I can't be an NPC

Chapter 293 The voice of the strong

Chapter 293 The voice of the strong
After seeing off the players, and returning to the room prepared by the drows, Li Wen, who switched back to his normal form, began to check the battle records he got from the players.

[Spider Queen Rose (clone) (voice): Why does he ignore my law domain (click to view the rule details)? ...God's favor?He is a voter?Whose authority is actually above me?Oh... so it's Ms. Night~ That's okay.Most of our rules are inherited from her, and overrides are normal.Ugh?wrong!Isn't Ms. Night hanging the ball?Where did you cheat!Fuck!Fuck!You little bastard is pretty strong!This mind flayer mastermind is also quite strange, like that schizophrenic, whose strength fluctuates from strength to strength, and can even change his own mental wave band... Bullfrog Bullfrog~ Damn it!You reptiles dare to stick a toothpick in me!Die to my old lady! 】

[Illithid Mastermind (voice): zzzZZZ]

[Illithid Mastermind (voice): That humanoid is here again!He won't hit me, will he?He won't shoot at me, will he?I haven't touched you from the beginning to the end, so don't mess around.He won't beat me...he won't beat me...he won't beat me...although it's no big deal to beat me up, even if I destroy my body, I won't really die, as long as If there is still a clan member in the spiritual network (click to view the ability details), I can be reborn infinitely.But if he first uses the strange magic heart mine creation to cut off the connection between me and other tribesmen, and then stabs my brain stem with a weapon made of magic heart mine, then I will definitely die!That's really dead and can't die anymore!Surely he doesn't know about this feature of mine, right?Must not know!Don't be afraid!Don't be afraid of him! 】

[Illithid Mastermind (voice): zzzZZZ]

[Spirit Siphon Mastermind (voice): Hahahahaha!kill kill kill!I killed a lot of people in one breath, I am so excited! 】

[Illithid Mastermind (voice): zzzZZZ]


Li Wen never expected that these strong men would have such a lot of inner drama when they were fighting.

Perhaps it is their high level and fast thinking speed.

It was the idea of ​​the mastermind of the illithid that Li Wen couldn't understand.

It is like the schizophrenic psychosis in Rose's mouth. There seem to be three different consciousnesses in the big head.

Slightly immersed in it, the snoring mastermind of the illithid was peaceful, as if he was falling into a sweet dream.

The one who was afraid of beating him was as timid as a mouse, and seemed ready to run away at any time, but because of some kind of bondage, it seemed that he had to stay in Menzoberranzan to fight.

As for the one who clamored "Kill, kill, kill"... he only had "kill, kill, kill" in his mind, and he was identified as a pure reckless man.

At the same time, Li Wen understood why these illithids attacked the city when he was in the dwarven city.

They didn't go for the dwarves, they went for themselves.

The Demon Heart Mine they own is a deadly threat to them.

As for how they got this news... For a spirit sucker with the ability to have all the memory of the other party after eating the brain, obtaining this kind of information couldn't be easier.

It's a pity that now I really know how to completely kill a spirit sucker mastermind. (sad) (laughs)

In addition, the knowledge about the field of law provided by Rose's avatar is too early for me, without the support of divine power, it is impossible to talk about using or distorting this kind of rule.

On the contrary, it is the spiritual network of the mastermind of the illithid. After learning Larry's spiritual connection, he still has some possibility of using it.

Until now, the purpose of coming to the underground world can be regarded as a perfect achievement.

Not only did he know the knowledge about the Shadow Demon Net that he wanted to know at the beginning, and he obtained the spellcasting qualification under the conditions of the Shadow Demon Net, but he even performed supernormally and became the... High Priest of a team of drow?

It's just that the goddess I enshrine is quite out of tune...

If so, it's time to say goodbye.

After being promoted to level 14, Li Wen has four more seven-ring spell qualifications that can be learned. It is a pity that most drow spellcasters are respected by priests, and there are not too many records of the advanced knowledge of mages, especially the most recent ones. Precious high-level spell scrolls, based on their background, there is only one Shadow Demon Net version of the seven-ring spell - Finger of Death.

After whoring this Shadowmoon version of the Seventh Ring Spell, I used a qualification to learn a Shadowmoon version of the Fifth Ring spell - the teleportation circle. After learning it...can't cast it?

Standing in the bright basement drow prepared for him, Li Wen, who was about to cast a spell, was stunned for a moment... and secretly cursed himself as an idiot.

He who is not the second level identity cannot use the Shadow Demon Net to cast spells, and has no authority.

However, the second identity currently has no professional level, and cannot cast any spells...

Still have to walk honestly?
As for telling the drow elves here about the rune sequence of the teleportation circle in Swordwind City to let them cast spells for them... emmmmm forget it.

They may be very kind to themselves, but after mastering the method to directly reach the teleportation array in Jianfeng City, maybe they can do something.

The rune sequence of the teleportation circle is the core content of casting the teleportation circle. Each fixed teleportation circle has its own fixed rune sequence. As long as you master this, you can cast spells anytime and anywhere to reach any place with a fixed teleportation circle. location, and if the teleportation circle is cast in the same place every day for a year, a fixed small teleportation circle can be established, which is the convenience of mages.

At the same time, the spell model itself also contains some filter conditions such as personal identity authentication, which is somewhat useful, but of limited use.

Just like the reason why the small teleportation circles established by the players before cannot be connected to the orthodox fixed portals, it is because their status is not enough and they have not obtained official permission, so they can only be built privately through relay.

Moreover, the method used to build the teleportation circle may not be the regular five-ring spell - the teleportation circle.

The spells that can be passed down are not only the only means to achieve the goal, but also the best solution for most mages that the aborigines have been groping for for many years, and some wild ways are obviously not the case.

The professional level threshold for level 9 mages is not high or low, and spell scrolls are not a rotten street thing, so there are many wild mages who study some private formation methods to try to simulate similar effects, which can be called copycats. Youth version, the effect is unstable, and the consumption may be quite a lot. Those players may have learned the wild way from the hands of this mage.

The identity authentication system in the teleportation circle can resist the illegal access of those wild roads, but it may not be able to prevent the drow elves from smuggling in various ways. Li Wen doesn't want to hand over the remote control of the weapon to these guys in the underground world. .

So how come and how come back.

Li Wen found Kardashian.

After taking over, Kardashian took her group of horses and lived in a palace in the upper city. When Li Wen was brought there, he saw the Kardashian style embraced by Quiliana. step out.

When the two graceful black shadows swayed out of the shadow of the palace, they were as thrilling as two beautiful snakes dancing wildly in the dark.

Li Wen's heart jumped slightly, and suddenly felt that he might not have seen the true face of the Kardashian mistress.

It wasn't until Kardashian got close to her eyes that a familiar and slightly naive smile appeared on Kardashian's face with high eyebrows full of unruly wildness.

"Master Bobby..."

Li Wen, who was used to hearing the high priest these days, heard this familiar title again.

"Then what, it's okay, send two people to take me back, the road is too complicated, I don't know each other."


Kardashian responded without any hesitation, "I'll see you off."

Li Wen was a little surprised.

"Don't you need to be busy with your own..."

"It's okay... Nothing is as important as Master Bobby's affairs."

After all... What could be more important than watching the person who sent him up from the underground world with his own hands leave the underground world?

(End of this chapter)

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