Chapter 108 Reconstruction of Arable Land
The cold winter is coming, and there is a lot of ice in the light snow, which hits the green steps of the courtyard, ticking like hail, but when it falls on the hands, it seems to be a gentle massage, if it is not for wearing fox fur Put on, already shivering from the cold.

Yin Bao sat in the courtyard, a brown robe gently draped over his legs, under him was a wooden wheelchair designed by Ming Shou and Si Nan Jing, the delicate patterns on the handles fell a few snow-white ice petals, and the palms of the hands were wet for a while. cold.

After the arsenal was merged, even though Yinbao still couldn't see the scene in front of him, he still felt very at ease.The expansion of the Ren family compound is just around the corner, but to support the arsenal, more income is necessary.

In the distance, Su Moqing was wearing a mask and holding blueprints while walking and watching. When he arrived at the door of Mr. Zhuge's office, he was about to open the door and enter when he suddenly turned his eyes and saw Yin Baodu sitting alone in the courtyard.

After thinking about it, Su Moqing went back into the house, took a clean robe from the shelf, and walked lightly around Yinbao, "What are you thinking about, so engrossed."

Yin Bao sighed, "How about the division of cultivated land?"

"Go talk to the village chief today. The head of the family asked me to confirm the blueprint, and then I will go there with Mr. Zhuge."

The river in the arsenal has been diverted. After previous experiments and Su Moqing's idea, the arable land here is ready for use.But this news was soon told by Xing'er who didn't know the truth to the whole village.

This matter, after all, is impossible.If everyone knows that arable land is now very expensive, then the letter and letter of consent from the old iron village head are very important.

Su Moqing stood beside the stone table, "You don't have to worry too much about these things. Take care of your body."

Just as he was about to walk away, the blue robe was grabbed by a hand behind him. Su Moqing turned around, and it was Yin Bao who followed his voice and stretched out his hand, grabbing the ribbon behind him.

"What are you here for?"

Yin Bao asked softly.The snow gradually became heavier and fell on Yin Bao's delicate face. Although she was covered with a veil, she was cold and disappointed.

He can persuade Hongmei to marry Dahong, and he can mobilize tens of thousands of taels of silver in just a few days... His identity is self-evident.

But why?
Yin Bao's eyes were red.

Could it be that he made up these things just to deceive her, to win her trust, and then obtain the secret of the underground treasure in Shuihua Village.

Is it gone after using it?Yin Bao let go of her hand, she was already aware of Su Moqing's identity.

Su Moqing was obviously stunned, her phoenix eyes deepened, and she looked at Yin Bao's powerless face with complicated and distressed eyes.

"What do you think it is for?"

Because he persuaded a woman who met by chance in Xiangliuyuan to marry the father of the child in his womb, Su Moqing almost died on the way.

What does she think it is for?
When he was born and died, Najin Xiaoyan was still by her side, serving her tea and water, and solving her problems.But who can remember Su Moqing who got lost on the snow mountain alone?
It's not that he doesn't know martial arts, but he just feels that with his status, he has long since lost the ability to use force to solve problems.

Forget it, he saw it through.

Su Moqing settled down, her phoenix eyes dotted with loneliness, "Don't worry, I'll leave when the crops grow in Shuihua Village."

Su Moqing held the blueprint and walked away angrily.The only sound left in the air was the friction of brown boots against the snow, getting farther and farther away, it sounded like a sound from outside the sky.

Inside Mr. Zhuge’s house, Dadangjia and Mr. Zhuge were calculating the total acreage of cultivated land and the economic benefits of TiAm. Su Moqing said the blueprint and slammed it on the table coldly, “This is the blueprint. If you are willing to sign, the crops can be distributed next spring."

The candlelight on the table was turbulent and flickering, Su Moqing sat aside in anger, the faltering candlelight was shining in her phoenix eyes.

There are red eyes at every turn, and a burst of sadness in my heart, but I quickly hide it.

The eldest brother glanced outside, and asked tentatively, "Are you fighting with your daughter again?"

Su Moqing turned her face sideways, stubbornly like a wronged child, "No."

"Not yet, your unhappiness is written all over your face. Why are you all so wrong since you came back from the snow mountain?"

The eldest brother asked curiously, but Su Moqing responded but did not respond. Mr. Zhuge, who had been calm and calm, patted the sleeve of the eldest brother lightly twice, his wise eyes flashed, and he shook his head lightly, motioning for the eldest brother not to ask. .

Footsteps could be heard outside the door, a burly man came in after knocking on the door, saw that Su Moqing was there, he was a little stunned, his footsteps obviously paused.

Su Moqing took a deep breath, he knew who this person was, besides Jin Xiaoyan, who was favored by such an impolite guy, who else could he be?
Su Moqing picked up the teacup in front of her, didn't drink half of it, and slammed it on the table, showing hostility and unwelcome.

Jin Xiaoyan didn't care about him, and only looked at Da Dangjia and Mr. Zhuge, "Master, the village chief is here."

Downstairs, Xing'er was standing under the eaves with Lao Tie. Today, Lao Tie unexpectedly wore a very expensive dress, which was bought by Xing'er's reward from working in Ren's compound for a ten-day period.

Lao Tie clenched his hands tightly, his wrinkled face showed loss, and he stared at the heavy snow in front of him with some blurred eyes, feeling a little disappointed.

Once all the title deeds of the village are given to the Ren family, the village chief will be in nameless in the future. Lao Tie thought that the name of the village chief should be given to the Ren family.

In the past few years he has been on the job, he has not brought the slightest benefit to the people in this village.Just because Liu Shunzi holds the treasures and secrets that Shuihua Village has guarded for generations, Lao Tie has allowed him to act recklessly for many years.

If it weren't for the Ren family, Shuihua Village would definitely not be what it is today. If he keeps it and sticks to the rules of his ancestors, everyone in the village will starve to death here.

"Iron Village Chief?"

Jin Xiaoyan came down from the upstairs, saw the village chief holding Xing'er in a daze while watching the heavy snow, and called out.

There was a blueprint and title deed on the table. Su Moqing carefully explained the meaning of each mark, how to divide the cultivated land of each household in the future, how to settle the income, and how to establish the self-production and self-sale of the entire village.

Lao Tie held his legs on both sides nervously with both hands, squinted his eyes carefully, and listened hard to Su Moqing's explanation. If there was anything he didn't understand, he would interrupt carefully and ask.

After going through it all, Lao Tie saw that the Ren family compound was thinking about this matter, which was of the greatest benefit to the villagers, and could directly drive the development of the entire village.

A smile formed on the corner of his lips.Nodding repeatedly, "It's a good idea, a good idea..."

Su Moqing put the description of the land deed transfer in front of him, "Is there anything else I haven't explained clearly?"

Lao Tie settled down, "No more... no more, I will sign!"

Lao Tie picked up the pen and wrote his name on the land deed tremblingly. He was about to take out the red stamp to stamp it, but the eldest brother stopped him, "Village chief, if you sign it, the land in this village will be allocated to everyone." If the household is gone, it will not belong to the whole village. Have you thought about it?"

Lao Tie held his elder brother's hand, with tears in his eyes, "Don't talk about this, as long as you can bring the whole village to survive, you can talk about anything!"

On the bulletin boards in the alleys and alleys of the village, there was a notice advertised as the Ren Family Courtyard. Everyone was very happy to learn that the Village Chief Lao Tie had signed and agreed to divide all the land in the village to each household.

Everyone knows that the Ren family bought the arsenal in the upper reaches of the river, diverted the originally polluted river, and improved the soil quality here. Now everyone can cultivate their own crops and support their families.But it's just a cold winter, and many families can't afford to eat.

The wild vegetables on the mountain have long since disappeared, and the villagers who have to rely on gnawing bark every winter to survive, even if they get their own land deeds, they can't raise enough energy to cultivate them.

The huge food storage of Shuixiangtang saves the entire church from worrying about the whole winter.Coupled with the silver and food that Su Moqing allocated from his home from time to time, life went on as usual.But the sufferings of the villagers are all in Yinbao's heart.On this day, she personally went to the school established by Shuixiangtang to see the children who are still coming to school.

There is only one teacher in the school. In the past, when the weather was good, more than [-] children came to study every day, but now there are only a few left.

Xingqiu supported Yinbao, went to sit in the school, and the fire was burning. After a long time, there were children's voices outside the door. They ran in yelling, and saw a person in Tsing Yi with white gauze over his eyes. , all hurriedly knelt on the ground and called out in unison, "Sect Master Ren."

Yinbao was anxious, and hurriedly called Xingqiu to help the children to the fire, but the children were a little scared.Because of the fact that Liu Shunzi was almost scared to death by Yinbao's double pupils, the villagers had a lot of respect for Yinbao.

She knew about these things, but it really hurt in her heart.

She wanted to be surrounded by many people, so that she would not be left alone in a high place.

But among this group of children, most of them have received great kindness from the Ren family. The children who have suffered since childhood are sensible and distressing.Xingqiu looked up, and although many children heard Yinbao let him go to the fire to keep warm, none of them moved, and they all stood in the place where there was a draft at the door, some dared not go forward.

Yin Bao couldn't sense the people around him, so he tapped the table twice, "Is Xing'er here?"

Suddenly there was a shout outside the door, "Sister Yin! I'm here!"

Xing'er carried the small schoolbag that Aunt Jinlian gave him, happily opened the door and ran in, bouncing around Yinbao's side, warming her two swollen hands on the fire, non-stop. Breathe in the cold air.

The other children saw it and saw Yin Bao smiling lightly. Although his appearance was cold, he was not as unkind as the elders in the family said.Everyone looked at each other, I looked at you, and they all gathered around Xing'er's side, warming their bodies by the warm fire.

Yinbao took a deep breath, and asked the children to stretch out their hands. Xingqiu took out the No. [-] Scholar Cake that his second brother had made early in the morning from the basket, and distributed three or four yuan to each of them.

The children in the village are all very poor, not to mention that they have eaten, most of them have never seen such a thing, looking back and forth curiously with the dish in their hands, Xing Qiu felt sore in his heart when he saw it, and whispered, " Children, eat them all, this is specially prepared for you by the suzerain."

One mouthful, glutinous, soft, different colors, different tastes, the children who had been hungry for several days gobbled it up, sucking their fingers non-stop after eating, Xing Qiu hurriedly put the remaining two baskets The inside is also divided.

When the time came, the teacher from the school came. The teacher from this school was Wang Liu. She brought these students here. Worked in the church, but did not join the church.

Wang Liu was wearing the long skirt that Jin Xiaoyan gave her. When she walked to the door, she shivered coldly, but she didn't want to wear anything else. She raised her eyes and saw Yinbao sitting in the room, with an unparalleled aloof and luxurious temperament. Wang Liu's eyes trembled. This was the person who caused Jin Xiaoyan, who was almost married to her, to run away because of eye pain.

She had met Yin Bao before, but this time, the meeting seemed extraordinarily unusual.

She never thought that she was so good-looking.She thought that a woman who could lead a group of men to make such a career, no matter what, should be a rough and unfeminine woman.

As everyone knows, such an image of iceberg beauty.

Xing Qiu saw Wang Liu standing blankly on one side, still wearing the clothes that the hall master asked her to send to Jin Xiaoyan at that time, so she thought she was right. Xing Qiu also heard that Jin Xiaoyan and Wang Liu had almost made a big mistake before. Because of this matter, I have a big prejudice against this weak woman, "Which family is this girl, she must also go to school."

Wang Liu heard the derogatory meaning in the words, and she also knew that what she did was seen by this group of people, but now she is no longer that weak woman with little face.

Yin Bao was still wondering who made Xing Qiu, who has always been gentle, say such innocuous words, Wang Liu stepped forward and saluted, "Sovereign, I am Wang Liu, it's time for class .”

It was her.

Yinbao squeezed the pillow tightly. Jin Xiaoyan didn't explain the matter to her in the slightest before, and the romance between them was also called the gossip of his subordinates after dinner.

If it's normal, any woman who has experienced this kind of thing will not be able to stay in the village anymore.But Wang Liu likes Jin Xiaoyan, and he likes Jin Xiaoyan generously. Indeed, there is nothing wrong with unmarried men and women who are unmarried, doing something loving.

It's just that this elm-headed girl like Jin Xiaoyan, who is so determined, either accepts or refuses, pushing and pulling all the time... I have to say a few words to him when I have time.

A calm smile formed on the corners of Yinbao's lips, "It's Mr. Wang, you can talk about it, and I'll come to listen to it today."

Wang Liu nodded in response, seeing the white cloth tightly covering Yin Bao's eyes, he was puzzled, but he didn't say anything.

Listening to Wang Liu reciting poems, her voice faltered and she was very emotional. She explained the poems and the Book of Songs, and she had her own opinions. Most of the children in the school were of different levels, and some of the characters were not fully understood.

Wang Liu's teaching is very meticulous. In one morning, every child in the church school could write a poem.

"Green Zijin, Youyouwoxin."

The connotation of this verse is unknown to Yinbao.She knew that Jin Xiaoyan and Wang Liu used to be in love, but this is not what it used to be. With Wang Liu's obvious expression, Jin Xiaoyan has been reluctant to express his opinion for a long time. Instead, he is focused on training soldiers, even in winter.

While the children were studying, Yin Bao and Xing Qiu got up and sneaked out, heading for the training ground in the Ren family compound.

(End of this chapter)

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