Chapter 352
The world is made up of four elements—earth, water, wind, and fire.

However, the four elements are not just the four elements literally, there are also some magical theories that link the four elements with some deeper rules.

Wind is time, water is space, earth is matter, and fire is energy.

The so-called four elements are not so much earth, water, wind and fire, but time, space, matter and energy.

Of course, this is the private theory of certain schools of mages, and it is only stagnant at the theoretical stage, and has not been recognized by most mages.

But now it seems that at least the essence of the Air Elemental Plane is time, which may have been confirmed to a certain extent.

The king of the wind element is time itself, and time goes to the end of a one-way street, which is the dead silence where everything no longer "flows".

Like a piece of stagnant water.

No waves, no movement, no life whatsoever.

Time has no meaning.

This is a one-way street, and there is no turning back in time.

Absolute death is the inevitable end of this multiverse.

The elemental spirits in the elemental plane are immortal under any circumstances, and will only lose their "life" because of this ultimate ending.

The ceremonies being held by the so-called elemental monarchs mentioned by Aboleth, that is, the current elemental fluctuations, are just attempts by the elemental spirits who have obtained the "last words" of the first elemental monarch to break this final outcome .

Or rather an attempt not to make it to the finale.

Maybe the final ending won't change because of anything, but what they do is not to reach the final ending.

The world will be "restarted" after a period of time, and the "flow" will be set off with artificial power, so that the world will be restored to "vitality".

This kind of reincarnation will only destroy all planes except the elemental plane, but those elemental spirits in the elemental plane can get "eternal life" because of this.

The truth about the other three elemental planes is actually not important anymore. Even if it is confirmed that the earth is matter, fire is energy, and water is space, Li Wen has no intention of using these new discoveries to publish a paper among the mages of the human world .

There is an obvious choice before Li Wen - whether to want all the creatures on all planes that exist today, or to sacrifice everything in exchange for "eternal life" at the level of the entire multiverse.

Even if there is a flood after I die?
Or leave hope for the latecomers, just like the universe of the illithids, leaving seeds for the next world in the ashes.

Then, like a spirit sucker, he found a way to preserve his strength across the epoch, so as to gain new life in the new universe.

Is this the truth of the "changing era" that the goddess of creation said?

Save everyone to the next new world through the player's power?

This is my mission?

Li Wen squinted his eyes, feeling something was wrong.

Is the universe dying out?
If it's still early, why are they rushing to initiate this cosmic "reboot"?
And on what basis do they define the time to start the "restart".

Or wait until they have accumulated enough strength to set off the elemental fluctuations needed to "restart" the world, and then start immediately?

So... what role does the moon play in it?
Li Wen raised his head.

The colorful moon with half of its face exposed hangs quietly in the sky.

"Can you contact that colorful moon?"

Li Wen said suddenly.


Gray Fog is straightforward.

Li Wen was silent for a moment, then asked again.

"Will your operating route be affected by any factors?"

Although Li Wen has never said anything similar to anyone, there is a question that has been lingering in his mind and has never gone away.

According to Helen, the twelve moons return at different intervals.

This interval is not necessarily the same, and the return cycle of each moon is different and independent of each other.

But the common denominator is that the time interval is very long.

Under this premise, isn't the moon that has returned in the near future a little bit too much?
In less than half a year, how many rounds of the moon have there been?
Since the Moon of Corruption, the moons have returned one after another, giving hardly any time to breathe.

What is the probability that the return points of the moon whose return cycle is often calculated over a hundred years are all crowded together and return synchronously?

In the games I played in my previous life, such as a certain land of Lordaeron, new expansion packs that represent disasters appear one after another, which is also normal. Games... can't really let players grow grass.

But right now this is not a game. Even if there are so-called "players", these players are just drawn by the Goddess of Creation to work from nowhere.

Compared to myself and others, this is a real world!

The real world is about reasoning.

It is unreasonable for these moons, which independently calculate the return period in units of hundreds of years, to crowd together and return.

So, could it be because of some factors that are happening that directly contributed to the occurrence of this change.

Were the Twelve Moons somehow attracted to alter their natural return cycle, returning back and forth during this time?
However, it is clear that Croxanne still doesn't know anything about it.

Gray Fog's handwriting looked extremely dazed.

"I have no idea……"

"All right……"

Li Wen sighed softly, stood up, "I still have something to do, let's go first."

"and many more!"

The gray mist floated in front of Li Wen's eyes, forming a line of writing close at hand.

"What you said at the beginning, you want to be connected to the colorful moon... is it important to you?"

"Well~ very important."

Li Wen nodded, "But if there is no other way, forget it, I will find a way by myself."

"I know~"

He casually pulled out a door, Li Wen stepped in, and came to the Land of Madness Moon, which he hadn't been in for a long time.

"Li Wen!"

Miss Aletta, the moon elf lady found by Li Wen, had a bright smile on her face, as if she had eclipsed the eleven-ring spell in the sky—Eternal Light.

"long time no see!"

"haven't seen you for a long time."

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

Before Li Wen could speak, Aletta asked.

Li Wen hadn't been here for a long time, and now he suddenly came to see her, so he couldn't just come here to catch up on the old days.

"Well... there are indeed some things that need to be troubled."

"what's up?"

"Borrow your airship for use."

"Go to your world?"

Aletta was amazingly intelligent, Li Wen didn't even fully express her intentions, she had already guessed Li Wen's intentions.

"Yes... I also want to see the starry sky of our world."

The starry sky is dangerous.

The continent of Gaia is also a ball, which has been confirmed in the group of mages in the continent of Gaia.

There are more powerful people on the Gaia Continent, which is not comparable to the Mad Moon Continent, which is rare even for legendary professionals. For the truth of the world, those powerful and curious legendary mages have already figured it out clearly.

It's just that the sky is equally dangerous. Don't look at the footprints of the mages on the Gaia continent all over the multiverse. Wherever there are creatures, there are their footprints, but that is only a very small part.

And in most places...such as places like hell or the abyss, apart from having certain environmental depressing factors, more dangers actually come from the creatures therein.

But deep space is different.

In fact, apart from the extremely weak boundary with the astral plane, the uninhabited high sky itself is completely unsuitable for the survival of any creature.

Cryogenics, vacuum, radiation...

Any danger can easily take away the lives of professionals below legends, and perhaps the spells of mages can work miracles.

But even if some mages are fully prepared, the spell effect cannot last forever. The moment the spell fails is the moment of death.

Today's Li Wen does not have the qualifications to ignore the environment, so he needs certain external means to help.

Obviously, the frenzied mainland elves' airships that have been used in the past are qualified for this.

Just don't know...

"Is it convenient for Fang?"

There was a bright smile on Aletta's face, "Of course it's no problem, Master Li Wen, you are our Sun King, any request you have will be satisfied with us, it is our honor. It's just... "

"Just what?"

"We've been to your world before, but we can't stay in your world for a long I don't know if our airship can exist in your world for a long time. This point can only be noticed by yourself. "

"I'll pay attention."

"Then I'm going to inform my mother now."

"it is good."


"Hey! What is this?"

Gray mist surrounds the airship, curiously looking at this never-before-seen product.

"There are special magical elements flowing in it... It's amazing, I've never seen this special form of magic."

"I heard it's an eleven-ring spell—spinsail."

As Li Wen spoke, he suddenly remembered something.

"Can you use spells with more than nine rings in your Shadow Demon Net?"

In the magic net normally controlled by the Goddess of Magic, all spells above the ninth ring were banned.

This is not because the spell itself is invalid, but it is forbidden to be cast under the conditions of the magic net, which is a unique prohibition of the goddess of magic.

However, the Shadow Demon Net is not under the control of the Goddess of Magic. Shouldn't the Goddess of Magic care about casting spells under the Shadow Demon Net?


Gray Mist looked a little hesitant.

After a long silence, it slowly turned into a line of writing: "I don't know."

The expected answer.

The goddess of confusion is like this, she doesn't know when she asks three questions.

Li Wen waved his hand.

"Forget it, anyway, I don't have that ability now."

Only a single caster level of level 17 can release nine-ring spells. If you want to cast ten-ring spells, you have to be level 19, right?
Although I haven't come into contact with it yet, this kind of inference is simple, and Li Wen guessed irresponsibly.

Now, first of all, I can't get in touch with spells beyond the ninth ring, and second, I don't have that hard power, so it's useless to know whether I can let it go.

"gone back."

"Hey, your boat."

"Leave this first."

Li Wen left from the entrance and exit of the Croxan space opened by the avatar, and appeared at Jianfeng City's home.

It would be difficult to hide a huge object like a floating ship from another world, and a new and unknown thing would easily attract the attention of others. It is always right to ask Helen, the city lord, for his opinion.


"Just go and register."

Helen said somewhat casually.

"So simple?"

"It's that simple."

Helen nodded, "You think that you are the only one in this world who can come up with something new every now and then. There are so many mages who often come up with eye-popping creations. You just need to register with the local mage association. The only trouble is... the origin is unclear, is this something from the elves from the other continent?"

Helen, who once had a conversation, heard the words of the two sun and moon elf ladies from different worlds, and knew that there were some things in their different worlds that were not found on the Gaia Continent... or that were lost.

If exposed, it might put the other world in danger of being coveted.

Meeting Helen's eyes, Li Wen nodded sadly.

"That's what worries me."

"So you can only work hard on yourself."


"Master Li Wen has invented a brand-new large ship that can float in the air, is it reasonable?"


"As long as you have the cheek to admit that this is your brand-new invention, there is no problem at all. After all, it is a brand-new creation from Master Li Wen who has created so many miracles. I don't think many people will doubt it. "

"Do you want to give all the underlying design principles?"

Helen shrugged, "Do you have any?"


"Then don't submit it. There is no rule that a mage's invention must be shared with all other mages. The purpose of registration is to tell everyone, 'Hey~ I have a new thing, isn't it amazing? It doesn't share , I’m just showing it to you.’Of course there may be some private contacts, but that’s your own business.”

"It's okay to listen."

Helen stared at Li Wen quietly with her clear eyes.

"The Mage Association has never been a bandit organization."

"Okay, then I'll go to register."

"When registering, remember to park the boat in their square, and they have to record it."

"I know~"

"Also...don't forget to take me with you when you plan to go somewhere on the boat."


Li Wen, who hadn't walked a few steps, turned around and looked back at the soft smile on Helen's gorgeous face.

"it is good."


A huge orange-green monster suddenly appeared from above the city, and slowly sailed towards the residence of the Mage Association in the city.

The city guards who were notified in advance and the protective mages of the Mage Association exercised restraint sensibly.

On this day, all eyes in the city were fixed on the behemoth in the sky.

"Did I have an illusion?"

"How did the boat in the sea go to the sky?"

"Hallucinations! Did I not sleep well?"

Discussions in the city continued one after another, and finally all eyes followed the giant ship and landed on its destination - the residence of the Mage Association.

(End of this chapter)

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