Chapter 336
The huge shadow of the sky gradually covered the basalt castle.

The devils in countless cities raised their heads subconsciously to look at the huge black shadow that gradually covered the sky that seemed to be floating with pink clouds.

Some of the five dragon heads with teeth and claws are ferocious and some are handsome. If they are gathered together on a giant dragon, it only represents a unique existence——

Dragon Queen Tiamat.

What happened?
Why did that evil dragon god, who had been lying motionless on the dragon cliff all year round, want to come out for a walk?

Even sneaked into their basalt castle.

And still slowing down?
What's the matter?Not passing by?
As the black shadow gradually decelerated and landed, some smaller figures carried on it also entered the eyes of countless devils.

Turtle!Who can ride a dragon queen?


On the large terrace of the basalt castle palace, Zariel's tall body was leaning against the stone railing on the edge, a pupil burning with flames, and a normal angel's eyes like willow leaves were watching the slowly descending huge black shadow.

Deep Pit Refining Demon Bayer said softly behind him: "That human mage succeeded."

"Humans are the most elusive race in the world, and I'm not surprised by this result."

"So are you going to cooperate with those humans next?"

"Is there still little cooperation between us and humans?"

"We can always take the initiative."

Zariel turned half of his face sideways, and the terrifying pupils burning with embers of flames stared at Bayer's eyes, "Bayer, do you know why you lost? Because you were too conservative."

"I'm just worried that you will lose Lord Asmodeus' territory. Human ambitions spread to every corner of the multiverse. When they take the initiative to attack, they often have unimaginable means."

"I don't think humans can find any flowers in a place like hell."

After all, even the angels of their Heaven Mountain have nothing to do with sinful places like the abyss and hell.


With the light flapping of its wings, the Dragon Queen Tiamat gently landed on the central dome of the basalt castle.

The airflow exhaled by the wings swayed violently, and all the creatures in the entire castle needed to do their best to stabilize their bodies in this fierce gust of wind.

While the strong wind swept away all the dust, it also swept away some contempt and ridicule that bred in the dark corners.

She is willing to bring humans with her, but this is not the reason why those devils are qualified to despise or even ridicule them secretly.

After gently putting down Li Wen and other five human figures, in a bright flash, the dragon queen who looked like a young human woman appeared in front of everyone again.

Zariel waved her pair of wings with half burning and half white feathers, floating in mid-air not far from them.

"Lord Tiamat..."

The Dragon Queen glanced at the other party, and said bluntly, "I am just willing to cooperate with your strategic intentions, and don't have to think about ordering me to do anything. In addition, the cooperative relationship between us is only seven days, and after seven days, I will complete mine. Agreement."

After all, she was a god. Even if Li Wen offered her a treasure that she couldn't refuse in exchange, she could only provide seven days of service.

Of course, how to get more cash from Li Wen during these seven days depends on the ability.

In the boring time of the Dragon Queen for thousands of years, it was the first time that he was full of such energy!

There was a smile on the corner of Zariel's mouth, half gentle and half crazy.

The gentleness of an angel and the paranoia of a devil are displayed in her.

This is an extremely special existence anywhere.

Zariel drew her flaming angelic sword on the spot, then pointed sharply at the far end of the plain.

If Li Wen's sight can penetrate the fog of space, he can cross the time limit at an extremely fast speed, skipping over the cracked red land to his heart's content.

Countless devils danced wildly on the ground, and blood-like magma spread across the ground.

At the end of all the scenes, like eyes towering above the ground, the black door leaf wafts out a faint green chaotic atmosphere.

"March! Let's go!"

For a moment, the whole basalt castle seemed to be boiling.

Countless devils rioted in an instant, and then formed a neat line outside the castle at an incredible speed.

Accompanied by some birdmen running around to send messages, the order of "the whole army presses up" soon spread to almost every corner of the first floor of hell.

No matter what those devils were doing in every corner of the first floor of hell, the moment they received this order, it seemed that there were countless black spots gathering in a unified direction.

No matter what grievances and grievances those demons had before, no matter what problems they faced or not.

The moment they received the order from the supreme ruler, they had already transformed into the most compact terrorist war machines.

A large and well-organized army quickly formed in various places, and began to move rapidly towards the direction of the sword of the battle angel Zariel.

No one expected the decision of this war angel to be so decisive.

The moment he was sure that he could get the support of the Dragon Queen, he immediately ordered a counterattack.

The young woman, Queen of Dragons, tilted her head, thinking that she might have boarded a pirate ship this trip.

The madness of this angel is known throughout hell, and her mad killing intent even allowed her, as a former angel, to be reborn in hell after death.

So, she shouldn't be planning to use herself for seven days, right?
In the agreement, she wants to cooperate with the battle angel's army to launch a coordinated operation. The other party has no right to direct her specific actions. She can decide when to join the battle and when to maintain her strength according to her own judgment.

But if...

This battle angel doesn't intend to stop at all?
Is she planning to forcefully attack for seven days?

...will break.

Swallowing her saliva lightly, the Dragon Queen waved to the Green Dragon Gem who had just arrived after her and flew slowly behind her.

"Go and inform our people, all are ready to fight, and drive to the front line of the war."

Originally, she just planned to do it by herself, paddling with nothing to do, and seven days passed in the blink of an eye.

But now...

It's better to transfer all your own people there first, just in case there is an emergency.

Although she thinks that she can be regarded as the most capable of fighting at the level of weak divine power, there are still many existences among those abyss lords who are not easy to mess with.

It's okay to meet one, but I'm afraid I have to slip if I meet two.

And judging by the madness of this battle angel, the scale of this counterattack will not be small, and the possibility of attracting those powerful abyss lords is also very high.


All in all, it's pretty nasty...

Gemstones are also pretty numb.

Hanchi Hanchi chased and flew all the way, and now he wants him to go back and pass the order by himself?

Too bullying the dragon.


Riding on the back of the dragon queen, Li Wen and the battle angel Zariel who flew to the side faced the howling wind, barely plotting loudly like primitive people——

"The cooperation you mentioned before can now be discussed."

"I can find some helpers for you, provided you help me open the door to hell from the material world."

"How many do you have?"

"a lot of!"

"How's the strength?"

"I can't tell."


"It is."

"It may be inconvenient for humans to move here."

"That's why I'm looking for you."

Whether it is the abyss or hell, the abilities of non-demon or devil creatures will be greatly reduced when they are active in such places.

Even so is the devil coming to hell, and so is the devil going to the abyss.

This is also the reason why it is difficult for the two sides to completely penetrate the opponent's lair even though the strength comparison between the two sides is sometimes a bit out of balance.

How does it compare with a bunch of debuffs that reduce combat power and 100% performance in local combat?
Let alone humans.

Unless it is the spiritual rebirth after death, or directly reached a soul contract with those demons or devils, and directly sold one's soul.

Otherwise, no matter which side the normal human body moves, it will not please.

The first thing Li Wen needs to solve is this problem.

One is to take into account the game experience of the players. It is definitely not so smooth for them to play the game with the debuff.

The second is to consider the extent to which players can affect the battle situation. The endless bloody battle between the abyss and hell can definitely be regarded as a high-end battlefield. If you can only use the strength of the fifth or sixth level, then it's a fart.

It doesn't have much impact on the overall situation at all.

He also lost his original intention of balancing the forces between the abyss and hell.

At the same time, he still has an unspeakable secret——

He needs some means of monitoring.

It's like...the kind of real-time monitoring that the angels of Heavenly Mountain have observed the development of the bloody battle since ancient times.

Li Wen needs to thoroughly understand the energy level comparison between the two sides, not just the big or small battle victories in the battlefield situation, that is just an appearance.

What Li Wen needs is to know whether the ratio between the two parties is sufficiently balanced in the energy ratio of the entire inner plane.

By the very nature of the world, the Inner Planes are spiritual, subjective, and abstract.

Heaven Mountain, Endless Abyss, Nine Hells, etc. All the strengths and weaknesses of these existences are just the concrete manifestations of a certain energy that makes up the inner plane.

The outcome of the war between the abyss and hell is not what Li Wen cares about. Maintaining the energy balance of this inner plane and preventing it from impacting the material world is what Li Wen pursues.

At this point, Li Wen is not on the same path as the abyss or hell, or even with the angels on Tiantang Mountain.

After all, even those angels on Tiantangshan, their wish is definitely not to maintain the stability of the material world... They are more, they hope that the inner plane will only be left with the Tiantangshan family as the only one, and they hope that the world will be filled with light.

Even if not everyone embraces the light.

So this secret can only be hidden in his heart and cannot be revealed to anyone.

Only at the right opportunity, through certain guidance, use the power of the player to obtain the key information that is ultimately needed.

As for the opportunity... I haven't found it yet.

"There is nothing I can do about it."

After flying in silence for a while, Zariel gave a reply to Li Wen's last sentence.

She herself is a resurrected former angel, and she has no understanding of the core reason for the emergence of the devil race, including their racial aptitude.

She is just a resurrected body called a devil, and she has neither understanding nor curiosity about her new "life".

"As for the army you said at the beginning, I can open the door for you."

She is the ruler of the first floor of hell, the gatekeeper of the gate of hell, and naturally has the basic authority to guide all creatures to hell.

"it is good."

Li Wen nodded.

Decided to be the first to start with this battle angel, and first get the knowledge of the stable portal to hell.

Speeding up.

The battle angel who decided to go to war took the lead.

She was never a qualified ruler.

She is a general and a warrior.

The position where she should appear is the base camp in the rear, but she always appears at the forefront of the battlefield.

She does not have a clever tactical allocation, nor does she have a well-planned overall situation.

However, even so, the reason why the many wars she participated in always ended in her victory is that... she can always obtain endless confidence and courage for all the warriors who follow her.

No matter when and where, as long as you look up, this battle angel is always fighting to the death where everyone can see.

Crazy desire to fight completely filled her body.

Zariel was the first to rush to the front line. Behind him, the army of demons gathered from all directions had not been in place yet, and the number of troops originally stationed was not too large.

However, after looking at Li Wen who was on the back of the dragon who was following closely behind him, a slightly gentle smile appeared on the half-yin and half-yang face of the other party.

"Before opening the gate, let's kill one!"

Turning around, flames began to ignite from the angel.

Half red, half holy.

Whether it is the bursting burning or the glorious liquidation, they are all forces that those demons fear.

Spreading his wings, Zariel broke away from the army and rushed straight to the demon garrison legions guarding the gates of the abyss.

The dragon queen put down Li Wen and the others, and the five dragon heads inhaled the slightly scorching battlefield breath.

As a contract worker, she planned to paddle through the water, but at the beginning of this period, her identity as a god made it impossible for her to appear weak in front of Zariel.

Isn't it just fighting?

When my old lady created the world with those giants, you didn't know where to play with your bird feathers?
"Be careful to protect yourself...don't lose my gem."

He exhorted Li Wen with concern, and the Dragon Queen also spread her wings, like a demon god descending.

Li Wen held the hilt of the sword in his hand, and looked at the four players around him who were eager to try.

"What are you waiting for?"

(End of this chapter)

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