I can't be an NPC

Chapter 339 What scene have I never seen before?

Chapter 339 What scene have I never seen? (cross out)

Li Wen is still thinking about how to spread this "version update" move, but thanks to the promotion in the live broadcast room on the banks of the Seine.

When Zariel was waving her flaming sword to build the gates of hell, the news that the bloody battle field was about to open had spread from him to the whole world.

The overwhelming bombing on the forum——

"Endless bloody battle dungeon opens for a limited time! "

"Multiplayer online, unlimited passion, hell succubus, click to send! "

"Hell Mercenaries!we are coming! "

While watching the live broadcast, countless players have already gone to the wilderness outside the city, looking for traces of the gate of hell.

There was the Moon of Corruption incident in the period when the server was just opened, and players are no longer surprised by the operation of opening the portal of the instance in a place far away from the city and inhabited by people.

It's not very convenient, but it's very realistic.

What's more, in those primitive jungles full of ivy and old trees, the surprise process of finding a door around a corner is also a very interesting adventure.


And on the battlefield on the first floor of hell, not far away where you can even see the ruins left by the damaged doors of the abyss, Zariel fights with her with her unique divine power of holiness and fire. The authority rules of the gatekeepers on the first layer of hell construct the gate of hell to the material world.

This is a great structure that spans the crystal walls of the planes, and even monitors the breath of life, trying to get out of the places where the breath of life is strong, and simultaneously and accurately unfolds in many corners of the material world, so that even It is also difficult for this demigod-level existence to independently support the creation of this level.

At least hundreds of devil spellcasters held their unique sacrificial ceremony, and huge and evil forces gathered between the angel's spread wings.

The evil pink even dyed the sky.

Seeing this kind of battle, Li Wen gave up the idea of ​​inciting General Quansheng to give Zariel a cold shoulder at this time.

Maybe if you give her a shot at this time, you can get some information about the transmission rules between hell and the material world, but...if her spellcasting is interrupted, it will be a big trouble.

The construction technique this time is very difficult. As a mage who can cast the seven-ring spell—transfer from another world, Li Wen knows the difficulty.

It is tantamount to stabilizing the effect of the seven-ring spell-transfer to another world in hundreds or even thousands of places on the Gaia continent, and even doing it at the same time.

With his current ability, he couldn't even imagine that a little bit of interference in this delicate process might result in wasted efforts. That's why the battle angel especially told the Dragon Queen to escort her before the start.

Now, the Dragon Queen, herself, and the Pit Demon Refiner beside her, who is like a housekeeper, are all on guard to prevent any demons from the abyss from accidentally interrupting this great operation.

Devils are not the same as demons.

Chaotic and illogical behavior is commonplace on the devil's side, but on the devil's side it is absolutely unbearable crazy behavior.

It's better not to make extra troubles at this time...

The most important thing is that Li Wen, who watched Zariel cast a spell, suddenly discovered——

It is difficult to accurately reach a certain layer of the abyss from the material world.

It is also difficult to accurately reach the realm below the first level of hell from the material world.

However, it is not difficult to reach the first floor of hell.

His higher strength and higher vision made him seem to be able to see the magical elements woven into it when he watched Zariel cast spells.

He could see those chaotic magic elements forming an orderly sequence of inscriptions under Zariel's command, precisely supporting the construction of one small magic unit after another.

Under the joint action of the unknown number of magic units, the physical gate of hell is displayed on the earth bit by bit.

This process is not mysterious, nor is it too advanced professional knowledge.

The first level of hell is open to anyone.

Li Wen, who was able to reach Hell by teleportation from another world, might spend some time relying on his own research to master it.

It is even more difficult to build a long-term stable portal channel.

And this is more a matter of strength than whether you have relative knowledge.

It is really far away to achieve this with my current strength.

Maybe... we have to find another way.

In the process of constant exploration and travel, Li Wen's ideas also need to be changed anytime and anywhere.

Of course, all his thoughts have nothing to do with Zariel's current spellcasting.

When a huge mirror-like door is completely presented on the earth, the fresh and natural breath belonging to the material world is also spread inward.

The breath infection between the two planes is mutual, but the material world is more condensed, and will not actively change some inherent attributes of the inner plane.

In the invisible material world of Li Wen and others, innumerable portals suddenly unfolded in the wilderness outside the gathering places of various big cities.

The mirror-like mercury portal is rippling with water-like waves, and countless pitch-black sharp claws are intertwined with each other, forming the door frame of the shining hell portal.

At first glance, it is full of evil and treacherous atmosphere, which makes people feel chills in the bottom of their hearts.

But for players...

Anyway, if the waves don't die, just go to the dead.

Surprised to find that the portal was unfolding in front of him, a priest player was full of laughter. After taking a picture and posting it on the forum, he suddenly got into the portal.

In the slight rippling waves, the player's figure was slowly swallowed, as if the whole body was melting into the black liquid, which was uncomfortable.

Of course, all this didn't feel the slightest to him.


On the first floor of hell, a group of people stared closely at the gate of hell that towered above the sky.

The scale of this door is even larger than Zariel's basalt castle, which is the result of Li Wen's strong request.

Zariel stared at the gate of hell with deep and deep eyes, but there was a bit of ice in his eyes that were almost burned by the flames.

You want a big door, now that the door is open for you, I want to see how many people you can attract.

Faced with this human mage who broke their cognition of mages to a certain extent, whether it is the battle angel Zariel or even the dragon queen, they all have certain opinions.

Now, Zariel, Dragon Queen, Pit Alchemist Beyer, and even those big devils who assisted in casting spells are all standing not far from the gate of hell, staring at the gate.

Just in this situation, a priest wearing silver armor suddenly got out of it.

"Bright Priest!"

"That holy light is worth fighting for!"

"Fight ass! You little scum who hasn't reached the third level!"

"Has he hit the hammer?"

There was a commotion among the great devils.

They never expected that such a thing would appear in the waiting room that everyone was looking forward to.


Uh~ wait!

Priest? !
Zariel turned his head to look at Li Wen, and there was a bit of danger in the eyes burned by the flames.


She wondered if Li Wen was an insider of the Illuminati Church in human society.

Lied to himself to open the gate of hell, but summoned a bunch of bright priests wearing iron plates with chain hammers to push hell down.

That group of muscular pastors wanted to do this, after all, as an angel, she herself had fantasized about such a scene.

Li Wengan laughed.

He didn't expect that the first one to come out would be a priest, or even a priest of light!
Doesn't this make it clear that you're looking for faults?

If these devils in hell have any enemies other than the mortal enemy of the devil, then the old enemy of the priest will definitely not be able to escape.

"Their professional composition is a bit mixed..."

Zariel's eyes turned back and forth twice on the player of the Bright Priest and Li Wen, as if he temporarily accepted Li Wen's sophistry.

Then, her gaze was attracted by a newly drilled figure.



"Huh? Oh, I forgot to change back..."

As the light changed, a swift leopard gradually transformed into a burly... elf?

Li Wen could already clearly see a few glaring question marks appearing above Zariel's head.

If it is said that human beings' fear of devils is out of pure interest considerations and the fear of enslaving their souls, then the elves' hatred of unclean creatures like devils comes from nature.

Simply put, they have cleanliness.

He has an extremely disgusting attitude towards demons, demons, and unclean creatures such as undead creatures, and wants them to fight side by side with devils...

According to Zariel's knowledge...it's still a little superficial.

Her flaming dry bones were already held on the hilt of the Fire Blade. If Li Wen made any changes, she would definitely stab him as soon as possible.

Priests, elves...these are the iron enemies of hell.

Taking advantage of Hell's current weak period, organizing an army to push Hell down, sounds like such an exciting action?

Li Wen noticed the more and more strange gazes, and the Dragon Queen was even winking at herself crazily, probably wanting to ask Li Wen what he meant.

She is quite torn in her heart now - which side should she help in case of a fight.

After all, she was hired by Li Wen, not Zariel.

But she had something to ask Zariel's immediate boss.

Hard to top.

Li Wen wanted to ease the atmosphere, and explained dryly.

"They... are also a bit mixed."

Zariel remained silent, noncommittal, just continued to stare at the gate of hell.

The third player who appeared was finally a little normal... a warlock.

A warlock who wields a quasai.

Quasais are demons.


Beyer, who had been holding the attitude of watching a show, began to pick up his chin in confusion at this time.

He thought he was much older and knowledgeable than Zariel.

What scene has he not seen after living for so many years?

Although there are not many pastors who are in the light and their hearts are in the dark, there are some.

There are so many people in the elves, and occasionally there are one or two deviant people.

But... now there is another magician who believes in demons.

He has never seen this combination...


"Hey? I'm not the first?"

"Hi! Good luck, the door is directly under your feet."

"You guys came early, do you know what's going on?"

"I don't know, and no one came to greet me."


Yep, we chatted.

Baier was also dumbfounded.

The first three players are not the end, however.

As more and more players found the gate of hell in the wild, the portal like a dark mirror began to ripple almost uninterruptedly, and one after another, professionals dressed in strange shapes jumped out of it. He came out and came before the eyes of Zariel, Dragon Queen and others.


The Dragon Empress was shocked.

Zariel's eyes froze slightly.

Lich? ? ?

However... As more and more people began to pour out from the gates of hell, Zariel had no time to be shocked by the personal characteristics of these professionals.

After all, when everyone has their own characteristics, there will be no characteristics at all.

A mage with a big sword in one hand and a bat in one hand, wearing heavy armor...

The ranger on the unicorn...

The halo is about to poke the paladin on the face...

A druid transformed into a dragon (kids version)...

Blind ascetic with blindfold...

RNM also has a soldier pushing a siege vehicle in?

Do you want to be more outrageous?
Zariel stared at Li Wen, trying to get an answer from him.

"Where did you find this group of people?"

She tried to use her own reason to explain the reason behind this.

Why does each of them look so weird?

Perhaps it is for this reason!Because of their apostasy, they are not accepted by the human society in the material world, so they have to live in isolation and dissociate from human society.

This is the reason why they can give up their prejudices and become hell mercenaries, and it is also the reason why Master Poppy specifically told himself to open the portal in those wilderness areas.

Perhaps, in the material world, Master Bobby is such a strong person who likes to unite those professionals who are not recognized by the mainstream society.

That's why he was able to do something that even human beings abroad couldn't do - to make so many professionals go to hell willingly to become mercenaries to fight for hell.

It must be so!

So, their number should stop here, right?
After all, deviant people are a minority after all.

Should it be over?
Should it be over?

Should it be over?
Watching waves of crowds pouring out of the gates of hell, the expectations in Zariel's heart are constantly being adjusted downwards.

Must be the last wave, right?

Why is it not over yet?


For the first time in his life, the irritable and decisive battle angel felt completely confused.

She looked at Li Wen with a dim light in her eyes asking for help.

"How many people did you call?"

Li Wen spread his hands.

"I do not know……"

What a joke, how did he know?

He couldn't see the player's forum, who knew how many players' attention such an event could attract.

Anyway, don't give rewards yourself, you are an intermediary, responsible for fooling people into opening the door.


"It's your turn to show up."

Li Wen kicked Zariel's...calf.

Haven't you seen those Chosen Ones are all confused?
If you don't go up to make rules and explain the situation to them, they will be able to rush your barracks for you in a while.

(End of this chapter)

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