I can't be an NPC

Chapter 333 Dragon Queen Tiamat

Chapter 333 Dragon Queen Tiamat
"Lord Tiamat?"

The human-shaped gem pinched its smooth and white chin, and suddenly glanced at Li Wen, showing a philistine smile.

"You would be so easy to come and inform me of this?"

"That's the belief in your heart, don't you want to see it?"

Li Wen had a gentle smile on his face, scolding his mother in his heart.

I knew that this kind of bad guy would not obediently obey his own opinions, even if he wanted to, as long as he came to him on his own initiative, he would never do anything without being scraped off.

Gem stared at Li Wen's face and shaved it up and down.

"I want to see? Or do you want to see?"

Before Li Wen could quibble, he clicked his chin and turned on the detective mode.

"Let me guess... You have something to ask our Lord Dragon God, but... our Lord Dragon God doesn't see you at all, so you want to follow me to find a chance to meet?"

After finishing speaking, Gemstone nodded, "Well... this reason is very suitable, and you don't need to explain other things, I will acquiesce to this reason. So... what are the benefits?"

Li Wen looked at the slender and white palm protruding from the gemstone, and replied with a serious face: "You ask for a price?"

Gem raised his eyebrows, "Go."

Li Wen raised two fingers.

"The same gem as last time, the size of two human heads."

Gem didn't move, and said lightly, "Ten times."

"Too much."

"Not too much."

"Have a price?"

"No bargaining."

learn from mistakes.

He suffered a big loss last time, and he won't fall twice in the same pit with the dignified green dragon gem.

Li Wen hesitated.

Some shaken.

Gem couldn't bear it.

"I can swear that when it comes to meeting the Dragon Queen, I will absolutely obey your orders."

"make a deal."

Gemstone's lizard-like vertical pupils shrank for a moment, and seeing Li Wen's relieved face, his face became serious instead.

"Did I lose again?"

Li Wen's thoughtful comfort.

"No loss, I made a lot more than last time."

Gem nodded.

"Understood, I lost more last time."

"It's not a loss."

"Stop talking, let's go, I don't want to have any more deals with you in the future."

"Wait for me to sleep."


Gem squinted at Li Wen, "This gem is not worth my sleeping service."

"Do you still have sleeping service?"


Li Wen rolled his eyes.

"I want to restore the spell slot."

Croxan's entry and exit can only be in the same place when it is turned on, although after having a clone with the same ability as her own, she has two entry and exit locations.

But Li Wen didn't want to expose Croxan's secret in front of the green dragon.

Holding something in front of his eyes is a completely different concept from directly leading him into it.

And the shuttle spell cannot bring people.

Therefore, if he wanted to take this green dragon into hell, Li Wen still had to rely on the seven-ring spell—transfer from another world.

The only previous seven-ring spell slot has been consumed, and Li Wen needs to rest to recover the consumed spell slot.

Each professional can have two combat phases in each natural day, and there must be at least one rest period of at least 2 hours between each combat phase.

"Protect me."

"Back to your guardian."

Green Dragon pouted.

Before the sarcasm was out of his mouth, there was a calm breathing sound from his side.

"Fell asleep?"


"Aren't you afraid that I'll eat you?"

"If you eat his gemstone, you will be gone, and you will never see the Dragon Queen."



The heat of the sun gradually weakened, and Li Wen also woke up under the shadow.

"Who's holding the canopy?"

The gem beside him explained impatiently.

"The townspeople are supportive. They think you're affecting the image of the town. Okay, sleep well? Let's go when you sleep well. Also, my gemstone."

Although he would have been so idle every day without Li Wen, but he was anxious when he had expectations.

Dragon Queen!
The belief in the hearts of most colored dragons!

Many chromatic dragons have searched for the Dragon Queen over the years, trying to follow in her footsteps, but to no avail.

But now I didn't expect to be found by a human being.

Gem was a little excited.

"Then go."

Li Wen started casting spells on the spot.

When the majestic magic elements began to gather around him, Gemstone said with some amazement in his eyes.

"Transfer from another world... You're progressing very fast. I remember when we first met, I could strangle you with one hand."

Even when he was casting spells, Li Wen still had a little thought to fight back against this green dragon who likes to take advantage in various senses.

"Oh? Then why didn't you strangle me then?"

"Maybe it's because I predicted that you would lead me to Lord Tiamat... Facts have proved that my choice was correct."


Li Wen's attitude towards this green dragon is actually very good. Compared with being polite to other people, Li Wen has an unscrupulous truth when facing him.

We are not "friends", so we can be targeted at will.

But no one can do anything to each other, and each other has interests.

Not to mention, only Li Wen knew that his first pot of gold was bestowed by this green dragon.

Regardless of whether it was his subjective wish or not, Li Wen was somewhat grateful to him in his heart.

With the operation of the magic circle, the figures of the two disappeared in place.

The townspeople who watched this scene opened their eyes wide, and some of them murmured.

"It turns out that the mayor did not lie when he said that he knew some powerful archmages..."

With the accompanying gems, Li Wen felt that it should be stable now.

Therefore, the avatar who was still taking a medicinal bath in Keroxan was not replaced.

"Huh! Hell? You can really run, kid."

As soon as he stepped on the rocky ground, the jewel exclaimed, and the evil aura filling the air instantly made him realize where he had come.

No one would have thought that their Lord Tiamat would be hiding in hell forever.

Even though everyone is from the evil camp, the devils in hell are notoriously fond of causing trouble, and I don't know how many times they have set their minds on the Dragon Queen.

Not to mention that this is the first floor of hell. As a tug-of-war battlefield between hell and the abyss, Lord Tiamat may have been harassed by those funny people from the abyss.

"Hey, it's right there."

Li Wen pointed to the Dragon Cliff where there were some sub-dragons hovering in the sky not far away.

The alien teleportation can specify some familiar places, and he who directly specifies the dragon cliff on the first floor of hell will naturally appear directly near the dragon cliff.

"You don't need to say it, I feel it."

Gem took a deep breath, as if he could smell the sweet aura of the Dragon Queen from this far away space.

"Wait a minute, there are still a few people waiting."


Seeing the figures of General Quansheng and other players in the distance, Li Wen poked the arm of Gem beside him.

"Be transformed."


"How can we go up if you don't reveal your identity?"

"Lord Tiamat can feel my breath."

Without saying a word, Li Wen took out the contract signed by the two of them.

He was worried.

The King of Hades likes to see little devils in trouble.

When the gem is in human form, the target is too small. In case those sub-dragons and Abisha dragon demons disagree with each other, it is not appropriate to hurt anyone.

Transform into a giant dragon directly, and don't give the opponent a chance to flood the Dragon King Temple.

Seeing the contract in Li Wen's hand, Baoshi sighed.


Roaring all over, the green dragon scales emerged from the neck of the gemstone's head, and the whole body also twisted and changed rapidly in front of Li Wen's eyes, including the four players far away, and finally...a huge green adult dragon It was presented in front of everyone.

Li Wenchong waved to the players.

"Why are you still standing there? Come up?"


Sensing Li Wen's movements, Gem stared at him with eyes about the same size as others, and his majestic voice sounded like thunder.

"What are you going to do?"

Under the effect of Longwei with the language, the four players' panels suddenly jumped up one after another to save the judgment prompts.

Li Wen shook the contract in his hand.

"Follow my command~"



After yelling at Li Wen incompetently and furiously, Gemstone turned his head dejectedly, lay listlessly on the ground, and waited for the coming humiliation.

No one can be a dragon rider of his jewel.

When this incident is over, I have to find a way to eat all these people!

As long as everyone who has ridden him is gone, he is still clean.

"All right."

Li Wen sat between the two scales near Gem's neck. Seeing that the four players were fixed on Gem's body, he leaned down and shouted at Gem.

"Let's go, Dragon!"

"Keep down! I can hear you!"

Can't afford to lose this dragon!

"call out!"

The air blast exploded, black shadows rose from the ground, and the powerful explosive power of the giant dragon was instantly displayed.

When the turbulent air flow whistled in their ears, Ah Zhi and the others, who had never experienced such a thing, let out a hearty cry, which echoed over the sky of hell for a long time.

The barrage is also excited.

"Fuck! F*ck! F*ck!"

"Giant dragon! The existence of the ceiling of combat power!"

If there are no evil dragons in the world, then there is no meaning for the existence of brave men.

In all the stories that players have heard, the evil dragon is often the biggest villain. In fact, among the non-human creatures that players can come into contact with at this stage, the dragon is indeed the most powerful.

Countless players are still dreaming of overturning the dragon, touching the dragon eggs and raising pets to become dragon knights in the future, but they didn't expect that someone here has already tested it.

"It's cool to do missions with Bobby-sama."

"I heard that the dragons are very proud, why are they so docile in front of Bobby?"

"Maybe this is the charm..."


With a few yelling people on his back, and looking at the sub-dragons circling in front of him, Gemstone couldn't vent the grief and anger in his heart, so he could only find some unlucky ones.


True dragons are often more effective in suppressing sub-dragons than they are against other creatures. The nobility from blood makes those hovering sub-dragons stiffen their wings the moment they hear the gem's deliberate roar. .

Some subspecies can still glide to the ground at any rate, and a few of the weaker ones dive directly to the ground.

For a while, the sky in Longya was as lively as dumplings.

The huge black figure crawling on the top of the Dragon Cliff raised its eyes lightly, looked at the green figure galloping towards it, with a hint of helplessness in its eyes, and then closed them quietly.

Gem also saw the huge black shadow.

For a moment, the tremor from the soul even made his flying movements slightly deformed.

Dragon Queen!

The real Dragon Queen!
So the Dragon Queen looks like this?
After I go back, I will be forced to blow with other colorful dragons...

The gem fell to the ground far away.

The vast voice echoed over the dragon cliff.

"My child, how did you find it?"

For those chromatic dragons who believed in him, Tiamat treated them as children, and his voice was surprisingly gentle at this time.

However, it seemed that they saw Li Wen and others who got off from him after the gem fell to the ground, and the originally gentle voice suddenly became harsh.

"My child, where is your pride? How can you let some humans ride on you?"

The gemstone is still in the form of a giant dragon, but at the moment it lowers its head, a little embarrassed to see the dragon.

"A deal...is a deal."

Gemstone explained softly, anyway, he was using Dragon Language, and he wasn't afraid that humans like Li Wen would understand it.


The colorful Dragon Queen raised one of her eyelids again, and turned her monocular eyes over.

"What deal?"

"This human wants to see you, but it seems that your guards won't let him approach, so let me show him the way."

Fortunately, Baoshi still has the spirit of contract in his heart, so he spoke out Li Wen's entrustment.

Long later became a little interested.

"What chips?"

She believed in the greed of her children, and the green dragon was the most outstanding one among them. Without enough bargaining chips, it was impossible to impress them and even agree to others riding on them.

"A whole new kind of gem."

"let me see."

Gem's eyes glanced cautiously back, signaling the presence of outsiders.

Where the Dragon Queen stared, the space blurred into an elusive fog.

"It's okay, they can't see."


Gems take out gems.

Holding the gemstone in its claws, the gemstone said to the Dragon Queen ostentatiously: "This brand new unknown gemstone must have a magical effect."

One of the dragon queen's eyes narrowed slightly, and then all eyes appeared.

"This seems to have a special suppression effect on... psionic energy."

"Anything else on him?"

"have it."

"How much did he give you?"

"It's as big as 20 yuan... No, 21 yuan."

"very good."

The Dragon Queen began to get up lazily.

It seems that there has been no activity for a long time. When she half erected her slender dragon body, she stretched her graceful body against the background of the gray sky.

At this moment, the entire Dragon Cliff seemed to tremble under the majesty of the Dragon Queen.


The dragon queen split open.

The moment he looked at Li Wen, the originally colorful head instantly split from the slender neck into five distinct dragon heads.

Black, blue, green, red, white.

Five huge dragon heads and ten different pupils all stared at the tiny Li Wen.

"Human, I heard that you came to find me?"

(End of this chapter)

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