I can't be an NPC

Chapter 337 The ambition of the magic element

Chapter 337 The ambition of the magic element

Two electric balls and an ice ball of elemental balls quickly passed by Li Wen's side, and then there was a gentle breeze that gently lifted Li Wen's body, carrying him slowly into the sky.

Li Wen hasn't really made a move for a long time.

For a mage, the best place to show his ability is always a variety of novel creations, not a desperate battlefield.

The so-called power is just a small by-product of mages studying the truth of the world.

Besides, the levels that Li Wen has come into contact with recently are either too high-level, or not worth doing.

But that doesn't mean his strength has stagnated.

The professional level of a mage does stay in place for the time being due to the subsequent high demand for soul energy.

However, what affects a professional's combat ability is never simply the professional level... especially for mages.

The ever-advancing level of elemental control, the more powerful basic perception brings more awareness of magical power.

During this period of time, the super magic skills bestowed by those abyss lords gradually integrated into Li Wen's understanding of magic.

The initial effects of those super magic skills are just the effects they can show in the hands of beginners, but their final destination... is the ultimate magic road.

Numerous and meticulous accumulations melt into the lake like a trickle, and Li Wen's attainments in magic are developing unstoppably towards the vast sea.

During his career in magic attainment, he realized for the first time—it turns out that the so-called magic elements are really as easy to control as their own hands and feet for many creatures.

Carl Simulator - Hurricane Storm.

The gentle breeze blew up Li Wen's body, and the incomprehensible wind element gently responded to Li Wen's touch. The violent hurricane mixed with fine thunderbolts, broken stones and broken blades on the ground, moved towards the man guarding the gate of the abyss. The army of demons stormed away.

Two distinct effects manifest together on the same spell.

The black tornado covering the sky and the sun swept over everything that could be moved. Even the Dragon Queen, who was slashing and slashing with fiery blades and fighting in all directions, could not help but be affected by the incoming hurricane, and thus had no choice but to Don't look at the source of the magic effect——

Li Wen.

Li Wen, who was buoyed by the light green breeze, stretched out his hand a little. Wherever he saw, several extremely bright electric light balls suddenly appeared in several different places throughout the huge battlefield.


The electro-optical balls made a tooth-piercing sound of electric pulses, and expanded and contracted rapidly like a heart, until they all expanded into electric balls with a diameter of at least several meters before stopping.

The white light of thunder shone on the face of everyone in the dark battlefield, and the electric balls that were far or near were reflected in the countless terrified pupils, and the long whips thrown by the current slapped the ground around the electric ball wantonly, and finally... It exploded with a bang.


The silent electromagnetic pulse radiated instantly, and the entire battlefield swept by electromagnetic waves was silent for a while, and needles could be heard, as if even the sound waves were taken away together.

The human body swept by the invisible electromagnetic radiation only feels numb, and some creatures wearing soft fur clothing and other clothing only feel as if there is a soft brush stroking their skin between the clothing and the body.

Some spellcasters were horrified to find that their communication with the magical elements in the air seemed to be cut off by some mysterious block for a while, and they... were like fish that landed on the shore.

As for the weapons capable of electric shock, they felt like steel needles piercing the hand for a while. The huge electromagnetic radiation not only assimilated their magnetic poles, but even added a little voltage to them.



Fine currents occasionally flashed everywhere.

Cal Simulator - Electromagnetic Pulse.

The battlefield was dead silent.

This is the presence of a mage!
If you don't care about it, a mage who is doing his best is enough to scare everyone.

"How did you counter it?"

The commander of the demon squad glared at his spellcaster.

Everyone in this world knows the importance of spellcasters, and the countermeasures against spellcasters are also issues that any combat unit will always need to focus on.

As we all know, the one who can counter a mage is often another mage.

From low-level silence spells and counterspells, to high-level spell invalidation barriers, anti-magic force fields, etc., they all have powerful targeting effects on mages.

Demonic spellcasters, however, have trouble with this.

Silence is a ritual spell that requires time to prepare, and the opponent's attack comes too suddenly and there is no time to prepare.

The effective casting range of counterspell is 60 feet, and the opponent is... maybe 600 feet away from them.

As for the spell invulnerability barrier...it may be useful, but the caster can only cast it around himself as the center, protecting allies within a 10-foot radius from being affected by external spell effects.

Useful, but not very useful.

In the face of the opponent's spells with a terrifying attack range, the spell ineffective barrier that consumes six rings of spell slots can only be cast by high-level spellcasters to protect some important units or facilities around them, and it is useless in the overall situation.

As for the anti-magic force field of the eight rings... the effect is of course stronger, it can directly prohibit anyone from casting spells.

However, the range of effect of this spell is also only within 10 feet of the caster.

Not to mention a strong man who can cast eight-ring spells is not so easy to find.

In short, all kinds of spells that can be countered have their own limitations, and there is almost no way to restrict Li Wen, who is attacking from a distance.

"Then go! Go to his face! Don't let him be so unscrupulous."

The crazy demon commander pointed in Li Wen's direction, and groups of demon squads charged in Li Wen's direction from all angles almost simultaneously.

Seeing this scene, the Dragon Queen and Zariel both chose to ignore it.

Perhaps this human being has shown enough points to be valued in front of them in different ways, but in this world, strength is the truly eternal king.

What kind of strength Li Wensuo can show determines their attitude towards him in the future.

No one expected that the focus of the first rekindled war between hell and the abyss would be entirely on a human being.

The storm of elemental rewinding has gone completely crazy at the level of magic elements, and the magic environment of the entire battlefield was even temporarily transformed into a wild magic environment by the runaway magic elements.

The low-level spellcasters, whether it is hell or demons, are shocked to find that the smooth spells in the past have become wild and difficult to find, and the modeling of each spell model cannot absorb mana to show the effect as expected.

It's like... the elemental field that should belong to everyone, but now it can only serve Li Wen alone.

The Carl Simulator is the most thorough and pure spell that utilizes simple elements. As much elemental power as can be mobilized, the spell can be as powerful as it can be, and there is even no upper limit.

And the most frightening thing is that it is in the hands of Li Wen, the creator, without a CD.

Li Wen raised his hands up, the movement was gentle, but it seemed to have a mighty force.




The ear-piercing sound of ice rubbing rang out continuously on the battlefield, and the huge glaciers of nothingness seemed to freeze all creatures in it.

Not only that, the combination of lightning and frost makes some kind of strange elemental reaction effect act on all creatures attacked by spells.

The pulsating electric current conducts rapidly in the low-temperature air, and the effect of the double combination makes the iron armor on the soldiers seem to be the source of harm to themselves.

Feeling the bone-chilling chill, Zariel snorted coldly, and as the blade in his hand trembled slightly, the flames churned, instantly burning up a nothingness iceberg around him.

The Dragon Queen was bigger and obviously suffered more.

However, as a colored dragon god, she has terrifying resistance to almost all attribute damage, and the wall of ice under a large-scale attack can't even make her feel the slightest discomfort.

However, these two gods have to admit that this young human mage's control over the power of magic is far beyond their imagination.

In their long knowledge of life, I am afraid that only human mages at the legendary level can achieve such a terrifying killing range and magic effect.

In terms of mass destruction capabilities, after all, these mages can play well.

Even gods like them can't continue to launch large-scale attacks as unscrupulously as mages.

The appearance of the ice wall made it difficult for all creatures to walk.

The demon squads charging towards Li Wen suffered from the entanglement of frost, but spells such as "freedom of movement", "blink", "misty step", "secret door" and so on are also helping them to cast spells Those powerful spellcasters continued to rush towards Li Wen.

Distance is the life of a mage.

On a really large-scale battlefield, no matter how thick a mage's blood bar is, he can't stop a round of siege from a tough man.

Of course, Li Wen would not sit back and watch the situation where he was besieged.

In a circle, the Dimensional Blade, which is like a shining star, almost guards the drop point of the displacement spells of those spellcasters.

Even the space retreated in shock, not to mention the caster who was attacked by this spell.

The casters of the demon team walking on the etheric plane and even some interlayered shadow planes also fell out of their planes under the attack of this "super shock wave".

Immediately afterwards, the demon who was shaken by the sound wave saw a fiery circle of flames suddenly lit up under his feet.

A series of rays of sun flames were shot from nowhere to ignite the sky fire, and the "sun flame impact" with the effects of flame burning and radiant damage at the same time was the type of damage that those abyssal demons feared the most.

At the same time, they who had just been covered by the glacier were scorched by flames, and the "melting" reaction under the action of ice and fire made them feel miserable for a while.

Sufficient time allowed Li Wen to attract meteorites from the sky.

The dark red meteorite, burning with raging flames, fell fiercely from mid-air, and plowed out dozens of scorched terracotta amidst the violent tremors of the ground.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of huge flame elves appeared from the ground under Li Wen's feet with a sound of "Peng".

"The Elf of the Furnace"!
From the very beginning of the appearance of these blazing core pure elemental creatures, they threw scorching fireballs formed of pure fire elements in their bodies towards any visible targets around them.

There are enemies on both sides, so you don't have to worry about whether you will accidentally hurt your own people. It's so cool!
Li Wen didn't think about whether he would accidentally injure his allies.

He just released his long-suffering violent impulse to his heart's content.

not enough!

Totally not enough!

Li Wen's eyes were as cold as water, and the ordered magic element pool in his mind was about to move.

For some reason, he always felt that the magic element was particularly active today, and the response to him was particularly enthusiastic.

Maybe not today... It's just that today is the time for him to mobilize the magical elements in the environment on a large scale for the first time in a recent period.

As a result, overwhelming light spheres rushed to appear, lighting up half of the sky behind Li Wen.

On that day, all the demons and devils who participated in the battle and survived engraved the appearance of that human into their souls.

How powerful is a mage who is not limited by spell slots and can maximize the power of magic elements in the environment?
Li Wen showed it with his actual actions.

The Dragon Queen's eyes were blank. She had been trapped in the first layer of hell a long time ago, and it was difficult to get out. She had not experienced the most brilliant arcane empire period of mankind.

She just felt a little dumb.

In the millions of years since she left the material world, how could a human being who was so weak in the past be able to give birth to such a terrifying professional?
The battle angel Zariel has witnessed the most brilliant era of human beings with his own eyes.

The angels of Mount Paradise watched the cities of men rise proudly into the sky, and watched them fall one after another into the clouds.


Li Wen's violent spellcasting reminded her of the most glorious era in human history——

The era when the Goddess of Magic hadn't banned spells above nine rings.

It was an era when the number of spellcasters was extremely rare and talent was the most important thing in spellcasting.

Even... I don't know if it's because the memory is too long, and he has gone through the blur of rebirth, and Zariel subconsciously feels that the magic expressiveness displayed by the road that the human mage in front of him has walked, It turned out to be even more dazzling than the most glorious arcane era in human history.

The only thing that restricts him...maybe is the raw magic elements in the environment that are not enough for him to use.

Zariel was keenly aware that the magic elements in the air were rapidly becoming thinner under the extraction of the human mage. Although the external elements were pouring in, they were not enough to support continued large-scale spellcasting during this natural calming time.

Li Wen also knew all this.

Since the control of elements has been raised to the LV4 level, including the control of many super magic skills, he has become more and more sure of one of his past thoughts.

Traditional spells cannot be compared in terms of creation and functionality. However, if it is just a simple spell bombardment, the spells of the so-called evoking faction are no longer as good as the two tricks I originally created.

No spell effect under any rule conditions can compare to the terrifying lethality produced by the self-combination of those elements.

From now on, the school of evocation is completely unnecessary as a separate school of spells.

Perhaps...it is more appropriate to call it an elemental faction.

The will from the wild magic element filled Li Wen's eyes, and the colorful magic colors twisted into a gorgeous vortex in it.

When we go back, we will promote the brand-new elemental system to all human beings... no, to the whole world!


The magic revolution is now!
(End of this chapter)

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