Chapter 126
Ren Bank turned his eyes to look at Jin Xiaoyan who was standing on one side, his eyes were full of guilt, and he asked, "There are two people in the cave, Su Moqing and Liu Shunzi, why did you appear at the entrance of the cave?"

Jin Xiaoyan's firm eyes suddenly became a little strange. He hid aside, his eyes were a little dazed, and he said hesitantly, "This key was delivered to my door. I don't know why. There is also a picture of the specific location of the cave. The blueprint is right here." Jin Xiaoyan said, took out a handkerchief with beautiful embroidery from his purse, spread it on the mahogany table in front of him, Ren Bank took a look, it was indeed a map, The painting is not difficult to recognize, it is a cave on Dongshan Mountain, Jin Xiaoyan put the key on the table again.

If you believe these words, you will believe them, and if you don’t believe them, you will not believe them. Ren Bank raised his eyes and looked at the flustered Jin Xiaoyan in front of him, "Did you lie to me half of the sentence?"

Jin Xiaoyan shook his head hastily, his heroic eyes revealed an urgent look, "No, if there is even half a lie, I will apologize with death."

Bank Ren picked up the teacup in front of him, with a calm expression, "What's the use of your death? How dare you swear in front of me that if there is even half a lie, I will die badly for Ren Bank?"

"This..." Jin Xiaoyan frowned, looked to one side, a little lost in thought, gritted his teeth, and said in a low voice, "I won't make this poisonous oath."

"Why didn't you post it? If you have nothing to hide, why don't you dare to swear, not to mention my life as a guarantee, if you post it, I will trust you." Ren Bank said lightly, and the wise almond-eyed Chaojin Xiao Yan panicked. Glanced at him, his tightly closed lips showed the uncertainty in his heart, he refused to swear for a long time, but tightly held the palm print in his hand, let the bank see this, and sighed deeply, she knew that Jin Xiao In Yan's heart, her life was far more important than his own. He dared to gamble with his own life, but he was unwilling to gamble with her life.

"Come here, take General Jin down, suspend his position, and imprison Zhao Prison, and come out after everything is found out." Ren Bank's eyes turned hard, and he didn't say anything more.Jin Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment, looked into Ren Bank's eyes, a little lonely, and seemed to have expected that Ren Bank would be so fair, and put his palm print on the table, and there seemed to be tears in his eyes.Six imperial guards came in from outside the door, surrounding both sides of the hall door.Seeing Jin Xiaoyan wearing armor, he was a little surprised.They are all soldiers brought out by Jin Xiaoyan. Five years ago, General Jin told them in the first class that the general would not wear armor in the palace or in the Zongmen's mansion, unless there was a situation.That is to say goodbye to the master.The six stood at the door, unwilling to pull out the sharp knives in their hands.They were brought out by Jin Xiaoyan.Even the purple sword in his hand was hammered out by Jin Xiaoyan taking them to the arsenal.With such emotion, how could he hold him tightly to Zhao Prison with his own hands today?
After all, since the establishment of Tianqi Shenzhuang, people who entered Zhao Prison had always entered vertically and exited horizontally.No matter how favored General Jin is, now he cannot escape death.Murdering the designated prince's children, and also suspected of kidnapping Mr. Su and others, even if Ren Bank wanted to protect him from the bottom of his heart, he couldn't act in full view.As the sun shone in from the window, Jin Xiaoyan took two steps, stopped, knelt down on his knees, and kowtowed three times to Ren Bank.Ren Bank sat on the stool in a daze, stretched out his hand to help him up, put one hand on Jin Xiaoyan's thick forearm, Jin Xiaoyan looked up at Ren Bank's moving eyes.

Bank Ren sighed, "I believe in your heart that you are innocent, but now that all the evidence is so testifying, you also know the importance of military discipline. If you are innocent, I will never wrong you, and I will find out the truth for you!"

Jin Xiaoyan's handsome eyes were full of tears, with tears hanging from his long eyelashes, and he was ecstatically looking at Ren Bank's hand on his forearm.How much he thought, just to be Ren Bank's back protector all his life, to be able to give her his hand to support her when she was tired, and to be able to lean on her shoulder when she was afraid.It's a pity that most things in this world don't start well and end well. After all, if there is a thought, they can only wait for the fate of the next life. This life will end like this, which is already very good.

Jin Xiaoyan lowered his head, "Thank you suzerain for being so considerate of me."

The guards escorted Jin Xiaoyan out slowly from the entrance of the main hall. The sunlight shone on his battle armor, making him look lonely and helpless.Everyone around, except Bank Ren, seemed to not understand him.If it wasn't for standing and watching the excitement, no one would say a word to him.Ren Bank comforted Jin Lian, got up and went out slowly, when he reached the threshold, his eyes suddenly darkened, he was a little dizzy, he hurriedly held the door with one hand, Xing Qiu supported him, and then he walked away slowly.

Si Nan and Jin Lian never thought of such a result, and their hearts were a little complicated. They really wanted to seek justice for their children, but confining General Jin, who was the only one who could defend Tianqi's stability, to Zhao Prison They don't want to.Si Nan always felt that this matter was very strange, but since Jin Lian had just lost her unborn child, he didn't know how his wife thought about it, so he endured it and didn't say anything.Seeing him hesitant to speak, Jin Lian knew that he had some different thoughts in his heart.

"Okay, why are you still hiding this thought from me, why don't you tell me quickly!" Jin Lian evened out some strength, sat up straight, and looked at Sinan seriously.Si Nan raised his hand and touched her head, smiling dotingly, "I know that nothing will be hidden from you, I think that General Jin has no enmity with our family, so there's no need to do that. Besides, He is such a smart person, who has led the whole village into a steel team, how could he be so stupid as to deliver the poison to his door? There is something strange about it, but just now the suzerain sent someone to look for the palace lady, and it was impossible to recognize him. Say no. It’s going to be difficult.”

Jin Lian nodded, and sighed helplessly, "I just feel sorry for our girl, she was harmed by this vicious villain before she was born, and the people behind this scene, coincidentally took advantage of General Jin to show great care for the female family members." , That's why the maid dared to give him the medicine in her hand without worrying about General Jin's airs and ideas."

Sinan picked up the mung bean porridge on the table beside him, scooped up a small spoon and blew it, and handed it to Jin Lian's mouth, "But it's strange to say, if this matter really has something to do with Jin Xiaoyan, then why, he wouldn't What about swearing in the name of the suzerain? If it is disrespectful in the past, but in today's situation, one side is his own life, and the other side is majesty, how can he hesitate so much?"

Jin Lian drank the mung bean porridge one mouthful at a time. Although the pain in her body had not been completely relieved, she knew in her heart that Jin Xiaoyan was easy to be targeted because of his withdrawn personality, and he was also the only one who could protect Tianqi Shenzhuang. Su Si said, "Do you think it is possible that General Jin knew who was behind the attack, but he chose to hide it? To hide it for that person?"

Si Nan looked at her in a daze, "Daughter-in-law, don't talk nonsense, are you serious?"

"Yes, there's nothing impossible about it. With his nature, he wouldn't do things like this, but why should he take the blame for others? Doesn't that mean that this person is very important to him!"

Sinan shook his head, "That's not right, everyone knows that Jin Xiaoyan likes our suzerain wholeheartedly, and the most important thing to him is the suzerain, do you mean that the suzerain ordered these things to be done?"

As soon as these words came out, even Sinan himself was startled, he hurried forward to look outside the door, and closed the door quietly.

"Forget it, our own wounds haven't healed yet. Don't worry about him being so favored. Take care of yourself and don't be sad." Sinan comforted Jin Lian and kissed her on the forehead .Jin Lian's brows were tightly furrowed, she didn't let go of this thought, but now the situation was anxious, no matter how much she said, the matter would be unstoppable, so she nodded helplessly.

In the middle of the night, two people were changing shifts at the gate of Zhao Prison. A woman in a cloak walked softly from a distance, dodged all the soldiers patrolling at night, and showed a token when she arrived at the gate, and then the people on both sides of Zhao Prison came Let her in.Jin Xiaoyan was sitting in a cell covered with thatch. Ren Bank had specifically told him that there was no need to change his prison uniform. Jin Xiaoyan neatly stacked his battle armor on one side, and meditated alone in a thin red dress.Behind him were simple meals and steamed buns, without taking a single bite.

The woman in a black cloak skillfully touched Jin Xiaoyan's cell, saw the neat battle armor and the intact food, and sneered, with a low voice like an angel from hell, "I told you to listen to me, what's the result? If you insist on going your own way and follow that vicious woman, don't you still let you wait here to die?"

Jin Xiaoyan's cold eyes widened suddenly, with a cold light in his eyes, and a tear mole in the corner of his eyes looked extraordinarily clean and pure on his gray complexion. He seemed to be very puzzled about the woman's ability to come to the prison without any obstacles.

"The suzerain will find out the truth soon. I advise you and the people behind you to surrender as soon as possible and don't take the blame." Jin Xiaoyan was very calm and was not threatened by her.The woman suddenly laughed twice, "In order to detoxify her, you even sacrificed your own life, but now you have such a miserable end, it's really hard! How pathetic!"

Speaking of poisoning, Jin Xiaoyan couldn't sit still, stood up, walked to the edge of the cage, and stared fiercely at the person outside the door, "Did you also send this kind of poison to Jinlian?"

The woman took off the brim of the black hat on her head, Wang Liu's handsome appearance came into view, her eyes were very clear for no reason, but extremely false.

"You are really smart. Anyway, you are not a person who can live for a long time. It's okay for me to tell you. I gave this kind of poison to all the women's wombs. The butterfly incense in the suzerain's palace is the most poisonous. I know her I can't smell the fragrance, so I specially blended it delicately and elegantly. As for Jinlian, I just don't like her and my husband can live a carefree life like this. So it's normal to take away her child!"

Jin Xiaoyan let out a low growl in his throat, "Are you human? The people here are so kind to you, and you actually repay them like this?"

Wang Liu sneered, her eyes were red and glowing coldly, "Isn't this also forced by you? Since I met you in my life, I have never met a luckier thing in my life. I regard you as the whole of my life." Guang Guang, but what about you? I made a promise ten years ago, who will you be in ten years? Do you still remember the promise you made back then, I just made your beloved girl unable to bear children, and if you can’t bear fruit, you will be angry Is it like this? When I was insulted by that evil person, what were you doing?"

Jin Xiaoyan's eyes were deep, "I can give you my life for the grievances between us, but this matter has nothing to do with the suzerain, the Jinlian brothers and sisters, and those who you used flower poison for no reason, and I don't even remember it. What does it matter to the female family member with your name? You have also lost a child in your womb, and you can't let go of that pain every time you think about it, why do you want others to bear this pain again?"

"Fate?" Wang Liu sneered, "Are you trying to say that those who are suffering deserve to be next to each other, and those who are successful should be allowed to live a smooth life? Let me ask you, why?" Wang Liu's voice was different. Trembling unceasingly, the originally determined eyes could not help revealing a little desolation. "I once thought about forgiving these good people, but I myself have fallen into a trough. Seeing their lives getting better and better every day, stepping on my pain and walking step by step, I have a deep feeling in my heart. Not reconciled. You are all my thoughts, but now you abandon me and don't want me, I will never tolerate it, I must destroy everything!"

Jin Xiaoyan slapped the prison wood with a palm, and there was a hint of ruthlessness in his eyes, "I have been wronged and sent to Zhao Prison according to your request, and you also said that all your pain was caused by me, so Please keep your promise and send them the antidote quickly! Don't make a big mistake!"

Wang Liu stretched out his hand to caress his hand, Jin Xiaoyan dodged in disgust, but was firmly grasped by Wang Liu's two hands, "Want an antidote? Yes, I have already relieved my hatred. Tonight I will find a way to make him feel better." People let you out, you go to my attic, give them the antidote, and then I leave Tianqi Shenzhuang. You and I will never have a fate again."

Jin Xiaoyan said fiercely, "I only believe in you for the last time."

Late at night, Shuya Attic.

Wearing a red dress, with fair skin, long and beautiful black hair casually draped over her shoulders, and the tips of her hair hanging down her waist, she is very enchanting.Wang Liu combed her bun carefully and gently in front of a bronze mirror, smiling like a flower, when a gust of cold wind blew outside the window, blowing away the broken hair scattered on her forehead, she looked like a fairy.Wang Liu got up, put the small package of red silk thread antidote in the wooden box, then locked it, pulled out the key, opened his underwear, and hid the key in a hidden place, then a complicated smile appeared on the corner of his mouth .

In the prison, Jin Xiaoyan frowned, and waited anxiously. Wang Liu said that he would be released tonight to get the antidote. After the previous lessons, he realized that Wang Liu's mind was more vicious than his. Imagine, even if he thought about it, he still couldn't figure out what she was planning in her heart.But what we can know now is that Ren Bank's eyes have begun to blur intermittently again because of this flower poison, his hearing and sense of smell are constantly declining, and he will not be able to have his own children in the future. Everyone's happiness can be destroyed, only She alone can't.

So even though he was well aware of Wang Liu's schemes, Jin Xiaoyan still decided that as long as the prison door really opens tonight, he is willing to go to the Shuya loft where Wang Liu lives.

Suddenly, a black figure flashed outside the cage, and before Jin Xiaoyan could see who it was, the copper lock fell to the ground with a bang, the cell door opened, and the corridor outside was completely silent.

(End of this chapter)

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