I can't be an NPC

Chapter 301 Open up the gate of the abyss, hurry up

Chapter 301 Open up the gate of the abyss, hurry up

Li Wen stepped out of the teleportation formation, and the diplomats from Dreiser State had been waiting for a long time.

Even if Li Wen was the target of their declaration of war - a person from Jianfeng City, the Grand Duke would not deliberately make things difficult for Li Wen in this matter.

It's just that, as one of the top five people in Violet, he has no obligation to personally meet Li Wen, an ordinary person who is not of high status.

At this moment, he has more important matters - the Council of Five Elders.

In the eternal magic circle arranged by the No. 1 under the high legend, the supreme mage of Silvermoon City, Stephen Bryce, for the five territories, even if they are thousands of miles apart, the five supreme speakers of Violet can meet face to face comminicate.

In the dim hall, five people sat on one side.

The expressions of other people could not be seen in the shadows, only the solidified darkness arched like bugs in the dim background.

"Jiel stop playing."


The darkness that had condensed into substance dissipated in response.

Seeing that everyone was present, a clear male voice sounded first.

"Grand Duke Adolf, is your declaration of war this time a bit reckless? I don't deny that you can make an independent judgment. However, should you discuss with us in advance about directly declaring war on the Golden Lion Kingdom?"

The grey-haired Grand Duke folded his arms and leaned against the back of the chair, making a sound like iron gravel being sanded.

"It's just a small city, teach them a lesson, and I'll fix it quickly."

"I don't deny the strength of your Burning Blade Legion, but the Golden Lions won't really sit idly by. Their internal conflicts are far inferior to the external pressure you put on them, the Grand Duke. When a war really starts, the Golden Lions will definitely join the battle."

"Mayor Doyle, if you don't want to send troops to join me, then please continue to play your politics in your own place. My business has nothing to do with you."

With a chuckle, a mature and thick female voice sounded from another direction.

"Grand Duke Adolf, I don't know what you are hiding. I just want you to keep in mind that we are one. If you really want to take down that lion, you should discuss it with us in advance instead of provoking a dispute on your own. .”


The gray-haired old man said nothing.

On the contrary, laughter from another direction broke the dead silence.

"Hee hee~"

The calm and wise gentle male voice shouted helplessly.


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... Hahaha, it's just too funny and I can't hold back."

However, in the face of the strange behavior of the Queen of Dagger Beach, no one else expressed any opinion.

Each of the five continents has its own characteristics, but even so, Dagger Ford is the strangest of them all, and Louisa Jill is also the strangest of the five.

Dagger Ford used to be a chaotic place, a place of evil and evil. Any robbers, thieves, etc. who have committed crimes in other places can escape to this place to avoid capture.

Of course, after they actually arrived at this place, they may not have a good life.

Again, this is a land of the free.

All taboo deals can be found here.

Countless big figures are doing some shady business here, even including the other two kingdoms.

Dagger Beach was originally a garbage dump, a garbage dump that was jointly created by everyone to hide the dirt and hide the filth.

Until a person was born out of nowhere.

Louisa Jill.

This fisher girl who was born by the sea picked up a dagger when she was eight years old, and she started her life like cheating.

It's hard to tell whether it's luck or talent, but since her debut, she has never failed.

The most terrifying battle was to kill a group of casinos with several fourth-level professionals with her second-level strength. That was when she hadn't set foot on the career path for a long time.

No one knows how she did it, and everyone who saw it died.

She grew up all the way to the present Queen of Shadow Dance, she is the queen of Dagger Bank, and also the queen who is no less than a god in the hearts of countless thieves and killers.

Except for her, no one dared to say that Jier's assassination could be done unscathed.

Dagger Beach is the weakest among the five continents, but in a sense, Dagger Beach is the strongest among the five continents, because... its queen is named Jier.

The queen is not bloodthirsty, yet no one dares to continue the mayhem on Dagger Ford.

She is not cruel, but no one dares to challenge her majesty.

The Dagger Beach under her control doesn't even have a decent direct guard, but everyone in the Dagger Beach surrenders to their queen from the bottom of their hearts.

Judging from her daily performance, this queen is either a complete pervert or a real child at heart.

In many cases, her playfulness is greater than everything else.

In the eyes of her who was born in Dagger Shoal, there are no rules, no awe, only true freedom.

Even on occasions like the meeting of the five elders, she didn't seem to take it seriously.

Except for Stephen Bryce, the Supreme Mage of Silvermoon City, who dared to remind her a few words, this is also because she got a pair of daggers made by Stephen Bryce when she was growing up.

At this time, Jier, who was reminded by Stephen Bryce, held back her smile, obviously imitating the mature appearance of others and putting on airs.

"We all know that anyone's actions have his simplest motives. Why don't you dare to guess like this when it comes to our Grand Duke Adolf? Let me guess... Do you think that Grand Duke Adolf is just simple? Do you want to start a war?"


"There is no such person in the world."

"Wars are all about profit."

"I mean, what if... there is? What if, Archduke Adolf has a reason for him to start a war? None of us can stop him. When he insists on doing so, we can only watch him fall into destruction. Then... The next Grand Duke 'Adolf' will take over his duties. Grand Duke Adolf, are you 200 years old this year?"


Facing the speculation of Queen Jier, Grand Duke Adolf remained silent.

In front of Madam Mithril Hall, any statement may be seen by her to see her true thoughts.

After a brief silence, Adolf's figure flickered a few times, and then disappeared from the eyes of the other four.

Seeing this, Supreme Mage Stephen Bryce shook his head helplessly.


"Stop, stop! Don't talk about me. I know you are using me as a weapon. Because of the gate of the abyss, Grand Duke Adolf's situation is indeed the most difficult among us, but this is not a reason to pass on conflicts at will."

While speaking, the Queen Jier took out a dagger from nowhere and twirled it at her fingertips. The shining light of the knife dazzled the other three.

"Actually... I'm more interested in the sorcerer who came from Jianfeng City alone. When Grand Duke Adolf had already declared war, he came alone... I don't know what he wants to do?"

Mayor Doyle shrugged.

"Peace? Surrender? Who knows."

Madam Mithril Hall said after deliberation.

"With such a big fanfare, I don't think it is possible to seek peace or surrender."

"That's why it's fun, isn't it?"

Before the words were even finished, the figure of Queen Jier had disappeared from the spot.

"Ji'er... hey~"

Supreme Mage Stephen Bryce sighed and disappeared in place.


Following a dark-faced general, Li Wen came to the hall with the style of steel and flames in Dreiser State.

Sitting on the ferocious iron chair was General Boswell, who was stern and silent.



Relatively silent.

Li Wen sat on the left side of his striker, and the two stared at each other in silence for a while.

In the end it was General Boswell who could not stand the loneliness.

"Master Li Wen, don't you have anything to say?"

Li Wen told the truth.


What is there to talk about with this big black face?

General Boswell stifled the rising anger in his chest.

Last time, they abducted several of their chosen sons who were valued by Grand Duke Adolf, and now they are still so arrogant in their attitude of actively visiting.

"Then what is the purpose of your mission on behalf of Jianfeng City?"

Li Wen lowered his eyes and said sincerely: "Check out the enemy's situation."


Where is my knife? !

Too arrogant!Too arrogant!
Do you know whose territory you are in now?ah?
Boswell turned his head to see where he had put the weapon, but was stopped in time by the adjutant who had been waiting aside with a dark face.

"General calm down, maybe this is his trick to provoke us deliberately, don't be fooled!"


Boswell took a few breaths before calming down again.

Weird, isn't it?Who wouldn't?
Then he asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Do we need to send someone to lead the way?"


Li Wen nodded, "After all, I have never been to the gate of the abyss."


Boswell frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"The Gate of the Abyss is a common dilemma that all of us humans need to face. I don't think it's your Dreiser State's own business. If possible, I hope to solve this trouble completely."

The purpose of Li Wen's coming to Dreiser State is not just to poach the wall, if possible... Li Wen wants to dig people's roots together.

The Gate of the Abyss is very attractive to players.

This is what Li Wen realized when he heard Helen's description of Jianfeng City and Dreiser State each offering career paths to force players to make choices.

The territory of the abyss demon!

How strange is that?

I'm afraid even the abyss lords don't know how many layers there are in the devil's abyss from the inner plane.

After all, the inner plane is a thing produced by all kinds of fears, fantasies, thoughts, guesses, etc. of all intelligent creatures on the material plane.

The Devil's Abyss, which carries the chaotic will of intelligent creatures, can be regarded as the dark side of the human heart to some extent.

As deep as the human heart is, so is the devil's abyss.

However, people's hearts...have a bottom?

So, a... dungeon that can spawn endless monsters?
The most important thing is that there are various levels of monsters. Unlike Gaia Continent and Madness Continent, although there are high-level monsters, it is difficult to meet the leveling needs of a large number of players.

The demons in the Demon Abyss are different. They have a strong foundation and a large number of types. They are suitable for leveling for players of the second to third ranks at this stage.

This is tantamount to a fatal temptation for those players who are card-level all day long.

It is obviously unrealistic to simply take out a bard and want to compete with Dreiser State, which has two advantages.

Wouldn't it be great if we could open the gate of the abyss in a controllable place?

It's better to close the door for others, so as to completely occupy the magpie's nest.

However, in front of him, General Boswell, who heard Li Wen's words, felt mixed feelings for a moment.




Complicated emotions surged together, making Boswell feel what is called the Nine Heavens of Ice and Fire in this short period of time.

"The enemy situation you mentioned... is the gate of the abyss?"

Li Wen nodded again, "Yes, it is the enemy of all of us."


So impressed!

I didn't expect the Golden Lion to have such a man of insight!
Finally, someone saw the painstaking efforts of Grand Duke Adolf to guard the gate of the abyss!
become sworn brothers!Be sure to ask for help!
Boswell turned his head to see where he put the spirits, but was stopped in time by the adjutant who was waiting aside with a dark face.

"General! Trap! Be careful this is a trap!"

right!Can't get excited!
The villain of the Golden Lion is scheming.

Maybe it's some kind of means of seeking peace or even surrender, I won't be fooled by you.

"Since he came here for the gate of the abyss, Master Li Wen is our friend in Dreiser State. Then I wonder when Master Li Wen will be able to take action?"

Man's mouth, liar ghost!
It's not about what he says, it's about how he does it.


Boswell thought he had heard wrong, and doubted his ears, and carefully confirmed: "Now?"

"Yes! Now! Time is life my friend."

You have to poach the wall as soon as possible, so that you can't react and drive me away...

The invisible sense of urgency made Li Wen feel a tight rope in his heart, reminding him all the time.

"Okay! Now!"

Boswell stretched out his hand and pointed out, "I'll take you there."


Li Wen is not an inkblot, and the soldiers in Dreiser State are also the same.

Moreover, he wanted to see with his own eyes what kind of person this Master Li Wen was.

During the short meeting in Jianfeng City, he could only be found to be an extraordinary sorcerer full of genius.

This time they met with Jianfengcheng filter, which was declared war, and they were born with hostility.

Putting all this aside, I don't know what kind of person he is.

If you really came here for the gate of the abyss, you should knock him off!
If it's just talking, then at least give him a knife.

Whether it is wine or a knife, it depends on your choice.

My Master Li Wen!


The gate of the abyss is extremely tall, even larger than the gate of the dwarf fortress that Li Wen had seen before.

A person standing in front of it is as insignificant as an ant.

It is a door with green flames burning on the edge, and the inside of the door is not transparent, nor can you see the scene on the other side of the connected plane.

The lingering white mist outlines evil lines, as if there are demon eyes greedily looking at everything outside.

Li Wen stopped in his tracks.

"Master Li Wen, what do you mean?"

"Be prepared."


Li Wen looked at the players coming up and shouted with a smile on his face.

"Open the gate of the abyss, hurry up!"

(End of this chapter)

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