I can't be an NPC

Chapter 294 Changes in Sword Wind City

Chapter 294 Changes in Sword Wind City
"he's gone……"

Standing at the entrance and exit of the dark underground passage, Kardashian looked at Li Wen's leaving back.

He is going to the city market of the dwarves, and the journey is a bit far away. After all, the way they found did not dare to drill out of other people's cities openly, especially after the kidnapping of Li Wen last time. more stringent.

At this moment, looking at Li Wen's back, Kardashian's eyes were fascinated, and she felt a little relieved.

Li Wen's body has a natural glow of order. Although he doesn't know why he can be recognized by the high priest, even the spider queen Rose, and even the lady of the night, with this personality, it is obvious that such an existence, Always a constraint for myself.

After all, in the underground world, it is quite a thankless task to behave properly. In order to maintain a good image in front of Li Wen, she was tense every day.

"Sister, after he's gone, no one can restrict you anymore."

Quiliana leaned beside Kardashian, sniffing every strand of Kardashian's hair greedily and nostalgicly.


Kardashian raised her index finger in front of her lips, "Don't say that. We need to be in awe of Mrs. Bobby at all times, and don't forget who made us get everything today."

"But... a Bobby who left the underground world is the best Bobby, isn't it?"

"do not know……"

A trace of confusion flashed in Kardashian's eyes, and she turned around, sinking into the darkness.

"Let's go, let's go back, we still have a lot of things to do."


"What? Helen came? And took Shakespeare?"

After meeting the debtor dwarf whose name he had forgotten, Li Wen got such news.

"It seems that Master Li Wen is living a good life underground?"

The indebted dwarf looked at Li Wen, who was unharmed, and even Li Wen, who was full of spring, couldn't help joking.

"It's okay, those drow are very hospitable."

"Next time I have a chance, Master Li Wen must take me down to see the world."

The indebted dwarf patted Li Wen's arm with his thick palm, and his tone began to calm down, "But before that, I think you may need to go back to your hometown first."

Hearing the dwarf's tone, Li Wen keenly realized that during the time he was away, some... unknown changes might have occurred in Sword Wind City?

"What happened?"

The dwarf's tone was a little sad, and he looked at the distant sky, as if there was gunpowder smoke floating in the sky.

"It seems that there is a fight."

Li Wen frowned slightly and nodded.

"I see."

As he spoke, Li Wen stretched out his hand to open Croxan's small door, and took out some needed spell-casting materials, which were chalk made of star sand and ink soaked in moonstone powder worth 50 gold.

Many spells require spell materials that are rarely seen by ordinary people. Money is a threshold for many mages. Fortunately, there is someone behind Li Wen.

"There's no no-fly order here, is there?"


Thus, Li Wen began to draw a teleportation circle on the ground at a speed that dazzled the debtor dwarves.

Normally, the casting time of a teleportation circle is 1 minute, but it only took Li Wen 40 seconds to complete the overall rune description of a teleportation circle.

During this period, some developments in the dwarf city also made Li Wen a little concerned, so while drawing the magic circle, Li Wen even had a little thought to ask the debtor dwarf on the side.

"Your city seems to be in depression a lot?"

It is also the street near the market, but compared to the time of the celebration, there are much fewer people's voices.

Even in the distance, on the steel-like gray-black floor, there were still some heavily armored dwarf warriors gathering.

Farther away, some dwarf warriors in heavy armor lined up in a neat line, gradually sinking into the tunnel under the ground, not knowing where they were going.


The indebted dwarf said with emotion, "Yeah...we're going to fight too. Those nasty goblins, we must take off their big green heads this time!"


The grievances between dwarves and goblins have a long history, and Li Wen will not comment.

And not long after the words fell, the teleportation circle had already connected to Jianfeng City in the distance under Li Wen's control, and on the circular ground with a diameter of 10 feet engraved on the circle, a milky white beam of light rose from it, flooding the body. Li Wen's body in it.

The next moment, the light in front of Li Wen's eyes flickered slightly and then fell silent, and then he opened his eyes, and he was on the familiar teleportation platform of Jianfeng City.

Seeing Li Wen appearing in the magic circle, the guardian mage who had been guarding the side of the magic circle looked a little excited, and immediately greeted him.

"Master Li Wen, the city lord ordered you to go to the city lord's mansion to find her immediately if he saw you coming back."

Still in a hurry.

Nodding, Li Wen responded, "Understood."

On the way, Li Wen checked the appearance of Jianfeng City while walking quickly.

Any major changes will definitely be manifested in all aspects of the city, just like the previous blood frenzy.



This is Li Wen's first impression.

It was past ten o'clock in the morning, and it stands to reason that it was the busiest time of the day.

However, there are not many pedestrians on the visible street, and occasionally some walking figures are in a hurry, with panicked faces, as if there is some kind of strange beast behind them chasing their footsteps.

As for the shops on both sides of the road, it is rare to see them open. Occasionally there are a few, and the shopkeepers are sitting on the side bored, looking at the sky in a trance.

And, none of the food-related shops are open...

Arriving at Helen's mansion, it was obvious that her guards had been greeted in advance, and Li Wen didn't need any notification. Li Wen went all the way unimpeded, and was taken to the meeting hall in the city lord's mansion.

Here, Li Wen saw a lot of figures, including Lingo, the branch president of the Sword Wind City Mage Association. A decent man, not an aristocrat but also a leader of a school.

At this moment, everyone gathered together, their faces were worried and their brows were tightly frowned.

Before Li Wen arrived, they seemed to have fallen into a brief silence because of some kind of problem.

Until Li Wen's arrival broke the deathly silence.

"Li Wen."

The moment she saw Li Wen, Helen forced a smile.

Li Wen quickly looked around at these "big shots" that he could only look up to in the past, and he didn't pay much attention to them, but went straight to Helen.

After these things happened, he himself also reached this level, so he can wait calmly for the gaze of these "big men".

"What happened?"

Li Wen looked at Helen's beautiful blue eyes and asked softly.

(End of this chapter)

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