I can't be an NPC

Chapter 323 War

Chapter 323 War
Stephen directly pulled out a stack of trick scrolls from the ripples in space and placed them in front of Li Wen, while giving the next topic.

"As we all know, the battlefield is often too dangerous. Our mage's fragile body does not allow us to get too close to the target. Spells that far exceed the normal casting distance can make our spellcasting situation safer. Look at the one standing on the gate of the barracks halberd……"

As soon as he finished speaking, a small arrow made of flames pierced the air beside his ear, and the wind and waves brought by the hot flame had just blown the dark golden hair on his temples, and the small flame arrow had already hit him head-on. On that halberd.

At least a distance of about 70 meters...

The normal casting distance of the flame arrow is only... 40 meters.

[Long-range spells: When casting a spell with a casting distance of not less than 5 feet, you can double the casting distance of the spell; when casting a spell with a casting distance of reach, you can change the casting distance of the spell to 30 feet. 】


"No matter how short the casting time is, sometimes it is the difference between life and death. If you can cast any spell instantly..."


[Instant cast spell: When casting a spell with a casting time of no more than 3 seconds, you can change its casting time to 0.1 second. 】


"Our spell slots are quite precious. Many times we can't just sit and watch high-attribute opponents easily exempt from our spell effects..."

[Upgrade Spell: When casting a spell that forces a creature to make a saving throw to resist its effect, you can make one of all the targets of the spell at a disadvantage when making a saving throw against the spell for the first time. 】

The so-called disadvantage is to perform abnormally.

When performing various spells that require attribute determination, it is often the subject's specified immunity attribute and other related determination bonuses that counteract the caster's main spellcasting attribute and related bonuses.

For most spells that require attribute determination, the value of the exemption difficulty is often 8 + the main attribute adjustment value of the spellcasting + professional proficiency.

The main attribute of spellcasting for mages is magic power, and the main attribute of spellcasting for new professions such as warlocks and warlocks is charm. This is the greatest significance of the main attribute of spellcasting.


According to Li Wen's current attributes and levels, the difficulty of casting a spell that requires the subject to fight against attributes is 8+5+5.

18 points.

As for the opponent's confrontation test, the result is 1~20 + occupational immunity proficiency + immunity attribute adjustment value + possible equipment additional attribute immunity.

The attributes here are the attributes that require a test in the spells that need to be resisted. Some spells require magic power, some spells require charm, and some require perception, physique, strength, and so on.

An excellent mage often chooses the application of targeted spells based on the opponent's weakness attributes.

For example, priests have occupational immunity proficiency bonuses for the two attributes of perception and charisma, and their own perception is the main attribute. If a priest uses a spell that requires a perception check, the result is often asking for trouble. In comparison, Charisma-related checking spells are also more difficult to affect a priest.

In addition to these two attributes, other attribute checking spells are obviously easier to take effect on a priest.

Another example is that the professional immunity attributes of mages are magic power and perception, and the professional immunity attributes of fighters are strength and constitution. Knowing the opponent's occupation, you can often choose targeted spells that are more likely to produce effects.

This is a man-made choice in terms of tactics, and it involves the magic against itself, which affects the point of 1~20 in the result of the confrontation test, which is related to the performance of the subject.

The meaning of "upgrading spells" is to affect the opponent's performance, so that the result of 1~20 tends to be as close as possible to 1, then the total result of the opponent's check will be difficult to reach 18 points, so it will be difficult to save Drop your own spell effects.

Stephen's eyes were serious.

I already knew a lot about this mage Li Wen's knowledge and attainments in magic before, but I didn't expect that even the control of the magic power itself is far beyond ordinary people.


I am not satisfied!
Stephen knew that his mentality had undergone some subtle changes compared to when he came.

During the 3 hours of waiting just now, even though there were two small flies "buzzing" around his ears, it didn't make him really irritable.

But now, he is no longer the kind of high-ranking pointing mentality when he just decided to meet Li Wen.

This is a real mage of the same level. His understanding of magic power itself is probably no less than his own.

A real mage will not be complacent about his own strength, but will only be proud and confident about the wider knowledge he has mastered.

Mage is different from priests, warlocks, and warlocks.

As spellcasters, priests and warlocks rely on the spellcasting ability bestowed by the gods or suzerain, or some kind of qualification.

Warlocks rely on instinct.

These spellcastings do not require any effort on their part in the casting of spells.

The basic process is "thinking" - "whether you have qualifications" - "finishing".

It belongs to skipping the process to see the result.

And what about the mage?

If they want to cast a spell, they need their personal will to dominate the details of how to complete the spell.

The casting of every spell is premeditated and controlled, and every detail in the casting is dominated by one's own consciousness.

They need to take every spell they cast seriously, after all if they don't take spells seriously, spells won't take them seriously.

With this level of control over spells, Mage Li Wen's knowledge of magic power may have reached a terrifying level.

However, Stephen was still not reconciled.

"the last one!"

For the cheating of the rules!
"Whether it is instant or powerful, it may still be stretched when needed. Sometimes we need some simpler and crude means to achieve our goals, such as... attacking enemies that exceed the spell limit."

Two flaming arrows were shot at Boswell and his adjutant respectively.

[Twin Spell: When casting a spell that affects a single creature and the casting distance is not your own, you can specify another target within the spell casting distance.For a spell cast with a high-level ring, if the target becomes multiple after its ascending ring is cast, it can no longer use this method to increase its targets. 】


Great post.

"That's it?"

Stephen ignored Ji Er's sarcasm, but nodded sincerely to Li Wen.

"Master Li Wen's magical attainments are extraordinary, and you must have a place in the future high-level legends. Farewell."

Come as you say it, and leave as you say it.

The purpose of Stephen's coming here seems to be to watch Li Wen perform a few spells, which Boswell did not expect.

Oh... It seems that he even praised Master Li Wen.

Suppression for a long time is false, and the platform is true.

This supreme mage finally showed up once, but it turned out to be someone to support the scene?

Li Wen stood where he was, a little dazed.

Not because the Supreme Mage came and went like the wind, but because the Supreme Mage apparently told him a whisper from everyone around him——

"Be careful with backstabs."


"Shocked! The Supreme Master lost to Master Li Wen and returned in a big defeat!"

"Master Li Wen uttered wild words, there is no one who can beat Violet!"

"An insider revealed that Master Li Wen is actually the illegitimate son of the Lord of the Abyss!"

"The vigorous development of the Abyss Gate turned out to be a conspiracy by Master Li Wen and the Abyss Lord?"

"The 32 little secrets that have to be told between Master Li Wen and the Lord of the Abyss."

"Brilliant! Master Li Wen's private news leaked out, and it seems that he has close communication with the abyss lord!"

"The slow progress in conquering the abyss is because Master Li Wen is behind the scenes!"

After this little-known little exchange, boundless rumors spread throughout the land of Dreiser State like a virus.

The Gate of the Abyss is a characteristic of Dreiser State, and it is also the core issue that all the people of Dreiser State are most concerned about. This door to another world that seems to have stood here since ancient times is the biggest problem they need to face in their survival.

Whenever there is a disturbance from the abyss, the outside world will be more assimilated by the abyss.

When the Master Li Wen from the Golden Lion Kingdom proposed his solution and was willing to serve as the commander-in-chief of the Abyss Gate Raiders Department, no matter how they felt about the Golden Lion Kingdom itself, countless people in Dreiser State had great respect for Li Wen. The name Grammarist is always full of affection and gratitude.

And now...

Are you saying it's all fake?
Is it all a conspiracy with the abyss lord?
Deep love and responsibility.

How grateful they were before, how vicious their psychology of revenge on Li Wen is now.

"Kill! We must peel off that guy's skin and hang it on the door, so that those evil abyss lords will know that we are not easy to mess with."

"It's a pity that I treated him as the reincarnation of a goddess before, bah! I wasted 50 billion descendants!"

"I just said, how could such a young guy come up with a plan to conquer the gate of the abyss that even the mages couldn't solve? It turned out to be a conspiracy discussed with those abyss lords!"

The overwhelming remarks were as heavy as the substance of Li Wen...or the people of the Burning Blade Legion who came into contact with Li Wen, such as General Boswell.

"Master Li Wen..."

Boswell looked at Li Wen with an apologetic face, "We don't know what's going on, the rumors will come so fiercely."

The more ordinary people who are unclear about the actual situation, the more they will be coerced by gossip.

A single person is sane, but a crowd is ignorant.

When everyone says yes, it doesn't matter what the truth is.

Of course, Boswell knew the truth.

Even though the relationship between Master Li Wen and those abyss lords is indeed somewhat unclear, it cannot change the fact that his positioning magic circle is true and effective.

As for the plan that killing the abyssal demons can alleviate the impact of the abyss breath on the human world, this plan itself is not an original discovery of Master Li Wen. This is a long-standing theory. There is a possibility of realization.

Therefore, it is obviously wrong for Master Li Wen to bear his current reputation.

A sane ruler would not pay for the false voices of ordinary people led by public opinion, but the fact now is...Master Li Wen needs to be ordered to leave the territory of Violet, or the territory of Dreiser State.

The Burning Blade Legion is about to launch a general attack on Jianfeng City to vent the anger of the people.

So unreasonable.

Even Boswell, a general who had always been loyal to the Burning Blade Legion, felt angry at the moment.

However, to no avail, he could only come to deliver instructions.

After receiving the notification, Li Wen didn't show any fluctuations, whether it was in expression or psychology.

This was the private advice that the supreme mage gave himself before he left.

In Dreiser State, someone...or a group is desperate to start a war, no matter what the cost.

Maybe not all of Dreiser is bad, but obviously, there are bad people among them.

The current rumors are all appearances, and the reason is just the beginning of someone behind the scenes wanting to stir up hatred.

Fortunately, Li Wen never placed his hope on the enemy's decision-making.

Smiling lightly, Li Wen stood up and walked outside the sunny hall.

"Don't forget to maintain the rune sequence for the magic circle regularly."

Giving the final suggestion, Li Wen disappeared with a teleportation circle.

With the disappearance of a certain authority, the information registration belonging to Li Wen's personal information in the white list of the teleportation circle in the city near the gate of the abyss was quietly erased.

From now on, Li Wen is no longer welcome here.

Looking at the place where the white light suddenly disappeared, Boswell's eyes seemed to be burning with a flame.

"Now, are you finally satisfied?"

No one left or right.

Oh~ only standing not far away...his adjutant.


"Adolf, have you really decided to go to war?"

"I have met Master Li Wen, he is very nice."

"It turns out that there are indeed rulers who are swayed by the words of foolish people. It really opened my eyes."

At the meeting of the five elders, in the face of the Grand Duke Adolf who finally made the decision, the rest of the others finally confirmed or dissuaded him.

The shadow in the corner flickered with the light of a dagger, and the cold voice was devoid of emotion.

"I don't care if you start a war, don't touch Master Li Wen, I know you are not afraid of death, but not everyone in your army is not afraid of death."

The taciturn Grand Duke responded for the first time.

The tiger-like figure stood up slowly from his seat, his eyes swept over everyone in front of him without any emotion.

"I miss the first morning wind blowing on the Waller Plain, but I just hope that its wind will not be bloody from now on."

After speaking, the figure dimmed.

"What does he mean?"

"The war he started..."

"No... maybe he wants to end the war."

Stephen leaned on his seat with a slightly startled expression.

Slowly, his gaze turned to the northeast...

I don't know if that wise Archmage Antonio saw anything.

(End of this chapter)

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