I can't be an NPC

Chapter 296 An immature plan

Chapter 296 An Immature Plan

"You were born by your mother, and others were born by other mothers. If you kill someone, the other mother will lose her child. If someone else kills you, you will lose your child. Every time there is a war , there are countless mothers who will lose their children. Maybe you don’t care, you don’t care. But do you want to see your mother sitting on your grave and crying for you? I advise you to lay down your weapons, go home, hug Hug your mother and say something to her—I'm home, dear mother. How is it?"

"Dangling clang~"

"Very well, you have enlightened. So... how about you?"


"It seems that you have also realized..."

Li Wen and Helen stood not far from Shakespeare, watching the older brother on his left knelt on his weapon tray and cried, while the older brother on the right knocked himself unconscious with a mallet, and Shakespeare in the middle showed a gratified smile. In the secondary screen, I felt a little shuddering and shivered.

This is a town on the border...the border of Dresser State.

"I was about to go in, but was stopped by these two conscientious guards, so I had a shallow communication with them."

Seeing the two, Shakespeare's sexy face covered with a lush golden beard showed a sunny smile.

Li Wen glanced at the two guard brothers again, and had a general understanding of Shakespeare's "communication".

"Is that how you oppose war?"

"Then how do we do it?"

"How's it going?"

"Yes, but not much."

While speaking, a group of armored professionals surged out of the small town, rushing towards the three menacingly.

"You're in trouble."

Helen smiled at Shakespeare with a smile.

"Oh! My beautiful lady, please don't say that. I believe that everyone is easy to communicate with. I believe that with my efforts, they will let go of this prejudice."

With that said, Shakespeare turned to those small-town professionals, "Guys..."

The guy who rushed to the front took his longbow from his back, bent his bow and set an arrow, and stared fiercely at Shakespeare.

"Dude don't give him a chance to talk, shoot!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa~"

Li Ya came through the air, and Helen had already recited the spell in advance, opened a door, and the three of them slipped away.

“Tuk Tuk Tuk~”

The arrow pierced the ground viciously, and made a series of dull sounds, as if it also vented its anger for these professionals.


In the wild, the three sat on the ground.

"What did you find?"

Shakespeare looked in the direction of the Gate of the Abyss, which was the Grand Marshal of the Burning Blade Legion and the residence of the Grand Duke, with deep eyes.

"It's not his personal will."

He said.


It was also the first time Helen heard Shakespeare say that, her beautiful big eyes were full of doubts.

"The two guards who fell to the ground just now, do you think they were simply convinced by my words?"

Li Wen nodded.

"I don't think so either."

It's not true that someone will be tortured by other people's yin and yang strange energy until they completely break their defenses, right?No, no, no, there really isn't such a person, is there?

"In communicating with them, I also tried to soothe their violent anger with words, but with little success. They have always followed the order of the Grand Duke to actively prepare for the battle, and if I add some spell effects to the words , the result will be as you can see... the confrontation between the magic effect and some kind of strange state makes their will tend to be chaotic and tend to self-destruction."

Helen nodded.

"In fact, I also find it strange that war is not a matter of one person. No matter how fierce a dictator wants to issue such an order that will break the stable life of everyone, it is difficult to be completely implemented, and now the Dreiser State The atmosphere is frenzied to the point of fright.”

Helen didn't wait for death wholeheartedly. Whether it was her subordinates or players, she had asked these people to inquire about the other party's news.

"Some people say that because of the abyss gate in Dresser State, the militant demonic aura has been slowly leaking out from it for many years, so that people living in this land are spiritually assimilated by those demons ...But I don't think so. When I traveled the mainland in the past, I came to this land, and although they are tough, they are not so violent."

"I don't think it's very responsible to simply blame this kind of change on the toughness of the people."

"Beautiful lady, it's clear we're on the same page."

Regardless of Li Wen's objection, Helen hugged his arm, put her head on Li Wen's shoulder, and smiled sweetly at Shakespeare, "Obviously there is no such connection between us, as long as we move a little It is not difficult to find this abnormality with a little brain. But the problem is that the matter is already in front of us, and how to solve it is the most important thing."

Shakespeare sighed and lingered on Li Wen's immature face for a long time, but he couldn't understand where he had lost.

"Hey... there is no good way, I can only let my guys roam around in their territory, how much can be affected, the good news is that the target who has fought against us seems to be very interested in war after waking up. Our attitude will soften a little, and we will no longer be so persistent. But this kind of confrontation is also quite exhausting for us, after all, it is a brand new profession, and the cultivation level of other guys is still limited."

"So there is still no way to rely on you?"

A little disappointment appeared in Helen's eyes.

Li Wen on the side suddenly asked.

"There's been a change, but not much, has it?"

Shakespeare nodded.


It seems that it is a bit similar to the situation of the mastermind of the illithid.

It's just that the mastermind of the illithid is a demigod in the spiritual realm, and can completely grasp his own state and even directly separate the emotions of other species.

Ordinary people don't have this powerful ability.

So what was eliminated in the confrontation was only a part of the obsession...

With insufficient evidence, Li Wen can only make these one-sided speculations for the time being.

But some verification methods can be used for reference.

Like making established facts?

Just like letting Rose's divine clone kill the concept body of the main brain?
So Li Wen put forward his own opinion.

"Think of a way to put on a play?"

These words made both Helen and Shakespeare's eyes shine.

"Do you have a solution?"

Li Wen raised a finger.

"An immature conjecture, just want to try."

"That's better than the preparations for headless flies like us."

Helen cheered up immediately, "The Burning Blade Legion's combat power is top-notch in the entire continent. The Golden Lion Kingdom can confront it head-on and keep entangled with no more than three reorganized legions. I don't want Sword Wind City to face his attack." Dajun. How to do it, just say it.”

(End of this chapter)

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