I can't be an NPC

Chapter 327 Moon – Turing

Chapter 327 Moon – Turing

"I have no malice."

Stephen raised his hands in a friendly gesture, trying to negotiate with the illithids.

He wanted to find Master Li Wen to discuss the next course of action.

Up to now, he has roughly guessed the reason why Grand Duke Adolf made these actions——

The irrational aggressiveness of Dreiser State comes from some kind of... "war spirit" in everyone in Dreiser State?
Realizing this, Grand Duke Adolf started an irrational war with a decisive attitude in order to prevent this "curse" feeling from spreading to everyone on the continent, in order to make the whole continent come to besiege him... …

It is difficult for him to order everyone to commit suicide or make a suicide charge into the abyss, and the sensible people of Dreiser State will not approve of this order.

So he needs to do real harm to other people... Archduke Adolf believes in the power of vengeance, and also in the ambitions of other people in power.

As for Jianfeng City... maybe it was just the first sacrifice he needed to sacrifice in order to achieve his goal?

But so what?He can even sacrifice his entire state of Dreiser, so how can he talk about a city in a foreign country?
Everything, for all mankind!

And after he and his people in Dreiser State are completely destroyed, a new order will be established again on the land after the ashes, and the next...unlucky guy will guard the gate of the abyss again.

Stephen was organizing his thoughts in his mind, thinking about what he would say when he might meet Li Wen later.

The attitude is also quite low.

He is the number one mage under the high-level legend, but facing the demigod monster-sucking mastermind who is even above the high-level legend, it is still somewhat unsatisfactory.

But it doesn't matter, we are allies~
He believes that since these spirit suckers are here to help Master Li Wen, they are naturally friends of human beings.

Just communicate well...





They ran away? !
Ji'er beside her covered her brows with her palms, tiptoed to look at the back of the conch ship going away, her tone was light and airy.

"They're gone~"

Stephen had a dark face.

"I can see..."

"Is it because Master Li Wen doesn't want to see you?"

"Maybe you don't want to see us?"

Ji'er didn't speak, but turned her head and quietly looked at the handsome middle-aged man in front of her who didn't know how old she was but looked about 40 or [-] years old.

"Okay... Maybe he left first? These illithids are just doing him a favor."

Li Wen did slip away.

When Li Wen received the news from Ah Zhi and others, Li Wen's teleportation circle disappeared directly from the shell ship and returned to Jianfeng City.

The city was bustling.

They all prepared for the mobilization of the war for more than half a month in advance, but the war did not come as expected. Of course, this is something worth celebrating.

And what is even more worthy of celebration is...the soldiers of the Burning Blade Legion, not only did not bring harm, but brought gifts from afar.

This is the happiest day for children.

Soft candies cover the ground of the city, and dolls, large and small, hang in every corner of the city, waiting for their exploration and discovery.

Perhaps the first "war" they experienced in their lives came inadvertently in this way.

Is this what war is like?
Helen walked gently on the long street, looking at the bustling cities on the left and right, her heart was filled with unspeakable complex emotions.

"Li Wen... Li Wen..."

She whispered the name softly.

He was always good at surprising people.

"Where are you?"

A short message was sent, but there was no movement.

"Where did you go again..."

Helen pouted, looking at the excitement around her, she just felt that there was no one to share, which was a bit of a disappointment.


Li Wen directly dragged Ah Zhi and the other four to Croxan's territory. Anyway, he had met them a few times, and Li Wen didn't mind them knowing the secret.

"How to say?"

"They... refused to communicate."

On the opposite side is a society that ... follows the rules.

They reject unknown changes, unnecessary communication, and lies.

They are real people.

Whenever Ah Zhi and the others say something they have never been in contact with, do not understand, or believe to be a lie, they will show a gesture of resistance and refuse to have any further contact with them.

The whole world is like this.

do not know.

Ah Zhi and the others worked hard, but the information they could get was only superficial information. The underlying reason... I don't know.

They couldn't find a solution, and they heard that the "Gaia Continent" was about to start a war, so they returned first and reported the little information they had obtained.

"I don't know..."

Li Wen pondered.

"I see, you go to work first, and then find you if you have anything to do."

He checked the panels of the four people, but he didn't see any information, and Ah Zhi and the others obviously didn't take action against those people.

None of these four players were chaotic and evil players. Facing the aborigines who were only acting weird but not hateful, they had no reason to make a move.

Is there any news that can be obtained by shooting?

Li Wen doesn't know, but it seems...he still needs to go and see for himself.

After dismissing the four players, Li Wen looked at the sky of Croxanne.

That round of copper-colored moon still hangs high in the sky, coolly basking in its brilliance, dim and constant.

A little bigger, it is approaching, approaching the so-called "critical point".

When it is critical, what drastic changes will take place?

Is the invasion of Dreiser's army the beginning, or the end.

And is it directly related to it?
After getting information from Ah Zhi and others, Li Wen became suspicious.

If the "Spirit of War" is the effect of this copper-colored moon, then the opposite world that Li Wen envisioned should also suffer from war.

What Ah Zhi and the others saw should be a world perpetually sunk in the flames of war.

There is devastation everywhere, and the people are in dire straits.

From the moment of birth, every life should take war as its entire purpose.

But...the news they brought back?

Just a regular society that looks weird.

There is no war, and it is even safer and more stable than the Gaia continent.

Could such a world be the one that gave birth to the "Spirit of War"?
do not know.

Li Wen decided to take a look.

"Before you go, there may be some news you want to hear."

Gray mist suddenly formed writing in front of Li Wen.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Li Wen looked at the gray fog in front of him, with a smile in the corner of his eyes, as if he saw the pure and kind person behind him through the gray fog.

"I have connected to the other party's world."

Moving away is decelerating, and approaching is accelerating. Before and after the critical point, the twelve moons seem to follow such a law.

Therefore, as the "distance" gets closer, Croxanne, who is going away, actively perceives the "will" on the copper-colored moon.

Li Wen became excited instantly, "The other party also has consciousness?"

Whether it's Croxan or Er Gouzi, at least they can communicate.

Being able to communicate means being able to obtain information and solve core problems.

The difference is that Croxan's will is more obvious, while Er Gouzi's consciousness is more hidden.

Now that the other party's will can be directly perceived by Croxanne's will, in other words, it should be similar to Croxanne's explicit will.

"But you'd better not get your hopes up."

The gray mist was rarely as vibrant and full of vitality as usual.

When she found the other party's will, Croxan tried to communicate, but got no response.

No, not at all, but "resistance".

The other party resisted responding.

"...So, do you still want to see it?"

Li Wen only hesitated for a moment, then nodded without hesitation.


After all, it is a place to see.

In fact, everything he did was not just for others.

The stability of the mainland and the happiness of the people.

Maybe it's about him, maybe it's not.

But there is one thing, these novel things can always easily arouse his curiosity.

Even if his exploration can't solve the real problem, at least it can solve the curiosity in his heart like a cat scratching.

Knowing about these unknowns has an incomparable fascination in itself.

He never took the responsibility of solving all problems on himself, it would be too tiring, and he didn't feel that he was so special.

But he doesn't mind doing what he can while satisfying his curiosity.

"Can it be positioned directly on the opponent's body?"

Li Wen asked softly.

Since the players have no way to open clues to the aborigines on the opposite side, they may not be better than them.

Rather than that... it's better to go straight to the opponent's body.

"Yes...but, are you sure?"

For the first time, Gray Mist showed hesitation.

The other party's resistance represented a kind of unfriendly attitude, and Croxan didn't want Li Wen to fall into the trap himself.


Li Wen had a smile on his face, in this gloomy world, like a newborn sun, shining for a long time in Croxan's ubiquitous will.

"I like new things so much. If you don't let me see them, I may not have a good night's sleep for a long time."

"……it is good."

The gray mist became firm, and once again regained its former vitality.

"I'll take you there, but... be careful."

(I'm still waiting for you to come after me.)
The approaching of other moons means that she herself is gradually moving away.

This little thought has always been in her consciousness and has never disappeared.




The voice of the other party was calm, and the timbre was hard to describe. It was very human-like, but it had a mechanical feel.

And it even gave Li Wen a strange illusion—this voice was like a mature version of himself.

While the two were talking, there was a huge bright blue light spot flowing through the transparent pipe under their feet, not just one...

At the same time, dozens of light spots flashed across, briefly illuminating the scene in the darkness.

Li Wen was standing on an invisible edge formed by countless transparent pipes, which might be a... ball.

This is the body of this copper-colored moon?
The body is not green?
Li Wen felt a little strange, this seemed to be different from every previous moon.

Of course, Li Wen has only seen two of them, and he can't sum up the characteristics...

It just feels a little weird.

Whether it is the body of this "moon", or his... "will".

"My name is Li Wen, and I come from another world."

"Your name is Li Wen, and you come from another world."

Accompanied by the sound of the dialogue, dozens of huge blue light spots flashed through the transparent pipe under the feet again at the same time.


why repeat...

Seemingly aware of Li Wen's doubts, after a pause, the other party said in that calm voice with almost no ups and downs.

"Do you need 'me' to introduce myself?"

"I do not mind."

"you do not mind?"

The blue light spots were continuously generated and flashed, almost forming a warm and constant blue light on Li Wen's face.

"Oh~ That's the need, right."

The corner of Li Wen's mouth twitched, "Yes, I need it."

"My name is……"

The blue light spots flickered more rapidly, forming, sliding, and disappearing at an extremely fast speed.

And it goes deep inward, briefly illuminating a wider area of ​​space under Li Wen's feet - all of which have the same structure.

"Turing. You can call me Turing."


Li Wen pondered slightly, "Is this your body?"

Through a short two-sentence dialogue, Li Wen had a general understanding of the other party's habits.

Don't use too complicated words, politeness and beating around the bush are unnecessary.

It is more in line with the other party's habits to go straight.


The blue dots flashed at a moderate frequency, which was much less severe than when the name was asked just now.

"No, this is not my body."

Not ontology?

Li Wen frowned slightly.

Could it be that Croxan is in the wrong position?

He turned his head and looked around, but he did not see the starlight that should be in the background of the ordinary starry sky.

There is, just an empty void.

However, the power of magic is still responding to him all the time.

As long as he can cast spells, Li Wen feels that there is no fatal problem.

At the moment, Li Wen is not entangled in this.

He has more important problems.

"What do you think about war?"

A blue light flashed past.



After subconsciously responding, Li Wen quickly added, "Do you know what war is?"

"Yes, I know what war is."

The other party's calm to somewhat rigid tone made Li Wen doubt whether the other party really knew the various factors contained in this simple vocabulary.

"You know how wars are fought and why they are started; you know why people go to wars and how wars end?"

"Yes, I know how wars are fought, and why wars are started; I know why people go to wars, and I know how wars end."

"You don't have to repeat it all."

"I understand, Li Wen."

This will is frighteningly honest, even compared to Croxanne, it seems much more well-behaved.

However, I don't know if it is a disguise, or its existence is special.

Li Wen decided to go deeper.

(End of this chapter)

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