Almighty Blessing Pack: Traveling through troubled times with a microscope

Chapter 114 Yuhuan Pavilion meets an old friend again

Chapter 114 Yuhuan Pavilion meets an old friend again

Yinbao said calmly, "With our current strength, the two teams in the north and the south can't be beaten by anyone, so the best way we can do it is to use their needs to drive a wedge between the two teams and let them It's a lose-lose situation. Only then will we have a chance."


Tie Jun, who was sitting beside him, was rubbing his head vigorously, his hair was scratched to a mess, and he was fiddling with the antique teacup in front of him, and he couldn't figure out the reason behind it. "But what are we going to use to drive a wedge? The Northern Chess King's team wants King Zhao's imperial jade seal, while the Southern group of people are here for the thousand-year-old tomb underground in our village. Their intentions are similar, and there is no overlap. "

"There are coincidences." Mr. Zhuge suddenly realized, "They all have to pass through the northwest side of our Dongshan Mountain, and then go to Mizhuang on the main road. According to their current marching speed, they should be easy to collide with."

Jin Xiaoyan, who had been silent all this time, stared at the blueprint intently, carefully looked at the routes on both sides, stroked the "separation" that Yinbao said just now, and seemed to understand the meaning of the hall master.

"Does the hall master want to use big stones to hit small stones? Let these 10 people chase after 5 people?" Jin Xiaoyan asked tentatively.

Yinbao smiled and nodded, "You really are one of my treasures, that's right, the biggest threat to us now is not the 10 people who want to seize power, but this good equipment There are 5 people, they have received professional training, once a war starts, it is a trivial matter that we cannot save our lives, we are buried in the ground, but the civilization of our ancestors for thousands of years, they are not from the Central Plains, what we say is not what we can hear If you understand, if this treasure falls into their hands, we have committed a serious crime."

"But they have no grudges. Maybe before that, Chess King has sent spies to investigate the teams on the southeast side who are eager to try. He knows that one team will come at the same time. How can they separate?"

Yin Bao looked at Tie Jun, "Go and call me Ming Shou, and Su Su."

After Tie Jun nodded and got up, Mr. Zhuge and Jin Xiaoyan couldn't figure out what was going on in her mind.I saw Yinbao brought a manuscript paper and ink pen from the desk, and laid it flat on the long table of the regular meeting, "Have you ever seen a document with a jade seal in the palace?"

Mr. Zhuge thought for a while, and frowned, "I must have seen it before. Many things in our Internal Affairs Department require the emperor's personal approval. Could it be that the hall master is thinking?"

Yin Bao's eyes were determined, "That's right, we have to make a jade seal by ourselves, and try to let King Zhao get it first, and then leave traces of the purple-clothed tomb robbers in the south after stealing it, so that we can make it seamless."

Ah, Jin Xiaoyan dropped his jaw on the table in surprise.After being stunned for a long time, he regained his senses, "Master, none of us have seen the real appearance of this jade seal, only the face with the red seal on the document. The chess king grew up in the palace. They are all used as souvenirs, it is not easy to fool him."

Yin Bao gritted his teeth, "It's not easy, but we have to give it a try. The best jadeite, the best craftsman, and the best design, I think we can give it a try."

Ming Shou, who opened the door and came in, was a little embarrassed when he heard Yinbao's idea. He sat aside for a long time wearing a robe and said nothing. Everyone didn't know what to do.

Su Moqing calmed down, he thought it might be a good idea, Ming felt embarrassed and said, "I've never seen this thing before, even if the hall master gave the blueprint, I'm afraid the imitation will not be good, so I'll wear it later, that's Go straight into the enemy camp. It's a terrible thing."

Susu was very calm, "If you haven't seen it, you haven't seen it. I have seen it. Not only have I seen it, but I know how to make it."

Several people in the room looked at Su Moqing in surprise, and Yin Bao glanced at him suspiciously, but thinking of his possible identity, he immediately stopped doubting him. "It's best if you know how to do it, and design the blueprint with Mr. Zhuge"

Tie Jun asked, "What about the jade? Where can we find good jadeite?"

A peaceful and calm smile was drawn on the corners of Yinbao's lips, "Leave this matter to me, Jin Xiaoyan, accompany me to the villa tomorrow."

Jin Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment. Mizhuang had ceased fighting these days, and both sides were supplying supplies, so it was easy to mix in. He hurriedly nodded in response, "Yes!"

In the early morning of the next day, Yin Bao and Jin Xiaoyan simply packed up their things, rode on two fast horses and headed towards Mi Zhuang.When he arrived at the gate of the city, he saw Wang Sanxiang serving porridge and steamed buns to the refugees outside the city. The gate was wide open and there were many soldiers on both sides.Inside and out are people coming and going with distressed faces.

Yinbao and Jin Xiaoyan led the horses, holding the previous pass, and the soldiers at the gate checked one by one. They were shocked when they found that both Yinbao and Jin Xiaoyan had gold plates. let go.

Compared with the appearance of a few years ago, the city has changed a lot. It is not as peaceful and stable as before. The rich and wealthy children who can be seen on the streets are now replaced by poorly dressed refugees.Yinbao felt a pain in his heart. The family members of many employees in the church still lived in Mizhuang, but they couldn't find it again. During the war years, the people suffered a lot.

The two walked through the long street and came to a familiar place, and found that the previous signboard of Shuixiangju was still there, but the restaurant business inside was a couple.When they evacuated, Yinbao left a note in the house, and some old pots and pans were in the backyard, "If there is a destiny, you can use it for free here, don't do evil, just help the common people."

"Good boy, give me some money"

“We are starving to death”

"Young master, please give alms."

Yin Bao looked back and saw an old lady and two children standing one meter away behind her with a broken bowl. Her body was hunched over, her face was dirty, and there were poor children in the bowl. copper plate.

The two children standing on the ground, a little boy and a little girl, were all dressed in tatters. It was cold, but they only had thin clothes to cover their bodies.Although there is a lot of timidity in the eyes, they are very bright, just like the moon in the sky.

Yin Bao felt a pain in his heart, and gestured with his side face. Jin Xiaoyan was about to take out the copper plate from his cuffs, when the couple who were busy greeting customers came out of the shop, wiped their hands and greeted this way, "Mrs. Hei Xiaobai, come quickly, the meal is ready!"

The old lady hurried forward with her two little grandchildren, and suddenly more than a dozen scavengers ran out from the dark corners of the alley on both sides. Don't touch it, and wait for the boss's wife to give me a meal.

Yin Bao nodded in relief, "The husband and wife have not wronged our house."

If you look carefully, you can see that the food on the table is full and rich. Because most of the refugees are old and have bad teeth, the proprietress put the sweet potatoes in the rice porridge, and soaked the steamed buns in rice soup. sugar cubes.

He is really a caring person.

Yinbao turned around and looked at the majestic Yuhuan Pavilion in front of him. There were many wealthy officials and eunuchs sitting in it. Before the jade was opened at noon, everyone had already found their seats.

On the [-]th of every month, Yuhuan Pavilion will hold a big jade gambling feast. According to the records of the previous ten years, every semi-annual meeting produced excellent jade.Yinbao is going to win this jade as the base jade for imitating jade seals.

The entry fee is 500 taels of silver, and once it is paid, it will not be refunded. Walking to the chip table, Yin Bao looked at the table full of chips, and calculated the amount that would need to be earned later.

Not only to win the jade back, but also to earn some money to go back and improve their lives.

Yinbao turned his head and winked, Jin Xiaoyan put five 1000 taels of silver bills on the table, the clerk on the counter was shocked when he saw it, good guy, big guy, I really didn't see it, and hurriedly piled it up With a smile on his face, "Young masters, this is your bargaining chip. Please keep it away. There is a private room upstairs. Let our staff take you up there to have a look."

Yinbao grabbed Jin Xiaoyan who was about to leave, and whispered, "Take them all out."

Jin Xiaoyan's eyes widened, and he subconsciously protected his waist, "No way, Hall Master, 1 taels of chips, I'm going to lose. It's terrible, can't the boss beat me up?"

Yin Bao looked back at the people sitting on the third floor in the entire attic, and later opened three stones, the best chance to win when he gambled, and the 1 taels would definitely be doubled, "Do you believe me or not?"

Jin Xiaoyan's eyes wandered, his heart was pounding, "A letter must be a letter. But"

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Yinbao directly moved Jin Xiaoyan's purse, and took out five 1000 taels of silver bills and a copper coin from it, "I'll buy another chip!"

The clerk at the front desk was so happy that his mouth was crooked, he hurriedly counted the money underneath, happily collected the money, and then piled the chips on the plate.

Three clerks held the chips, and four or five people hugged Yinbao and walked upstairs. There were many people sitting on both sides of the long and wide staircase, all of them staring at the thief. Looking at the appearance of Yinbao, it seemed familiar.

"Hey, little boy, why do I feel familiar?"

"Don't tell me, I've seen some too!"

"Many years ago, there was a person who won a bet against foreigners. Could it be her?"

It's just that time has passed, Yinbao's appearance and clothes are no longer comparable to these people. Although she heard these people's comments, she didn't answer the conversation. She followed the waiter to the private room upstairs, and then several maidservants came in. Come in with a few plates of fresh fruit, tea and snacks, and a table is full.

After a while, more than a dozen people came up with a big box, and lifted out a large piece from it, which was placed on the round seat on the red arena. Yin Bao stepped forward to hold the railing, and carefully looked at the fineness of the stone.

Strange to say, before her eyes could only see the surface texture of the stone, and most of the remaining guesses depended on the texture, but now as long as Yinbao closes her right eye, she can see what is inside the stone, and when she opens her eyes, she can see the texture of the stone. The eyes are the same as the eyes of ordinary people.

This method is only suitable for stones, and for the rest, the sight is the same for both eyes and eyes.

Yin Bao was taken aback by this sudden discovery. He was both surprised and delighted. He turned his head, opened his eyes wide and looked at Jin Xiaoyan carefully, and then closed one eye. There was no difference. Jin Xiaoyan frowned. .

"What are you doing hall master?"

"It's okay, let's see"

Yin Bao smiled awkwardly, not letting anyone discover that she had this skill.But the stone in front of me is solid, and there is nothing inside.

"Both parties are determined to leave!"

Those present are indeed old Jianghu, knowing that the first stone is usually not a good thing, besides, if it is so big, if it is real, the people in Yuhuan Pavilion are as shrewd as the monkeys on the tree, and they can take it out for them ?
Yin Bao was also unmoved by An Nai, and a few young masters who were impatient and had a lot of money bet one after another. Yin Bao saw that they only bet more than 100 taels, which was boring. , Hundreds of people co-authored and shared 100 taels of silver.

Jin Xiaoyan saw this kind of scene for the first time, and everyone was stunned. He shook his hand twice in front of Yinbao's eyes, "Master, how do you tell whether there is something in it or not? , just a gamble?"

Yin Bao giggled, "Of course not, what are you thinking? Our money is different from those of these young masters. Our money is hard-earned money, and every penny is calculated and spent. Not [-]% sure, I wouldn't bet on it."

Jin Xiaoyan snorted, and said coldly, "No wonder the hall master went blind after glancing at the moon. Your eyes are so good that even Chang'e is jealous."

Yin Bao thought he was praising her.

Immediately afterwards, the second stone came one after another. It was a very small stone, about the size of a palm. Yin Bao closed one eye and saw purple jade shining in the stone. It was very beautiful and the texture was not bad. , very evenly.It is one of the best, not rare copper jadeite.

Yinbao wanted to accept it, but there was a rule in the Yuhuan Pavilion, as long as you win the bet once, you can't participate in the next one. This purple jade is a bit exaggerated to make a jade seal. Let alone the chess king, she has never seen any dynasty in the textbook The imperial jade seal is purple.

Yin Bao endured it and didn't place a bet.Many rich and wealthy sons were in a hurry. According to the rules of previous years, the middle one is most likely to be the middle one. More than 300 people on the upper and lower floors have bet on it. Only a few have bet on nothing. Finally, it is opened. It is indeed as Yin Bao saw. , but the winning side didn't win much, trivial things, that little oil and water used to be expected by Yinbao, but now it's not a rarity.

Yin Bao held onto the railing and rubbed his hands, looking at the last piece.

After the second piece was cut, there were only more than 100 people left in the attic, all grouped together on the third floor.It was said that there were more than 100 people, but in fact more than 50 of them were circling around a rich man in luxurious clothes.

Yin Bao tilted his head and glanced at the A-character room on the opposite floor. The 1 taels of chips can only be placed in the private room, and it must be a rich man who can lead the Yuhuan Pavilion staff directly to the third floor. dealers.

I'm worried that I can't find the bully, and I will catch the doll with random luck, so it's up to you.Yin Bao took a cup of hot tea from Jin Xiaoyan, drank it down, and then fixed his eyes on the third stone that was about to appear.

The third stone was ugly in appearance, irregular, and its texture was a bit messy, but the messy place felt very strange. Yin Bao felt that it was man-made.She thought to herself, this can't be a solid one, so what should I take back to make a jade seal?

Jin Xiaoyan asked, "Is there a hall master?"

Yin Bao closed one eye, took a closer look, and was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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