I can't be an NPC

Chapter 331 The Master Live Room Without Talking About Chapters

Chapter 331 The Silent Master Live Streaming Room


That thing seems to be the belief of most colored dragons?

From his own memory like a database, Li Wen called up information about it.

Why is that queen of dragons here?

What does she have to do with the devil?
Is the Abisha Dragon Demon transformed into her avatar her emissary?
It's broken, something went wrong.

Li Wen, who observed the situation of the clone through the "detection" spell, realized that his clone might have become a special existence.

But on second thought, it doesn't seem like a bad thing.

This unique identity seems to be more conducive to getting close to the high-level devil, and even the master of the first floor of hell—the former war angel, warlike general, brave commander, and daughter of destruction Zariel.

Sure enough, the devil in front of the clone said obsequiously to the clone: ​​"Our lord is waiting for your arrival in the Xuanwu Hall."


Li Wen was overjoyed, he didn't expect the surprise to come so suddenly.

The avatar raised his chin.

"lead the way."


Xuanwu Hall.

The tall, winged angel stood on the open-air balcony, looking at the distant plain.

The abyssal demons' attacks are constantly launched from their demon gates, and then they are blocked by the demon army time and time again.

It's just that in recent times, there have been fewer and fewer soldiers from other levels of hell, and the number of guards guarding the Devil's Gate is rapidly shrinking.

So much so that she had to retreat many times in the frontal battle with the devil, which was a shame she had never had before.

Next time... I'm afraid those demons will be able to attack his basalt castle, right?

And it was that lowly race named tiefling that caused all of this!
Originally, under his leadership, all the demons that invaded hell have been wiped out, and even began to counterattack to the endless abyss, the hometown of the demons.

However, it was those tieflings who did not listen to discipline that Asmodeus listened to the words of those so-called think tanks, dug out all the living brains of those tieflings and piled them up in one place, and held a horrible ceremony.

In order to accommodate the countless tiefling brains, Hell even forcibly opened up a tenth floor to carry the soaring grievances.

brain pool...

This was originally called the greatest invention of the entire multiverse, and the grievances of the tiefling brains in it provided the entire hell with an endless stream of energy.

The brains of countless tieflings are mixed together in the brain pool, and the fetters from the same race make their consciousness merge into one.

Thus, a god-like vast consciousness was born from endless grievances and torments, and its spiritual power was so great that it could even shake the foundation of the entire inner plane.

A created god...

The devils have completed a greatest work with countless tiefling lives.

And the devil who created this "masterpiece" has been tormenting this newborn great consciousness endlessly with unimaginable means, and forced it to work for hell.

That was the most glorious moment of hell, and the huge evil force showed its resonant power even in the material world.

However, the newborn consciousness that was murdered by the devil in such a way would naturally not be willing to be slaughtered willingly. It could almost be said that it had gathered the wisdom of the entire tiefling race to make it choose a forbearing disguise.

After finding a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, this god-like great consciousness broke through all the restrictions imposed on it by the Grand Duke of the Devil, rushed to the astral plane in the form of a physical brain, and hid there, resting and recuperating.

However, before it left, the resentful revenge almost penetrated the next few layers of hell, so that the whole hell fell into unprecedented turmoil.

The devils firmly obey the laws made by the higher devils, but in their hearts they are always thinking about how to pull the higher devils down.

Betrayal, backstabbing, these are really common things in hell.

The masters of the Nine Hells have changed many generations, and the current master of the entire hell, Asmodeus, has only been defeated for the time being.

After the defection of tiefling brain gods, Asmodeus, including the masters of the next few layers, paid a heavy price.

In order to calm down this incident, the casualties of the devil even damaged the foundation of the entire hell.

This incident is the fundamental reason why Hell lost to Abyss and was gradually eroded in the endless bloody battle.

Complaining is useless, the turmoil in the lower hell has not yet been completely quelled, and it is completely hopeless to expect them to increase their troops.

Until now, she can only rely on herself.

And if Tiamat, the evil dragon god and mother of dragons who is resting on her first floor, is willing to help, she will be confident that she can severely damage the demon army.

The taste of failure, she just wanted to taste it once.

"Is there no news about the messenger sent to contact Tiamat?"

The angel turned around, her incandescent eyes were like the most dazzling sunlight, not only dazzling, but even the hard basalt would melt under her eyes.

Except for her gaze, this angel's supposedly holy and beautiful body also presents a terrifying appearance of yin and yang division.

Half of her body is like a normal angel, her skin is smooth and even glows with a faint white light, and her pure white feathers sway gently in the wind with the vibration of her wings.

However, the other half of her body seemed to be scorched by a world-ending flame. The scarlet sparks were still releasing unspeakable heat on her body, and her holy wings were scorched black, even revealing her pitch-black bones.

The devil standing behind her was used to this look.

Zariel, although he was an angel in the past, was also the craziest angel.

What she ended up today is purely her own fault.

No free creature is willing to take the initiative to join the bloody battle between the devil and the devil. However, the angel who was ordered by Tiantian Mountain to monitor the bloody battle began to desire to join this war after a long period of observation.

Although her purpose is to destroy the two evil races of devil and devil at the same time, Paradise Mountain did not agree with her crazy idea.

So this angel, who was already obsessed with war, led a group of mortals who were superstitious about her to join the battlefield. Although he wiped out a lot of demons, he was beaten to death.

Later, a bone demon army sent by Asmodeus to clean up the battlefield discovered her remaining deep consciousness. After agreeing to the conditions of resurrecting her, the battle angel was reborn in Nessus on the ninth floor of hell. And was appointed by Asmodeus as the ruler of the first layer of hell.

And the former ruler of the first layer who was banned was himself—the deep pit refining demon Bayer.

Having lost his status as ruler, he did not launch a desperate rebellion, nor did he become completely decadent with self-pity. To outsiders, he seemed to have put away all his claws, and began to do his best to assist this "battle angel" who descended from the sky. Come to guard the first floor of hell and fight against the abyss.

Yet only he knows that he is waiting for the crazy battle angel to make a mistake.

People who are persistent will often be defeated by persistence.

In the past, Zariel had only failed once, but that failure made her beyond redemption.

Indulge in all her aggressive behaviors, and then... watch her go to perdition.

But right now, he is like the most elegant gentleman butler in human society, softly answering the crazy ruler's inquiries.

"My lord, the messenger has been carrying your will for a while, and there is no news yet. But..."

"But what?"

Zariel's voice rolled like thunder, with reverberations bursting out.

"However, an Abisha dragon demon came to our city. I thought you might be interested in meeting him."

"Tiamat took the initiative to send an envoy?"

The barefooted angel turned and walked towards her throne, leaving a trail of half halo and half flame on the ground.

"Bring him here."

"It has been brought."


"It looks very oppressive."

"So sassy, ​​Angel Sister, Angel Sister copied me!"

"Are you going to fight the boss? A master rushes!"

"No way, no matter how powerful Bobby is, he can't fight this monster that looks like a big boss, right? Didn't you just say that this is the ruler of hell?"

"The number one man on the surface supported the anchor with a golden treasure chest"

The No. [-] hero on the surface: "Brother master beat that angel, the more you beat, the more you will be rewarded."

"Is it all right to just punch her? I can broadcast it live."

"Go away! I haven't rushed for two hours. I have more stock and I will rush."

In the "Silent Master" live broadcast room, barrages were flying all over the sky at this moment.

The title "Follow Lord Bobby on the first day of his journey to another world" is quite easy to attract the attention of players, let alone he is genuine.

This is the first time they have done a mission to explore the world with Master Bobby at close range. The cash-strapped master brother - Seine Riverside had an idea and thought of making a little extra money for himself in the form of live broadcast.

Doesn't that look like a good choice now?

The players who watched Bobby-sama's activities in the game up close for the first time were unexpectedly excited.


Li Wen saw the ruler of the first floor of hell.

The other party also saw him.

That's right.

Through the magic eye of detection, the other party's eyes seemed to pass through time and space, and they looked at Li Wen across the air.

"Cowards hiding behind the scenes."

Then, the other party looked at the deep pit alchemy Bayer who was waiting on the side. The incandescent angel's holy light ignited the gown worn by the devil, and white smoke rose from its dark red skin.

"Don't bring this clumsy spell in front of me next time."

Even though his body was being melted under the burning of the angel's holy light, Bayer, the Pit Alchemist, still kept an elegant smile on his face, "It won't happen next time."

There was hardly any movement of raising his hand, and a scorching ray shot straight at Li Wen's clone almost with the sound falling.

Zariel, who can easily smash the "detection" eye, did not smash the light ball that was so conspicuous in her eyes. She wanted to destroy the magic clone in front of Li Wen.

However, after resisting the magic aura of "protection against energy damage" and penetrating through the shield of "false life", the ray hit Li Wen's clone impartially and only took away 26 points of health from the clone.

During the preparation time before going to hell, the industrious players once again provided Li Wen with more than 80 soul energy by means of positioning magic circles and shuttle spells, and spent 71 of the soul energy to convert the evil spirit of the second identity After the magician reached level 8, Li Wen's body health had already reached 112 points, not weaker than some giant dragons.

At the same time, his perception was finally set to 10 points by Li Wen, and he became a normal person.

Although the life value of the avatar is only half of that of Li Wenwen's body, it also has a full 56 points.

An attack like this can at least be resisted for a while.

So Zariel gave the clone another shot.

The two scorching rays even pierced the clone's body with two piercing holes. However, for the magic construct that is essentially composed of ice and snow, this injury will not cause subsequent serious injuries and cause the extended injuries to continue. Blood.

A meaty mage...

After making two shots, Zariel didn't rush to make another shot. Instead, he restrained the light in his eyes and looked at Li Wen's avatar with a natural look.

She could feel that the magical elements that made up this clone construct were about to come to an end under her blow, but it was also a bit of a surprise to her.

It is common sense that the mage's simulacrum only has half the health of the body.

So the main body of this avatar should be fleshy.

When did such evil mages exist in human beings?


How could a mage who is not an evil way enter hell on his own initiative, and even dared to transform into the appearance of Abisha Dragon Demon and enter her castle on his own initiative.

And what surprised her even more was that the strength of this mage was quite good.

As we all know, simulacrum inherits all the attributes of the body except the life value.

Therefore, the ability to silently cast and instantly cast spells that was shown in the face of his own attack just now is the basic ability possessed by this avatar body mage.

A human mage with pretty good strength.

For ants, Zariel has no interest in negotiating.

However, for the strong, Zariel is quite happy for the opponent to join his camp.

After all, she, who was able to lead a group of fanatical mortal followers to join the battlefield to kill demons, was not a well-behaved person...an angel.

As long as he can strengthen his own strength and follow her command, Zariel doesn't care who the other party is in the past and what he has done.

In fact, many devils under her command are often engaged in similar businesses, attracting those mortals in the material world with various seemingly attractive conditions, and finally get the souls of those mortals to join their legion to fight for hell.

Only when the sea is tolerant to all rivers can it be tolerant.

She decided to give this guy a chance.

One, an opportunity to explain.


Li Wen, who saw his clone being shot twice, didn't say a word.

This battle angel looks like a fool.

He didn't even know what to say to save the situation.

So the avatar who inherited Li Wen's true idea but did not receive the order chose the path of Congxin.

He patted the part of his chest that still seemed to be emitting white smoke, and said with contempt in his eyes.

"That's it?"

(End of this chapter)

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