I can't be an NPC

Chapter 302 - Voice of the Heart - Dragon Vein Warlock

Chapter 302 - Voice of the Heart - Dragon Vein Warlock

Thanks to the Shuttle Curse released by Li Wen, players are finally able to freely enter and exit the abyss and the material world freely, and there is a prerequisite for land reclamation.

However, as a dungeon in the eyes of a player, the Gate of the Abyss is not easy to fight.

Its inner environment is completely different from the physical world, and it embodies all rebellion, terror and chaos.

Its almost endless layers spiral downward, forming an increasingly terrifying form.

Each layer of the abyss has a different and terrifying environment. Although no two layers are the same, they are all equally harsh and uninhabitable.

Each layer of the Abyss reflects the chaotic nature of the Abyss.

In fact, most of what the player sees or touches in the plane appears to be in a state of decay, shattering, or corruption.

And being in it, you also have to suffer a saving throw related to charm. Once you fail the saving throw, you will be assigned some weird small tasks——

For example, lure a group to destroy; find a way to trick teammates into a strange and terrifying area; lead teammates to join the demon lord's subordinates, etc.

There is no reward for completing the task, but there is a penalty for failure-death.

And players cannot actively disclose this information to teammates in the game.

This kind of fresh and exciting rules makes players enjoy it.

It's like playing a werewolf to insert... kill, in the midst of intrigue with his teammates, he played gg with laughter and laughter.

The brand-new game rule experience makes many players linger, but for those players who really want to clear the gate of the abyss, it can be described as difficult and dangerous.

After all, the players who entered the gate of the abyss themselves carried the legendary task issued by the Grand Duke Adolf - to close the gate of the abyss!
Some players just want to play, and some players just want to pass the level.

And with the tireless efforts and attempts of the players, they also found a way to deal with the failure of the charm save.

One of the priest's divine spells - detect good and evil.

Priest's five-ring divine spell - against good and evil.

Detect good and evil to see if there is any abnormal state on the teammates. The small task that is hung up after the failure of the charm immunity judgment is essentially an abnormal state. It is a small task when it is reflected on the player, and it is violent when it is reflected on the aborigines. , bloodlust, confusion and other insane mental effects.

After detecting an abnormal state, use the five-ring magical technique-countering good and evil to clear it.

Therefore, a serious raiding team requires at least a level 9 priest who has learned to detect good and evil and counter good and evil at the same time.

Of course, these two spells also exist in the paladin's spell table.

To some extent, the paladin's other strengths are more suitable for exploring the gate of the abyss.

Priests can remove the abnormal status of teammates, while paladin's aura can directly minimize the possibility of teammates being affected by abnormal status, and solve the problem from the source.

It's a pity that paladins are hard to find.

In fact, whether it is a priest or a paladin, high-level pure professionals are not easy to find.

Few players can stick to their hearts, seeing so many fancy professional abilities and not go to part-time jobs to play something new.

Only relatively speaking, paladins are even rarer.

As an acquired...and a high-level profession, the lack of professional mentors at the beginning determined that the innate advantages of this profession are not as good as other basic professions. Coupled with the limitation of its unique justice point resources, high-level paladins are extremely scarce .

Not to mention that the paladin's path is currently only spread in the Golden Lion Kingdom, and there is not a single paladin among Violet's players, so he can only stare blankly.

When it comes to land reclamation progress, on the contrary, the Golden Lion players with the paladin profession who came from afar are one step ahead, exploring a wider area.

According to their exploration, the layers of the abyss are a truly endless abyss.

Each layer of the abyss has its own unique abyssal demons, as well as its only ruler, who are collectively known as the abyss lord.

Some abyss lords are invincible.

Players already know, for example:
Demogorgon of the Demon Maw Layer - The Demon Maw is a vast primeval continent covered in dense jungle and surrounded by endless seas and salt water.The daemon lord rules his plane in two sinuous stone towers emerging from the murky sea, each crowned with a gigantic fang-toothed skull, whose spires form the citadel of Abyssin, seldom There are players who can venture into it without falling into madness, and their Charisma saving throws tend to be much harder on this plane than on other planes.

Orcus of Thanatos - Beneath the black skies of Thanatos lies a barren mountainous land of barren wilds, ruined cities, and forests of twisted black trees.Mausoleums, cemeteries, tombstones and sarcophagi fill the landscape.The undead crawled out of mausoleums and graveyards, tearing apart any foolish creature who dared come here.

Rose of the Spider's Web - Her layer is a vast network of magical cobwebs that form channels and cocoon-like chambers.Within these webs, buildings, structures, ships, and other objects hang upside down as if trapped in web traps.The nature of Rose's web makes it randomly create various portals throughout the plane, making the whole plane extremely weird.

In addition, Buffalo of the Endless Labyrinth, Grazter of the Dark Lord of the Triple Realm, Yeenoghu of the Valley of Death, etc., are all extremely terrifying demon kings that players have encountered so far.

However, some abyss lords are much worse. The biggest achievement the players have achieved so far is to injure their lord of the resentment—the Frost Banshee, in a layer full of monsters like resentment. As for its embarrassing escape.

It is a pity that when the players form a team, it is already difficult to find the abyss layer where the Frost Banshee exists. Only the team of players who are lucky enough to bind the Shuttle Curse can use the Shuttle Curse. Stable going to the Frost Banshee's layer to level up and fight monsters, making other players envious.

The level that the gate of the abyss leads to is not fixed. Entering at different times of the day, different weather, different team compositions, and even different locations, the level of the abyss that is reached after entering the gate of the abyss is different.

Even if the layers are the same, it may not be able to fall together. The size of each layer is different. Even if the large layer is compared with the material world, it is not much different.

Before finding the teleportation law of the gate of the abyss, the advantage of the number of players is gone, and it is tantamount to dreaming to conquer this place.

It has been more than ten days since the dungeon of the gate of the abyss was opened, but the progress of the players has not been very optimistic.


Master Bobby said he was going to lead a team to open up wasteland?
Give it all to Grandpa!

"Master Bobby, look at me! Look at me! Senior priest, good and evil specialist! Can resist energy milk! I don't have to worry about having me in the team!"

"Lord Bobby, look at me! Advanced elemental mage, elemental master, Karl simulator thief!"

"I'm a player of the Golden Lion, fellow villagers meet fellow villagers!"

"I'm from Jianfeng City, and I used to work for your old man. Master Bobby, you can't forget me!"


The surging group of Chosen Ones made General Boswell, who had never seen the market, stay where he was.

Even if the Grand Duke is here, he won't let these Chosen Ones go crazy.

It's ridiculously spicy!


Boswell, who was reminded by the adjutant, stared at Li Wen, trying to see weakness from his face.

"Master Li Wen is afraid, right? With the protection of our elite team, even if we are in danger, we will try our best to escort Master Li Wen back. If you are really afraid of danger, you might as well forget it."

Li Wen glanced at him, "I just think that these Chosen Ones are reliable and have extraordinary character. Each of them is a loyal, lovely and enthusiastic person. Compared to the elite squad under General Boswell, I am more Trust them. I believe they are the greatest warriors who can finally conquer the abyss!"

The dialogue between the two did not avoid the player.

There is no harm without comparison.

In the eyes of many NPCs, their players are untrustworthy rogues. If it weren't for the mission, many NPCs would not even have a word with them.

This kind of discrimination is reflected in all aspects, the bigger the person, the more so.

You know, this is not the rigid online game of the past.

The players who are on the scene have an extremely real experience of this world. After a long time, they even regard every aborigine as a real person.

And since they are all human beings, they have the value and demand of mutual recognition.

In this premise, only Poppy!All the time!In any position, situation!They all regard their players as the most reliable people.

Willing to communicate!Willing to communicate!

Now, Jiang Zi speaks for their players in front of other NPCs!
An emotion called moving arises spontaneously from the bottom of their hearts.

Most of the players present are Violet players, and they don't have many opportunities to contact Li Wen.

It is because of this that at this moment, incomparable jealousy suddenly arose in their hearts!
why!Why doesn't such a good NPC belong to them Violet?Don't belong to them Dreiser?

Sword Wind City!You do all kinds of bad things!

"I want to serve Master Bobby!"

"He didn't send a mission!"

"I want to work my life for Lord Bobby!"

"Wake up! He hasn't sent the mission yet!"

"I will give everything for Lord Bobby!"

"Are you all crazy? He didn't send out a mission!"

"Follow Master Bobby, what kind of mission do you want? Vulgar!"

"That's right! This is an honor that you can't even ask for. What do you know! Hey, hey! Bobby-sama, wait for me! I can resist energy milk and make clip sounds!"

Li Wen didn't release the task because he didn't have permission.

Being in a foreign country, the extraordinary status he possessed in Sword Wind City, Madness Continent, and even the underground world would have no effect at all.

In this case, Li Wen has no good solution other than using words to try to prostitute for nothing.

Fortunately... the players seem to be quite fond of it?
Seeing a group of players pulling up behind Li Wen, General Boswell suddenly felt worried about this action.

Not for my own safety, but some inexplicable thoughts——

Is my decision to take Master Li Wen to the gate of the abyss correct?

When will that great wizard come?I can't stand it anymore.

This master Li Wen's operation is too coquettish, I can't understand it...

"Don't worry! Look at the panel."

Facing a group of eagerly expecting players, Li Wen did not forget his original intention.

"Exploring the gate of the abyss is a rigorous job. For the safety of me and General Boswell, and for everyone's own responsibility, I hope that I can select the most suitable team composition to carry out this exploration. I hope you will choose The son can cooperate a little bit."

Li Wen has already learned about general information about the gate of the abyss from General Boswell that the bigger the team for attacking the gate of the abyss, the better.

One is that no matter how big the team is, after stepping into the weird abyss gate, they will often be divided and teleported to different places.

Another reason is that due to the special rules inside the abyss, certain pig teammates are much more harmful than the demons themselves.

Necessary selection is necessary.

It just so happens that you can prostitute the panel records of these players for nothing, why not do it?
Therefore, the players spontaneously lined up in front of Li Wen without arrangement or organization, and they were extremely well-behaved.


"He's still picking!"

"These Chosen Ones can be so obedient?"



The adjutant squatting on the side with Boswell said a few words to himself, but there was no response from the officer, so he couldn't help but look over.

But he found that his General Boswell was looking at the facts that were happening in front of him with a jaded face.

Think back to the scenes where he summoned these Chosen Ones several times in the past, and compare it with the present one...

Until everything happened in front of him, he only thought that the chosen ones were dissolute and unrestrained in nature and loved freedom. They were like rain, fog and wind, ethereal, elusive, and uncontrollable.

However...everything that happened in front of him was telling him a fact——

That's not the case with the Chosen One, it's just that he's not the right guy.


"Don't talk, I want to be quiet."

General Boswell touched his arms with trembling hands. The twists and turns made his mood feel like an avalanche. At this moment, he just wanted to light an 82-year-old cigar and quietly float in the illusory smoke.

However, it was empty.

"So I quit a long time ago..."

Boswell smiled self-deprecatingly.

The adjutant on the side brought something black, thick and long to Boswell's face.

"General, try mine, it's strong."


Kind of lucky.

Li Wen saw what he wanted to see——

[? ? ? (voice): Why?Why can't I pass on my ability to others like Master Li Wen?Why am I the only one who can use the power from the bloodline (click to view the details of the bloodline talent)?Dragon Vein Warlock (click to view occupational details)?How can you unleash the full potential of this power without other professionals developing it together? 】

The power of blood?

Dragon vein warlock?

It looks a little familiar.

(End of this chapter)

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