Chapter 295
Li Wen's gentle voice seemed to have some kind of strange magic power, which made Helen, who heard his words, subconsciously relax her originally tense spirit.

"The Grand Duke of the Burning Blade Legion has declared war on us..."


Li Wen frowned slightly.

"Sword Wind? Or Golden Lion?"

The smile on the corner of Helen's mouth was a bit bitter.

"Sword Wind."

"The kingdom sits idly by?"

"It's not just sitting idly by, it's just...they have to weigh the pros and cons."

Helen sighed softly, "Our Jianfeng City is actually an autonomous territory left over from the past. At the beginning of the founding of the country, in order to stabilize those heroes, we divided up many autonomous territories. The kings of these two generations are gradually taking them back. There are two or three places left, and our Sword Wind City is one of them. So...the king also wants to use the hands of outsiders to make us bow our heads. is also an option to counterattack after we fall."

This is the reason why Jianfeng City is always inadvertently squeezed out by other cities in the interaction between cities. If it weren't for Li Wen's sudden birth, just the pressure from the Mage Association branches in other cities would give Helen a headache.

"But I remember that you and His Royal Highness seem to have a good relationship?"

"He is him, and the king is the king. In fact, His Royal Highness has been imprisoned because of his outspoken admonitions in the hall..."

Then just hand it back.

Li Wen didn't say this.

There might be something wrong with the king, or there might be something wrong with Helen.

Moreover, it is unlikely that the grand duke would give up such a declaration of war just because Helen returned power and the golden lion went off the field, which would hit him in the face.

Everyone knew how tough and proud the grand duke was.

What deserves attention is this possible war itself.

"But why only declare war on our Sword Wind City?"

"Provocation. He said that we took the initiative to provoke the majesty of the Grand Duke."


Seeing Li Wen's puzzled expression, Helen shook her head.

"Let's start with the new career path they launched-the magician."

"New career path? Warlock?"

When this happened, Li Wen was in the underground world, completely unaware.

Helen nodded and began to talk.

"...In order to fight against his behavior of trying to monopolize the Chosen One, I...arbitrarily launched the bard you taught Shakespeare to stop his ambition. But I didn't expect..."

This kind of frontal confrontation will not last long, and Helen never thought of fighting with the Grand Duke.

If there is no distinction between right and wrong in academic confrontation, generally speaking, a settlement will be reached on the premise of some mutual retreat. Many times of academic monopoly confrontation throughout the ages have been resolved in this way.

But I didn't expect... that grand duke was so crazy.

Just this level of protest attracted his crazy revenge.

He was so frenzied that he directly declared war, and it took complete destruction to calm the restless anger in his heart.

Li Wenchui's right index finger on one side subconsciously lit on the table at hand, his eyes lost in thought.

Following the silence of the two, everyone present looked at the short young man in front of them curiously.

Li Wen didn't know them, but they all knew Li Wen.

If you want to say who is the hottest star in Jianfeng City recently, it is undoubtedly this young man named Li Wen.

At a young age, he published many new inventions capable of changing the world structure of mages, making Jianfeng City, which was originally at a marginal level in terms of resources and status, become the most controversial existence within the kingdom during this period of time.

A talent rising like a comet.

However, no one dared to win over.

Because just after he showed his prominence, the city lord had already spoken out.

A normal mage will always receive countless olive branches on the way to rise, and some may even have some barbs. However, Li Wen rarely encountered these situations during his growth, because Helen divided private sovereignty early.

And now... a mage genius, does he have the right to intervene in this kind of family and country affairs?

Is it because the strength of this mage genius has already broken through the sky, or...the trust of the city lord Helen in him is too unique?
All the people present were human beings. The nobles in Jianfeng City were all dependent on Helen for their livelihood. At this time, no one made any disgusting remarks.

"Where are the Shakespeares?"

After a short silence, Li Wen asked again.

"Him? He has expanded his team of bards during this period of time, and he has gone everywhere to promote anti-war ideas. Do you want to find him?"

"Well... let's go and see him."

Li Wen nodded.

He always felt that something was not quite right.

The grand duke's reaction was a little too radical.

In the past few days since the illithid mastermind attacked Menzoberranzan in the underground world, Li Wen checked the voices of the illithid mastermind and Rose's avatar many times, and gradually discovered The truth of the incident from beginning to end.

That sleeping will is the real will of the mastermind of the illithid. He realized that there was a problem with his mind, but for some reason he couldn't do it himself, so he split two consciousnesses to remove the disease for himself.

One is the will that fears him. This will can be regarded as the continuation of his own will, but it is a version of self-hypnosis that has not found any abnormalities.

The other is the chaotic will that crazily clamors for war.

With the help of the Spider Queen Rose's avatar, the chaotic will was completely shattered, and the mastermind of the illithid woke up from a deep sleep, and completely abandoned the influence of a certain obsession called "war".

Rose's avatar also seemed to realize this, and the mastermind of the full-strength illithid might not be easily crushed by one of her avatars, so the matter was left alone.

The incident of the drow invasion by the illithids that almost caused an uproar came to an end.

However... some essential reason that caused this incident may not only be acting on the mastermind of the illithid.

It is taking root everywhere in this world, and the grand duke, maybe... just the first... Poor guy to show this tendency?

Just go.

Li Wen said that he wanted to see Shakespeare, and Helen acted immediately.

Seeing the backs of the two leaving the meeting hall as if nothing had happened, a group of high-ranking nobles in Jianfeng City watched the two leave with worried but curious eyes.

"It seems that the Lord City Lord cares about Master Li Wen very much."


"'s an eventful year, maybe the mainland is going to be in chaos again."

"Why don't we just vote, I don't think there is anything wrong with the cities directly under the kingdom's jurisdiction."


"I firmly follow the leadership of City Lord Helen, and the thieves don't mess with my Dao heart!"


"You just left?"

Li Wen who walked out the door asked curiously.


Helen looked ahead, as if she was sending a text message to Shakespeare. After a moment's pause, she turned her head to look at Li Wen, and smiled lightly.

"It's okay. Actually, there is nothing important to discuss. It's just that they can't sit still at home, so they all come to me to keep warm. And... some people are already secretly transferring assets. When they really fight, they run away. So There is nothing to discuss."

"So, you really don't consider turning to the king...?"

There were so many people there just now, it was difficult for Li Wen to ask, but now he was alone and asked.

Helen bit her side lip, a little lost in her blue eyes.

"How should I put it... It's not that I have much ambition, but I always feel that our king is a bit strange."


Haven't touched it, don't understand it at all.

Li Wen shook his head.

"Okay. But there should be something else wrong with this matter. I'll ask Shakespeare first."

This was the first time Helen heard a positive statement, and she looked at Li Wen in surprise.

"Do you really have a way?"

"Ideas...not solutions."

Li Wen corrected seriously.

"I knew you were my lucky star!"

The condescending Helen suddenly stopped, pressed Li Wen's shoulder, and after leaving a moist red mark on Li Wen's forehead, she opened her red lips and quickly recited a spell between her eyes. It was unfolded in front of my eyes.

"Found him, let's go!"

Holding Li Wen's left hand, the two stepped into the light curtain.

After walking out of the portal, Li Wen just touched his forehead in displeasure, as if there was still some warmth remaining on it.

"If you do this again, I will sue you for harassment."

"Guess who finally accepted the case?"


Broken, fell into the evil forces.

(End of this chapter)

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