I can't be an NPC

Chapter 316 Inauguration of the Warlock

Chapter 316 Inauguration of the Warlock

"Report! Master Li Wen has betrayed!"


"He has been appointed as the commander-in-chief of the Abyss Gate Raiders Department in Dreiser State."


"Okay, got it, let's go down."

Helen waved her hand.

Ringo, who was sitting next to her, looked at Helen's face in confusion, "My lord, don't you feel anything?"

That is the star of tomorrow in their Sword Wind City!

Was it poached just like that?

You didn't say anything?

"Feeling? How does it feel? President, don't you believe in Master Li Wen?"

Helen asked strangely: "Do you think Li Wen is that kind of person?"

"I know that Master Li Wen is not that kind of person, but those people in Dreiser State can't be so easy to talk to? If Master Li Wen didn't show enough 'sincerity', how could they not allow Master Li Wen to take such an important position?" location."

Helen shrugged, indifferently.

"Who knows..."

"Are you not worried at all?"

Afterwards, Ringo probably knew what Li Wen had done, but now it is difficult to accept the possibility of Jianfeng City losing Li Wen.

This young sorcerer might become the greatest sorcerer in their Swordwind City. Even the existing planeswalker, Lord Abby Devin, might not be as successful as Master Li Wen in the future.

Ringo is full of confidence in this, so he is particularly worried about being poached.

Throughout the ages, some dazzling new stars are often poached away by more advanced and powerful forces after showing their personal talents.

It's not that those geniuses are all white-eyed wolves, it's just that those big forces have a variety of tricks, and they are often unstoppable.

Now... Master Li Wen really won't be poached?
Helen shook her head, looked at the sky outside with misty eyes, and said so in her mouth as if she didn't answer the question.

"Li Wen is a very good person."


Ringo obviously didn't understand.

"Sometimes this world is cruel and indifferent, but ah... when facing some gentle people, the world will become gentle. Li Wen is such a person. He always has a way to make everyone Everything he touches becomes peaceful and quiet, which is his unique ability."


Lingo pursed his lips, thinking of the young boy who always had a warm smile on his face, and smiled helplessly.

Even though he hadn't been in contact with that master Li Wen for a long time, his perception of that boy who seemed immature not long ago seemed to be true.

I have to say that the smile on that boy's face is quite contagious.

Such a person should be treated with tenderness by the world.

"Look, now that they have suspended their preparations, it obviously shows that Li Wen's actions are effective. Just wait, he can always create miracles."

While speaking, an unexpected voice suddenly came from the door.

"Huh? Are we talking?"

"Li Wen?"

"Master Li Wen?"

Seeing the person coming, Helen's face instantly burst into a bright smile, and Ringo also stood up in surprise.

"Why are you back? Not at the Gate of the Abyss..."


Li Wen waved his hand, "It's nothing to do with me, I'll just show up at the opening ceremony for those to have fun... The Chosen One bragged, and then I don't have anything to do after that, how to conquer the abyss is their business, I don't care Fuck that."

Of course, it's not completely useless.

In fact, Li Wen also has difficulties.

Perhaps because of the identity of Dark Bobby's Lady of the Night as a voter, those beings in the abyss would have a natural feeling of closeness when they saw Li Wen.

Low-level demons may feel confused, but the more spiritually advanced the existence, the stronger this feeling will be.

As a result, there was a problem - Li Wenming wanted to direct the players to attack the abyss, but the existences in the abyss he had been to often had a very good attitude towards Li Wen.

As the saying goes, you don't reach out to hit a smiling person, let alone those demons who come to lick Li Wen with shy faces.

But the key point is that the existence of these demons itself is the concrete manifestation of the strength of the abyss. Only by dealing a real blow to them can it be possible for the humans outside to live comfortably.

Li Wen is caught in the middle, and both sides are not human.

This should have been a dilemma, at least for Li Wen.

However, in fact, it is not so entangled. High-level demons actually don't have much affection for their subordinates. Except for some existences that value their offspring, other demons generally don't care about the life and death of demons under their subordinates or even non-subordinates.

After all, they are playing games when they have nothing to do, and they will fight to the death every now and then at the cost of their lives.

Therefore, in the face of Li Wen's request, no matter whether it was Big Skull or Rose, or some other abyss lords Li Wen met later, they had no objection to it.

As for the existence of a small number of people who are more united or really harmless to humans, such as the ice banshee, just avoid them...

After avoiding this selective problem, Li Wen showed up at a grand opening ceremony for the players, and after leading them to a defeat on the Death Plain, he threw them into the low-level abyss layer start from scratch.

At the same time, through General Boswell, some aborigines outside the gate of the abyss were given some advice on making a fortune.

"Hey! Adventurer, do you want to cut down the anti-burning potion? Sell it for 1 gold, and get a [-]% discount for the group."

"Silver Lin breastplate, 5 gold pieces!"

After arranging the development of the gate of the abyss, Li Wen slipped back with a teleportation circle.

Perhaps there is a geographical and psychological distance between the two countries, but it is not a problem for Li Wen.

The identification of the teleportation circles on both sides was launched to him, and he could act on both sides anytime, anywhere.

"So, what's going on here?"

"There is still no news from the kingdom, and we have made certain preparations. These are nothing. The only good news is Shakespeare's side."

"Has his observation come to fruition?"


Helen nodded, "Your last attempt was effective. The Dreiser professional who was dreamed by you has now changed his mind about pursuing war. So now Shakespeare has gone to gather his bard team Running around trying to dissuade as many Dreiser professionals as possible."

"That's too slow."

Li Wen frowned.

Everyone is moving, which is good.

But the significance of these actions is somewhat drop in the bucket.

As a new profession, Li Wen heard Shakespeare talk about it. There are not many of them, let alone the level of the profession.

Moreover, this kind of spell-casting action that affects other people's minds is not a simple matter. Once it is discovered that it brings vigilance, it may not be effective.

This kind of spell should pay attention to moistening things in a silent manner, once the subject is on guard, it will be difficult to work.

And such a large-scale operation can easily attract attention and cause alertness.

"Got to stop him for a while."

"Then what do you think?"

Li Wen nodded, "Yes, but there is no guarantee that it will be successful. In short, let him stop first, and wait for me to find a helper before playing a big one."


Helen's eyes lit up for a moment.

Li Wen's determined action with a goal made her walk out of the previous state of worry in an instant.

No matter what news she heard before, the cloud of war always shrouded her heart.

But now, Li Wen just proposed that he has a certain idea, as if the plan has succeeded, which is very exciting.

"What do you want us to do?"

"You don't need to do anything."

Li Wen waved his hand.

Knowing that the previous plan was useful, Li Wen naturally had a bold idea.

Naturally, he wouldn't put all his hopes on the players' strategies, not to mention whether the plan to weaken the influence of the abyssal breath by killing demons was useful, even if it was, how long would it take to notice the obvious effect?

Even if it works, but the effect comes a bit late, doesn't that mean it doesn't exist?
So Li Wen has always kept in mind the previous attempts.

But now that it is determined to be useful, there is only one more problem that needs to be faced - Shakespeare's team of bards is too small and not powerful enough.

So, who are the experts in the field of spirituality?
The answer is about to come out.

But before going to "friendly communication" with others, Li Wen wanted to make more preparations.

For example... the career path of my second identity?
Without the ability to cast spells, the only way to go to the underground world is through the tunnel under the feet of the dwarves. It takes at least a day to go back and forth, which is inefficient and requires others to lead the way.

Li Wen was unwilling to accept such an inconvenient thing.

So after roughly exchanging some recent news with Helen, and the most important news from Shakespeare, Li Wen turned around and returned to the gate of the abyss again.


"Hey! I ask you, are you my master?"

At the former Hall of Bones that had been razed to the ground by the players, Li Wen's figure suddenly appeared in the docking circle next to the resurrection point.

The big skeleton, who can control everything in the death plain at any time, got the news immediately, and appeared in front of Li Wen the next moment.

Looking up at the tall skeleton, Li Wen stared straight at him and asked.


"I, Warlock, you, Sovereign, understand?"


The big skull was overjoyed, and the orange soul flames in its eye sockets were throbbing at this moment.

Never expected that happiness would come so suddenly!

"Hey, hey! What about me? I want to too!"

Rose, who almost rushed forward, kicked the big skull from behind, trying to kick the competitor away.

There was an evil smile on the corner of Li Wen's mouth.

"I want it all!"

What are you fighting for?All my wings.

In the past, she was able to become the first paladin and promised three oaths at the same time, but now I, Bobby, can possess the gifts of several suzerains.

And in fact, whether it is the big skeleton or Rose, they all belong to the abyss lord in essence, that is, the "demon" among the three sub-job choices of the wizard - demon, old ruler, and supreme elf.

No matter how many abyss lords Li Wen contracts with, he is actually just an evil magician, not much different from other evil magicians.

The only difference might be that they have more spells?
Almost none of these high-level beings are pure fighters, and the magicians who regard them as their suzerains are often able to obtain the suzerain's magic gift at a specific level.

And if Li Wen has the gifts of several suzerains, he can get more spells bestowed by other suzerains at the same level.

There may be some repetitions among them, and that is what Li Wen needs to eliminate. After all, Li Wen has no time to contract every suzerain in so many abyss layers of the endless abyss.

"Now, come on."

Big Skeleton and Rose moved almost at the same time.

There are no specific specifications or conditions for the magician's contract. It can be initiated by the magician, or it can be forcibly bound by the suzerain in some deceitful way.

Right now, it is obvious that the two abyss lords took the initiative to lower the contract.

The contract of the big skull is a dancing flame. The essence of the existence of these skeletons is the swaying ray of soul fire inside the skeleton.

And now the contract set by him naturally contains the essence of his own existence.

This pulsating flame is full of vibrancy, and even the terrible gravitational force that is so powerful that it seems to suck the soul of the beholder into it.

As the only lord of the Death Plain for so many years, Orcus' soul power is terrifyingly strong.

And Rose's contract book is a piece of parchment that looks quite formal, but a black spider pattern on the yellowish wrinkled paper looks strange and charming, and the strange attraction that tempts to fall into the abyss is exuded between the twists and turns. force.

As abyss lords, the contracts they instinctively made were of course not formal.

It can be said that even ordinary people who didn't intend to become their magicians, the moment they saw the contract they released, they might fall into a certain state of enchantment, and then sign the contract in a daze, becoming the one in their hands. Warlocks with unharmed slaves.

Of course, this kind of gravitational force is useless to today's Dark Bobby.

Holding one in each hand, before Li Wen could check the content of the contract carefully, the two contracts took effect instantly out of the approval from the bottom of his heart.

[Because you accepted a contract invitation from a demon lord, you have now obtained the basic career path - Warlock. 】

[You have taken up the profession of magician, and the current profession level is 1. 】

[You have unlocked the professional characteristic of the magician-the suzerain of the other world. 】


[You have unlocked the magician professional characteristic - contract magic. 】

[Contract magic: Your spell power comes from your mystery research and the magic gift from the suzerain. From now on, you can learn up to 2 0-level spells and 2 [-]-level spells. 】

[You have unlocked the sub-job of the magician-demon characteristic: blessing of darkness. 】

[Blessing of Darkness: From level 1 onwards, whenever you reduce the HP of an enemy creature to 0, you will gain a temporary HP equal to your Charisma adjustment + your Warlock level (minimum 1) . 】

(End of this chapter)

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