I can't be an NPC

Chapter 354 Starry Sky

Chapter 354 Starry Sky
It was almost exactly the same as the previous experience in the Crazy Continent. As the floating ship crossed the sky, the starlight of hundreds of millions of years almost crossed time and space and came to Li Wen's eyes at the same time.

Helen, who was going to pass the pilot's seat of the airship with Li Wen, looked at the starlight projected by magic in the cockpit. Those stars seemed to fall in her eyes, shining brightly.

And the most eye-catching thing is that orange-red flaming fireball, that is the sun of their Gaia continent!

The young sun hangs in the dark cosmic space, radiating outward in all its light.

Some of the deadly rays are blocked by the life support system of the airship, and the light that enters the eyes is not too dazzling.

Occasionally, the projections of giant astral creatures float by like dreams in this huge universe.

"Bang Bang~"

"Bang Bang~"

Li Wen seemed to hear the beating of his heart, and for a moment he couldn't tell whether it belonged to him or Helen, or... it belonged to the sun.

Its light is gentle and steady, and it is upright in its prime.

Those starlights in the distance also represent the sun of an individual person, and the light they shone from billions of years ago did not reach Li Wen and Helen's eyes until now.

It is also full of vitality.

This universe does not appear to be doomed.

Every ray of sunlight provides vitality to creatures who don't know where. The universe is quiet, but in some corners... it is full of vitality.

It's still young.

It also has countless days and nights in the future.

Li Wen couldn't see any signs of aging in it.

The distant future where the stars are extinguished is really far away.

Li Wen felt that there was no problem in initiating some actions to save his life.

Every creature lives for itself, which is written in the core composition of the body, and no creature can defy it.

Even for those elemental spirits that are not living beings, Li Wen feels that there is nothing wrong with them setting off a "restart" throughout the universe for the sake of his "eternal" life.

However...it's really early.

This universe is alive and well, with plenty of time to come.

It has not reached old age yet.

To end its life so soon is really...too impulsive.

Li Wen, who had a flash of thought in his eyes, felt that his palm was clasped by a soft palm, and he was led to a certain direction the next moment.


"At this time, don't you want to go outside and share the joy with everyone?"

As Helen was talking, she had already led Li Wen to the deck outside without any explanation.

A group of mages looked at the fireball in front of them and the starlight in the distance, and their eyes lit up with a desire for the secret of the universe.

"Want to dance?"

Helen was a little excited.

"I do not know."

"There are also things that Master Li Wen doesn't know..."

Helen smiled and joked face to face, then grabbed Li Wen's other hand, put it on her waist, and pressed it heavily.

"It's okay, I'll take you."

Under the starlight in the sky, on a golden-green airship hanging alone in the dark space, two figures danced among the crowd, spreading the joy and romance.

The pulsating soul set off active spiritual energy, rippling in this cosmic space connected with the astral plane.

During this period of time, the newly emerged psionic system prevailed in the mage system of Jianfeng City. It originally required a certain amount of psionic talent...that is, the psionic ability that can be used by talents with an initial natural high charisma value. And Helen's hands became a spell faction that can be inductively understood by relying on wisdom.

As a result, there was a wave of research on psionic energy among mages.

Some mages who have just embarked on the path of the mage have therefore deviated from their original choice and turned to the embrace of psionic power.

As for these high-level mages in the Mage Association, their paths of practice for many years may not be so easy to change. However, at their level, they will actually dabble in mages of any faction. The flame of light has already been ignited in their hearts.

The unique flash of spiritual energy in the stirring thoughts suddenly lit up in this universe like a beacon.

And in this piece of starry sky that was already "close" to the astral plane, it rippled towards the astral plane.

Dancing under the stars.


The purple-haired female mage who returned to the ground followed closely behind Helen, glanced at Li Wen incessantly, but said to Helen.

"Seeing you just now, I suddenly had an excellent idea."


"If Master Li Wen doesn't use this airship frequently, I think it is completely possible to lend it to the group of people in the imperial capital, just like just now, to hold a banquet among the stars. I think the group of celebrities in the imperial capital are expensive. People will definitely like it very much, this is a unique business, we can definitely talk like a lion~”


Li Wen pricked up his ears, feeling that something was wrong.

The most profitable business in the world is monopoly, and now the Mangaia Continent is the only one that can support such a game.

And he also has a little understanding of the legendary nobleman.

There is actually no reason why the prices of many luxury goods are so expensive, but they just need such a value calibration to let everyone know the insurmountable identity gap between nobles and commoners.

If there is such a floating ship that can hold dinner parties among the stars, the price that can be paid to get a boarding place is probably a price that can drive ordinary people crazy.

How much does it cost?

Helen glanced at Li Wen's expression, and knew that he was also tempted.

Even if tomorrow is the end of the world, make money today.

Who is not short of money?
If the money is enough, the mage is the most powerful person in the world.

So do individuals, and so do cities.

If you have enough materials to study magic, you will be able to continuously benefit those grassroots mage groups.

Genius leads the future, mediocrity inherits the era.

Just ...

Helen's soft murmur rang directly in Li Wen's ears, "You really don't need to return this boat?"


It must be paid back, after all, it is not my own.

Even if the elves on the Frantic Continent kept silent about their repayment, they couldn't really do that.

That's not how it works.

But it seems that you can discuss with others. When you really have no money, you can pull out your idle floating boats to generate revenue. It is also an idea to make a living~
but not now.

Didn't Helen say that she wanted to go to the imperial capital with her in a few days?

Maybe you can use this reason as an entry point, otherwise what should you do if you get bullied after you go there?
Well... let's do it!
After the purple-haired female mage put forward her opinion, she stared at Li Wen's face the whole time.

As long as he is willing, she can help him through the whole process through her channel.

It's not a problem to ask for a little reward for a little effort, right?

Even if it is one percent?That is also an incredible number. She is very confident about the vanity of those nobles.

After all, who is not short of money?Their small research group is always worrying about where to buy resources for experiments. With this business, maybe they will never be short of money in the future!

However, she watched Li Wen's face gradually calm down from the initial heartbeat, and finally became calm.

"I'll have to think again."

She moved her lips, but looking at Li Wen's immature but calm face, the purple-haired female mage didn't say anything more after all.

Just sighed softly, "Hey~"

The research funds received just flew away.

"If you change your mind in the future, you can practice with me at any time! My name is Aphrodite, and I still have some contacts in the imperial capital. You can contact me directly, or ask Helen to find me. We are best sisters."

Squinting at the stalwart chest she squeezed out by grabbing Helen's arm, Li Wen nodded, "I see."

Then he looked at Helen again, "I still have something to do, so I'll leave first."



Now that he knows the truth about the stars and the universe is in his prime, Li Wen has a little more confidence in his will.

Coming to the elf city again, Li Wen directly found the elf diplomat——Collins.

"Do you have any special means to contact the elder Mindatis that you have penetrated into the elemental plane?"

It is difficult to contact people in the elemental plane on the Gaia road by normal means, but since the archdruid can contact the elves in the normal world on the elemental plane, then they are not sure that there is any way to contact them in reverse to him.

And sure enough, Collins nodded with a smile.

"Of course it's possible. I don't know what business Master Li Wen has with your lord?"

"It's like this. I have found more relevant information about the information that Lord Mindatis gave me last time. I am afraid that Lord Mindatis will be misled by the previous information, so I want to share some of the information I just collected. Explain things to him."

"Is that so..."

Collins pinched his chin and hesitated for a few seconds.

As if secretly communicating with an unknown existence, it seemed that he had obtained permission before replying.

"That should be no problem. I'll help you contact him, but he may not be available. You may need to wait for his active response."


Come to a room with some green vines on the walls, the top of the room is engraved with a star map, and the gems representing stars are dotted on the dome of the Sorcerer's Stone.

After closing the door of the secret room, those gems and the light lines running through the gems will map a star map centered on the stars in the secret room as a whole. For a while, Collins, who was already in Li Wen, and a person in charge The elves of the Archdruid Mindatis seem to be in the vast universe.

Among them, the plane representing the material plane, including the outer plane, inner plane, etc., is located in the most central and most conspicuous position.

Following the spellcasting of the unknown elf, a circle of four-color elemental planes surrounding the material plane shone brightly, and there was even a shining white light flickering in the red haze that represented the fire elemental plane. Dark flicker.

"Before he left, Lord Mindatis left a ray of his soul here, which is the flash of life that represents Lord Mindatis, so we can understand the state of Lord Mindatis to a certain extent."

An inexplicable fluctuation was transmitted from the unknown elf's fingertip to the light spot, and then everything dimmed again.

Collins explained to Li Wen intimately: "Then we need to wait for our adults to respond proactively."


Li Wen sat between the star maps, and time passed slowly.

Collins next to him occasionally glanced at Li Wen's quiet back, and was able to be noticed by their Great Elf King, one of the high legends. Even if this young mage didn't talk about his future potential, his current strength was unimaginable.


Somewhere in the city, a handsome elf in simple casual clothes looked at the direction of the secret room from a distance. The name of the human mage from Sword Wind City had been ringing in his ears for a long time.

But at this moment, the figure sitting safely in the secret room seemed to appear in front of his eyes through time and space.

"Is he that Master Li Wen?"

A dignified and generous female high elf standing beside him said with a smile.

"It is said that Datis liked this young human mage very much."

"After all, he is the elemental master who created the unimaginable trick of 'Carl Simulator', and even directly developed a sub-job that everyone can take part-time job-the elemental master, this kind of master with extraordinary attainments in the field of elements, has The possibility of truly achieving the balance of the elements, Mindatis likes him, nothing more than normal."

"But now Mindatis went to explore the elemental plane himself, and I don't know what he found. Even though this mage Li Wen has made some achievements in the way of magic, his understanding of the elemental plane may not be enough to affect the overall situation."

"Mindatis' vision is unmistakable. The information he brought back was only given to Master Li Wen. It should be because of his unique intentions. Just look at it."

"His calmness does indeed have the bearing of a master."


Not long after, the light spot representing Mindatis' breath of life flickered several times.

The elf in charge of communication suddenly smiled, "Master Mindatis has answered."

Li Wen was not polite at the moment, and directly took over the authority to communicate with Mindatis on the alien plane in real time.


"Li Wen?"

The other party's voice was as steady as ever.

"I have already gone to investigate. This world is far away from the so-called peaceful day of the elements. The world is in its prime, and it is too early to start the cycle of reincarnation now... This is the news I have detected, and I will send it to you now .”

Mindatis smiled "hehe", and the laughter was a bit heroic.

"I've also figured this out, and I'm negotiating with that lava king. With your information, I can be more clear."

This negotiation is probably not an ordinary negotiation...

Before Li Wen could speak, the archdruid interrupted his next possible words in a slightly hasty tone.

"They bite very tightly, and I don't have time to talk to you for now. Don't worry, child, I will leave these elemental spirit matters to me, and you still have your responsibility."

(End of this chapter)

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