Chapter 112
Wang Liu wrapped her clothes tightly, and sat under a tree looking at the lofty attic opposite with its closed door, thinking about the frustrating look on the eyebrows of Jin Lian's sister-in-law when she went up to the attic just now, it seemed that there was something to hide. It is becoming more and more plump, especially the waist and abdomen are very obvious.

Wang Liu's eyes tightened, could it be that she is pregnant?

This guess made her frown tightly in an instant. She has been tortured for so many years, but she has never had a son and a half daughter. Jinlian heard that she had been pregnant several times before, all because of the many things in the hall. The health of the fetus was delayed. If it really happened this time, the whole hall would definitely attach great importance to it. After all, her man is an official of the company, and it is rare to serve him with delicious food and drink.

Wang Liu clenched her fists tightly, her sly and charming eyes showed deep jealousy.She secretly made up her mind that she must not let this woman give birth to the child intact.

In the room on the attic, the candlelight was shining warmly on Jinlian's white and tender arms. Yinbao was wearing a pink fox fur coat, and the heater beside her was tightly wrapped around her. She stretched out her hand on Jinlian's wrist to check the pulse. There was a nervous expression in the middle, and it took about a while before the expression relaxed.

Yinbao smiled, stretched out his hand to put Jinlian's hand in his palm, covered it delicately, and said earnestly, "Good sister-in-law, you are pregnant. No wonder I have heard that you are not feeling well these days, thirsty and weak every day, I'm such a muddled mind, I didn't expect you to be like this when you're pregnant."

The joy on Jin Lian's face was unbearable, and she touched her lower abdomen in disbelief. After she was injured before, Dr. Wen once said that her palace was cold and she suffered a big wound. She was pregnant.

Yin Bao waved his hand, the curtain behind him was rolled up, Xing Qiu brought a bowl of hot honey tea from the back room, brought in two silver spoons and put it on the table, hearing that Jinlian's sister-in-law was pregnant, Xing Qiu felt deeply He was also very happy, with a smile on his mouth, and he handed the spoon to Jinlian very cutely, with a warm and waxy voice, "Sister-in-law, try it, this is the honey tea that the head of the family found from the town today, it tastes very good , I heard that it is a mixture of honey holes and peony stamens, very beautiful."

"Hey," Yinbao took the spoon from Jinlian's hand with somewhat blurred vision, "If it were normal, I would send it to the girls of each family tomorrow morning, and now Jinlian's sister-in-law is pregnant. I remember your love for pear blossom pollen. Allergies, can there be such a thing?"

Jin Lian didn't expect that what she said casually when she first entered the hall would be remembered by the hall master for so long, she was a little flattered, she lowered her head and blushed, "The hall master really has a heart, it is true, pear blossom pollen can't be smelled, no Like other people, if you get allergic and get a rash, it's the sky."

"If I have an allergy, if I have it, people won't know it. Immediately, my whole body will be swollen and painful. It won't be relieved for a month or so."

When Xing Qiu heard this, she hurriedly put the bowls in front of her far away, seeing that Jin Lian's sister-in-law felt a little uncomfortable, and thought it was the fault of this thing, she was full of guilt.

"Good sister-in-law, I really don't know about this. If I knew, I wouldn't dare to serve it up. It's only because the young master tasted it today and said it tastes very sweet and unique, so I thought It is not easy for my sister-in-law to come up, so I will serve you some."

Jin Lian felt a little embarrassed, and thanked her again and again, "Sister Xingqiu, you are being serious. Hall Master, my body is not suitable for wind and cold, and I often feel shivering recently. Could it affect the child?"

Yinbao's expression turned serious, "Sister-in-law's body is excellent, but she was overworked and left some old illnesses, but if she takes good care of her, the child will be fine. Sinan, why did you come here alone? ?”

Jin Lian smiled bitterly, "I'm still busy with the construction work. The hall shop will open in a few days. Everyone is very busy. I can understand if he can't come back."

Yin Bao touched Jin Lian's hand, exchanged some greetings, then asked Xing Qiu to take her back, and brought some jewelry and jade objects from the back room to her as rewards.

Not long after the two left, Yinbao was about to go down to rest, when suddenly the door rang again, someone was knocking on the door outside, but Xingqiu was not there, Yinbao called out, "It's so late, who is it?"

Wang Liu's charming voice came from outside the door, "Sister Hall Master, it's me."

Yin Bao's originally tired eyes suddenly lost the slightest bit of sleepiness.

Just before Jin Lian came, this Wang Liu came in with a big bag and a small bag, saying that it was to thank Yin Bao for agreeing to her admission to the hall, and even more to thank her for fighting against all opinions.

Yin Bao's face was full of bitterness, why did she want this right and wrong person to stay here?But the second brother thinks comprehensively. For the great development of the church, this kind of person who has a twisted relationship with the internal staff of the church should be watched under his nose to be at ease.

Yinbao and she didn't have a smiling face, if someone had a discerning eye, he should have noticed that people didn't want to see her, but this Wang Liu was different, she put her warm face on it wholeheartedly, making people feel that there was no bottom line.

Such a little white rabbit who has been tortured and gave people a sense of no city is not rare in Yinbao's modern life, and most of them end up as ruthless characters.

Yin Bao picked up his guide stick from a piece of paper, put on his clothes, and shouted, "Come in."

"Sister Hall Master, why did Jin Lian seek you just now?"

As soon as Wang Liu sat down, he asked a mild question.Yin Bao squinted at her, "Why, what do you think of your sister-in-law Jinlian?"

Wang Liu laughed hastily, the slyness in his eyes flashed past, he avoided Yin Bao's cold and wise eyes, and tilted his head to one side, "Look at what you said, how dare I!"

"I just noticed that Jin Lian's sister-in-law's expression was not quite right. Something must have happened. I thought she was pregnant."

Yinbao's eyes were calm, but his heart reacted quickly.

Why did Wang Liu care so much about Jin Lian's pregnancy?Is she going to play tricks on it?But.
Yin Bao raised his eyes to look at Jin Lian in front of him, although his vision was very blurred, as if he was near-sighted at seven hundred degrees, but Wang Liu's face could not tell that she had any bad intentions.

People are born from the heart, if you can't see it from the outside, then it will be difficult, either Yinbao wronged her, or she is too good at hiding.

Yin Bao smoothed his sleeves, "She didn't tell me about this, you know she's a man, right?"

Wang Liu nodded, "I've met him a few times, but he's tall and strong, which is quite satisfying."

"Yes, today I said that I met a man in the village molesting a girl from our church today on the road, and he was about to fight with her. Although the injury was not serious, the head of the family had to come forward to deal with it. This man is not to be messed with. Sinan's temper is not that good."

Wang Liu blinked and dodged, Yinbao believed that she understood what she was talking about.

Wang Liu gritted her teeth, stopped asking if she was not allowed to ask, got up and said good night, was about to go out, Xing Qiu came back from the door, saw Wang Liu as soon as she entered, and categorically disregarded her usual ladylike demeanor, and scolded loudly, "You come here What are you doing!"

Wang Liu was taken aback by Xingqiu's angry and unconvincing scolding, and hurriedly got up to one side to avoid it, and hurriedly explained, "Sister Xingqiu is so fierce, she just came up to talk to the hall master, why don't you So uneducated!"

Xingqiu directly blew up, "Who is chatting at night, you and our hall master are not very familiar, okay? It's not easy to let you live in, and I don't know what I have in mind?"

Wang Liu's eyes showed a little fierceness, but because Yinbao was still there, he didn't reveal too much, so he quickly apologized, didn't say much, turned around and went out.Xing Qiu slammed the door hard, and the sound was heard upstairs and downstairs.

Yin Bao shook his head with a helpless smile, and pushed the teapot in front of Xing Qiu's side, "You too, what are you doing with her?"

"She shouldn't have come in. If it wasn't for the kindness of the second boss, she would have gotten such a big deal for nothing!"

When she said the words "Second Leader", Xingqiu felt a sudden pain in her heart.When the second elder brother interceded with Wang Liu, she listened to it and felt very uncomfortable.

This Wang Liu is a pungent woman anyway, Xing Qiu can't see anything good about her.Yin Bao heard that she was so angry that his voice trembled a little, and he hurriedly pulled her to sit down.

The second leader sees far, but he will not intercede with a woman for no reason.What Xing Qiu said made Yin Bao a little suspicious.

Just now seeing Wang Liu's appearance, Yin Bao was in a trance, and actually felt as if he had seen the second sister-in-law.The second sister-in-law has been gone for many years, and the second brother always misses her.

The way Wang Liu smiled was very similar to that of his sister-in-law.But Yinbao's eyesight hadn't recovered yet, he just looked around and couldn't really be sure.

The second brother has a deep affection for the second sister-in-law, so he pulls a few children with all his strength. If it is because Wang Liu looks like the deceased sister-in-law, so the second brother is lenient. What can Xingqiu do?
Yin Bao glanced at Xing Qiu who was sitting beside her with a puzzled expression on her face. She was young, not only fresh, but also innocent and had no past. She only wanted to marry her second brother.

Yin Bao unconsciously clenched the ring on his thumb, but don't let her tell you the truth.

In the early morning of the next day, the grain department had just opened, and the guys in the warehouse began to allocate the grain needed for today's canteen. The second brother sat in the doorway a little sleepy, practicing calligraphy according to the marks on the carving knife book.

This is a special copybook that Sinan Tuomingshou made for him. The recessed fonts can be practiced repeatedly. The second brother now records all the notebooks for recording grain and grass by marking, which is very inconvenient. He also wants to learn how to read. , better control in the future.

Unknowingly, a small head popped out from behind, and a pink voice said, "Wow, this word is so beautiful!"

The second brother was stunned, turned his head hastily, and saw Wang Liu's appearance for a moment, he felt like he was in a trance of time and space.

Wang Liu looks thinner now, very much like the second brother's wife back then.

He was stunned for a moment before realizing that this person was not his wife, but Wang Liu who had just moved here. He hurriedly lowered his head and put the post in his hand on the bench in embarrassment.

Wang Liu didn't admit that he was born, so he picked up the lettering on the bench, carefully looked at every word written by the second brother, and said with great interest, "Although this lettering is very thoughtful, you are still It is written according to the lines on it, if you are given a blank sheet of paper, you still won’t be able to write it.”

"There are many old traces on it. It must have been practiced for a while, but it still hasn't yielded results."

Wang Liu took out the copybooks in the school for the students to practice calligraphy, "I made these for a few students yesterday, and there are a few copies left over. If the second leader doesn't mind, feel free to use them."

The second brother was a little hesitant, he didn't take the copybook in Wang Liu's hand, instead he took a few steps away from her, and didn't stand as close as before.

Wang Liu smiled and put the copybook on the bench beside him, "Practice hard at home, if there is any place that needs my help in the future, just call me."

After Wang Liu finished speaking, she walked out of the granary with a smile on her face. The second brother looked at her walking back, feeling very familiar, holding the copybook on the bench in a daze.

This afternoon is the normal regular meeting time. After a period of development of the farming industry, the monthly income of the church has stabilized at more than 10 taels of silver, and the monthly salary of all church members has more than doubled.

Among them, the most profitable is to sell weapons to various training places. All the accesses to the arsenal that were cut off by the Su family have been restored. Not only that, but the master also took Tie Jun to find new sales outlets.

The second is the newly developed farming. The income from this aspect of rice is very considerable. Even in winter, farmers in the rice fields can rent the grain reserves of Shuixiangtang and buy some vegetables and grain to eat back.

The third place is the variety of snacks from the Liang Division. Probably because the villagers thought the price was high when they saw such a good-looking appearance, and they sold it for one tael of silver for one yuan, and did not make a considerable profit.

After the development of the farming industry, the economy of the village has improved significantly. Except for the [-] households headed by Liu Shunzi who have not yet joined the church, the rest of the villagers have voluntarily joined and are responsible for the process of purchasing and selling grain.Everyone used their own efforts in exchange for fruitful labor results, and made their families live a good life.

The company who has been working on various fortifications in the hall and wanted to expand its business in the village, Si Nan and Ming Shou wrote a very detailed report together and handed it over to Xing Qiu to read to the hall master.

The company requested Shuixiangtang to open the business of house construction and house decoration, and drew up a more detailed price setting plan according to the degree of construction and renovation.

After reading it, Yinbao thinks this plan is very good, but some details need to be discussed, such as how to share the responsibility in case of natural damage to the repaired house, who will be sent to do the final evaluation of the house, and finally voted unanimously to decide on this task Give it to Mr. Zhuge.

All the divisions brought good news of profit and profit, but in the thick stack of reports brought by the military division, every word was bad news.

Tie Jun and Jin Xiaoyan looked at each other for a long time, winking at each other, meaning "you report, you report", and finally pushed it on Tie Jun, just because Yin Bao asked about the situation of the soldier by name, which is what she cares most about of.

(End of this chapter)

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