I can't be an NPC

Chapter 328 "I" and "You"

Chapter 328 "I" and "You"

"A war is going on in my world..."

Li Wen wanted to see if there was an intrinsic connection between this will and the "Spirit of War" that plagued even more people in Dreiser State today.

"You're always at war."

"So the war that is happening now has nothing to do with you?"

"do not know."

This is an answer that Li Wen did not expect.

The other side seems to be honest, one is one, and two is two.

So, don't know what that means?
Are you unwilling to say, or really do not know?
"You find it strange?"

The other party took the initiative to ask, this time the flickering of the blue light spots under the feet was brighter and faster than any previous one.

"Yes, can you explain?"


Li Wenjing did not speak, waiting for the other party's answer.

"You just asked if the one under your feet is my body."


"No, it's your brain. To be precise, I simulated it...your brain, but it shows my thinking state now."

Li Wen looked at his feet and nodded.


"Every time you think, you need a lot of signaling in the brain, which takes a lot of energy. The brain only occupies 3% to 4% of your body weight, but it uses 20% of the energy you need to survive. Up to 25%, it should have aided your survival, but it has become a burden to your survival. Meaningless thinking makes you thirst for more energy, and other individuals are also competing for more energy, so there is an outbreak between you The war, after the war, the energy... is still there, it still can only support a certain number of individuals, and the energy wasted in thinking, in the war, is wasted forever. So, now you can tell me, 'You 'Is there really any meaning to the existence of it?"

While the other party was making a sound, blue light spots quickly flowed through the entire transparent pipe under his feet like flowing water. The light and dark brilliance illuminated Li Wen's line of sight, and also consumed a certain amount of... "energy".

After analyzing the other party's words word by word, Li Wen frowned slightly, "What about you? Why do you think? Why do you live?"

"Thinking? No, I didn't think. This is just a simulation of your way of thinking. You asked me what my body is, so you can take a look."

As the blue light spots flickered, the transparent tubes that symbolized the brain gradually faded and disappeared.

In the end, what remained in place and presented before Li Wen's eyes was a large piece...a piece of meat that was hard to see.

The piece of meat is not a solid body, its interior is full of tunnel-like cavities and some connected fascia tissues, and within it is also filled with some kind of strange energy field, with spots of light visible to the naked eye glistening in it So much so that the pure dark red flesh that should have been hideous and disgusting actually took on a somewhat dreamlike beauty.

"This is my body."

The surface of the meat piece bounces lightly, as if breathing.

It says so.

Li Wen looked at the piece of meat in front of him, and the shock and excitement jumped in his heart at the same time.

Any unknown discovery can arouse his interest, and this third moon has given him enough surprises.

It... turned out to be a creature?
The excitement at the beginning gradually settled down, and Li Wen still remembered his original intention of coming here.

Simply witnessing new things is his personal interest, and besides his personal interest, he also wants to solve some practical problems.

"So, the will to 'war' that affects our continent today is your handwriting?"

"It's still back to the question... Yes, and no. It is you who brought the war, not me. You can use me as a... mirror."


"Don't you understand? Look at your body..."

The piece of meat is bouncing gently, "The feedback loop for the vibration is to enhance the stability of the heartbeat, but they accept the bewitching of music and rhythm; the summed up experience of distinguishing images and distinguishing good from bad all become art in the end."

"These arts of music and painting easily give you self-satisfaction, which could only be obtained through the stimulation of obtaining energy, which can now easily be obtained from meaningless creation that does not produce any resources. The whole system is no longer satisfied with shaping the organism itself. , and began to pay attention to the process of 'shaping', the meta-process began to split unscrupulously..."

"They wake up and call themselves 'me'."

"'You' guess each other, suspect each other, use identities and positions to distinguish each individual, and divide 'I' and 'you' precisely."

"Give up 'I', and... give up the war."

"You still exist, but you, no longer 'you'."


Li Wen was silent.

Such a fresh statement is undoubtedly an unimagined challenge for him. He never thought that war could be answered in such a way.


"It's your choice, not everyone's choice."

Li Wen respects all kinds of life forms, philosophies, heterogeneous cultural systems, etc., but respect does not mean acceptance.

He now understood why the aborigines in this moon world treated outsiders in Ah Zhi's report.

If they don't choose to close their hearts and become silent individuals, they are doomed to be destroyed in the flames of war amidst the confrontation of overly expanded individual consciousness.

So they have become the kind of life that follows the rules, stable and stable, everything is just for an ordinary life, no longer affected by disputes and suspicions.

Even the abnormal information brought by Ah Zhi and the others, because it would cause their stalled brains to start thinking and consume excess energy, so the existence of Ah Zhi and others was instinctively rejected by them.

How can they prove that they are here for good when communication itself means harm.

This is why it is difficult for Ah Zhi and others to make any progress on the task... Maybe that is an impossible task.

What Turing imposes on everyone is not the concept of "war" itself, but... a stronger opposition of personal consciousness.

"I think you may be mistaken about one thing."

Facing Li Wen's accusation, Turing replied softly.

"what's up?"

"I can't control anything, I just exist here. As I said earlier, you can think of me as a mirror, I just reflect your own thoughts. I can't impose it, and I can't take it back. Ask for a fight , have to fight."

Li Wen suddenly felt a headache.

Could it be that the root is still in Dreiser State itself?
A fly does not stare at a seamless egg, and a slap does not make a sound.

Why do people bully you and not others?

These words sound hateful, but...it turns out to be the current fact?

"Can we try a little harder?"

"I can temporarily close the reflection on all individuals."

Turing said calmly.

The past cannot be undone.

Li Wen nodded, "Then what's the price?"

"Need an administrator."


"I don't have permission to do that."

Li Wen pursed his lips, feeling that things were magical.

No, to be precise, it is scientific.

"So, you are also a resource module?"

"Have you heard of the resource module? That would be great, I am the resource module... 5."


Li Wen realized that behind these so-called twelve moons themselves, there might be an unimaginable big secret.

The artificial meaning is too strong, even a series.

What are they... on earth trying to do?

In other words, what do the "people" who make them want to do.

Shaking his head, Li Wen asked softly, "So now, can I be the administrator you mentioned?"

After a brief silence, Li Wen, who seemed to be a mature version, replied calmly.


"How to do it?"

"Put your hand over here."

Li Wen did so.

The next moment, an invisible wave extended along the palm of Li Wen's hand to the center of the piece of meat. In the dark, Li Wen only felt that there was something hanging on his soul, and he could see something when he looked inside his soul. A dark red irregular meat ball surrounds the surroundings of his imaginary spirit body, just like... the second dog of the crazy moon before.

What a... amazing creation.

Li Wen suddenly had some unfounded worries in his heart——

In case the original owner comes back and finds that "His" proud creations have been stolen by him... giegie won't be angry~
"Now, then, turn off your reflexes to all creatures."

After communicating for a period of time, Li Wen has gotten used to the other party's communication mode.


With a slight tremor, the surface of the meat piece began to calm down slowly, and the heartbeat-like beating that was slightly ups and downs before gradually disappeared, becoming a slower and longer cycle of fluctuations.

And those emerald green light spots near the tunnels and fascia that proliferate inside the meat block also dimmed, even most of them dimmed to the point of being invisible.

Turing fell into a deep sleep.

That's the only way he can turn off "reflection".

"You can always call if you need to."

The belated voice came from nowhere, and it sounded softly in Li Wen's heart.


An experience beyond imagination.

And the process was surprisingly easy.

Li Wen had predicted a lot, but no matter what kind of prediction he had, it was far from the truth.

When faced with the infinite multiverse, human imagination is somewhat stretched after all.

Returning to Croxan's site again, Li Wen looked up at the copper-colored bright moon hanging in the sky, its eyes had dimmed, and it became even more difficult to observe.

"what have you done?"

The gray mist condensed into handwriting and floated gently in front of Li Wen's eyes.

"It's nothing... I just went to meet a strange form of existence."

"So did you solve the problem?"


"That's fine~"

The gray mist lightened up in an instant, wrapping around Li Wen's body.

Li Wen didn't say a word, but looked at the gray-black moon in the sky, which was Kroxan's body.

What is her number?
If she made a request, she would most likely agree.

After hesitating a few times, Li Wen finally didn't ask.

Keep it a little mysterious.

If these resource modules are really useful one day, it's not too late to ask Croxan about the role it plays in it.

Thinking of this in his heart, Li Wen's eyes suddenly paused.

One two three four five...

Going up the mountain to fight tigers...

Ten... eleven?
How could it be eleven?
Li Wen rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and counted again.

Still eleven!
Li Wen is confident that there is nothing wrong with his IQ, and the calculations within 20 can still be understood, so... where is the other moon?

"Are you looking for the moon?"

Gray mist condensed above Li Wen's head.


"Blocked by it."


"Behind it, a... colored moon."

Li Wen swallowed, "You mean, there's another moon coming after it?"

"Yes, but farther away."

One wave does not settle, another wave rises...


However, it seems to be nothing.

After the baptism of three moons, especially Turing just now, Li Wen at least summed up a rule——

Perhaps the existence of those moons will have a certain impact on the Gaia continent, but that is not their original intention.

They just exist...

Therefore, Li Wen was not too resistant to the moon that might follow in the future.

After all, every moon is a new experience, isn't it?

Since you can't refuse, it's better to embrace actively.


Leaving Kroxan's territory, Li Wen returned to his home in Jianfeng City.

It's still busy outside.

People who have come out of the shadow of war are extremely grateful for this hard-won peace, especially the existence of those gifts easily breaks the gap between them.

When Li Wen opened the door, he saw a line of writing made of elements——

"Thank you, my hero."

It's Helen's handwriting, I've seen it once before.

Li Wen shook his head and smiled, and sent her a short message - "Where is it?"

Turing who turned off the reflection only ended the subsequent and continuously strengthened influence, but the influence that had already been caused before would not end.

The problem in Dreiser State has not been completely resolved. Although Li Wen can't guarantee that he can play any role, at least he has information that no one else has, and he may be able to help.

Helen who received Li Wen's text message quickly replied——

"City Lord's Mansion, come quickly."

The tone was urgent, not so calm for the first time.

No way, too much pressure.

Two of the Violet Five Elders came hand in hand, and they were even the two most powerful among them—the Queen of Dagger Beach and the Supreme Mage of Silvermoon City.

With his identity plus strength and status, as well as a strange existence in a foreign country, the pressure was immediately full.

Helen couldn't figure out why these two big men came to the door suddenly.

"For... Master Li Wen?"

Helen who heard the news from the humble mouth of Supreme Mage Stephen was stunned on the spot.

Li Wen... Master? ?

When did that guy become a senior?It was still spoken from the mouth of the Supreme Mage.


Stephen smiled and was as gentle as possible, "We came here because we need his help."

(End of this chapter)

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