I can't be an NPC

Chapter 338 Player's Manual

Chapter 338 Player's Manual
"What a fierce Bobby."

"It feels like Bobby is becoming more and more of a big shot."

"Why do I feel that Poppy grows faster than us?"

During this period of time, the level of the players has not increased much, but various specialties, life skills, etc. have grown up under the precipitation of time, and they are becoming more and more like real aborigines.

The increase in combat power is not particularly large, but facing this world is more familiar, and many tasks no longer need to be completed by simply fighting.

It can be regarded as decryption and exploration, combined with the original magical fighting color, which also brings a lot of fun to everyone.

However, when their combat ability could be said to be stagnant, this Bobby actually secretly improved behind everyone's back.

If it was the time when players were besieging him, Bobby wouldn't need to kill them one by one, would he?

"High-level mage, so terrifying!"

"I wonder if other high-level mage NPCs I've seen don't have his expressiveness?"

"That beautiful city lord's Carl simulator was already spectacular, right? But it's still incomparable to the one released by Mr. Bobby now."

"I knew that what he taught us was still reserved."

When Li Wen was invincible, the four players stopped fighting and just looked at Li Wen pretending to be aggressive.

Riverside at least remembered that he was still running the live broadcast room. Although he didn't say a word, he still dutifully ran to the best viewing position like a small hill as much as possible.

In the frantic bloody battle between the demon and hell camps, a human mage unexpectedly became the brightest new star on the battlefield.

"I see, this is the new expansion pack!"

"Bring wet, I understand."

Under Li Wen's berserk elemental spells, no demon could get close enough.

In the demon army usually stationed near the gate of the abyss, there are indeed some high-level demons with fairly good strength, but the existence of legendary level is hard to find anywhere.

Not to mention the situation where the battle angel Zariel and the dragon queen Tiamat are present at the same time.

The only legendary demon stationed nearby didn't dare to show his head, so he went back to rescue soldiers.

The news of the fierce counterattack on the front line was sent back to the devil's hometown in an instant.

In the abyss, many rulers of the main battle zone gathered together and began to discuss the issue of sending troops.

However, all of this has nothing to do with Li Wen and others.

With Zariel, Tiamat, and Li Wen taking action together, the demon garrison who was caught off guard almost showed a one-sided situation.

Zariel is a demigod, Tiamat is a weak divine power, and even the most capable group among them.

Their sustained large-scale clearing ability may not be as powerful as the mage, but the combat power of leading the charge is unmatched.

The gates of the abyss standing on the ground were easily destroyed by their long swords or sharp claws.

As the dark green gravel shattered and collapsed piece by piece, the devil screamed wildly, and the devil bowed its head and was slaughtered.

Only part of the knowledge was wrong, and the demon team who hurriedly slipped back barely survived.

This is the most damning creature in the world, no matter the devil or the devil.

Li Wen's eyes swept over the corpses indifferently, and for the first time, he didn't feel any regret for the loss of life.

When he stopped casting spells and no longer gathered magic elements, the crazy elements began to rapidly fade from Li Wen's body.

Just like the sea after high tide, countless aquatic creatures washed ashore by the tide breathe in vain, but it is difficult to move freely in the sea.

Li Wen also felt that his body became weak in an instant.

The scouring of a large number of magical elements also caused a certain amount of erosion to his not-so-strong body. When the magic power faded, so did the high enthusiasm.

Li Wen blinked, looked at the devastated battlefield, and then looked at his hands.

These are all caused by yourself just now?
Turtle~ Is it awesome?
Did those strange thoughts pop up just now?What is it?

Hi~ I don't remember, put it on!

Zariel and the dragon queen who had turned into a human again slowly landed in the air before Li Wen's eyes.

A god and a demigod looked at Li Wen at this moment, and the underlying gaze no longer contained the obvious contempt before.

The ability of the human mage in front of them surprised even demigods and even gods like them. The most important thing is... the potential of this human mage is far more than that.

He still has a lot of room to grow, and he is still very young.

Based on their knowledge, of course they don't think that this is the strength that every human mage should have, otherwise the human flag has already been planted in every corner of the multiverse.

Humans are a very strange race.

Most of them are mediocre, and they only bear the sole responsibility of continuing the incense civilization.

However, every once in a while, it seems that there is a sudden mutation in its huge base, and there are always one or two epoch-making geniuses who turn out to make the entire multiverse have to face up to the existence of human beings.

"Now, I want to hear your thoughts in detail."

No longer perfunctory like before, Zariel stared at Li Wen with a pair of yin and yang eyes, and for the first time there was quiet wisdom in the always crazy eyes.

When the desire to fight has faded, she is also a long-time angel in her own right.


"I need you to simultaneously open the gates of hell in most parts of the entire Gaia continent, but the gates of hell you open cannot have any impact on those who do not enter actively, and cannot lure any involuntary creatures into the gate. "

Zariel's face remained unchanged.

Before that, she was absolutely unwilling to listen to such nonsense.

I worked so hard to open the door, not to lure some ignorant humans to sell their souls to join her devil army, thinking it was for charity?

And now, she has only one problem.

"Opening the gates of hell on the entire Gaia continent... I have no objections, but do those high-level professionals on the Gaia continent really have any objections?"

Hell is a symbol of evil.

Wind reviews are not very good in the material world. Every time a visitor from hell appears, it is like a new year for some high-level professionals.

Not to mention the gate of hell that can directly connect the two planes, so why not be squatted every day to close the gate?
"There should be no problem with this, just turn it off and on again..."

Li Wen waved his hand, not thinking it was a problem at all.

Are there no players left?

Enthusiastic high-level professionals who want to destroy the gates of hell?
A task of "guarding the gates of hell" is clearly arranged.

Even "repairing the gates of hell" and "taking back the gates of hell"... are all possible.

There are always more ways than difficulties, and more tricky tasks can also mobilize the interest of those players.

"Well, it looks like you're pretty confident."


Zariel didn't fully express what was in his heart.

Mages like Li Wen are probably rare in the entire human world. Regardless of whether his behavior of coming to the endless bloody battlefield to try to support their hell side was inspired by the overall human powerhouse, it is not a completely secret action.

Behind him, there should be the support of many strong human beings.

So the matter of opening the gates of hell is not a big deal.

As long as you stick to the agreement and don't lure those confused souls indiscriminately, presumably, apart from some uninitiated professionals who are blocked by news, not many people will destroy the gate of hell.

As for whether to really stick to the agreement... then we have to see if Master Li Wen can satisfy himself.

If her desire cannot be satisfied, and the army he promised is not enough to support their counterattack against the abyssal demons, then don't blame her for extending her claws to other humans.

As long as she can repel the army of abyssal demons, she doesn't mind bearing any evil reputation... Besides, she is a demigod of the evil camp.

So this is not a problem.

"and then?"

Zariel stared at Li Wen, and the other party obviously still had a lot of details to come up with.

"Then the army I recruited cannot be completely reincarnated as devils... In other words, they can only serve as temporary mercenaries to fight for you, and the staffing may change at any time. You can only issue general strategic goals to them, or ask They cooperate with the actions of your army, but there is no way to direct their specific actions. Of course, if you have the ability to keep them and let them join hell permanently, I have no opinion. In short, I cannot direct their specific actions. Action, and neither can you."

These conditions made Zariel's golden eyebrows on the angel side slightly frowned.

Whether as an angel in the past or a devil in the present, Zariel is essentially an advocate of order.

The existence in Li Wen's narration was born with some chaotic factors, which made her subconsciously resist.

It's just... Will these guys who sound chaotic also choose to help them attack the chaotic side where they belong?
It can only be said that a guy who is worthy of being chaotic tends to be so chaotic.

"if so……"

Zariel considered the pros and cons, "How can I make sure they are really fighting for me?"

Guys on the chaotic side can't be trusted.

No matter how outrageous things they can do, Zariel, who has dealt with those demons all year round, is very clear about their characteristic.

Their options are too elusive.


Li Wen rubbed his fingers, "They have no heart...as long as they are beneficial, they are your most loyal and brave subordinates. This is the third point I want to tell you, you need...to prepare some rewards for them."



Li Wen felt more and more like a middleman.

Not only must consider the game experience for those players, but also act as a game planner without salary.

You have to inculcate the "Player User's Manual" with these aborigines.

"Weapons, armor, props, potions, gems... even, succubi. Everything you can think of that humans need can be used as a reward, let them do things for you. Their labor is quite cheap. As long as you want to Give them a little favor, and they'll die."


Zariel's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he asked slowly, "Trash guy?"

"They... just don't pick."


Zariel nodded, "There are still a lot of rags in hell."

Saying that, Zariel was about to get up, "Can we go and open the gate of hell?"

"Wait, wait! One last point."

"and also?"

Zariel got a little impatient.

It's just to find a reinforcement, you can't command as much as you want, and you have to pay for it, and it's even a creature that tends to be on the chaotic side.

I don't know what the human beings in the material world are doing, how can such a thing be cultivated?
"the last point……"

Li Wen raised a finger, "Set the rules."


"Establish camp rules. Hell and the devil are irreconcilable. Water and fire are incompatible. You can only choose one of the two. You must not betray after choosing a camp within a certain period of service, otherwise... you will be hunted down forever."

"Isn't this all natural?"

Zariel didn't understand the significance of Li Wen's emphasis on these things alone.

Is there really someone who will go crazy on the spot?
Besides, even if there are one or two people who turn back on the spot, it won't be able to drive everyone to turn back together, right?Any betrayal requires prior discussion and agreement.

Demons are best at this.

And even if a group of people turn against the water on the spot, how much impact can it have on the overall situation?

Unless the scale of human mercenaries that this Master Bobby promises to recruit will even exceed her army of demons.

And this...how is it possible?

Even the king of the human world might not be able to force so many humans to serve the devil in hell, no matter how reliable and safe he promised the deal.

In the final analysis, Zariel trusted this Master Bobby. After all, the other party's strength lay here, and it was quite normal to have some influence in the human world.

A human mercenary army with decent strength?
Hundreds of people, or even thousands of people, is probably the limit.

I'm afraid it's impossible to exceed [-], otherwise why he has been vague and unwilling to disclose the specific amount.

As for why the gates of hell were opened across the entire Gaia continent... Maybe it was because the members of this mercenary organization were scattered after all?

Who knows?Humans are always weird.

Words like gathering is a ball of fire and scattering is full of stars often come from their mouths.

Not many, but always a force.

With Bobby's guarantee and the strength he has shown, Zariel still has expectations for the "army" he promised, which is why she patiently listened to Li Wen's request from beginning to end.

"so be it."

Now, her meager temperament has been completely wiped out.

"I'm going to open the gates of hell and meet what you call... the army."

The tall body spread its wings and flew towards the open space.

Zariel, who was in mid-air, recalled the words of Master Bobby just now, and for some reason, a bad feeling suddenly rose in his heart.

His last request... Is it really superfluous?

Wouldn't there really be a lunatic who could fight halfway and betray on the spot?
(End of this chapter)

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