I can't be an NPC

Chapter 290 Awakened from a Dream...

Chapter 290 Awakened from a Dream...

On the dark throne, Quiliana hugged Kardashian's shoulders, her whole body twisted and walked around her body, and the black skin rubbed greasyly.

She greedily sniffed Kardashian's breath on her neck and chest with the tip of her delicate nose, and occasionally stretched out her scarlet and dexterous tongue to lick it lightly.

And Kardashian, who was being held by her, stepped on the edge of the throne with one foot, sitting on it with a big horse, and the intertwined shadows scattered on her majestic and charming face, looking mysterious and magnificent.

In her pair of dark purple pupils that were staring fixedly at the front, fragments from the past flickered...

The crypt spider is sensitive to light at a distance of 1000 feet, and the distance at which she actively kills the dancing lights is 900 feet...

Then the light that lit up in Bobby's room undoubtedly announced to everyone——

"I came back alive."

This is a slap in the face of the person who secretly contacted Yeguno to stop her.

And as expected, this kind of face-loss behavior somewhat made the people behind it feel ashamed in front of other drow families who knew about it.

At the instigation of Quilianna, the drow who seemed hostile but was actually toward her, they took the initiative to come to the door to provoke, seemingly threatening but actually admonishing to save their lives.

However, it was this kind of provocation that made Master Bobby, who shouldn't have known about these things, think of taking the initiative to help.

After all, what Bobby saw in the book was what she wanted Bobby to see.

Do things for Bobby step by step, and at the same time let Bobby give a little help for himself, gradually deepen the relationship between each other, and only then can we borrow Bobby's strength at critical times.

In the dark, Kardashian lightly raised Dai's face, and the light on her face seemed a little brighter, which made her look a little more confident.

The stone-blind barbarians were the first opportunity to trigger the attack of those mind flayers.

And use Bobby's ability to deal with mind flayers to make himself stand out in the city, shine in such a big event that can subvert the order of the city itself, and use this to strive for the position of one of the eight major families... or , the position of the ninth largest family was her original plan.

It's just that the only thing she didn't think of...whether it's a barbarian or a mind flayer, is... so easy to talk to?

I obviously bullied them!The mushrooms left behind are not so much their own solicitation as some kind of humiliation.

In other words, someone beat me up first, and then saved myself some delicious food, saying that I was doing it for your own good...

That's obviously not convincing.

However, these barbarians with a bit of a brain still think so, and they even don't hesitate to drag their gods together to "repay their favor".

This matter was beyond her calculations, but it didn't matter, it could be easily brought back on track.

I must not be able to get the first place in the city competition smoothly. This first place has no meaning in itself. Even if the alien races she leads have some strength, they still have no possibility of challenging the eight major families with full background.

So you can't stop, let alone relax.

The mind flayers must invade Menzoberranzan!
Only with a powerful enemy is the best chance for you to overtake in a corner.

At the meeting of the mistress, the words I uttered decisively undoubtedly pushed this matter to an unshakable level.

"I will prove myself."

how to prove?

Kill the mind flayer's clansmen and provoke them on purpose!
Then, sure enough.

The army is overwhelmed.

The city is broken.

God appeared.

All fell.

Only Bobby stood up at the critical moment and saved everything.

By the way, send yourself to a high position.

There are some small flaws in the process, but the result is good after all.

From beginning to end, what she did...

did nothing.

It's just that after seeing Bobby's ability, he pushed the boat along...

And now...all the dust has settled.

She wants to overthrow Rose Queen's rule over drow, she wants to become drow's first king in history, and she wants drow to return to the ground one day.

In the darkness, a deep voice lingered in her ears.

"Don't forget your promise to me."

Kardashian snorted coldly, lightly clenched her right fist, and some kind of purple crystal shattered in her hand.



The mind flayer mastermind slowly woke up from a long lethargy, and the gray superficial cortex shivered comfortably.

He felt like he was having a long… dream.

He dreamed that one day, he likes to love... Congxin, he was suddenly deepened by a burst of obsession from outside.

war!war!I want war!

Obviously, he didn't want war.

Being able to survive under the hands of the Ghis is already the biggest wish of every remaining mind flayer group.

Before his strength developed enough, he didn't want to do anything at all.

This idea of ​​wanting to fight is far from his original heart.

Coincidentally, he himself is an expert in the field of the mind, so he easily discovered that this obsession was forcibly given to him by some strange rule.



Although it was a foreign thought, after it took root in his mind, it was absolutely impossible to get rid of it with his own strength alone.

Need some external force.

It is necessary to be able to shatter this obsession of oneself without the intervention of external forces that will harm oneself.

So after stuffing this obsession into a "mind body", the main brain fell into a deep sleep, and at the same time... began the process of finding the target.

Fortunately, on the ground above his head, in that dwarf city, a human named Li Wen entered his field of vision.

In order to stimulate the other party's thinking, before he actually launched an attack, his spiritual realm has permeated the entire dwarf fortress. People in this spiritual realm will be more active in their thinking, imagination, thinking, association... and so on. Activities will become extremely dynamic and sensitive.

And it was in this environment that a "weapon" aimed at him was "made" by himself.

As expected, the attack on the dwarf fortress failed.

The moment he retreated, he found a dark and chaotic will hiding aside.

Considering that it is necessary to ensure that the next "weapon" aimed at oneself can be accurately aimed at one's own brain, some other means of support may be needed.

So... he gave the dark and chaotic team will, and cast a little spiritual brand.

The next thing will be a matter of course.

When he invaded Menzoberranzan City, because of his previous convictions, facing the weapon he "made" by himself, he subconsciously put away all his fangs and showed his softest brain to the enemy. in front of the eyes.

Therefore, the supernatural power of Rose's avatar rushed straight in, and the moment she defeated herself, she also killed the "mind body" that carried the obsession with "war".

Now, wake up from the dream...

(End of this chapter)

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