I can't be an NPC

Chapter 308 The Voice of Orchis

Chapter 308 The Voice of Orchis
I was stinged by something?
After a long while, this dull idea emerged from Orcus' soul.

The turmoil of the magic element seemed to still linger on his skull forehead, and Orcus finally realized what had happened——

attack!It's an attack!

He never thought that in his own territory, he would be actively provoked by alien creatures.

Shaking with anger.

Generalized shivering.

Each layer of the abyss is not born because of the abyss lord, they are born from the various scattered thoughts of countless intelligent creatures, each abyss lord is only a later master, and this master is not permanent.

All the demons in each layer will fight each other, and any one can be crushed to ashes given the chance.

So not all demons are absolute villains in the eyes of humans, but those demons who are not decisive enough to kill must not live long in a place like the abyss.

Any weakness will be used as a weapon against oneself.

Except for a few layers - such as Thanatos, the plain of death.

Orcas is the first lord since the birth of Thanatos in the Death Plain, and also the only lord so far. No undead can covet its supreme throne.

After a long time, the layer of Thanatos has been integrated with the power of Orcas to some extent.

In Thanatos, Orcus is almost the undefeated God of War, and his will will be fully displayed by this layer.

When he rages, all Thanatos trembles in his rage.


The undead who watched from afar even knelt down collectively at this moment, showing their submission to their supreme king.

No one knows who provoked their king.

Li Wen didn't know either.

"Who did you let him hit?"

Feeling this earth-shaking and terrifying movement, even Boswell, an iron-blooded soldier, felt his teeth chatter a little.

It's no wonder that he is not firm in his will, it's because the things he experienced when he walked with Master Li Wen far surpassed all his cognition in the past few decades.

How dare you?

Li Wen spread his hands, "I don't know..."

Whoever it is, let's talk about it.

Speaking of which, Li Wen even excitedly asked the magician player: "What color is it?"

The player replied with a trembling voice, and he didn't know if it was because of fear, excitement, or both.

"It was yellow just now... now it's red."

"What about the resurrection point? Master Li Wen, can you take us to the resurrection point first? I beg you."

Boswell on one side could no longer accept this kind of torture, and begged Li Wen with tears in his voice.

So Li Wen turned to look at the players around him, "Have you seen the resurrection point?"

Li Wen is not a player, how can he see the resurrection point, only in the eyes of the player, the resurrection point has a special light mark.

After hearing Li Wen's words, Boswell felt even more desperate.

"You don't know where the resurrection point is?!"

"Why should I know?! I'm not the chosen one!"

Li Wenli asked bluntly.

"Then you still take us here?"

"The resurrection point is usually next to some architectural relics. I think there is such a tall palace here, and there must be a resurrection point next to it."


Unreasonable and strong.

Boswell was speechless.

"Ah, yes, yes, you are right."

Seeing those Chosen Ones really follow Li Wen's instructions to scatter to find the resurrection point, Boswell only felt a little tired.

The Chosen Ones are fearless, Master Li Wen is fearless, and he is the only orphan present.

But in this plain of death, it seems that only by following Master Li Wen can he get some protection. Once he leaves the protection range of Master Li Wen, he will face the endless army of undead.

However, why is there so much thunder and little rain?
Seeing thunder but not rain?
Boswell didn't quite understand.

The earth is trembling, the undead are crawling, and the supreme king is pouring out his wrath, but... what about the punishment?


On the tall bone hall, Rose is pulling with the big skeleton.

"I'm going to kill him! I'm going to imprison his soul under the dry bones of the throne and endure the torture for billions of years!"

"You can't kill anyone today! I said it!"

The body of the big skeleton struggled in the entanglement of the spider silk, but obviously did not use all its strength.

Otherwise, even if Rose is a god, it would be difficult to gain an advantage in Orcus' home court.

During the tugging between the two, Li Wen's murmur below clearly reached the ears of the two of them——

"What...no movement? It turned out to be a little bastard. Huh, bored! Let's go."


"He slandered me! I want to show him the horror of death!"

Seeing Rose showing her real body and trying her best to bind her body with the spider silk ejected from her lower body, the big skeleton felt that his whole soul had been sublimated.

This is the feeling of being tied up~
No one has been able to give him this unique enjoyment for so many years!

Work hard!

tie it up~
Not far from the Skeleton Tower under the Hall of Withered Bones, some players found the resurrection point they had been thinking about—a large gray stone with an unattractive appearance.

After discovering the target, Boswell and his adjutant took the lead in using the shuttle spell to bind the resurrection point, and then teleported away.

Up to now, they no longer want to use any favorability on the Chosen Ones, and being able to go back alive is better than anything else.

Anyway, there are plenty of opportunities to gain favor, but there is only one life.

I will never do this kind of thing with Master Li Wen again, it's too fucking exciting.

As the shuttle spell began to show its effectiveness, a light blue magic halo floated up and down around the two of them.

It's a pity that he was not invincible during the process. After the Shuttle Curse started to take effect, Boswell looked at the pulsating brilliance around him, and thought with some pity in his heart.

A dazzling brilliance flashed, and the figures of the two quickly collapsed into a dazzling light spot and then disappeared.

"Okay, let's go too."

"Etc., etc!"

Li Wen stopped the last two players who were about to leave, they were the golden retriever player and the wizard player.

"Lord Bobby?"

Li Wen smiled sinisterly, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he took out his happy suit from the void beside him.

It's all here, how can you leave without staying here for a visit?
Of course, the inscription is not high-grade, and it is easy to be wiped off. It is better to leave a large explosion scene, which is more in line with his identity as Bobby!
The two players are not afraid of death, of course, the players are not afraid of death, but these two obviously follow behind Li Wen and don't even care about the loss of soul energy.

Just do it.

The three began to plant explosives around the Bone Tower.

The big skeleton and Rose were pulling, and the undead army surrendered to the anger of their only king, and all three of them were allowed to do such insane things under their noses.


Real men never look back at the explosion. In the halo of the three magic spells, the figures of the three turned into dazzling light spots and disappeared in an instant, leaving only the reserved leads slowly spreading on the gray ground. .

It twists and turns like a flaming snake.

Even though the army of undead onlookers noticed this strange change, they did not dare to move a single bit under the majesty of the king, and watched helplessly as the fuse gradually burned, and finally ignited a fire that reached the sky.



"Why did you wait so long?"

"What did you do there?"

The other end is bound to the resurrection point not far from the gate of the abyss. The players who came out earlier, including Boswell and his adjutant, are waiting for the return of Li Wen and the last two players.

Seeing the figures of the three appearing next to the resurrection point, some players couldn't help asking curiously.

"Nothing, I buried some explosives as a souvenir."

The magician player waved his hand and replied calmly.

The questioning player gave him a thumbs up.





A skeleton hand and a human hand suddenly protruded from the ashes on the ground.



Orcus and Rose struggled to crawl out of the ashes that had been blasted to pieces.

Dry bones are not a hard thing in the first place, and they are a bit vulnerable to this kind of human technological creation.

The most important thing is that Orcus never thought that there would be a day when his hometown would be bombed.

But the strange thing is that Ocus, who encountered this kind of thing for the first time, didn't feel very angry in his heart, but just raised his bone thumb at Rose.

"Your believer, awesome!"

Rose accepted the compliment with a smile. It seems that that guy treats everyone like this, maybe it's a special greeting...

Just to clarify a fact: "He is not my believer."


"Don't be awesome, let me take a look at your panel."

Li Wen, with clear eyes and wise eyes, pulled the Warlock player aside. When he was inside, the chaotic and funny comparison seemed to make the player hit something terrible, and he didn't know what he could gain.


[? ? ? (Voice): Rose's believers are awesome, even I can find them here. Could it be that they humans have mastered the second transformation law of Baphomet in our abyss (click to view the law details), or Rose told them ?No, Rose doesn't understand these things either...]

Isn't Buffalo the abyss lord and king of magic horns in the endless maze of layers?
Why is this transformation rule named after him?


Li Wenshun clicked in...

In an instant, some indescribable abstract rules appeared in Li Wen's mind.

There seemed to be countless spiral-shaped dark patterns spinning rapidly in front of Li Wen's eyes, and a severe sense of dizziness hit Li Wen's consciousness.

The endless abyss seems to be unfolding in front of Li Wen's eyes at the same time, so that even with Li Wen's 20 points of magic power, it is difficult to accept all this knowledge peacefully.

Fortunately, it is not completely impossible to check.

After the initial dizziness, Li Wen, who had adapted a little, was still able to focus on a part of it and began to receive this cognition from an unknown existence.

The existence in the inner plane of the abyss is formed by the various thoughts and emotions scattered by countless intelligent creatures. Its nature is chaotic, so it also shows this kind of connection with the material world. idiosyncratic.

If you want to break through this mystery, you need to let your thinking also accept this rule, and pursue the level you want to reach in a form similar to instinct and intuition.

Seeing that Master Li Wen fell into that worrying trance again, Boswell, who was standing by, recalled the bad memories at the beginning.

So he decided to interrupt Master Li Wen's disturbing meditation.

"Master Li Wen...Master Li Wen..."

After calling out twice, Boswell saw Master Li Wen wake up from his meditation.

Boswell saw his own reflection reflected in those gentle and wise eyes, so clear and translucent, people couldn't help being in awe.


This is the same person, right?
How could there be such a huge gap between before and after?
Boswell didn't understand, but it didn't matter.

It's all appearances!

Don't be fooled by Master Li Wen's appearance anymore!
"Master Li Wen, before you conduct a thorough study of the abyss, our great sorcerer wants to see you. I wonder if Master Li Wen has time?"

Li Wen nodded, "Okay."

Boswell turned his head to look at the Chosen Ones around him again. After leaving the gate of the abyss, these Chosen Ones stayed by the side, their intentions unknown, but Boswell felt that they were probably waiting for Master Li Wen.

But it doesn't matter, you disciple of Master Li Wen will eventually become the nourishment of our great magician.

As long as we let our magician severely suppress you Master Li Wen in terms of professional ability and professional knowledge in the next meeting, now your believers will become followers of our great magician.

It belongs to a wave of fat!

"The communication between Master Li Wen and our great magician is open and transparent. If you are interested, I think everyone can go together."

In an instant, the players became excited.

"Go! Must go!"

"Let's go together!"

Who doesn't like to watch the excitement?

The content of fighting monsters in the game is there every day, and the interaction between high-level NPCs cannot be seen at any time.

Except for a few leveling madmen, almost everyone is willing to go.

In fact, it was more than that. The moment Li Wen confirmed it, Boswell waved to his adjutant, signaling that he could make arrangements first.

Finally, there is a chance to suppress Bobby, so why not let all the chosen ones near the gate of the abyss know about it with great fanfare?
Let's see who is the real big daddy.


On the plain not far from the gate of the abyss, a large circle of players looked at the two people in the center with fiery eyes.

Boswell, who was standing in the inner circle watching the great magician and Master Li Wen in "Standoff", suddenly felt a little familiar with this scene, and then a faint worry rose in his heart.

He had a hunch that something bad was going to happen, but couldn't say why.

Looking around, I found that the gazes of the onlookers seemed somewhat similar to the gazes of the undead army on the plain of death.

Perhaps this was the source of his subconscious anxiety.


How can there be a problem when the great magician is out?
Little Bobby, in terms of knowledge and content about occupational applicability, spell fields and even the gates of the abyss, how can you, a wild mage, be an opponent of our well-organized and disciplined group of big magicians in Dreiser? ?

It seems that the one who is confronting you today is just a great magician, but standing behind him... is the Association of All Magicians in Dreiser State!
Today, I will tell you to come and go!

(End of this chapter)

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