I can't be an NPC

Chapter 353 Registration and Liftoff

Chapter 353 Registration and Liftoff

The resident mages of the association who received the news waited early in the central square, watching the huge ship slowly descend from the sky.

The eyes of the rainbow mages were about to pop out, anxious like ants on a hot pan.

"Can this thing really fly?"

"There must be a lot of people on it to control it? Where did Master Li Wen find the sailors?"

"It must consume a lot of energy, right? How many energy gemstones are burned for a hundred kilometers?"

"How many troops can be transported if this is used for war?"

It's not like everyone has seen things that can go up to the sky. From the magic broom for one person to ride, the magic flying carpet that can carry two or three people at most, and even the airships of goblin technology, they are already the most outstanding works in this field.

But the big boat that Li Wen drove over was really too big.

Anything that reaches a certain level is unimaginably difficult to complete.

Such as floating city.

Although the airship is not that shocking, it is basically a project that is difficult to complete in the current magic system.

It may be possible to realize the floating of a giant ship for a short time, but it is almost impossible to achieve the practical application of coming and going freely.

Ringo stood beside Helen, pinching his golden mustache.

"By the way, do you think this thing looks familiar?"

Helen let out a tremor from her throat.


"I remember that there seems to be traces of this thing in historical records."

With a smile on the corner of Helen's mouth, he directly expressed his thoughts.

"The period of Ossirium."

"Ah, yes, yes! That was the time. It was exactly the same as what was recorded in the book. That was the peak period of our magic."

"The times are always improving, not always the skills of the past are better than the present."

The airship stopped lightly, and landed softly, hardly causing the ground to vibrate at all.

Countless pairs of eyes were fixed on the opening of the disembarkation on the upper deck of the ship, wanting to see how many people were hiding in this big ship and manipulating it.

Under such gaze, Li Wen stepped out slowly.


"What about people?"

"Can't you hide inside?"

"Is Master Li Wen the only one?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"Such a big boat, why can't you just drive it alone?"

A rainbow mage approached Li Wen who had stepped off the boat, and kept looking up at the boat.

"Master Li Wen...is there anyone behind you?"

"It's gone..."

"Just you?"



Li Wen ignored them, and went straight to a group of people waiting at the Sword Wind City Mage Association not far away.

"Stop over there, register and go."

The person in charge of this matter was an old man. Li Wen looked at him a little familiarly, and suddenly remembered that he was the same person when he first certified the thunderstorm in Icacia.

"Don't look at me, I'm old and want to find a leisurely job, but I didn't expect to be targeted by you."

Seeing Li Wen looking at him, the old man felt a little annoyed.


In front of him, the mages such as President Ringo and Minister Eric looked at Li Wen with burning eyes.

"Master Li Wen, is this your newly developed...creation?"

Li Wen nodded cheekily.


With Li Wen's personal confirmation, even though they had already been mentally prepared, these mages couldn't help but tremble.

The purple-haired female mage next to Helen, who had never left, looked at Li Wen's delicate-looking face, and her eyes were full of brilliance for a while.

This is the "Master Li Wen" that Helen said.

After inquiring for the past few days, she already knew the characteristics and origin of this mage.

But I didn't expect to meet again, this Master Li Wen once again came up with an unimaginable surprise.

And Ringo rubbed his hands expectantly, and his tone became a little shy.


Li Wen and Helen's discussion was only known to them, and these people in the Mage Association were kept in the dark. This was the first time they knew about it.

So naturally, he became interested in this shipbuilding technology.

Needless to say that Lingo made it too clear, Li Wen immediately refused.



Ringo looked at Li Wen blankly...

I haven't said what do I want to say?

Li Wen shook his head with a smile, "No, the technology of this airship will not be released. I am driving here to register now, just because I want to use it. I am afraid that you have never seen nervousness, so I will inform you in advance. "

"Is that so..."

Ringo, Eric, and other senior executives of the Sword Wind City branch of the Mage Association dimmed visibly with the naked eye.

They looked at the big ship that almost occupied the entire square of the Masters Association in silence, and turned their heads to continue to look at Li Wen. Their eyes wandered between the two, and they were so anxious that they almost scratched their ears.

There may be a lot of benefits behind this new technology, which is of course what they value, and they can get enough good things they want from other mage branches or various mage forces.

However, as mages, these new technologies themselves are unspeakably attractive to them.

The desire for new knowledge torments their minds like a cat's scratch.

After a while, there was still a high-ranking mage whom Li Wen didn't know asked eagerly.

"Then... can you tell me a little bit about which breakthrough is used?"

Li Wen pondered for a while, and gave them a general direction, which didn't seem so fake.

After all, in their past impressions, Master Li Wen is not such a heartless person.

"Do you still remember the magic soldiers of the snake people earlier?"

After hesitating for a moment, Li Wen said so.

"That's where I got some inspiration."

The idea of ​​the airship was not the first one invented by Li Wen. It was a product in the time of Ossorium. Of course, the latecomers wanted to reproduce it.

However, Ossirium's airship uses an eleven-ring spell called "Spinsail", and no one knows the details. Just find a ship that sails normally, and use the "spinning technique" on it, and the former sea ship will become a perfect floating ship.

The power of magic is so mysterious.

So of course Li Wen can no longer say that his floating ship is a product of pure magic.

Because as long as it is a product of pure magic, it cannot avoid the "spinning technique" of the Ossirium period.

Those grand arcanists who have studied the way of magic have studied this way to the extreme, and if they want to create a floating ship by means of pure magic, the only optimal solution is the "spin sail technique".

Even if Li Wen is talented and unparalleled in the world, and without any inheritance, he invents a spell that can turn an ordinary sea ship into a floating ship, then the optimal form of this spell must be the "spinning sail technique" .

The spinnaker technique is an eleven-ring spell.

Not to mention the spells that are not optimized by it, maybe the twelfth or thirteenth ring... need higher consumption to do the same thing.

In the current era when all spells above nine rings are banned, it is absolutely impossible to create a floating ship in the form of pure magic.

Even if the boat in hand was indeed built in this form, Li Wen couldn't just admit it.

As long as he doesn't say anything, no one can take the boat apart to see.

What's more, in this world, there are many ways to achieve one thing.

If you want to start a fire, you can use magic, or you can drill wood to make fire.

And if you want to make a spaceship that can float in the air, you can also make a large ship first and then engrave it with various functional magic circles.

This is exactly what the mages of Gaia today are trying to do.

However, there are many problems.

A magical creation that can carry one or two people to the sky is already rare, but to drive such a large ship to the sky, the area of ​​the magic circle that needs to be depicted on it is unimaginable, and the shape of the ship must be specially designed taking into account the entire magic circle. At the same time, it is necessary to carry enough energy gems that can drive the magic circle.

Including various environmental stabilization systems, life support systems, hull stabilization systems and more.

A huge airship needs quite a lot of modules, without any modules, even if it is barely built, it will not be easy to use.

In the end, the design of this kind of big ship will fall into a stage of internal friction. If you want a bigger ship, you have to draw a larger magic circle and carry more energy, and at the same time equip more mages to monitor each individual magic circle. unit, so the number of free people that a ship can carry will be greatly limited.

If you want to carry more people, you need a bigger ship, and a bigger ship needs more magic circle units and more monitoring mages.

Such an infinite cycle, so that no matter how large the floating ship made by this method is, the number of free personnel it can carry is not too many. On the contrary, the "crew" system that needs to control the ship itself will be bloated and terrible, and even All of them must be masters of formation masters who are proficient in the school of conjuration.

In this way, the original intention of building this floating ship is lost.

Theoretically yes, but practically not necessary.

Li Wen, on the other hand, "discovered another way."

At least in the eyes of many mages in the mage association, this is the "fact"!
Given Li Wen's previous illustrious reputation, no one raised the slightest doubt about it.

On the contrary, after Li Wen gave a general idea, their curiosity was aroused even more.

"How did you do it?"

"The magical weapons of those snake people seem to be the advanced technology of some kind of magic puppets."

"So this is using the floating ship as a magic puppet?"

"Damn! So how did you do it!"

However, no matter how curious they were, Li Wen remained silent.

After all, even if you say one more word, you can reveal your secrets.

This registration will be considered complete after the members of the Mage Association have completely recorded the shape and various details of the floating ship in the form of spell images.

"Okay, I'm leaving."

Li Wen waved his hand and planned to go to heaven.


Helen's light cough behind her caught Li Wen's attention, so he had to turn around and look at Helen with a smile on his face.

"My respected Lord City Master, I wonder if I have the honor to invite you to participate in this floating journey?"

(I thought you preferred sneaking up.)
With a gentle and reserved smile on Helen's face, she nodded as if hesitating, "Since it is Master Li Wen's invitation, then I will not be disrespectful."

Seeing that he could lead people, the mages of a kind of mage association suddenly thought about it.

Minister Eric's sinister face squeezed out a bit of a smile at the moment,

"Master Li Wen, look at us..."

Li Wen looked past the tall and thin mage head, and looked at the rows of mages from the Jianfeng City branch with eager eyes behind him, and not far away were the expectant eyes of the rainbow mages.

So I couldn't help but smiled, and bowed sincerely to the mages, "There is quite a lot of space on my boat, I wonder if you mages are interested in going up there together?"

"Good Le!"

"Just waiting for your words."

Flocked, but orderly.

There is no prohibition circle that prohibits casting spells here, and these high-level mages basically do not know the short-distance teleportation methods such as "Levitation", "Different Door", or even just "Misty Step".

However, in the face of this floating ship, these mages still chose to board the ship in the most primitive way, which is the most sincere awe of this miraculous creation in their hearts.

The palms stroked the hull of the ship, which seemed to be made of wood, with large pieces of emerald-like decorations on the surface, and these mages sincerely admired it.

"It's a perfect skill, like the craftsmanship of elves."

"How did Master Li Wen build this ship? It doesn't look like the creation of a mortal."

Listening to the discussions of the mages around him, Li Wen raised his eyebrows.

Even though the spell came from the "spinning sail" in the Ossirium period, the craft itself was undoubtedly the craft of the elves.

Even if this elf is an elf from another world, their taste and pursuit of art are always almost the same.

Now it is easily seen by these mages at a glance.

Of course, as long as they don't say it themselves, they can't go around to prove it, so it's not a big problem.

Helen walked beside Li Wen, and followed him directly to the control room.

Walking halfway, Helen glanced at the purple-robed female mage who was following her.

"Are you still following?"

"Uh... I can't follow?"

"Inside is the core control room. Before Master Li Wen is willing to open it, no one will be able to rush in."

The purple-haired female mage pointed at herself blankly, "Me? Anyone?"

"if not?"

"how about you?"

"I'm not anyone."

Helen shrugged, followed Li Wen into the control room.

Only the purple-haired female mage was left stomping on the floor angrily.


Seeing what happened to the purple-haired female mage, a group of mages hurriedly pulled behind her.

"Go again! Go again! Have all the friends who haven't seen the city lord been blocked?"

"That's right! Why don't you have any eyesight? It's good to be able to get on the boat, and you still run in?"

Just like the scene that once happened in the Crazy Continent, the floating ship carrying the curiosity and thirst for knowledge of countless mages slowly rose from the square where the mage association of Jianfeng City was stationed.

Countless coveted eyes from various forces are staring at this big ship, watching it rise into the sky...

(End of this chapter)

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