power for priests, and they will never make a mistake.

In other words, from now on, they have two gods they believe in.

Rose, the Spider Queen, and Shar, the Lady of the Night.

Even, Shar, the lady of the night, seems to be more powerful than Queen Rose.

A new boat experience like never before...


Li Wen couldn't help asking that stupid goddess in his heart: "Why are you so fat?"

"I can't help it... They are them, you are you, there seems to be a membrane between me and them, and the speech is vague and unclear."


After a long time, you still can only catch me alone, right?


do not care!Make a sacrifice, do a sacrifice!

"Go! Take office!"

"I don't know if Poppy Sacrifice has any opinions on the future development of the city?"

"Open the door wide and build a trading capital!"

Anyway, don't do it yourself, Li Wen is free to say hello.

"Do you have any thoughts about the system in the city and don't know about Bobby's sacrifice?"

"Eight families are too troublesome, why don't you let that...Kardashian take care of it alone, um...yes!"

Come out to hang out, the most important thing is to show loyalty!

If you treat me well, I will treat you well.

"Then I don't know if Poppy has any plans for the rebuilding of the temple?"

"Yes! Of course! Your previous ones were too monotonous and unattractive! I'm going to build a sci-fi temple for you!"

"Sci-fi style?"

"Anyway, just listen to me."

Li Wen shook his mouth casually.

If you dare to ask, I dare to say.

The legendary priest smiled and looked at Li Wen who lowered her head by more than one side.

"Okay~ our poppy priest."

The figures of the two walked towards the outside of the city, further and further away.


The players who came out of the resurrection point looked at the surrounding dark crypts and couldn't help sighing. This was a resurrection point they found near the entrance of the underground passage.

However, there is still a long, long distance from Menzoberranzan City.

"I have to run the map again..."

"Hey...but the mission should be considered complete, right?"

"It should be...Bobby is easy to talk to."


Sitting on the high chair with spider patterns, Li Wen blinked, and his clear expression recovered.

The memories in his mind were quickly played back, and Li Wen's eyes appeared a little confused.

"What have I done?"

(End of this chapter)

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