Chapter 113 Purchasing poultry, overall planning
Jin Xiaoyan held a booklet in his hand, tightened the token around his waist, furrowed his brows deeply, and parted his ruddy lips slightly, he hesitated for a moment, and continued to speak
"A few days ago, we found a large number of troops [-] kilometers north and south around Shuihua Village, and they were gathering in our direction." Jin Xiaoyan drew a circle on the map with a dignified expression.

"This encirclement is very unfavorable to our position. One of their teams has more than 10 people, and the other has more than 5 people. The marching speed is faster in the north. In less than three days, they will reach the Qinghe area of ​​Mizhuang. .”

"And Mizhuang is now a critical period for the confrontation between King Zhao and Wang Sanxiang. The team in the north is from King Zhao's younger brother. When the eight kings were in conflict, they led a million troops to the north. Now they are suddenly traveling thousands of miles a day. , All the way around from the rear of King Zhao, our analysis should be to take advantage of the absence of King Zhao to force Luoyang."

"But the team in the south is different. Their clothes are very different from ours. During the march, the team was very silent, like a sword team composed of assassins. The whole team couldn't see a spear and a shield anywhere. Yes, we don't know the whereabouts of this team at present, and their military flag is also very strange, it is a crooked moon."

Yinbao closed her lips tightly, and slowly put down the cold snow lotus tea in her hand, "Go on."

Jin Xiaoyan picked up the teacup and drank it down, "As long as the two teams meet, we don't know whether it is an enemy or a friend, but we are sure to be surrounded. It is reported that the [-] elite soldiers and generals brought by King Zhao have already fought the same battle. Well, Wang Sanxiang is also hurting both sides, but relying on the cannon on the city wall to scare people every day."

"If there is a fight at this time, Zhao Wang and Wang Sanxiang will lose all their belongings, and they may be captured or killed. Mizhuang will become the focus of the two armies' competition, and the people will inevitably have a bloodbath."

The deacons and adjutants of various departments who were working showed embarrassment.

Tie Jun pointed out, "Our Shuihua Village is hidden. Even though they surrounded us, they may not find us. If we have nothing to do with our hands, it's not impossible, it's just."

"It's just that the three-legged situation in Nanjun will be broken in the future. Once Zhao Wang and Fatty Wang are both arrested, we will become the only one. Now that our family is so rich, it can range from [-] to hundreds of thousands by them. All these years of hard work will be in vain today." Jin Xiaoyan continued talking.

Tie Jun, who has always been against Jin Xiaoyan in everything, nodded in agreement this time, "Master, master, this time we can no longer be in the deep mountains and old forests. In the past, Fatty King Zhao, we sat on the mountain to watch When the tiger fights, the snipe and the clam compete and the fisherman wins."

"But now if these two groups are taken over by one pot, it will be troublesome!"

Yin Bao nodded, raised his hand to tell Tie Jun not to worry, and looked sideways at Mr. Zhuge, "What advice does the military advisor have?"

Mr. Zhuge showed a very cheerful smile, and Yin Bao knew that there was a solution to this dead situation when he saw his stern look.

I saw Mr. Zhuge slowly grasping his big gray beard, nodding repeatedly, "This matter is difficult to say, and it is not difficult to say."

"The fight between snipe and clam for the fisherman's profit has been a tactic used by military strategists since ancient times. Now that the enemy is outnumbered, even if we think that Zhao Wang and Wang Sanxiang may be combined by these two pairs of people to make dumplings, we are alone. If you are weak, you can't lie in this muddy water."

Tie Jun said anxiously, "Sir, you said that there is a way out! You are talking about it, who doesn't understand these truths? The key is what we should do now, so that we can save these two groups of people without hurting the two groups of people." What about yourself?"

Mr. Zhuge smiled meaningfully, "It's impossible not to hurt yourself. Just now, the people in your military division have reported this in detail. I can say with certainty that most of the 10 people from the north are Come to King Zhao."

"Why? It's very simple. They have the tokens and military flags of the orthodox royal family, and they also claim to be kings and emperors in the northern capital. They can't enjoy the glory and wealth. Why do they come to the south with great fanfare to fight? It's just because they lack one thing."

Mr. Zhuge's eyes suddenly lit up, "That's the jade seal! When the Eight Kings' struggle first gained momentum, King Zhao took the jade seal as his own. The jade seal is the symbol of the king. It is made of the best jade and is the only one in the world. , People who yearn for power are fond of these things, so they seized the opportunity to go south to Luoyang at such a high price."

Jin Xiaoyan nodded, feeling that what Mr. said was very reasonable, his phoenix eyes deepened, and he carefully remembered, "Who do you think the southern team is targeting?"

Mr. Zhuge smiled again, the feather fan fluttering in his hand, "I dare to ask, who among these people is Adjutant Jin most afraid of?"

If it is an ordinary person, it must be the team that is most afraid of 10 people. After all, there are too many people. Even if Jin Xiaoyan trains the entire hall to become elite soldiers, it is still impossible for everyone They all fought against a hundred in a short period of time.

Jin Xiaoyan said indifferently, "I'm afraid of the team of 5 people."

Mr. Zhuge smiled even more happily, he was the only one in the room smiling, and Yinbao's face was almost bitter.Mr. Zhuge nodded in agreement, "Adjutant Jin, tell me, why are you afraid of the southern team?"

Jin Xiaoyan stared into his eyes and said firmly, "Because I don't understand. The Northern Chess King's team, I can see the size of the team and the weight of the luggage, and I know what kind of play they will adopt and how to lay out the fortifications. How much food and grass will be consumed every day, and the best route for food and grass supply."

"But for the southern team, I'm really ashamed." Jin Xiaoyan lowered his head, doubts and worries flickered in his eyes, "I really can't understand their style of play and I don't know that one of them only wears three centimeter shorts. How can a ninja team kill all sides on the battlefield?"

Mr. Zhuge's smile froze, and he pointed his fan in Jin Xiaoyan's direction, "That's a good point. Think about it, what kind of thing requires a thin and small cold knife?"

Everyone started discussing immediately, and the girls from Li Si, Hu Si and Tong Si sat in the back and discussed intensely.

The answers given by the men are all used to kill the enemy and set up traps.

And Jinlian thought for a long time, gestured the length twice with her hands, and whispered to Cuimei who was beside her, "Could it be unlocked?"

The men beside him laughed.But Mr. Zhuge, who has clear eyes and ears, heard it, and hurriedly said, "Sister Jinlian has hit a point!"

Everyone dropped their jaws in surprise, paused for a few seconds, and started discussing again, but no one could figure it out, bringing 5 people to pick the lock?
Is this going to steal Luoyang City?
"This kind of short blade is not owned by the general army, but is exclusive to grave robbers. Don't look at his thin blade, it can withstand the high temperature of burning fire, and it can also withstand the freezing cold of three feet."

"In some environments of tomb robbery, this kind of knife can often play a huge role in resisting hidden weapons and destroying organs. Its usefulness is beyond our imagination."

Si Nan frowned, "5 people, but there is no such a big tomb for them to steal?"

Mr. Zhuge glanced at Yinbao, Yinbao frowned and thought for a while, with a look of worry in his eyes, but he nodded, "It's okay, let's talk."

Mr. Zhuge said, "Before, the hall master entrusted me to find the tombs where a group of treasures are hidden. The location is just below our village. This is not a rare thing. I believe everyone has heard more or less about it from the older generation."

The girls started talking about it, and the boys shouted, "Yes, we all listened to it as a joke, is it true?"

Mr. Zhuge nodded with certainty, "We were only conducting surveys underground here in the Ren family compound. According to the survey made by the hall master, we found an unusual magnetic field near here."

"As for the magnetic field, the hall master explained to us that it is a force that can affect the movement of particles. That is to say, there is an open area at a depth of at least 20 meters under the ground where our yard is built, and there is hidden in it that can affect particles. magnetic field, and has been around for quite some time, because the magnetic fields we detect are very stable."

Tie Jun frowned and scratched his head twice. He didn't understand the magnetic field, but he didn't understand a question, "How did you determine that the scope of the tomb is our entire village?"

"That's right," the boys behind echoed, "Our village has more than 3000 households at least, and now a lot of them have moved in, and there are at least [-] households. This land is quite large, tens of thousands of acres. Digging such a large tomb is not an easy task!"

Mr. Zhuge took a deep breath, and the smile on his face froze a lot, "I can't explain this, but according to the principle of magnetic field symmetry mentioned by the hall master, our Ren family compound is a pole of the earth, and we go all the way to the village. It is only at the other end that the antipole is detected, which shows that it is indeed so large. It is impossible for ordinary magnetic fields to pass through the water flow and so many complex soils in it, and it will not cause any abnormalities."

Jin Xiaoyan said, "So, they came for the catacombs?"

The room fell into a long silence, Jin Xiaoyan knew that this question was unsolvable, the reason was very simple, they themselves did not know where the entrance to the tomb was.The only clue is the heirloom in Liu Shunzi's hand.

But a few days ago, because of Wang Liu's affairs, Jin Xiaoyan got into trouble with Liu Shunzi, and almost killed Liu Shunzi. Now how can he lick his face and ask someone for this family heirloom?
The regular meeting hit a bottleneck for the first time, and the big guys who usually spoke very positively couldn't think of a good way.

Yin Bao cleared his throat twice, and fumbled for the teacup in his hand, "Everyone, don't get caught in a dead end. The heirloom in Liu Shunzi's hand may not be useful. If it is useful, he will wait until he is so poor, he is still stupid. Living in an adobe house? I already found the entrance and went in."

Everyone nodded, thinking it made sense.

"However, Mr. Zhuge's analysis is very reasonable. No matter whether these two teams are coming towards us or not, they will threaten us sooner or later, so we must start building fortifications now, and tell the arsenal to speed up the progress of artillery .”

"Yes!" Jin Xiaoyan and Tie Jun responded in unison.

Yinbao was calm and calm, "Thirdly, the promotion of farming and animal husbandry cannot be delayed because of the war. Susu went to the town with the head of the family this week to buy a large number of pigs, sheep and cattle, and sold them to the village at a discount of 1.3% of the cost. Villagers, let everyone start vigorously developing animal husbandry."

Su Moqing said, "I know the hall master!"

"Fourth, all shops, including silk shops, pastry shops, and embellishment shops, will go to the town with Jinlian to pick goods tomorrow. They must guarantee a year's supply and marketing, and the financial department can directly approve the note. Don't do it."

"Yes!" The girls answered in unison.

"Fifth, after the meeting adjourns, the food department will immediately begin to count the inventory. It must ensure that the storage capacity reaches the edible amount for a year, and refine the daily food and beverages. If it is extravagant and wasteful, it will be sent to confinement for me!"

Er Dangjia nodded, "Got it. I'll go later."

Yin Bao took a deep breath, "Also, no one is allowed to worry about the treasure in Liu Shunzi's hands. The matter of the tomb has yet to be confirmed. Please don't spread rumors to disturb the morale of the army. The soldiers and Mr. Zhuge stay here, and the rest go down and prepare!"

"It's the hall master!" Everyone shouted in unison, then set up the tables, chairs and benches, took away their own water cups, and firmly closed the door from the outside.Two soldiers stood guard at the door.

Yinbao couldn't see the map clearly, but she probably understood the meaning of Jin Xiaoyan's report.

Mr. Zhuge said, "My idea is that a three-legged confrontation will still be formed. Although Zhao Wang is a bit reckless, he is still kind and will not treat the people. The chess king is different, and Wang Sanxiang is even different. We have to help one, We can't let this group of large troops from the north and the south kill each other."

Tie Jun nodded, "I also agree, but this news can only be disclosed to one of them, and the other person is like a bait, who should we save?"

Mr. Zhuge looked at Yinbao, "What is the hall master thinking?"

Yin Bao touched the folding fan in his hand, and the delicate pattern on the wooden handle was printed on his palm. "My idea is that no one can help."

"Helping King Zhao, of course we saved face. After all, he is an orthodox relative of the emperor, with a pure blood. If he returns to Luoyang for his shame, we may also benefit from it. But since ancient times, the king's family has changed the most. I'm afraid they won't be satisfied if we just report a simple letter, if they forcefully threaten us to send troops for reinforcements, they will be in a mess."

"Furthermore, although Wang Sanxiang is not liked, our business in Mizhuang was really dependent on him from the very beginning to earn the first pot of gold in the church. I am not soft-hearted, but I just feel ashamed."

Tie Jun's eyes widened, "Should we help Wang Sanxiang?"

Jin Xiaoyan shook his head, "That's even worse. Wang Sanxiang keeps jumping up and down, and his possessions are like a cannon. He used to buy weapons from the Su family. Now that the arsenal has been cut off by us, it's not worthwhile to help him. It may also offend Zhao Wang's old department in Luoyang, once that time comes, he will walk away cleanly, and we will be attacked by the enemy."

Yin Bao nodded, "Adjutant Jin said exactly what I wanted to say. Therefore, there is a perfect strategy, which will not only prevent us from showing our faces, but also allow these two teams to avoid Zhao Wang and Wang Sanxiang, so as not to hurt any of the three kingdoms. one foot."

The three people present looked at each other, their curious eyes widened, "What's your idea?"

(End of this chapter)

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