I can't be an NPC

Chapter 309 Preemptive Strike

Chapter 309 Preemptive Strike
Wood quietly watched the young man in front of him.

The gentle and bookish demeanor does seem to have a bit of the detached temperament of a mage, but that face is too immature, which always makes people feel that this is just a mage apprentice who should still be studying under the mentor.

Is it just such a child who has released so many unbelievable and incredible magical achievements?
Is there a group of powerful mages from the Golden Lion Kingdom behind him, or is it really just a display of his personal ability?

For the sake of reputation, there are many groups of mages who may do this. After all, a group of old men who are one or two hundred years old have spent dozens or hundreds of years working together to research new things, and there is no one who is more eye-catching than a young genius.

In order to verify this conjecture, it was the reason why Wood put down the subject in his hand and came here.

And seeing it with my own eyes now, Wood's heart has already leaned towards the guessed former.

Such a child may have some talent in the field of magic, but it is obviously difficult to agree with him if he has produced real results, and they have achieved outstanding results in different fields.

A... pawn pushed out?
Thinking of the instructions given to him by the general of the Burning Blade Legion, Wood said sorry in his heart.

Maybe everyone is a pawn, but now we have to reveal your true colors...

"Master Li Wen, I heard..."

With a gentle smile on his face, Li Wen raised a hand to interrupt what the other party was about to say.

"Before we start the discussion, I have some questions that I would like to ask Your Excellency first."

Li Wen is not a casual person, he readily agreed to the other party's request because he had some doubts and wanted to be answered by the other party.

Otherwise, there are still two topics in my mind waiting for me to carry out detailed research, and Li Wen has no time to play lip service here.

Wood, who was interrupted by Li Wen, didn't mean to be angry, but nodded with a detached smile unique to an expert, "Say it."

"what is your purpose?"



"What does that mean, Lord Bobby?"

Dense discussions began to ring out among the crowd of players watching.

The big guys came here for the purpose of watching the excitement, and there seems to be something they don't understand at the beginning of the game, which makes every gossip player prick up their ears, waiting for the explosive news.



Wood frowned, "Which aspect are you referring to?"

"The purpose of the occupation, the purpose of the suzerain...your suzerain, what did you ask you to do?"

Warlocks look somewhat similar to priests, but they are completely different in essence.

There are many priests of the gods, and the gods themselves are like some kind of emotionless processors. As long as you can actively connect to me, you can use the way of prayer to obtain the gift of magic.

However, there are far fewer magicians in the hands of the suzerain.

There are almost endless abyss lords in the abyss, and there are countless old rulers and powerful goblins in the goblin wilderness. So many existences can become the suzerain objects of the warlock contract.

Therefore, the number of magicians under each suzerain is limited.

At the same time, their relationship has become closer.

Unlike the gods who have no desires and no desires, these various suzerains have different requirements for the magicians in their hands.

Therefore, the underlying logic of the profession of a warlock is not so much similar to a priest, but rather similar to a paladin.

Warlocks need to complete the suzerain's instructions to gain power, while paladins gain power by fulfilling the oath they made for themselves.


There is an assessment system for "justice points" resources for paladins, but what about wizards?
Li Wen saw the voice of an unknown magician from the battle records of the golden retriever female player, so he learned about these professional characteristics of the magician.

However, for this kind of differentiated personal indicators, a simple example made it impossible for Li Wen to have a deeper understanding of the profession of a magician.

So at this time, he raised his own questions to the great magician like a cannonball.

"What led you to the pact? How did you reach your overlord? Were you tempted to summon the devil, or did you find a ritual that would bring you into contact with an ancient otherworldly god? You found you Your suzerain, or did your suzerain discover and choose you? Are you dissatisfied with the heavy burden of obligations imposed on you by the contract, or are you willing to serve your suzerain for the rewards promised by your suzerain?

The suzerain's request is the whole policy of your actions, or maybe these requests are just some episodes in your life?How is your relationship with the suzerain?Is it friendly or confrontational, insecure or romantic?How important do your suzerains think you are?What role do you play in the suzerain's plan?Do you know any other servants of the suzerain?How does your suzerain communicate with you? "


Wood looked at Li Wen, his mouth slightly opened, and there was some disbelief in his eyes.


Is Master Li Wen really omnipotent?
Before he had time to suppress him, he was suppressed first by Master Li Wen.

All of Li Wen's questions pointed directly to the core of the magician.

This is the ultimate question that all warlocks are thinking about. Without a sufficient understanding of the career path of warlocks and contact with a large number of warlocks, it is absolutely impossible to consider these questions.

A simple magician cannot look at the overall problems of the profession of magician from such an objective and superb perspective. No matter how powerful a person is, he has his own limitations.

Treating the existence of any thing must be limited by personal experience and three views, which is an inevitable constraint for everyone.

Some opposing viewpoints seem strange, but behind them is a life experience that I have never experienced and cannot understand.

However...how could this mage Li Wen have the soil to give birth to these ideas?

He's a warlock himself?And have you come into contact with many other magicians?
Please report that he is extremely prestigious among the chosen ones, so he got the information from the chosen ones?

However, the Warlock contract in the hands of the Chosen One was handed out from their serious Warlocks, and it was a second-level contract. Apart from power, it actually had nothing to do with the Warlock's essential abilities.

After all, most of the Chosen Ones at this stage don't have the ability... or the opportunity to come into contact with the domain of the Warlock Sovereign.

So... Could it be the power behind Master Li Wen that gave him confidence?
Li Wen's series of questions made Wood more certain that there must be a huge organization behind Li Wen.

The research results he brought out before are completely irrelevant to the current understanding of magicians.

No one can be so knowledgeable.

After all, many of them are related to the innovation and understanding of the professional system. Without certain single-professional attainments, it is impossible to do everything Li Wen has done. At least ten levels of mages, ten levels of paladins, and ten levels of Arcane knights, more than a dozen levels of magicians...

Does such a person exist?
If so, how is it different from a god?
Is Li Wen a god?impossible!

So what is confronting him is not the young mage boy in front of him, but an extraordinary group from a distant country?

Wood saw the illusory shadow of the behemoth behind Li Wen, and his eyes froze instantly.

"Master Li Wen seems to be quite familiar with the field of our sorcerers, so I will say it bluntly. My suzerain is a demon king. As for his name, I can't tell you."

"The demons in the abyss are not friendly."

Li Wending looked at each other steadily.

Ever since he learned about the source of the magician's power, Li Wen had already thought about this question.

A warlock cannot disobey the suzerain's order...or in other words, once he disobeys the suzerain's order, the warlock will lose all his power, and he will no longer be a warlock.

In this case, how do these professionals who are still magicians balance their status as magicians and some issues of position and camp?
Moreover, since it is a profession system that can be made public, then the real person in charge of Dreiser State will not be ignorant of all this, so how can he, who has been fighting against the demons in the gate of the abyss, allow those demons to work for the demons? The magician develops and grows in his own territory?

Li Wen was simply curious about this.

"This is the art of balance. The power given to us by the suzerain allows us to see the source of the suzerain's power, which can help us understand them to a certain extent and defeat them."


What kind of skills are learned from the barbarians to control the barbarians?
Wood looked at Li Wen with calm eyes, "As for the suzerain's order... We don't accept demons who directly show hostility. We will kill some magicians who abandon everything for the sake of power. The existing ones All the missions of the magicians are definitely not an enemy of my homeland."

That is to say, the ship may capsize at any time.

Li Wen did the translation on his own.

This is a group of dangerous guys who make deals with demons, carefully balancing the relationship between the suzerain's orders and their personal positions.

This is not a characteristic of the magician profession, but a personal choice of this group of magicians.

"Then I'm fine."

Li Wen shrugged. After learning what he wanted to know, he already wanted to run away.

Yet Wood's task was not complete.

From the understanding of the professional system, I can already see that I am not the opponent of the opponent. The background of Mage Li Wen, who stands behind a huge organization, is even stronger than their Magician Association in Dreiser State.

Master Li Wen's head start has proved this point, and the current Master Li Wen is probably even more dazzling in the eyes of those chosen sons.

You can't let the other party get away so easily. Even if you can't suppress the other party today, at least you have to save some face.

And... this is their home field!
They have studied the gate of the abyss for many years, and they will not be inferior to you, a foreign guy, in this respect.

When you first came, didn't you keep saying that you wanted to solve the mystery of the gate of the abyss?
So let me see now, how much do you know about the Gate of the Abyss.

"Master Li Wen, I heard that you came to the Gate of the Abyss from Jianfeng City just to take a look at our Gate of the Abyss and want to completely solve the problem of the Gate of the Abyss, isn't that true?"

Li Wen nodded honestly.

"Then I don't know that Master Li Wen personally entered the interior of the gate of the abyss, and what news have he got now?"

"I have some experience, but not much."

"This is also normal. After all, Master Li Wen came here for the first time, and it is really difficult to find anything definite after one or two explorations. However, we have studied the gate of the abyss for many years, and we have gifts from the power of the demon king. The research on the Gate of the Abyss is still a little bit in progress, I wonder if Master Li Wen would mind participating in our research together?"

shared knowledge?Sharing is impossible to share, it's just acting for the chosen ones.

On the surface it is helping each other, but in fact it is suppression.

If you don't accept their help, you will be dead stubborn. With your own strength, you will not be able to research anything until you die. What you say to help them solve the crisis of the abyss gate in Dreiser State for the sake of love is just talk!

accept?That is to admit that the skills are not as good as others, and to be inferior in spirit.

The battle between spellcasters is not a real fight, and the pride of scholars makes them extremely important to bow their heads in this attitude.

"Then no need."

Li Wen refused with a smile.


Wood smiled contemptuously, and the evil temperament of the magician who has been dealing with demons all year round is only slightly revealed at this moment.

"Since that's the case, then I don't know when Master Li Wen will be able to produce phased results? The people of our Duke Adolf are suffering from the influence of the abyssal breath escaping from the gate of the abyss. If you can solve Regarding this issue, I think Duke Adolf will no longer hold hostility towards Sword Wind City."

"You said it~"

Li Wen's eyes lit up.

Didn't expect there to be another way to end the war?


Seeing Li Wen who was suddenly excited, Wood frowned slightly, feeling a little uncertain in his heart.

Not so much, right?

He was just talking, he can control where Grand Duke Adolf decides.

"What are you... going to do?"

"It's just a conjecture, not necessarily feasible. We all know that the abyss is born from the dissipated will of all intelligent creatures, and the strength and number of all the demons living in it are to some extent the strength of the overall abyss. This kind of intensity fluctuation also means the strength of the impact it can have on the nearby land through the gate of the abyss. As long as we can stably reduce the number of those demons to a certain extent, we can also weaken the gate of the abyss to the outside world Impact."

"It's easy to say, but how to do it is the key."

"It's very simple, we have the Chosen One."

"Even if there are a large number of Chosen Ones, it will be difficult for them to take advantage of their numbers and immortality in the face of the Chaos Abyss Gate."

"So what if we could get them all together?"

"This is impossible!"

"What if?"


Wood's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Li Wen, "Did you know about our research results?!"


Li Wen slowly sent out a question mark.

(End of this chapter)

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