Chapter 124 Crisis of Trust
Jin Xiaoyan took a closer look, and saw five unknown deep pits, the edges of which were glistening with cucumber oil, which was definitely not a natural work, it should be done by human beings.

This might be the key to unlocking the secret door.

Bank Ren felt that this trace looked familiar, but he couldn't think of what it was for a while.

"Yuanbao, this is a pit in the shape of an ingot."

Ren Bank suddenly realized that it was so.

Si Nan busily placed his ingots in the pit, and the five pit marks were filled, but the door remained motionless.

Seeing this, Jin Xiaoyan said, "It should be a specific ingot to open."

In other words, the key to this secret door is five special ingots.

At this moment, everyone has no other choice but to leave first and take a rest.

When Jin Xiaoyan came home, Mingshou happened to be looking for him.Jin Xiaoyan asked with his eyes, and Ming Shou took out something, "I found this in our courtyard."

Jin Xiaoyan took it, it was a small pendant, and after a closer look, he fixed his gaze and examined it carefully.

After a few breaths, Jin Xiaoyan confirmed that this is a pendant in the shape of an ingot.He asked Mingshou to inform everyone.

After a while, everyone arrived.Bank Ren, the servants from the Su family, and Mr. Zhuge all came.

Jin Xiaoyan handed the pendant in his hand to Su Moqing's servant.

"This is indeed my grown-up's property. He got this thing when he was a child, and he loves it very much. He always wears it." After speaking, he handed the thing to Ren Bank.

Ren Bank held his things thoughtfully.Suddenly she thought of something, looked at Jin Xiaoyan, and got his affirmative gaze.

"Mr. Zhuge found a secret passage in the palace today, and the door has pit marks similar to this pendant."

Mr. Zhuge obviously thought of it too, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

What Ren Bank and Jin Xiaoyan didn't say was that Su Moqing was the key person who opened the treasure. He had worn this special ingot since he was a child, and this ingot coincided with the trace of the entrance to the secret passage discovered today.

It can be seen that the secret passage discovered today is very likely to be related to the underground treasure of Tianqi Shenzhuang, and it may be the entrance to the treasure house!
Ren Bank then handed the pendant to Mr. Zhuge. After careful observation for a while, he was sure, "This object really matches the pit mark very well."

Ren Bank told everyone his speculation, and then thought of the news of Liu Shunzi's disappearance and the rumors of the ingot in his hand, and said to everyone, "Liu Shunzi also has a special ingot in his hand, but now he is also missing."

After a pause, Ren Bank continued, "Now there are two special ingots. According to my guess, when our ancestors designed the ancient tomb, they specially let five different people hold the keys. Only five people can open the ancient tomb."

Her thoughts coincided with Jin Xiaoyan's. Mr. Zhuge thought for a while and agreed with her thoughts.

"However, my lord's life and death are uncertain now..."

Ren Bank immediately ordered to increase manpower and must find Su Moqing.

After that, Mr. Zhuge and Su Moqing's servant left.

Ren Bank stayed in the courtyard, and Ming Shou retreated.

Jin Xiaoyan was a little cramped, and only took Ren Bank for a walk in the courtyard.At this time, the sky is bright and the breeze is blowing, which is really pleasant.

The two enjoyed the atmosphere very much. After walking around the yard for nearly a while, Bank Ren spoke first, "It's rare to see Sinan by your side today."

Jin Xiaoyan smiled slightly when he heard the words, "His wife is pregnant, so he has more time to take care of his wife."

"That's right, Jinlian is pregnant, I forgot."

Jin Xiaoyan nodded with a smile, and Ren Bank said, "The couple are very smart, and they are well educated. I think their child will also be a smart person in the future."

"Sinan is indeed clever."

Ren Bank suddenly had an idea, "I have always wanted to choose a child from the minister's heirs as the crown prince. Today, the child of Si Nan and Jin Lian is suitable. First, the two are smart, and this child will not be bad in the future; The two want to be loyal, and I know the bottom line; the third is that Jin Lian is about to give birth, she is being taken care of very well, and the risk of the child is also small."

Jin Xiaoyan hesitated to speak, but finally said, "Since you like it, then it's good."

Just do what you say, and then the Ren Bank has many holy relics and high-quality production supplies from Jinlian.Her actions were naturally noticed by caring people. Thinking of the previous rumors, everyone realized what she wanted to do.For a while, envy and jealousy.

When Wang Liu heard the news, his face was gloomy.After that, she followed Jin Lian to serve her attentively, and Jin Lian was very grateful.

Time passed quickly, and soon it was time for Jinlian to give birth.

Si Nan was fidgeting outside the delivery room, Jin Xiaoyan patted him on the shoulder to show comfort, Si Nan looked at him gratefully.

After a period of turmoil, Wen Po exclaimed, "I gave birth, I gave birth, ouch, he is a big fat boy weighing more than six catties."

Everyone was relieved when they heard the sound, and at this moment, they heard the steady voice again, " is this child..."

The group waited for a long time, but no other voice was heard.

Sinan was quite anxious, and hurriedly looked at Bank Ren and Jin Xiaoyan. Bank Ren was also anxious, and hurriedly called Po Wen out, and allowed Sinan to go in to see Jinlian.

When Sinan went in, a steady lady went out, and another steady lady was holding his child and touching me, with a nervous expression on her face.

Si Nan gently stroked his wife who was in a coma before he wanted to see his child.

Wen Po tremblingly handed the child in her arms to Si Nan.

The newborn child was ugly, red and wrinkled, like a shriveled old man.Si Nan wanted to tease him, but found that the child in his arms was not moving.

He looked at Mrs. Wen, maybe because he cared about it, but maybe it was because Jinlian was well taken care of, and it was unlikely that there would be any accidents, so he didn't have any terrible thoughts, but asked, "Is he asleep?"

Wen Po showed unbearable expression, but she was also worried about her future, so she hurriedly knelt tremblingly, and Wen Po's trembling old voice sounded from inside and outside the house at the same time, "Ms. Jinlian, she... gave birth to a stillborn baby."

With a bang, a thunder exploded in his ears.

This was the news that Bank Ren didn't want to hear the most in the palace.She originally thought that the children of Sinan and Jinlian could be taught better, and that when they grow up, they will be trained carefully to become useful talents in Tianqi Shenzhuang.Regardless of gender, the foundation is not bad.When the Department of Internal Affairs distributed rewards before, Ren Bank specifically ordered the servant of the Ministry of Industry to give more.It's what makes her nervous the most.A few days ago, I asked Imperial Physician Wen to come over and take a look at the pulse. It was very smooth. She said that the little princess in her belly was very well-behaved. She even moved her arms and legs tenderly and delicately, not to mess with Lady Jinlian's pulse. Everyone listened. All happy.

It didn't take long for this word to reach Ren Bank's ears, and it was too late to be happy, but there was such news of a bolt from the blue.She frowned coldly, knowing that there must be something strange about it, she pretended to be very sad, so as not to be disturbed, but actually invited all the midwife Wen women to the meeting hall.The women should all know how powerful Ren Bank is. After all, this huge palace only relies on this one woman's anecdote, and the means are unknown.Looking at the golden decorations all over the room, it is very luxurious, and my heart trembles with fear.But you look at me, I look at you, there is a lot hidden in Lao La's eyes.

Ren Bank glanced at the maid on one side, Xing Qiu understood, and asked the maid next to him to move up a few dragonwood stools, and the women in Wenting tremblingly held the handles and sat down, Huan Ran felt a little more relaxed.Looking at the people in the court hall, it is not a woman with a dark face and red eyes, as rumored, but a woman with a strange appearance, but a icy and jade-clean, cold-born and beautiful girl, with exquisite eyebrows and eyes revealing the eyes of the torch, lol There was a chill in the hearts of the local people, even if there was a big lie, they didn't dare to hide it.

Ren Bank asked, his voice was calm and delicate, without the slightest intention of intimidation, "My good sister-in-law under my hand gave birth today, and all the stable women have worked hard. You have been busy all morning, and you still haven't eaten half a mouthful of hot food. How about, Xingqiu, go and serve my dishes on the table at the back, and give them a taste." Xingqiu's eyes quickly flashed a hint of doubt, and the Wenpos in the hall felt like they were sitting on pins and needles, Xingqiu thought for a while. Fan, maybe the master had other intentions, so he hurriedly responded, "I know the master, I'll come right away."

Five eunuchs brought an expensive mahogany table and placed it in front of the three steady women. They did not dare to raise their eyes to look at the food on the table. On the phoenix-tailed plate in the house, there were three pairs of silver chopsticks in hand, and they were placed in front of the three Wen women in order, "Since it was a gift from the suzerain, if you can't eat it, can you blame our palace for treating others poorly?"

"Then how dare you?" The man among the three stable women replied quickly and smartly, grabbed the chopsticks, thanked them smoothly, and then began to eat.For some reason, the two steady women on the other side looked at the stewed meat and fish on the table, with nausea constantly showing on their faces.Without waiting for Bank Ren to ask, the two of them knelt down in front of Bank Ren with their legs limp. Before they could speak, snot and tears flowed down.

Ren Bank slightly clenched the folding fan in her hand, she was right, the death of the child in Sister-in-law Jinlian's womb was not that simple.His expression became serious immediately, "Don't cry anymore, if it's a trivial matter, it's useless to shed these tears and win sympathy, if it's a big matter, it won't help. Let's talk!"

A steady woman said while crying, "Sovereign, the reason why we dare not talk nonsense about this matter is because...just because the person involved behind the scenes is the person in power in the palace, we dare not talk nonsense."

Bank Ren frowned, the person in power?Who holds the power? "If you don't talk about it, you won't be able to handle the rice of Mrs. Wen in the future!"

Another stable woman raised her head, "Yesterday, the three of us were invited into the palace and have been waiting at the door of the little lady Jinlian. The fetus has always been stable. Doctor Wen is not at ease. After all, it was born in the palace after the establishment of the apocalypse. My first princess, I have repeatedly told us that no matter what aspect it is, the master always cares about it."

"Miss Jinlian is very nice and treated us very kindly. In the middle of the night, Imperial Doctor Wen returned to the imperial hospital. The three of us guarded Miss Jinlian. She said that there was nothing wrong with her body, so let us also go aside. Go to the side hall to rest."

"In the middle of the night, a general came and gave us a bowl of bird's nest. We didn't think too much about it. After all, the general often came to visit the empress."

Bird's nest?Ren Bank had the impression that before, the person from the household department had specially prepared the best bird's nest for the pregnant concubine in the palace, but the timing was a bit too coincidental. "Which general are you talking about?"

The two Wen women fell silent, not knowing what to say, and after stuttering for a long time, they dared to grit their teeth and say, "It's General Jin."

"Jin Xiaoyan?" Ren Bank asked suspiciously, unable to believe it in his heart, "He is a servant of the Ministry of War, and at midnight, he ran to the palace of the Minister of Industry to deliver bird's nest to his wife? You two had better understand every word I speak out of my conscience, my suzerain is not a fool, if I dare to lie a little bit, I will never forgive me lightly!"

Ren Bank's drink made the two women flustered, and they refused to say a word.Seeing this scene, Tao'er, who was waiting on the sidelines, saw that her master was already angry, and hurried forward to replace the off-fire tea with a cup of cool one, put it in front of Bank Ren, and persuaded in a low voice, "Master, these two stable women I haven't seen the world, maybe I don't understand the seriousness of the words. I don't know if what she said is true or not, and I have to ask Miss Jinlian about this matter to find out the truth."

"All they can know is the appearance of the fetus," Tao'er stood up with a stern voice, "You are all seasoned stable women. When Tianqi was a village, most of the cowherds in the village came from you. Three hands."

"If it's really a stillborn fetus that is less than a month old or injured, you should know the appearance of the birth. What did you see today?"

Wen Po, who has been eating in a leisurely manner, said, "The face is ashen, the lips are purple, the whole body is upright, and he is full of weight."

His face was ashen ashes, his lips were purple, his whole body was upright, and he was full of weight.
These sixteen words lingered in Ren Bank's ears, and anyone with a discerning eye could tell that the child was full-term and healthy, but due to unknown reasons, he was poisoned or suffocated and became stillborn.

Asking more questions, the three Wen women were talking nonsense, one sentence after another, Ren Bank waved his hand, "Forget it, keep your mouth tight and take it out of the palace."

In the afternoon of that day, Ren Bank went to visit the Golden Lotus Hall, before he went in, he heard Jin Lian crying inside, Ren Bank faltered, but he didn't know how to get in.

The guard guarding the gate looked up at Tao'er who was serving beside Ren Bank, Ren Bank waved his hand, Tao'er motioned for the guards to stop passing, when Jinlian and Cuimei were in the Mizhuang store, Ren Bank didn't Protecting the child in Cuimei's womb, after all these years, it happened again.

Looking at the entire palace, everyone has been selected and determined through layers of selection. Ren Bank once thought that this was a steel-like team, but he did not expect that Jin Lian lived so close to her that such a thing would happen.

She didn't have the face to go in and see.Just as he was about to turn around and leave, Sinan dragged his tired body out of the room and shouted in a hoarse voice, "Sovereign, Jin Lian said he heard you coming, go in and have a seat!"

The tea was burning gurglingly, and the smell was a bit pungent. Ren Bank was known to have allergic rhinitis in his modern life, so he couldn't even smell it.After sitting for a while, I couldn't bear it any longer, raised my hand and asked, "Who is this tea from? It smells a little too sweet."

Sinan raised his tired eyes, "Sovereign, it was the kind Mr. Shutang, Mrs. Wang Liu sent it a few days ago, and it must have been ten days ago."

(End of this chapter)

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