I can't be an NPC

Chapter 332 I found a mother for you

Chapter 332 I found a mother for you

"The madman of generations, the king of mages!"

"Bobby is awesome, he's always a master wherever he goes."

"But there is one thing to say. This time, is it forced to pretend to be big? The other party seems not to be messed with."

"What are you afraid of! Poppy is going to rush for the master, and the master wants to watch the child pull the cart."

The banks of the Seine, where the barrage was not visible in the game, seemed to be integrated with the barrage at this moment. He quietly clenched the staff in his hand, intending to accompany Bobby to beat him upside down.


Li Wen reacted at this time, and remotely controlled it through SMS.

"It turns out that Master Zariel's attitude towards the reinforcements is actually like this."

The battle angel with a yin and yang face raised his chin lightly, showing a somewhat interested expression.


That face seemed a bit indescribable, Li Wen forced his attention to only focus on the other side's normal face.

"Yes, reinforcements. I heard that the adults had some minor defeats in the bloody battle against the abyss recently, so I came here to support."

Zariel's eyes slowly passed over the four players.

"The reinforcements you speak of refer to the five of you?"

"Of course not. As long as you are willing, my lord, I can organize an army no smaller than yours anytime and anywhere for you."

Presumably, there are quite a few players among the players who are willing to become mercenaries in hell.

Although there are already many players in the previous strategy of the Abyss Gate, firstly, the forces cannot be integrated, and secondly, there are only a small number of Golden Lion players who sneaked in and local players from Dreiser State. This number is placed in the entire Gaia On the mainland, it is actually not enough to see.

In addition, those players are fighting away from home. Fighting demons in the land of the abyss is not as easy as fighting back in the land of hell.

Don't underestimate the environmental factors, one plus one minus will affect the overall combat power by even three to four percent.

If possible, like Croxan did, opening portals around the entire Gaia continent to guide all players into Hell to join the mercenaries would turn the situation around to a certain extent.

The words of Li Wen's avatar were clearly transmitted from the live broadcast room by the Seine River, and all the players who were watching the live broadcast became excited for a while.

"Here we come! Bobby-sama has done us a favor again."

"I just said that Bobby is the eternal light, right? Only Bobby can give us some excitement every time the grass grows."

"So this time you're going to join the hell mercenaries? Sounds cool."

"I just want to know about the succubus?"

"Can you turn back? I prefer those chaotic and funny things in the abyss."

"Agreed to the proposal of the brothers upstairs, the anchor conveyed this request to Master Bobby! Strongly request to participate in the mercenary distribution of succubi."

"Deduct 1 now to sign up to be a succubus, brothers!"




The battle angel who restrained the holy light in his eyes stared at the eyes of Li Wen's avatar, trying to see half of the lie from those eyes that were as clear as ice and snow.

Pull up an army to fight for hell anytime, anywhere?
Who does he think he is?
Even those human kings in the material world would not dare to say such words, would they?

Even if those kings gave orders, they had to be carried out by everyone.

And whether it's the abyss or hell... in the eyes of most ordinary creatures in the material world, I'm afraid they are existences that they don't even want to touch.

Otherwise, with their ability to pollute, the material world would have long since become the battlefield of the abyss and hell.

The mage's words were so unbelievable that Zariel impulsively wanted to give him another word.


Looking at the other person's appearance, Zariel, who was sitting on the throne, gently pressed his left half of his forehead with his left hand that seemed to be scorched by flames, and said with a sideways face.

"Before discussing your so-called support, I want to see your sincerity first."

"You say."

"Since you came to see me in the form of Abisha the Dragon Demon, you must have inquired about my latest plan. I will give you a chance, as long as you can persuade the evil dragon god Tiamat entrenched on Dragon Cliff to join me The camp will fight against the abyss together, and I will discuss the follow-up matters with you."

This statement came out.

The barrage was furious.

"Give her face, I think it's better to rush at her."

"That's right, they were all beaten by the abyss and lost all their homes, so why don't you put this as an NM?"

"I don't want to give you support, so I can only give you the essence... Ah bah, it's a war for you!"

"I advise you not to be ignorant of good and evil!"


Li Wen sighed softly, remote control clone.

"no problem."

I have long known that things are not that simple. The rulers of these hells are not fools. Even if they are disadvantaged, so what, if they take the initiative to find them, it means that they have some plans.

Even if it is stated that he is here to provide support, the other party must be willing to accept it.

It is the nature of these devils to seek as much benefit as possible before accepting it.

He can't be angry.

After all, if the hell is really completely suppressed by the abyss, the unbalanced inner plane will easily infect the material plane in reverse, and when chaos walks on the earth, it will bring more serious consequences.

As for the favorability and contact between him and those abyss lords, it can't interfere with the process of this reverse pollution.

The interaction between the material plane and the inner plane is inevitable, and will not be transferred by any individual will.

The Abyss family dominates, and the consequence will inevitably be chaos in the entire Gaia continent. Li Wen cannot sit back and watch this kind of incident happen.


It is Li Wen's own pursuit to see more new things.

It is also a good development to take advantage of this opportunity to get in touch with the legendary evil dragon god and mother of chromatic dragons—Tiamat.

"I'll be waiting for news from you."

Obviously, this irascible battle angel has no interest in continuing to talk to Li Wen.


[Epic quest——Exploring Hell: The quest progress has changed. The goal of the current stage is—to persuade the evil dragon god Tiamat to join the hell camp and fight against the abyssal demons together. 】

"The mission process has changed again."

"It feels like the anchor is carrying the camera."

"Don't be embarrassed, you can't start the mission without an anchor."

"Don't be embarrassed, it doesn't matter whether there is an anchor or not for this task."

"One thing to say, it's not so much a task as it is a cutscene. I feel that there must be a major version update in the future."

"The knife went upstairs."

"Jack in the eyes, I'll kill you back."


Zariel didn't even bother to let the big guy have a cup of tea, and kicked everyone out of the castle.

The only thoughtful thing was to send a lava demon to lead the way and lead them to Longya.

On the scorched earth of the first floor of hell, the mountain where Tiamat crawled can be said to be the only color in it.

From a distance, some sub-dragons were seen flying over the mountains, and the lava demon trembling visibly when watching this scene.

"Lord Tiamat is on the top of the mountain, go and meet her yourself."

After speaking, he ran away, leaving only a string of scorched black footprints.

"Is it so scary?"

Clutch pinched his chin, turned to look at the four players around him.

"Have you all bound the resurrection point?"

The four nodded hurriedly.


"Then there is a difficult task for you now."


The live broadcast room on the banks of the Seine suddenly became lively.

"Finally, I don't have to resist the camera anymore!"

"Where are you going? How many are you going to kill?"

"Challenge the evil dragon god?"

"But I have an ominous premonition."

"According to what Lord Bobby said earlier, I also have an ominous premonition."


The avatar pointed to the mountains in front of him.

"Go ahead and explore the way first."

[Epic quest—Exploring Hell: The progress of the quest has changed, and there is a side quest——Explore the truth about Longya. 】

It is not without reason that those devils are terrified of this place.

And a clone is 1500 gold, Li Wen can't afford to burn it like that.

When encountering an unknown situation, it is a wise choice for these undead players to explore the way first.

"no problem!"

General Quansheng responded with one mouthful, full of energy.

After carrying the camera for so long, I can finally give full play to my personal initiative.

Watch me bring back that evil dragon god directly...


Dragon Burn.

Rolling Stones.



Endless suffering is waiting in front of the four of them.

After experiencing ninety-nine deaths three times, they finally realized a truth.

Human beings have limits after all.

Whether it's storming, or smuggling, or pretending to be the so-called Abisha dragon demon, it can't be hidden from the investigation of the orthodox Abisa dragon demon on patrol and the sub-dragons hovering in the sky.

"Did the mission fail again?"

"Damn it! How do I go back to see Bobby?"

"Master Bobby is very gentle, he won't blame us."

"But he won't give rewards..."

[Epic mission——Exploring Hell * Investigating the truth about Dragon Cliff (branch line), completed, rewards are being settled...]

[You get a mission reward: Skill Book Blind Box*1. 】


"Bobby, you are my god!"

The avatar waved his hand without saying a word.

Li Wen now finds that the blind box is so easy to use. If there is no one left, everyone will be happy. If there is any, it can be sold.

Regardless of whether the player earns or not, he must have earned it, and he no longer has to worry about giving rewards to players who have already learned a lot of his skills.

Even this kind of randomness made those players extremely addicted, vowing to swipe themselves a hundred times.

Blind box is really a great invention.

Praise for the blind box...

But right now, after learning the news about Longya's xenophobia, Li Wen probably has an idea in his mind.

Sending a player team was not originally for finding a strategy, but for trial and error.

After all, at this level of demigods and gods at every turn, the player's current strength is still not enough, even his own body is not enough, and using his brain is the only solution.

Not allowed in?
Then let people take you in.

"You are waiting here."

The avatar opened Croxan's space and burrowed in, and Li Wen also burrowed in.

The gray mist who saw two Li Wens at the same time was obviously stunned, and it took a long time before they condensed into one in the air—"Huh?"

With the avatar, it is very convenient to use Croxan's territory to make some transitions in space that do not need to consume spell slots.

In the outside world, it takes a long time to run, but here in Croxanne, it is just a matter of changing her thoughts.

Li Wen pulled the avatar in just to make him a repairing bath, and the avatar with only 4 points of blood left is in danger. If he meets someone who doesn't have long eyes, he will send it to him. .

After all, this is hell. In the face of those powerful creatures here, even Li Wen himself will never be able to survive the siege of those players like he did back then.

Restoring a little health of the avatar requires a total of 100 gold coins worth of rare ores and herbs. The 52 points of blood lost just now is 5200 gold coins, which is more expensive than creating another one directly.

However, recreating a clone requires a seven-ring spell slot, which is a rare resource.

As a level 14 mage, Li Wen can only have one spell slot of the seventh ring in each battle stage, and the teleportation he performed when he came to Hell has already consumed this spell slot.

As for the clone of the simulacra...that was created before departure.

The higher the level of a mage, the more money he has but also the lack of money.

If it wasn't for the backing of Helen's Swordwind City, and the Supreme Mage who had made some money to support him before he left, Li Wen couldn't afford to play like this.

"He will leave it to you, let him rest well."

Li Wen made a medicinal bath while drawing the magic circle, and at the same time exhorted Croxan.

Although Hui Wu still didn't understand the situation, he responded ignorantly.


Li Wen, who had left Croxan's territory, activated the shuttle spell, and disappeared from the previous Leomont hut in a flash. The hut that lost its owner flashed after a delay of half a second, and then disappeared.

After returning to Jianfeng City, Li Wen went straight to Wutan Town outside the city.

His thinking was very clear, if he couldn't get in, he would find someone who the evil dragon god couldn't refuse to take him in.

As the belief of most chromatic dragons, the dragon mother will not even lose her most pious child, right?
And it just so happened that Li Wen knew such a colorful dragon who seemed to be able to speak.

Green Dragon - Gemstone.

I just don't know if he is still dominating his small town now.

Li Wen, who hurried to Wutan Town, was pleasantly surprised to find the familiar green figure, and also unexpectedly found that the whole Wutan Town was much more prosperous than the last time he came.

When Li Wen was able to see the green dragon, the green dragon had already discovered Li Wen.

After a leap across space, the green dragon appeared in front of Li Wen's eyes.

Looking bad.

"What are you doing here?"

Li Wen is the one who knows his true identity.

Although he has never been harassed by NT adventurers who want to slay dragons all day because of the exposure of his identity as a green dragon, Li Wen, who knows his identity, is always a scourge in his eyes.

Seeing the scourge, naturally not happy.

"I found you a mother."


(End of this chapter)

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