I can't be an NPC

Chapter 335 An Agreement!

Chapter 335 An Agreement!

Li Wen blinked, waking up from a dreamlike state.

I exchanged 1 yuan for the magic heart mine to get the cause and effect of this crisis in hell, satisfying part of my curiosity.

Small profit.

But not much.

After all, the mission assigned to him by the war angel has not been completed yet.

"Anything else?"

After finishing the story, the Dragon Queen "consciously" did her best, and couldn't find any faults.

After completing the "fair" transaction, they turned their faces and refused to recognize anyone.

"Something happened."

Li Wen nodded, "You haven't agreed to help yet."

"How much money will be paid, and how many things will be done. Or...do you have more bargaining chips?"

Facing the enchanting eyes of the Dragon Queen, Li Wen replied softly: "There is a little more."

The dragon queen's scarlet tongue swept lightly around her lips.

"My desire is great."

"Maybe I can be satisfied."

"Then make an offer."

Li Wen raised a finger.

"On the basis of just now, double it."

Dragon Empress raised her sharp willow leaf eyebrows.

"Twenty thousand?"


A bright smile spread across her face.

"Then what are you waiting for, sign the contract quickly."

"But this time the agreement needs to be changed."


"Pay when you're done."

The Dragon Queen performed a face-changing for Li Wen.

The smiling face that was originally full of smiles was like a pool of spring water, and suddenly became cold like a cold winter.


I have always been the only prostitute, when will it be my turn to prostitute?

"Don't think about it?"

"No, go away."

"have to."

Li Wen didn't care too much, turned around and left.

The information given by the Dragon Queen is actually quite rich.

Hell was troubled by the revenge of the god of the spirit sucker, and even intended to catch it back or take revenge.

Leaving aside the grievances between them, races with different innate concepts have nothing to discuss about right and wrong, justice and evil.

Li Wen also didn't want to stand between the god of illithids and hell.

A real problem lies before us... not enough magic heart mines.

The Dragon Queen obviously wanted something from hell.

Don't look at her as if she doesn't care about the opinion of War Angel, the ruler of the first floor of hell, but she obviously cares about the Lord of the Nine Hells - Asmodeus.

She must have something to ask of that being.

The Demon Heart Mine is her bargaining chip.

And Li Wen once made a rough calculation on the mastermind of the illithid monster he knew. If he really wanted to rely on the equipment and weapons made by the magic heart mine to threaten a mastermind of the illithid monster, the one just delivered The 1 yuan head-sized Demon Heart Mine is barely enough.

And this is just a mind sucker mastermind.

So... what about the god of the illithids?

1 yuan, how could it be possible.

If the Dragon Queen really uses this as a bargaining chip in exchange for some reward from the Lord of the Nine Hells, and the hell side really intends to use the Demon Heart Mine to deal with the god of illithids, then the mere 1 yuan Demon Heart Mine is definitely worth it. not enough.

At that time, it will be his home field.

I am not afraid of your cunning and greed, but I am afraid of your lack of desire.

Next, we have to look at the... action power of that Dragon Queen.


Seeing Li Wen leave, the green dragon gem blinked.

For some unknown reason, he felt both happy and melancholy.

He was more or less an acquaintance among the human race, but now he lost all his underwear, which somewhat made Long feel sorry.

But this kind of thinking didn't even last for two seconds. The moment he saw Tiamat, Gem laughed and put it behind him.

"Have you been staying in this place all these years? We've been looking for you everywhere."

The Dragon Queen was still in the form of a young human woman, and waved her hand indifferently upon hearing the words.

"No way, I can't go anywhere."

"Someone trapped you here?"

"Yes and no."

The Dragon Queen pressed her forehead with one hand.

"I was accidentally tricked by Asmodeus back then, and now I can't leave Hell without his permission. The most important thing is... once I go back, those giants will definitely trouble me again. I'm too lazy to bother with them."

Gems are "newborn" dragons who don't know much about the mysteries of the past.

I just vaguely know that a long time ago, there was a protracted war between the two equally powerful races, the dragon and the giant.

The dragon queen, Lord Tiamat, is the most ruthless among them, and her bravery is spread throughout the group of colored dragons.

What is the final outcome, very few people know.

The only thing I know is that both races have now withdrawn from the mainstream history of the mainland.

Looks like a lose-lose battle.

If it is not powerless, who would be willing to abdicate?

Without the fierce confrontation between these two powerful races, in today's so-called colorful history, where would the various races that you sing about me have a chance to appear on the stage?
Not to mention the current human beings. In the long history, in terms of human talent level and average comprehensive quality, it is definitely the worst one in the Gaia continent.

of course……

Judging from the results, the war that year was not without winners.

The legend of the giant dragon can still be spread in the human kingdom, and the active figure of the giant dragon can still be seen all over the continent.

But what about those giants?

Hiding in an unknown corner, I can't see any movement.

In the end, they were the dragons who won.

hum √
"Then you still plan to go back?"

"It's okay, I still want to go back for a walk, the big deal is to keep a low profile so that those giants don't find out... But I have to pass the level of Asmodeus first, and it just so happens that the human being you brought provided me with a sharp weapon to get out of trouble , I'm going to talk to him now."

While speaking, the Dragon Queen gently stroked the soft tip of the jewel's nose.

"If you can get out of trouble, I will give you a big credit when I go back."

Gem squinted, looking immersed.

"You wait here first, I'll talk to Asmodeus right now."


"I'm back to mess with you~"

The Dragon Queen covered one side of her upturned mouth, the swollen skin made her tongue roll a little.

Gemstone, who had just taken a nap not long ago, was startled, and turned into anger.

"Whoever is so bold dares to fight the Dragon Queen, I will avenge you right away!"

"Come on, you can't beat him..."

The Dragon Queen waved her hand indifferently, "Where's your human friend? I have something to do with him."

"We're not friends."

"It doesn't matter whether you are a friend or not. I want to make a deal with him now, so just say that I agree to his terms."


"I disagree."

When it was his turn to play at home, Li Wen was pretty awesome.

I don't want to give you some flair, I thought Master Li Wen was something to mess with.

Do you understand what a monopoly is?

First check the product for you, and when you become addicted and want to quit, you will not be able to quit.

This smell is called "Li Wen's Temptation" poison, once you get it on, you can't escape it.

"Brother, don't embarrass me, I'm just a messenger."

Gem smiled shyly.

"Okay, for the sake of my good brother, I'll go see her."

The attitude changed a little quickly after being arrogant and respectful.

Except for the indescribable alone time between Dragon Queen and Lord Bobby, the four players who followed behind with cameras widened their eyes.

Seeing the young human woman transformed into the Dragon Queen greet her with a smile, she yelled in a coquettish voice: "Master left too fast, I haven't had time to treat her well."

This is the first time that the dragon queen's human form has appeared in front of the players, let alone such an ambiguous attitude.

So in the live broadcast room that was always open on the banks of the Seine, the barrage went wild in an instant.

"Fuck! Is this the god of those giant dragons? I can do it!"

"Me too! Come to me, I'm a student, free shipping is recommended."

"Ah, I'm dead! I declare that there is one more wife."

"Wake up! That's the god of the colored dragon, you don't even know what happened if you were sold."

"Made! Brothers, I'm going to Hell to attack the Dragon Queen! Is there any team?"

"I don't think you need to worry about it. It won't be long before Master Bobby can open a copy for us."


Li Wen's face remained the same, now that his offense and defense were changing, it was his turn to make a request.

"Master Dragon Queen, don't be so polite, come to me, is the matter of the agreement already considered?"

"Think about it, think about it, but... can you add more. After all, I am more or less a god. Is the appearance fee you gave a little bit less. Or..."

The young woman raised three white and tender fingers, and gave Li Wen an "OK" gesture, "Thirty thousand?"

Li Wen refused expressionlessly, "Ten thousand and nine."

"Don't, don't, or... twenty-five thousand?"

"Eighteen thousand."

"Hey don't, [-] is [-], I'll sign it! Can't I sign it?"

"One thousand seven."

The young woman Long Hou teleported to Li Wen, and pressed Li Wen's hands with her thin palms.

"Stop! No more reductions! Seventeen thousand is seventeen thousand!"

Not too bad.

After all, judging from the "friendly exchanges" with Asmodeus, the difference between [-] and [-] is not very big, and neither more nor less than [-] is enough.

I still have to find a way to establish a friendly and long-term relationship with this human mage, so that I can squeeze more of this strange gemstone from him for a long time. But that's all.

The Dragon Queen carefully calculated.

Li Wen was not in a hurry either.

The other party's appetite is more than that, and the training is still to come.

"Then sign the contract."

The Dragon Queen looked a little embarrassed and smiled.

"But in whose name will you witness the conclusion of the contract?"

She also knew that her reputation was not good, and even a god like Wojin, who was in charge of trading power, couldn't do anything to her.

The binding effect of the agreement on her is really limited.

Li Wen saw the sincere apology on the other party's face, and couldn't help being moved by the other party's acting skills.

This is the god of the chromatic dragon, and even this trick of deceiving people is much better than ordinary chromatic dragons, replaced by green dragon gems... When we first met him, his clumsy acting skills that could not let go of his arrogance seemed to be the same. It's still close.

"Still in the name of Vol'jin."


Li Wen smiled softly, "She can't control you, but she can control me."

In the agreement, he is the last party to perform the obligations of the agreement, so there is no need to be afraid of him breaking the contract.

"All right……"

After carefully checking the contract again to make sure there were no problems, the second contract between the two was signed.

"Come on! Come up! I'll take you to Zariel to return."

While speaking, the young woman turned her head and transformed, and the real body of the Dragon Queen with five dragon heads appeared before everyone's eyes again.

The coercion that was released was even like a circle of substantial airflow, sweeping across the vast plain with Longya as the center.

For a moment, the whole hell seemed to know... The dragon queen who had been staying on the first floor of their hell but was indifferent, woke up.

"I envy riding a dragon."

"I envy the queen who rides a dragon."

"I want to ride too."

"It's cool to follow Bobby..."

"The anchor purely lies and wins, jealousy makes me distort!"

While spreading his wings, the Dragon Queen's voice rumbled in Li Wen's ears.

"It wasn't like this before here."

Li Wen looked at the scenery that passed quickly on the ground——

Numerous broken walls and ruins are displayed miserably on the crimson earth, telling the glory of the past.

The weathering of those buildings is not serious, and it can be seen that not too long ago, they still had brilliant civilizations.

Devils are not such a savage race.

Even though their evil nature makes them like fighting and betrayal, their obedience to order makes their society infinitely close to the human level.

"War ruins everything."

"No! Zariel ruined everything."

The white dragon turned his head and looked at Li Wen, "Before she took office, this level of hell was under the rule of the deep pit demon Bayer. Although there were no major achievements in the war with the abyss, most devils can still Maintaining a decent civilized life. It is precisely because of this that he was replaced by Asmodeus without any 'credit'. Now the militaristic war angel is a complete lunatic..."

It sounds like good intentions, and advised him to pay attention to that war angel and not to trust him too much.

This made Li Wen feel a little concern for himself.

But... I didn't intend to have any in-depth binding cooperation with that crazy war angel.

I am destined to be a fencer.

Whether it is the abyss or hell, Li Wen will not sit back and watch which one dominates.

Hell is weak right now, so it looks like he's going to help the hell side.

But if in the follow-up actions, the side of hell reverses its decline, then he will rebel to the side of the abyss again.

In short, maintaining a balance is what he is after.

No one has been able to make it for thousands of years, but it does not mean that future generations will not be able to do it.

Today's magic system is also prosperous today because of endless innovation.

This is even though it seems that there is an opportunity for cooperation between Li Wen and that battle angel, but for Li Wen this is just the beginning.

He needs to obtain the information about the rules of hell, including the race of devils, in order to hold the ability to control everything in his own hands.

Only by gaining the initial trust of that crazy battle angel, can Li Wen have the opportunity to gain knowledge from her, or find a way to go to the next level of hell.

(End of this chapter)

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