I can't be an NPC

Chapter 317 Doll Sister

Chapter 317 Doll Sister
But it doesn't stop there.

[Your suzerain is extremely generous. When learning the magician spells, your demon suzerain gave you the power to add more spells to the warlock spell list for selection. 】

[The gift from the suzerain is so rich, and the power of the soul is so full that your magician level has been raised to level 3. 】

[You have obtained 1 attribute point, and you can freely choose to improve a personal attribute. 】

[You have unlocked the professional feature of the magician-magic invocation. 】

[Magic energy invocation: You have discovered the way of magic energy invocation during the study of mysterious knowledge. These taboo knowledge fragments allow you to obtain lasting magic ability.At 2nd level, you gain two invocations of fel of your choice.You can also learn other invocations of fel as you gain higher levels of warlock.In addition, you can replace a learned invocation with a new invocation when you gain a level in your class, but you must meet the prerequisites for learning the new invocation. 】

[You chose to invoke: Shadow Armor, Magic Lance. 】

[Shadow Armor: You can cast Mage Armor on yourself at will without consuming spell slots and material components. 】

[Magic Spear (prerequisite: Acquiring trick——Magic Explosion): When casting Magic Explosion, the range becomes 300 feet. 】

[You have unlocked the professional characteristic of the magician-the Enchantment of Enchantment. 】

[Magic Enchantment: At level 3, your suzerain bestows on you a gift as a reward for your loyal service.Your current choices are: Magic Contract of Chains, Magic Contract of Blades, and Magic Contract of Books. 】

[Book of Shadows trick selection: Thunderbolt Sword, Emerald Flame Sword, Communication Technique. 】


[Because you accepted a contract invitation from a demon lord, you have now obtained the basic career path - Warlock. 】


[Because you accepted a contract invitation from a demon lord, you have now obtained the basic career path - Warlock. 】


The joint bestowal of many suzerains made Li Wen almost directly full in the main problems of spell selection and magic deeds.

spell?Can learn!What is the Warlock class spell list?nonexistent.

Magic contract?Want it all!What can only choose one?I say take it all and take it all!

After reaching a certain level, some restrictions and rules for ordinary professionals have gradually become useless to Li Wen.

And after taking office in person, Li Wen didn't know the advantages of a magician.

When you join a job, you get a professional grade. Which profession can achieve this level?
Although the gift is not much, only about 2 soul energy, but at least it is a kindness of the suzerain, just this carefulness, can't it explode other professions?

But this is not the end. When a new career path is opened and there will be no part-time punishment, the soul energy required by the low-level is almost the level of sprinkling water for Li Wen today.

Even though Li Wen just spent tens of millions of soul energy, whether it is the professional abilities that have been continuously providing soul energy before, and the shuttle spell production ability that has just been released to players in Dreiser State, plus the tickets for the gate of the abyss The commission is slowly recovering blood for Li Wen all the time.

The soul energy on his body is not too much now, but about 9 soul energy is still enough for Li Wen to raise his professional level to level 85000 after paying 5 soul energy points.

The 4 attribute point obtained at level 2 and level 1 was invested by Li Wen in perception, and now perception has finally reached 8 points, gradually catching up to the level of normal people.

This is the biggest advantage of the second identity in obtaining professional abilities. Sharing the basic attributes with the original body is equivalent to using a part-time job without soul energy penalty to improve the basic attributes. Similarly, the life value also has an additional bonus.

So much so that even if the second identity is only a level 5 magician, Li Wen still has 94 points of health, which can be called a humanoid dragon.

At the same time, Li Wen, who has been promoted to level 5, has an additional option to invoke.

[Hunger and Thirst Demon Blade (Prerequisite: Level 5, Blade Deed): When you use a contract weapon to perform an attack action, you can launch two effective attacks instead of one. 】

Thanks to those diligent wage earners...

Li Wen felt a little emotional, it was because of the selfless dedication of those people that he was able to go smoothly in his career path system.

"Ah Qiu!"

"Who the hell scolded me!"

The blond female player "Mom, open the door" who was working hard, rubbed her nose, raised her head and moved her stiff neck, then lowered her head again and fell into a hard struggle.

The ability to make shuttle spells that Bobby bestowed on her made her earn a fortune, but she was almost exhausted, so the supply was in short supply, okay?

I heard that Bobby seems to have passed it on to two other people... In this regard, "Mom, open the door" just wants to say: spread more, three people are too busy!


The second identity also got a career path, but the soul energy couldn't go up for a while, and Li Wen, who had nothing else to do, went straight to the city of Menzoberranzan in the underground world with a teleportation circle.

When he was on the ground, Li Wen used the magic net itself to cast spells, so he was not restricted by the shadow magic net.

It's just that it might be a little troublesome when he comes back, and I don't know if the leeks can consciously work harder, and during the time when he goes to the underground world, his second identity, the magician level, will be at least level 9. He can cast the five-ring teleportation circle without having to come back through the underground passage of the dwarf city.

The pale white magic halo floated up and down around Li Wen's body, and after a while it collapsed into a dazzling light spot before disappearing.

When he opened his eyes again, Li Wen had already arrived at a spring not far from Menzoberranzan City.

This is where the teleportation circles in Menzoberranzan City are located. Most of the teleportation circles will not be set up in the city, and even if they are in the city, they will be in some remote locations with heavy guards.

Seeing Li Wen's figure appearing in the circle, the drow mage who was guarding the circle quickly stood up and said to Li Wenlu: "High Priest..."


Li Wen nodded, and headed straight for the city gate not far away.

There was some doubt in the eyes of the drow mage who was looking at Li Wen's back. She always felt that the high priest Poppy she saw today seemed...not as likable as before?

When he came to the gate of the city, Li Wen stroked his broken hair from bottom to top, and at the same time looked up at the towering city wall, with a bright smile blooming in his eyes under the dim light.

"He" loves the city.

This city where he can do whatever he wants is full of the wonderful fragrance of freedom.

Accompanied by the dark green tail flame, a burst of magic energy smashed towards the drow guard on the city wall.

"Take me to the Kardashians!"

The captain of the guard patted the dust on his trembling chest, which might or might not have been there, and smiled helplessly and softly.

Sure enough, he is still the familiar High Priest Bobby...

This kind of harmless and vicious attack method is really...cute~
The warlock spell that uses the Charisma Adjustment Bonus as the key attribute cannot be said to be useless in Li Wen's hands, it can only be said to be useless.

"Okay, my lord priest."


"I'm so stupid, I'm so stupid, I'm so stupid..."

"I can't always get anything right."

"Why don't they listen to me, how can it be so difficult to control everyone!"

"I don't want to do it anymore."

On the dark Iron Throne, a slender figure lay limp on it like a dead snake, just like a salted fish suppressed by life.

"Kardashian, you are the best, do you know? You are the best drow I have ever seen, come on, cheer up, you will definitely become the only king of drow."

"I don't want to do it anymore, I can't play with them..."

Even with Master Poppy's order, she succeeded in taking the supreme position above the eight major families in terms of identity, but any will of hers to distort the original principles of the eight major families would be... directly ignored.

Everyone respected her in their mouths, but they colluded directly in private and put her in a clean place.

She has no command over any other drow in Menzoberranzan except her own.

Opening up Menzoberranzan, opening up trade, removing the unwritten concept of drow supremacy... It's all for shit.

This feeling like a fist hitting the air made her feel that she had nowhere to use her strength.

I don't know if the previous strategy of borrowing Master Bobby's power is a fool's plan, or it's just luck.

But now, facing the experienced mistresses of the Eight Great Families, she only felt a deep sense of frustration in all kinds of meticulous and trivial matters.

Facing them, I feel like a fool...

And the wax melted demon who had contracted before couldn't help in these matters, it was useless.

Don't ring spicy!

At this moment, a burly figure rushed in from outside the door, and the Zodiac Man shouted excitedly in his hoarse and deep voice.

"Lord Bobby is back."


Kardashian straightened her body, lifted herself up from her seat and stood up in a daze.

"Then what are you waiting for, go and meet them!"

"It's already at the door..."

While talking, a short figure appeared from the corner outside the door, and the dark shadow was extremely conspicuous and tall in the dark background.

"Woooooo~ I miss you so much, Bobby!"

Feeling the embrace that suddenly hugged him, Li Wen's body froze in the air on the spot, and the next moment he struggled in Kardashian's embrace as if his hair had exploded.

"Let go, let go, let go! If you don't let go, I'll bite you! Aww!"

After finally waiting for Kardashian's excitement to pass, Li Wen was able to cover the ground with both feet, but his face was downcast - "I'm not clean anymore..."

"So... so excited."

"Shut up, I don't want to hear you talk."


After waiting anxiously for a moment, Kardashian couldn't help asking.

"What are you doing back here?"

"Calling in..."

"It's good to drop by..."

Li Wen rolled his eyes with a disdainful tone.

"Come on, I need you to do something."

"Ah~ you say."


Li Wen snapped a drawing in front of Kardashian's eyes.

"This, can you do it?"

Kardashian picked up the drawing and glanced at it, her eyebrows slightly raised.

"This...is not easy to do."

"Then this, can you do it?"

With a "snap", Li Wen took another stack of drawings.

Kardashian picked up the drawings and flipped through them one by one, the more excited she looked.

"Master Bobby..."


"We haven't done these things, the first time... no experience."


"So can you get someone to teach me?"

Li Wen frowned slightly, and cursed softly.


Looking for someone to teach?Who to teach?Said as if he would.

Who would have thought that you can't do such a simple thing, you drow are really useless! Cui!

So now the question is, who to teach?

The doll sister seems to have no technical difficulty, but if you want to make it cute and beautiful, you don't have to have hands.

Looking for a craftsman in the human world?

Maybe people are willing to come to this underground world with me, but you can't knock people out and tie them down, right?


Li Wenyi clapped his hands.


"Yes! Just ask if there is anyone in the city who has this handicraft, let him teach you, and it will be over."

In such a huge city of Menzoberranzan, you can't find a craftsman, right?
"It can be..."

Kardashian nodded, "But you'd better not expect too much."

Both are drow, and Kardashian knows her people very well.

There is nothing wrong with letting them fight and fight and intrigue.

If they are allowed to make this kind of fluffy dolls that only the most delicate people can sew, it will kill them?
As for those aliens...

Not to mention, they are all muscular brats.

Except for the drow themselves, Menzoberranzan city does not need aliens who cannot do hard work.

Li Wen pressed his head, feeling a little distressed, and he didn't count on this point.

But it is really inconvenient for him to go back and find someone... It is inconvenient for him to go back and forth since he cannot cast the teleportation circle in the ground, how much time is wasted going back and forth?


However, after thinking about it, Li Wen only wanted these drows to do it, because they were not exposed to the eyes of any forces, and any actions were kept secret.

If Jianfeng City did it by itself... After the people in Dreiser State knew the news, even if they would not do any sabotage, they would definitely be vigilant about this move, so that in Li Wen's next plan play a certain hindering role.

"Let's recruit first."

Diablo Bobby was a little annoyed, he couldn't help but deal with Li Wen's business, but now he encountered certain difficulties, but these wastes were useless.

Looking at Kardashian in front of her, she became angry.

"Go find someone!"

Dark Poppy jumped up to kick Kardashian's ass, only to reach her calf.

"Good Le~"

Kardashian, who heard Li Wen's strong order again, felt extremely satisfied.

After many days, I finally had the opportunity to let go of my mind again and just do things.

Woooooo~ I'm so touched!

(End of this chapter)

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