I can't be an NPC

Chapter 322 The Stars Bless... and Magic Control

Chapter 322 The Stars Bless... and Magic Control
Li Wen went straight to the spider web.

Most extraordinary beings, no matter how powerful they are in melee combat, more or less have certain spellcasting abilities, but this spellcasting ability is also strong or weak.

For example, Orcas, the big skeleton, can never keep up with Rose, the Queen of Spiders, in terms of spellcasting ability alone.

So Li Wen was the first to test the waters with Rose, the Queen of Spiders.

The very first time they met, the figure who stretched his teeth and danced his claws on the spider web seemed to be twisting his body in a strange way, and immediately stopped his crazy behavior.

As her figure changed rapidly, a gorgeous female giant in a tight black mermaid skirt appeared in front of Li Wen.

"Who told you to peek."

Annoyed and angry, Rose raised her smooth and white feet and kicked Li Wen.

This is not the first time that Diablo Bobby has full experience. When Rose's calf is kicked, he backs up to reduce the impact force as much as possible. Then he opens his hands and hugs the kicked calf. .

Rose, who retracted her right leg, felt the slight itchiness caused by the gentle friction on the leg surface, and couldn't help stamping her feet a little hotly.

Looking down, the nasty little thing was sliding its face up and down her lap.

"Get up!"

Diablo Bobby pinched the goddess' calf flesh, only to feel that it was greasy and soft.

So cute, I want to raise one.

The next moment, caught off guard, the whole person was hoisted into the air by the back of the neck.

Then he saw that beautiful face with black curly hair pretending to be angry.

Rose lightly parted her red lips.

"I asked you to come down and didn't hear it!"

The dark Bobby just smiled with his face up, and at the same time secretly stored a burst of magic energy behind his back.


Not surprisingly, the green energy ball didn't even make a single mark on Rose's hand.

"Have you had enough trouble~ Tell me, what are you here for?"

Rose knew the character of this little villain, and she would never take the initiative to come to her if she had nothing to do.

"Come and post~"


paste ~ squeeze ~ pinch ~
"and then?"

After rubbing face to face for a long time, Rose threw Li Wen onto the spider web and hung it up, like a bad spider who wanted to eat his mate after mating.

"Pass your understanding of magic to me in your own way... Well, it's like the gifts you gave me before."

"Oh~ I'll try."

As a large group of cotton-like spider silk wrapped the bodies of Li Wen and Rose together, a strange close connection was quietly established between the two.

Rose's use of magic power was shared with Li Wen's senses in a wonderful way.

This process is not an instant thing. In the continuous sharing state, Li Wen also started a rapid simulation process in his mind.

And it seems that because the previous foundation was very solid, when the factor of the gift from the outer gods appeared in the simulation of the new talent, the completion did not appear to hover up and down. The progress of % directly jumped up by 85 percentage points, and it made steady progress in the follow-up simulation of investing soul energy, and there was no previous stagnation.

The train of thought was correct, and Li Wen was overjoyed... But in the darkness, there seemed to be something soft and fragrant covering his lips?



As the spider silk fell off, two figures of about the same size were revealed.

That's it.

Just looking at Rose with a rosy complexion and a tug at the corner of her mouth, the dark Bobby wiped her lips in disgust.

"Does it have to be so lustful..."

The bad woman's saliva is sticky, I hate it to death.

I will never ask her to do business again in the future, and the big skeleton should be more worry-free.


"Let's go now?"

Rose licked her lips, and there seemed to be some unsatisfactory expressions in her winking eyes.

She likes the breath of the human being in front of her, and is eager to leave more pheromones about him, but there are still too few pheromones in the saliva in the body fluids...

"Goodbye~ah no! See you again! Hmph!"

Dark Bobby turned around and stepped into the docking circle next to the resurrection point.

Then he went straight to the next abyss lord he knew.

Who is the craziest in the endless abyss, ask who is the father.

When Li Wen's footprints spread all over the abyss with most powerful energy levels, his new talent will be fully released.

[Racial Talent - Blessed by the Stars: The stars bless you, and the gods pray for you.As the original favored person, you carry all the blessings related to the original law. (The current occupation is a spellcaster, and the form of blessing is - super magic.)]

[Super magic activated: cautious spell, long-range spell, powerful spell, prolonged spell...]


"Master Li Wen is back."

Boswell, who received the news, hurriedly planned to welcome him out.

Great to finally be back.

3 hours!
Do you know how he got here for these 3 hours?

Although Supreme Mage Stephen Blaze didn't say a word, the oppression brought by his identity and strength seemed to be directly pressing heavily on his heart.

How dare Master Li Wen dare?
Leave such a magic master who is recognized as the fourth in the world here?

Don't want to mess around, do you?
Not to mention that the adjutant, who was still close to each other in the past, didn't know what was going on today. It was as if his brain had been arched by Master Li Wen. He couldn't ease the atmosphere.

The more he talked, the darker the Supreme Mage's face became.

Appears to be loyal, but in fact he is rebellious.

But now that people are back, it's good. Master Li Wen is back, so he doesn't have to continue to bear this terrible pressure.

Even now, he still doesn't know what the Supreme Master is looking for Master Li Wen for.

"Please come back soon!"

"I'm coming."

So everyone saw Li Wen, who was full of smiles and bliss.

The brighter Li Wen smiled, the worse Stephen's mood became.

But there is Jill beside the ear who keeps on fire.

"He's smiling so happily~"

"What happened to Master Li Wen so happy?"

Oh, and there's a Burning Blade officer who's been on fire here too.

So no matter how generous Stephen was, he couldn't help shouting in a low voice at the moment.

"Master Li Wen..."

Li Wen looked at the man in front of him suspiciously, "Who are you...?"

The second half of the sentence was asked looking at Boswell.

Being obsessed with new talents, he only vaguely remembered that Boswell said to bring him to meet someone, who... he didn't say.

Or maybe he said it but didn't pay attention.

"This is Lord Stephen Blaze, the supreme mage of Silvermoon City. He has been waiting here for Master Li Wen for three hours."

The adjutant was the first to explain Li Wen's confusion with a smile.

Li Wen glanced at him gratefully, then turned his head to look at the handsome and handsome man in front of him who was sitting on a chair, but now he was a middle-aged man in his 30s with a gloomy complexion, and said hello sincerely . "Master Stephen... I don't know, what do you want from me?"

Li Wen felt that this supreme mage and himself probably couldn't get in touch with each other. If there was any connection, it was probably because everyone was a mage.

"It's like this. I heard that Master Li Wen has superb attainments in magic, and I have been able to gain some experience in magic all the way. I hope that Master Li Wen will not hesitate to enlighten me."

See the picture poorly.

It turned out that they were here to suppress Master Li Wen.

Boswell on the side was shocked, and finally realized the purpose of Lord Stephen's visit.

It turned out that they couldn't see that Master Li Wen, a mage from the Golden Lion Kingdom, was taking the lead in their Violet, and wanted to vent their anger for their Violet mage.

However, although……

At any rate, they are the ones who have given them a complete solution to the abyss, and they are working hard for it.

People should not be naturally colored because of their nationality.

Boswell, who realized the intention of the Supreme Master, was very entangled for a while. From the standpoint, he should firmly support the Supreme Master, but from the perspective of being a man, he should support Master Li Wen.


However, the facts will not be diverted by his will.


Li Wen responded with a smile, "Compared to what?"

Li Wen also likes to communicate with these high-level mages. A mage is a profession that requires communication. Only when you have enough knowledge can you produce excellent results behind closed doors.

"It's very simple, compared to the control of spells, which is the foundation of every mage."

It is the foundation, but it is also the thing that can best show the level of a mage.

For the same spell, it is too obvious who can control the spell more freely.

Speeding up the casting speed, simplifying the casting action, silently reciting spells and so on, these general operations that can actually optimize casting are basic operations for many powerful mages.

More powerful mages can even manipulate various more detailed elements of spellcasting in different spells.

"How about a simple secondary phantom, for example?"

The secondary phantom is just a trick, even if you haven't learned it, it won't take long to learn it on the spot... For an excellent mage.

If you don't have this ability to learn on the spot, then... you can't even be considered a normal excellent mage, so there is no need to talk about the latter.

Li Wen readily agreed.


He wanted to see how the No. 1 under the recognized high legend could understand such a simple spell...or what tricks he could play.

"But you have to give me a spell scroll of the lesser phantom first."

This simple trick does not exist in Li Wen's trick learning qualifications.


Stephen casually took out the spell scroll that Li Wen needed from the ripples in space.

While Li Wen was studying, Stephen began to slowly introduce the rules, or the reasons, not only for Li Wen, but also for the other three people around him.

"We all know that mages who can only master the evocation faction can master the spells of the evocation faction proficiently, so as to prevent their power from accidentally injuring friendly troops, but most of the time, not everyone specializes in the evocation faction, and likewise, not all The spells are spells of the evocation faction. At this time, if our spells cannot distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, then we are not good partners on the battlefield."

As soon as the words fell, Li Wen's puzzled voice sounded beside him.

"Is this what you said?"

Beside Li Wen, a vivid little lion was baring its teeth and claws at the big guy. The golden hair seemed to be disturbed by a slight air current, showing an almost flawless texture.

Cantrip—Less Mirage (Illusion): You create a sound or image of an object within range that lasts until the spell's duration ends.

If you create a sound, the volume can be a low whisper or a high scream.It could be yours or anyone else's voice, or the roar of a lion, a drum beat, or any other sound you specify.The sound does not diminish for the duration, or you can create several scattered sounds at different times before the spell ends;

If you create an image of an object (such as a chair, muddy footprints, a small box, etc.), the object must be no larger than a cube 5 feet on a side.The image has no sound, light, smell or any other sensory effect.Since the image can be penetrated by anything, any physical interaction with it will reveal its illusory nature.

Any creature investigating the sound or image must make a magic check against the spell's difficulty saving throw or determine that it is an illusion.The illusion appears blurred to creatures who see through it. (Release time: 3 seconds. Duration: 1 minute. Cooldown time: 10 seconds. Casting range: 30 feet.)

This was Stephen's first subconscious reaction when he saw this spell.

Then he realized a problem——

Master Li Wen hadn't learned this spell before, this was the first time he had learned and used this spell, otherwise he wouldn't have asked himself for a spell scroll.

And when he learned and used it for the first time, he made this trick show two characteristics that cannot appear at the same time in the hands of ordinary mages—sound and image.

And this was only during the time he spoke just now.

Sure enough, Master Li Wen is worthy of being able to achieve such a great reputation. In such a subtlety, he can show kung fu.

However, this is only the proper display of the spell itself, and a third-tier mage who specializes in the illusion school may not be worse than Li Wen.

"So... how to distinguish between the enemy and us?"


Li Wen's thoughts moved slightly, and the little lion put his paws on the ground, looked at the people in front of him, opened his mouth, and let out a mighty "owwow".

Boswell and his adjutant Dang even fell into a certain state of stupor, their eyes were straightened, apparently caught in the judgment effect.

As for Stephen himself... He didn't feel the deterrence shown by the little lion at all.

It wasn't because of his superb magic power that he was directly exempted from the spell effect, but because... Li Wen's little lion didn't deter him at all.


[Spell of Caution: When casting a spell that allows other creatures to save, you can protect some of the creatures from the full power of the spell.You target a maximum number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1), and the targeted creatures completely ignore the spell's saving throw. 】

Li Wen smiled at Stephen, "This should be a very basic thing, right?"

It's your turn.

There is only one meaning in Li Wen's smile.

He wanted to see what kind of special comprehension this supreme mage could have for this ordinary trick.

Obviously, the supreme mage didn't mean that.

"What a cute little lion~"

Listening to Jier's muttering beside him, Stephen wisely chose not to play tricks on others. Maybe this Master Li Wen is an expert in the school of illusion?
Then it's better to change another aspect. A real great mage should be an all-rounder, and shouldn't be obsessed with a certain field.

(End of this chapter)

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