Chapter 109
Under the scorching sun, there was a neat queue running on the training ground not far away. On one side was a team training seriously with weapons in hand. Jin Xiaoyan stood on the side of the team, looking from a distance, it was very eye-catching.Lin Lang phoenix eyes, slightly frowning, the brows are heroic, with the air of a general, although he is only wearing azure blue robes, but one look is enough to shock everyone in front of him.

Xingqiu went forward, waved at Jin Xiaoyan from a prominent place, and pointed in the direction Yin Baohou was somewhat implicitly. Cleaning off the fine beads of sweat on his forehead, he straightened his clothes with staggered necklines twice, and walked steadily.

"Master, do you have any orders?"

Jin Xiaoyan and Yinbao stood not far away, separated by three or four people, not as friendly as before. Looking at Yinbao's pale complexion and gradually thinning body, Jin Xiaoyan's originally cold and calm eyes suddenly appeared. Shen, there was a complex meaning in his eyes, but he still clasped his fists and saluted without any concern.

He already understood about the snow mountain, the hall master's intentions had already been captured by that uninvited guest named Susu, even though she was blind, she was still worried about him.Only she can rescue Susu from the mountain through the Kongming Lantern under the desperate situation where the mountain is blocked by heavy snow.

Jin Xiaoyan's eyes tightened, but he told the hall master that Susu is not a good person, but he shouted, she was protecting him after all.

Holding the crutch in his hand, Yin Bao hesitated for a long time with his soft pink lips, thinking about it, and finally asked, "Wang Liu has been in the school for a long time, and since he works for my church, I thought, you ask?" Ask her, if she is willing, let her come to the hall, it can be regarded as a care for her alone."

Yinbao knew that Jin Xiaoyan still missed Wang Liu in his heart, otherwise he would not give her all his house to live in. His monthly salary was not much at all, and the hall would take care of food, drink and lodging, so he would also give these meager money All were given to Wang Liu.

Although I think about it, I feel that the two are not fellow travelers.Wang Liu couldn't figure out what Yinbao was thinking about, but after all it was Xiaojiabiyu's woman, she could figure out Jin Xiaoyan's thinking. To become a military general and find his old boss's son was his greatest wish.

As for other things, Jin Xiaoyan didn't say anything, and she didn't guess by herself.

A gust of cold wind blows, and the winter cold is still a little bit of an advantage, the broken hair on Jin Xiaoyan's forehead was blown gently, he lowered his eyes to look at the shadow of the silver treasure on the ground, the small appearance of vermilion jasper, and the stubborn lock of hair. The bun is very attractive, I can't help but calm down, and my heart feels depressed for a while.

After a long time, she finally said, "The name is not right, she is Liu Shunzi's old wife, so she is not allowed to join the Ren family."

"Since it's old, don't hang on to the old things. Some things need to be remembered, and some things need to be forgotten. You can make arrangements. She is a woman's family, and she can't sleep in the cold cellar of the school anymore." It's over, the only gentleman in the whole village, if we lose, we really can't hold the hearts of the villagers."

Yin Baoyu said earnestly.

Jin Xiaoyan's eyes turned cold for half a minute, and there was no anger between his brows and eyes, and they all entered Xingqiu's eyes. Xingqiu stomped his feet anxiously, but Yinbao couldn't see it, and just foolishly judged the sorrow and joy of the visitor by his breath and voice. .


On the attic, Xingqiu pulled the heater, once and for all, very hard, the wood on the side was smashed by her, and the noisy sound disturbed Yinbao, who was touching the Braille with her forehand, thinking that this girl didn't know What's the matter, how did the hostility become so heavy today?

After a while of silence, the room heated up, the stove was burning extremely vigorously, and the flames rushed up, Yin Bao was dressed thickly, and the warm summer fire covered his neck with fine beads of sweat.

Yin Bao put the Braille in his hand on the desk, took out a handkerchief from his waist and slowly touched his neck, wiping off the sweat bit by bit, but somehow, the fire was getting hotter and hotter.

Xing Qiu, who was pulling the firewood, was sweating profusely, her cheeks were reddish, she gritted her teeth and kept pulling, casting all her anger on these innocent things.

Yinbao couldn't bear it anymore, and said, "Xingqiu, don't make any more fires, the room is already very warm."

Xing Qiu stopped what she was doing angrily, and glanced back, "Master, is it hot?"

Yin Bao wiped the fine beads of sweat on his collarbone, nodded, "It's really hot."

Xing Qiu got up without saying a word, and went forward to open the windows on both sides of the desk, a gust of cold wind blew in, chilling to the bone, Yin Bao shivered, and then sneezed.

Xingqiu hastily closed the window again, and saw that Yinbao had been blown cold, like a child who made a mistake, tightly behind him, making tea and bringing warm water, not daring to be disobedient any more.

Yin Bao touched the teacup, picked it up, and was about to take a sip to moisten her lips, when the teacup came to her mouth, the corner of her mouth twitched slightly, and with a long sigh, the water in the cup was shaken and spilled on the desk before she even drank it.

Xing Qiu stepped back slightly in shock, "Master, I know I was wrong."

Yin Bao turned his face sideways, took a deep breath, and his exquisite profile made people feel awe, "How are you? Today's matter, which one do you have an opinion on?"

"You should know that I will blame you, and you can say what you have to say."

Yinbao's voice was smooth, and he could feel the discrepancy between her words and deeds.

Xingqiu was wronged, her eyes were red, "I just think that the hall master is too unfair to Deputy Secretary Jin. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Deputy Secretary always has you in his heart, and has never loved anyone else."

"Over the past few years, if our church hadn't been protected by Deputy Director Jin, we wouldn't be where we are today. He treats you wholeheartedly, but you want to push her out."

"That's all for extrapolation. Do you know who Wang Liu is? He is a well-known pungent man in the village. He has seduced countless people with his slender figure. He has been tortured by Liu Shunzi all day long. He has already lost all his wives. The chastity meaning of the word, isn't it a waste of money for you to entrust such a good deputy Jin to her?"

"Okay." Yin Bao couldn't take it anymore, and hurriedly stopped, "Do you know why Wang Liu is able to get to where he is today?"

Xingqiu was taken aback, carefully recalling what the women and girls in the village had said before. They only knew that Wang Liu and many other people had Spring Festival nights, and they were all solid evidence, but she didn't know why she chose such a way to make people feel uncomfortable. The way of criticism.

Yin Bao let out a long sigh, "Do you know that at the beginning, Wang Liu was Jin Xiaoyan's wife, because her family background in the village was good and Wang Liu was beautiful, so Jin Xiaoyan paid all the money to her elder brother , and finally got married."

"Later, the Great War was approaching. Jin Xiaoyan's family practiced martial arts for generations. The flames of war were only a hundred miles away from Shuihua Village. At the call of the village chief, many strong men, including Jin Xiaoyan, joined the army. return."

"When I left home, every household had a woman to pack dry food and copper coins, and the better families still had a safe deduction and a safe blessing. Only Jin Xiaoyan was plotted by Liu Shunzi at this time, and offended Wang Liu's eldest brother."

"Her elder brother said that he wanted Wang Liu to marry Liu Shunzi, and then he agreed to pay some money to Wang Liu. Wang Liu committed himself to Liu Shunzi because of Jin Xiaoyan's long-cherished wish of not starving to death on the road and becoming a famous general."

Yin Bao sighed, "Who would have known that this class has been silent for ten years?"

Xing Qiu was a little dazed, she had never heard anyone talk about these things before, and her eyes hesitated, "If it is according to the hall master, then I do have some prejudice against sister-in-law Wang Liu."

"But now Deputy Director Jin really doesn't miss her anymore, and he didn't look for her again after he came back. The hall master really thinks that it's good to bring the two together like this?"

Yin Bao shook his head, and the hairpin pinned to his bun shook slightly, "I originally had this idea, but Jin Xiaoyan is an elm head after all, Wang Liu is so kind to him, he is still indifferent."

"I accepted Wang Liu into the Ren family compound for a longer-term matter, not for the personal relationship between the children, but for a bigger matter, a major event about the entire church."

Yin Bao turned his face slightly, and Xing Qiu immediately understood, "Today's matter, we will keep our mouths shut!"

After the training, all the soldiers went to the cafeteria to eat. Tie Jun and Jin Xiaoyan sat at the same table, looking at the blueprints sent by the newly merged arsenal Dahong.

Tie Jun took the drawing and looked left and right, "Why are there so many densely packed small characters on it? What are they written on? Who can recognize it?"

Jin Xiaoyan glanced up, took it away from his hand, and fixed his cold eyes on the big chicken leg in Tie Jun's hand, "This blueprint is very precious, don't touch it with oily hands."

Tie Jun pursed his mouth, this stinky guy still has this stinky temper, "Hey brother, please read it to us and tell us what it means, you can't be the only one who understands it!"

"That's right, boss! Tell me!"

"We want to learn too!"

Jin Xiaoyan laid the drawing flat on the table, pressed the two corners with a water bowl, and pointed to the symbols on the drawing with clean chopsticks.

"This kind of knife is called Magnetic Knife or Sky Knife in the barracks. It is usually a pair, very short, and the blade is the thinnest. They are all tools used by assassins in training and fighting."

"Wow" Everyone has never seen it before, just looking at the small knife on the drawing, and doesn't find it attractive, but when it comes to assassins, everyone is very excited and can't wait to train.

Tie Jun took a bite of the chicken leg, and the fragrant juice flowed down his mouth. He hurriedly wiped it off with his sleeve, lest it might stain the drawing.Frowning, he stared at the Sky Knife on the blueprint, "This is quite strange. In the past, the knives in other dramas were so long, so they will have the momentum on the battlefield!"

"The length of the knife is not about the length, but the maneuverability. The shopkeeper of the arsenal asked me to choose the first batch of forged weapons. From what I can see, I didn't choose those heavy ones, but I chose this kind."

Jin Xiao Yansha especially held the bowl, took two sips of the rice wine, and the people around got closer.

"This Sky Knife, as the name suggests, has a very fast attack speed. The two knives are used as a pair, and they will be polished symmetrically according to the habits of both hands. The edges are very thin, and they are made of the best iron, which is very rigid and hard. good."

"This kind of knife is also the most suitable for our current team among the many weapons. Most of the people in our team are thin and have received precise training. If you make a big move, you don't necessarily have an advantage. Once you have practiced this Sky Striker, you will be able to take the enemy's head in the enemy group, which will be of great use in future battles!"

"Oh" everyone suddenly realized. "Adjutant, when will you teach us this!"

Tie Jun gave him a blank look, "We have to wait for someone else to make it. If it's not possible, you can roll up the blueprint and practice!"

The people around burst into laughter, Jin Xiaoyan laughed and said, "The production speed of this kind of Sky Knife is very fast. It doesn't take too long, it can be ready in about half a month. I will teach everyone at that time."

After everyone understood, they discussed and praised, and continued to cook.

Suddenly a large brick came crashing down on the table in front of Jin Xiaoyan, knocking over the seaweed soup where the blueprint was.

Tie Jun hurriedly went to get it, Jin Xiaoyan held it with one hand, the blueprint had already been soaked, the soup was very hot, and it would burn his hands if he stretched it in.

Tie Jun raised his head and shouted loudly, his eyes wide open, "Who doesn't have eyes! Get out!"

The crowd dispersed, Wang Liu stood there, his eyes were red as if he had cried, staring straight at Jin Xiaoyan.On the right hand there is still brick-broken soil.

Tie Jun fell silent all of a sudden, looked at Chaojin and Xiaoyan sneaked a glance, many people in the cafeteria didn't know who Wang Liu was, and they all began to discuss quietly.Tie Jun scratched his head, digging the ground with his toes in embarrassment.

Jin Xiaoyan stepped forward, looked at Wang Liu indifferently, and frowned, "What are you doing?"

Wang Liu raised her fine eyes, stared at him closely, and asked, "I heard that your hall master has approved me to join the sect, why haven't you approved me?"

Jin Xiaoyan glanced to the side, "You think about it before you think about it, because of this matter, you destroyed our very important things, do you know?"

Wang Liu's eyes were red, "You two are very important things? Well, you are very close to your hall master. Who doesn't know that you two have been in the same room not long after you met!"

"Shut up!" Jin Xiaoyan yelled unexpectedly, and the cafeteria fell silent in an instant. Tie Jun had never seen him like this before. Even if he was angry, this kid was cold and indifferent. He had never seen him treat a woman shouting.

Wang Liu burst into tears and kept on saying, "You just dislike me for not being a virgin anymore, and I am not good enough for you now. You are a dignified military adjutant, and you have thousands of elite soldiers and good generals under your command. Use everything I have to bless you to fulfill your family's long-cherished wish, now that it's coming, you don't want me anymore"

As soon as these words came out, the girls around looked at Jin Xiaoyan coldly, and began to talk about right and wrong.Although Jin Xiaoyan frowned, his heart didn't fluctuate much.

When Jin Xiaoyan wanted to marry Wang Liu, he never had to endure hardships.How many beatings and grievances he has suffered, and being scolded so much that he can't hold his head up, just to be able to save the most dowry gifts so that Wang Liu can live comfortably in the future.

If Wang Liu hadn't left, he had only planned to go to the barracks to earn labor fees for a year, and then come back to support her.But Liu Shunzi pushed her too hard, after all she left, and Jin Xiaoyan, who didn't care about her, has no home since then.

These pains, if not mentioned, means they have been forgotten.

I just want to leave the best past to the woman I loved the most when I was a child.

(End of this chapter)

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