Chapter 125 Who Speaks the Truth
When Jin Xiaoyan was asked if he had been here yesterday, Jin Lian showed a hint of secrecy on her face, but she couldn't escape Ren Bank's discerning eyes. "It is true that General Jin came here yesterday. Speaking of which, I also find it strange that the bird's nest is usually delivered by the maid. Yesterday, Deputy Secretary Jin seemed to have something very important to ask Sinan, so he came in and took the bird's nest. After thinking about it for a long time, I finally put it down. I thought it was because Su Qing's case was unjustly blamed on him today, and he felt uncomfortable. In addition, Deputy Secretary Jin is not a person who can speak well. Now the palace is not as good as it used to be in the hall. It's time, Brother Tie Jun has been sulking since he gave up his position to Adjutant Jin, and we dare not ask more about it, although we know that this bird's nest is strange, but it is the doctor Wen who feeds the baby every day. Seeing that it's time to give birth, I dare not relax no matter what. Whoever can imagine, such a thing happened."

As Jin Lian spoke, she burst into tears, and Si Nan beside her coaxed her with red eyes, and without saying a word, she just stood upright and let Jin Lian lean on her shoulder.Ren Bank turned to the side, and said to Xing Qiu, "Go and call me Jin Xiaoyan." Xing Qiu's face tightened, as if she was in trouble, because she believed in her heart that the loyal General Jin would never do such a thing On the contrary, Wang Liu, who had been courteous for nothing half a month ago, seemed even more suspicious.She wholeheartedly wanted to bring together General Jin and the suzerain, thinking that she had given the glazed cups a few days ago, no matter what, she should get it in this life. A few heirs who held the ingot keys are gone, and General Jin, who can be called the pillar of the present, looks like this again. If he gets into such a disaster, he may not get well.

"I know the master, I'll go call now."

Xing Qiu picked up the fruit plate and the empty dim sum box on the table beside her, and was about to walk quickly towards the door, when suddenly a guard at the main palace gate rushed to the entrance of the main hall, showing the barrier-free token, and walked all the way. He rushed in, knelt on the red tile floor and announced, "Sovereign, Mr. Su and Liu Shunzi are back!" They were all sent out, but there was no trace of the two of them.Are you back now?Ren Bank hurriedly waved his hands, "Quickly go to the meeting hall!"

The guard stared blankly, not knowing why, he stammered a little, he still didn't stand upright with his right leg, "Sovereign, Liu Shunzi is a good person, Mr. Su, Mr. Su lost his mind and went crazy."

As soon as the news came out, Jinlian and Sinan looked at each other in blank dismay.Xing Qiu hurriedly glanced at Bank Ren, and her exquisite face turned pale instantly in shock, Xing Qiu squeezed her sleeves tightly, seeing her master was anxious, and hurriedly scolded, "You little pawn, do you know What does it mean to be insane, but really sure?"

Just as he was talking, there were swaying footsteps outside the door, like three-year-old children, while walking, he pulled the armor of the guards waiting at the door twice, and asked very immaturely, "These big brothers are really handsome. I want this dress too!"

Liu Shunzi at the side pulled him aside anyway, "It's all right, the suzerain is still waiting for you inside, don't ink!"

Hearing the sound, Ren Bank turned his eyes, pulled up the quilt on Jinlian's body, and was about to call people from outside to come in, when he saw Su Moqing, who was all dirty but couldn't cover his eyes for thousands of years, running like a hungry tiger. After entering, without any explanation, he hugged Ren Bank's arm and cried coquettishly, "Sister, sister, I thought you didn't want me anymore!"

Bank Ren frowned: "."

"Go and call Doctor Wen for me." Fue forehead.
The long, white and tender arms were extremely slender. It could be seen that they had suffered for a few days, and they lay weakly on the medical pillow. One hand of Su Moqing was being pulled by Doctor Wen, and the other hand could not help but insist on pulling Ren Bank's arm. skirt.

Ren Bank really wanted to kick this guy away, thinking that if he hadn't been deceived because of his handsome appearance, it would have been impossible to include this small work of Yuhuan Pavilion.Ren Bank stretched out his hand to get rid of it, but this gummy candy-like person couldn't get rid of it no matter what, as if he was stuck on her body.Physician Wen took his pulse seriously, while looking at Bank Ren, the pulse condition in his hand was not strange at all, but it was also puzzling to say not at all.Doctor Wen rubbed back and forth several times, hesitated for a while, and cast a slightly puzzled look at Bank Ren, seeing the concern and worry in Su Moqing's eyes in her eyes, and swallowed all the words in her stomach.

"If the pulse condition is true, Mr. Su is indeed very ominous. His pulse is very unstable, and there is a wound on his forehead. It may have disturbed Shenyuan, so he showed such absurd appearance. I am afraid it will be difficult to cure. "Ren Bank took a deep breath, his eyes were very worried, "Is there a way to restore his memory? Now that he is looking for someone, he recognizes his relatives, and he can't tell what is right and what is wrong. It’s quite meaningful for our Tianqi Shenzhuang, but it can’t really be like this. Besides, his subordinates are a bunch of assassins, and now he’s turned into a baby. This, alas.”

Ren Bank sighed again and again, and Imperial Physician Wen stretched out his hand to remove the pillow under Su Moqing's wrist, bandaged Su Moqing's wound briefly, and then hurriedly removed it.Liu Shunzi looked at Ren Bank, who was now wearing a gorgeous robe, with mischievous eyebrows, and knew in her heart that her current noble status was already beyond his reach.If it was an ordinary person, he would have been flattering and flattering by now.But Liu Shunzi knew very well that he had what Ren Bank wanted in his hand, the golden ingot, although it was fake tung oil, but the pattern on it was very special, if it was gold, he would have sold it long ago, how could Keep it as a family heirloom for so long?I thought it was just a piece of scrap iron, but who knew it would be so useful?
Su Moqing murmured coquettishly while crying, "Sister, I lost my gold ingot to the bad guys a few days ago, can you help me find it?" Ren Bank's hand holding the teacup trembled slightly, Seeing it is finding it, but you shouldn't criticize Jin Xiaoyan as the son of a bad guy.Ren Bank knows how loyal he is, he doesn't care about everything in this world, the only thing he cares about is her likes and sorrows, Ren Bank can't believe it in his heart that he did such unfavorable things.

There are five ingots in total, one for Su Moqing, one for Liu Shunzi, and three yuan less. How to find it is a difficult problem that Ren Bank has not yet solved.After all, this ingot was a keepsake that Su Moqing brought up since he was a child. It couldn't be given to Su Moqing since it was temporarily useless, let the bank think about it.Su Moqing smiled happily, and asked Ren Bank to wear it around his neck coquettishly. While wearing it, Ren Bank said, "You are just like a child. Why, are you going to rely on me in the future?"

Su Moqing didn't know which nerve was beating again, she immediately became unhappy, and began to cry, two small pearls the size of beans fell out of her big gaudy eyes, she lowered her head and said sadly, "Sister, don't you want me?" Yes, on my birthday last year, I said that I would spend every birthday with me in the future. How come you don’t want me when Mo Qing is only four years old? Is there a better brother or younger sibling? , I feel that Mo Qing is long-winded, annoying, and not cute, so my sister doesn't want Mo Qing anymore?"

The Jin Lian couple, who had just experienced great grief, were shocked by Su Moqing's sudden change. It seems that the illness of insanity is really serious, and even Su Moqing, who has always been a ghost, has become like this.Ren Bank was worried about his illness, but she was the one who brought Su Moqing into this circle no matter what. Thinking about it, since he came, he has not been crazy about the underground treasures in Shuihua Village as Ren Bank expected. The temptation, on the contrary, was single-minded, and the cultivated land in the entire Shuihua Village was pacified, so that the land that could not grow crops had power.No matter when and where, farming is a very important thing. If it is done well for the benefit of the country and the people, Su Moqing is a hero to Shuihua Village. Ren Bank feels very guilty for his appearance as a four-year-old child.

"Okay, look at your body, here is dirty, there is dirty, go quickly and let the guard outside the door take you to change it. Come here to find me later, how about cooking you something delicious?"

Ren Bank comforted that she could see the deep fear in Su Moqing's eyes and the despair in the sky, but when she looked at Ren Bank, she was very peaceful and her eyes were full of little stars.After some conversation, he only remembered his name and Bank Ren, and he didn't know anyone else.Tao'er took Su Moqing back to change clothes, Su Moqing looked back in three steps, when Ren Bank saw his dependent eyes, he felt like a heavy stone was weighing on his heart, and he couldn't lift it no matter what, so he could only wave his hand to reassure him, Come back later, "You go there, I won't be lost for no reason, just come back and find me later."

Outside the door, Su Moqing just took a few steps, and suddenly seemed to see something terrible, and ran all the way to hide behind the pillar. Tao'er on the side was a little surprised. Salute respectfully, "General Jin."

"Bad guy! You are a bad guy!"

Su Moqing yelled heart-piercingly, and Ren Bank's heart suddenly picked up. He got up and saw that it was Jin Xiaoyan who had arrived.Unlike in the past, today I didn't wear my own civilian clothes, but a battle armor.But he was holding his token and palm print in his hand.Liu Shunzi was also taken aback when he saw Jin Xiaoyan, and took a few steps back in fright.The involuntary behavior didn't look like acting, Ren Bank asked sternly, "What's the matter with you two, why are you so scared when you see Jin Xiaoyan?"

Su Moqing was crazy and couldn't tell why, but Liu Shunzi was sober. He knew the seriousness of the matter, but he also knew that once he said this, there would be no room for maneuver in this matter.

"Let me tell the suzerain, we have seen this general in a cave. About three days ago, I drank a little wine and was knocked out. After waking up, I stayed with Mr. Su in a cave. The door was locked from the outside, and there were two pieces of apricot flower cakes in the cave, and there was nothing else to eat. It went on like this for three days, and when we were almost unable to hold on, it was this General Jin who used The key opened the door, and he said to give us a cup of tea, and run away from his sight, otherwise he will be impolite."

Liu Shunzi said carefully, "You also know that we are all honest and responsible people. When I woke up, Mr. Su seemed to be poisoned. He said that he could feel his memory disappearing little by little. How to protect the ingot key around his neck, if I can go out, I will hand it over to you, the suzerain, and also gave me a general banknote of 1000 taels, here"

As Liu Shunzi said, he took out a neatly stacked banknote from his clothes, and placed it neatly on the table in front of Ren Bank. He asked for money to do something, so that he could take care of it. This was very much like Su Moqing's style.This kid will not go out without taking tens of thousands of pieces of silver with him.Was it really Jin Xiaoyan who kidnapped them?Then why would they be sent back?

What's even more outrageous is that now that Jinlian's child is gone, it is also related to Jin Xiaoyan.Su Moqing and Liu Shunzi were almost starved to death, and they were stupid, and it was also related to Jin Xiaoyan.

When Jin Xiaoyan came in and saw Su Moqing, he already knew what was going on.Put your own palm print on the table, lower your head like a child who has done something wrong, "Sovereign, I'm here to say goodbye. I didn't think there would be any problem with that bowl of bird's nest. The girl in the imperial dining room asked me to deliver it, saying that she I was anxious, I happened to have something to tell Sinan, that's why I went there, if I knew there was something wrong with the bird's nest, I would never give it to my sister-in-law anyway. I'm sorry, brother-in-law, I would rather quit the Water Flower Sect and be punished willingly."

Jin Lian frowned, and looked at Si Nan in dismay. They both knew that Jin Xiaoyan was a human being, and would rather suffer a loss than let others be wronged. Although they were soldiers, they were kind and didn't talk about using violence to solve problems. "Which girl are you talking about?"

Jin Xiaoyan frowned and recalled carefully, "It's a girl with buns, wearing a pink gown, with a token of the Imperial Dining Room on her waist, which is shining brightly, but her eyes are shining. It's a bracelet, it speaks in a low voice, and looks very good."

Ren Bank had never seen such a woman in his memory, "Have you seen it at other times?"

Jin Xiaoyan frowned and recalled, and shook his head hesitantly, "I didn't pay attention to these women in the palace at all, most of them couldn't recognize their appearance, I always felt that the women from that day looked familiar, but when I looked again But the appearance is not similar, when I saw the sign on her waist, I felt that walking in the harem is like this every day, and I stopped by, so it was not impossible to help."

Ren Bank asked, "Then does she know that you are a general?"

Jin Xiaoyan nodded, "Of course I know that. She saluted at that time and called me General Jin. I heard it very clearly."

Jin Lian began to cry as she spoke, "Forget it, the children have already gone, I don't take it seriously, but the general will pay more attention in the future, don't be tricked by others."

Si Nan held Jinlian in his arms, and only shed tears, but he didn't dare to say anything more.Everyone knows that Jin Xiaoyan is now Ren Bank's confidant, a treasure in his heart, and he is in charge of an army of [-]. No one can abolish Jin Xiaoyan even if he is abolished.

(End of this chapter)

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